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Watch 2024-2025 online sermons » Tag cloud » living the extraordinary life
Charles Stanley - A Life of Love
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Charles Stanley - A Life of Love
Charles Stanley - A Life of Love
Of all the emotions you have ever experienced, which is the most important one of all? Well, somebody would say fear, because it protects me. No. Faith, because that's how I achieve things in life. Well, not really. Well, joy and happiness, because [...]
Charles Stanley - A Life of Prayer
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Charles Stanley - A Life of Prayer
Charles Stanley - A Life of Prayer
I can still remember exactly where I was in an apartment in Fort Worth, Texas, and I'd been in seminary about a year and a half and I had a place to pray in the apartment, just a couple of rooms. And one night I was kneeling down in my spot to pray [...]
Charles Stanley - A Life of Service
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Charles Stanley - A Life of Service
Charles Stanley - A Life of Service
Several years ago, I was in the Philippines and speaking to a group who were part of the rally there, and then the rally and a number of churches and so forth. And so one night, this gentleman said to me, "I want to introduce you tonight". [...]
Charles Stanley - A Life of Self-Discipline
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Charles Stanley - A Life of Self-Discipline
Charles Stanley - A Life of Self-Discipline
Do you want to do your best, be your best, and live a life that is fulfilling? Well, you can, but there is a price to pay. But on the other hand, if you don't live that kind of life, there's still a price to pay. You see, the Christian life's not [...]
Charles Stanley - The Life of Faith
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Charles Stanley - The Life of Faith
Charles Stanley - The Life of Faith
Have you settled for less than what God has planned for your life? Do you find yourself struggling with promises that He made to meet particular needs that you have? Do you find yourself constrained to almost trapped by your circumstances? And the [...]
Charles Stanley - You are God's Masterpiece
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Charles Stanley - You are God's Masterpiece
Charles Stanley - You are God's Masterpiece
Have you ever thought about what a portrait of you would reveal? That is, if some very honest and capable artist painted your portrait, what would other people see? Would they see strength, courage, love, kindness or would they see fear, doubt, [...]
Charles Stanley - The Characteristics
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Charles Stanley - The Characteristics
Charles Stanley - The Characteristics
If someone should ask you to describe the Christian life, how would you describe it? Would you describe it on the basis of how you live your life? Would you describe it on the basis of maybe the people you look around and see who claim to be [...]