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Craig Smith - The Value of Humility
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Craig Smith - The Value of Humility
Craig Smith - The Value of Humility
So, I wanna talk to you today about the value of humility, which I’m gonna be honest with you, it’s kind of a tricky thing to talk about. Humility is always tricky to talk about because it’s always a possibility. I mean, let me teach you something [...]
Craig Smith - The Rhythm of Life
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Craig Smith - The Rhythm of Life
Craig Smith - The Rhythm of Life
Hey, I wanna talk to you a little bit today about what God wants from you. This past weekend on Easter we talked about what God has for you, we talked about the fact that the empty grave, the empty tomb isn’t really empty, it’s actually full of all [...]
Craig Smith - Easter 2022
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Craig Smith - Easter 2022
Craig Smith - Easter 2022
What I wanna do today is I wanna talk to you about the missing link between the cross and the empty tomb. The missing link between the cross and the empty tomb. We all know the story of the cross, right? We all know that Jesus was arrested by a [...]