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Rabbi Schneider - The Beauty of Boundaries
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Rabbi Schneider - The Beauty of Boundaries
Rabbi Schneider - The Beauty of Boundaries
We're focusing on the Hebrew title of God, El Shaddai, God Almighty that provides for our needs, God Almighty that's able to do the impossible. And when we know that if we have El Shaddai in our life, we don't really need anything else. In other [...]
Steven Furtick - Your Limitation Can Unlock God's Power
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Steven Furtick - Your Limitation Can Unlock God's Power
Steven Furtick - Your Limitation Can Unlock God's Power
Sometimes God uses the wrong things from our perspective to accomplish His purpose in our life. Sometimes God uses something that we would never see coming, or someone that we would never see coming, to help us or to instruct us or to challenge us [...]
Steven Furtick - Permission To Quit
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Steven Furtick - Permission To Quit
Steven Furtick - Permission To Quit
Tell me what these cities have in common (pop quiz): Austin, Texas; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Kansas City, Missouri; Denver, Colorado; St. Louis, Missouri; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Toronto, Ontario. Elevation Nights tour, April [...]
TD Jakes - Unlock Your Limitations
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TD Jakes - Unlock Your Limitations
TD Jakes - Unlock Your Limitations
When Jesus was preaching in Gennesaret and he comes down to Simon, Simon is not yet called Peter, he's not even a disciple, he doesn't even know that much about who Jesus is or what's goin' on. Simon is just a fishermen. When Jesus encounters Simon, [...]
Steven Furtick - Destroying Limitations In Your Mind
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Steven Furtick - Destroying Limitations In Your Mind
Steven Furtick - Destroying Limitations In Your Mind
There's sometimes a tension between what you thought God showed you… It's a tension, and that tension is a real gift, because that's where growth happens. It's like, "God, I thought I was going to be married to her the rest of my life, but I'm [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Limiting God?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are You Limiting God?
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Limiting God?
Beloved, I want you to understand me. Paul understood things that most of us don't understand. Paul was walking in a way that he had revelation from above and the revelation that he had, he's trying to communicate to you and I. But in order to [...]