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Kerry Shook - Leave A Legacy
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Kerry Shook - Leave A Legacy
Kerry Shook - Leave A Legacy
Growing up, I remember watching one of the best relief pitchers of all time, Tug McGraw. He won two world series with the New York Mets and then he became a Philadelphia Phillies legend. He was one of the best closers in Phillies history, and I [...]
James Merritt - What Legacy Am I Going to Leave?
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James Merritt - What Legacy Am I Going to Leave?
James Merritt - What Legacy Am I Going to Leave?
If you brought a copy of God's Word, I want you to look at the New Testament, hit Matthew and go right, and you'll go to a book called 2 Timothy. I want you to turn to 2 Timothy 4. Let me begin by telling you a story. When Teresa and I had our first [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Succeed In Passing a Godly Legacy
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Peter Tan-Chi - Succeed In Passing a Godly Legacy
Peter Tan-Chi - Succeed In Passing a Godly Legacy
Today we conclude our series on life goals, be successful at the things that really matter. Why is this so important? Whether you like it or not, you are pursuing something. For some people, their goals in life are so superficial, so superficial, [...]
Rick Warren - Leave a Lasting Legacy
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Rick Warren - Leave a Lasting Legacy
Rick Warren - Leave a Lasting Legacy
I have no doubt that some of you are discouraged. And you feel like giving up on on your job, or your dream, or that prayer that's been unanswered. Don't give up! Faith is believing when I don't see it, obeying what I don't understand it, and [...]
James Meehan - Make a Difference
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James Meehan - Make a Difference
James Meehan - Make a Difference
All right, come on, somebody tell me who is built different. If you are show your hands, type it in the chat, leave a comment down below. We are picking up in week two of our series title built different because the reality is all of us, we want to [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faith for the Family
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Adrian Rogers - Faith for the Family
Adrian Rogers - Faith for the Family
Would you take God's precious Word and turn to Hebrews chapter 11 please, and we're going to begin reading in verse 23 as we make our way through this Hall of Fame and the champions of faith. Today we come to verse 23 and let's read Hebrews chapter [...]
Chris Hodges - Making My Story Make Sense
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Chris Hodges - Making My Story Make Sense
Chris Hodges - Making My Story Make Sense
Come on, give Jesus all the praise, everybody. Come on, is that the best you have? Come on, give Jesus what he deserves, yeah. It's awesome. Can't tell you how humbled I am and honored to be a part of that story with you, just what a beautiful thing [...]
Craig Groeschel - 3 Gifts to Give Your Children
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Craig Groeschel - 3 Gifts to Give Your Children
Craig Groeschel - 3 Gifts to Give Your Children
To those of you that are parents, what I know about you is that you wanna give your children the very best. Is that true? Raise your hands if it's true. Online, you can type in the comment section. I wanna give my kids the very best. We wanna give [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Leaving a Legacy
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Dr. Ed Young - Leaving a Legacy
Dr. Ed Young - Leaving a Legacy
What will be your legacy, Dad? What will be your legacy? Everybody has a legacy. So, the question is, Dad, what will be your legacy? Imagine, for a moment, that you're attending a funeral service and you're seated in the back, and the casket is down [...]
Tony Evans - My Father's Legacy
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Tony Evans - My Father's Legacy
Tony Evans - My Father's Legacy
In a race no matter how fast you run, it's all about, in a relay, how well you pass the baton. When it comes to legacy, we're talking about what we pass on to the next generation based on what we've become and what we've received. And as God [...]
James Merritt - Leave a Legacy
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James Merritt - Leave a Legacy
James Merritt - Leave a Legacy
The moment comes at different times at different places in different ways, but it will come to you at some point or another. For me, it came in about two and a half weeks from now, 20 years ago when my phone rang on a Sunday morning at about 3:00 in [...]
The Last Dance: Instructions on How to Die Well
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Skip Heitzig - The Last Dance: Instructions on How to Die Well
Skip Heitzig - The Last Dance: Instructions on How to Die Well
Good morning. Would you turn in your Bibles to the second epistle of Timothy? 2 Timothy, chapter four this morning. 2 Timothy, chapter four. There was a man who got a severe bonk on the head, and he went into a deep coma for a long time. They [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Legacy of a Godly Dad
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Skip Heitzig - The Legacy of a Godly Dad
Skip Heitzig - The Legacy of a Godly Dad
Good morning. Boy, didn't our Hamilton actors do great this morning? Wasn't that great? And I'm especially grateful for them leaving me this Hamilton pulpit to preach from. So would you turn in your Bibles please? Happy Father's Day, by the way, [...]
TD Jakes - The Legacy of Fatherhood
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TD Jakes - The Legacy of Fatherhood
TD Jakes - The Legacy of Fatherhood
Because he sees you as his child and you can come boldly to the throne of grace and find grace to help in the time of need. And when God got ready to make his first son, his first-made son, he created Adam out of the dust of the earth with his own [...]
Jack Graham - Your Legacy
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Jack Graham - Your Legacy
Jack Graham - Your Legacy
So how do you live one? And how do you give one? How do you live for the things that you're willing to die for as well as live for? Well, Paul tells us here in Acts chapter 20. And we're going to begin reading in verse 17. Again, this is Paul's [...]
Jack Graham - Is the Church Relevant?
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Jack Graham - Is the Church Relevant?
Jack Graham - Is the Church Relevant?
Is the church relevant? Many are saying not so much. Maybe church was good for my grandparents, maybe church was good for my parents, maybe it's even good for the kids. Send the kids to vacation Bible school. But as for me and my house we don't [...]
Jack Graham - Going the Distance
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Jack Graham - Going the Distance
Jack Graham - Going the Distance
So often in the culture today we have disposable families and disposable marriages. And yet the Scripture is clear that God has called every one of us to go the distance. No marriage is easy! When you put two people together of different backgrounds [...]
Jack Graham - Passing the Torch
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Jack Graham - Passing the Torch
Jack Graham - Passing the Torch
The title of the message in this our LEGACY series is "Passing the Torch". Every generation has the responsibility to pass the torch of truth to the succeeding or the coming generation, the next generation. We, of course, know that we are [...]
Jack Graham - The Legacy of a Godly Mother
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Jack Graham - The Legacy of a Godly Mother
Jack Graham - The Legacy of a Godly Mother
A legacy is not just to be left, it is to be lived before it can be left. And we all have a legacy. It is either a good one or a poor one. It is either an influence for Christ, the Gospel, the Word of God, the testimony of faith, or else it is a [...]
Jack Graham - The Eternal Word of God
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Jack Graham - The Eternal Word of God
Jack Graham - The Eternal Word of God
Now let me invite you to take God's Word and turn with me to the book of Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 8, which will be our primary text today. But please keep your Bibles open and be ready to turn from page to page because we're going to be looking [...]
Jack Graham - Man Up
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Jack Graham - Man Up
Jack Graham - Man Up
Now take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Acts chapter 13 and one verse which is really a summation of the life of the great King David, one of the greatest men who ever lived on the face of the earth; described in the Scriptures as a man [...]
Robert Jeffress - A Parent's Greatest Legacy
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Robert Jeffress - A Parent's Greatest Legacy
Robert Jeffress - A Parent's Greatest Legacy
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. When you think about leaving a legacy, what comes to your mind? Maybe it's giving your children and grandchildren a solid financial foundation, through an inheritance, or establishing [...]
David Reagan - Koenig on the Obama Legacy
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David Reagan - Koenig on the Obama Legacy
David Reagan - Koenig on the Obama Legacy
In 2008 while running for the presidency, Barack Obama promised changed, and after he was elected, he delivered on that promise big time; in fact, far beyond anything most people could have imaged. What is his legacy? And how should it be evaluated [...]
Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In one respect, faith is something deeply personal. It's a private relationship between you and your Creator. But in another way, faith is something that should be openly shared and [...]
Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - A Legacy of Faith - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. As a Christian parent, you're responsible for more than just your child's physical and emotional well-being, you're responsible for your child's spiritual development. If parents [...]
Tony Evans - Patriarchs, The Legacy of Faith
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Tony Evans - Patriarchs, The Legacy of Faith
Tony Evans - Patriarchs, The Legacy of Faith
Our particular message today as we work our way through Hebrews 11 on faith talks about the patriarchs and the legacy of faith. Hebrews chapter 11, verses 20 to 22. It says, "By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau, even regarding things to come. [...]
Charles Stanley - Our Life After Death, Leaving A Godly Legacy
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Charles Stanley - Our Life After Death, Leaving A Godly Legacy
Charles Stanley - Our Life After Death, Leaving A Godly Legacy
When your life here on earth is over physically, how do you want to be remembered? What do you want people to say about you? What difference will it have made that you even lived? And what will you leave behind that has any lasting value? What will [...]
Andy Stanley - The Legacy Question
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Andy Stanley - The Legacy Question
Andy Stanley - The Legacy Question
So one thing I think we all have in common is our love of story, right? Our love of story. We all love a good story. Whether it's a book or movie, maybe part of a comedy series, fiction, nonfiction. I love historical fiction. Maybe it's something [...]
Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 2
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Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 2
Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 2
Hi, everybody, welcome back, and if this is your first time joining us, we certainly hope it's not the last time. If you were with us last week, you know that today is the second part of the two-part interview with my dad, Dr. Charles Stanley. Dad [...]
Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 1
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Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 1
Andy Stanley - Life, Love, and Legacy - Part 1
Hi, everybody. Welcome back. If this is your first time joining us, you could not have picked a better time. Today. I begin a two-part interview with one of my favorite people on the planet, my dad. As you may know, my dad is a pastor but you may [...]
Robert Jeffress - Success Without Succession Is Failure
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Robert Jeffress - Success Without Succession Is Failure
Robert Jeffress - Success Without Succession Is Failure
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Every Christian parent longs to see his or her child come to Christ. It was such a joy to see my daughters, Julia and Dorothy, develop their own, personal relationship with Jesus. And [...]
Robert Jeffress - Leaving A Legacy That Lasts
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Robert Jeffress - Leaving A Legacy That Lasts
Robert Jeffress - Leaving A Legacy That Lasts
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome, again, to Pathway to Victory. Each of us is given a fixed amount of time on this earth. Some people will get more time than others, but regardless of how long we live, the legacy we leave behind has the potential [...]
Leon Fontaine - Leaving A Legacy
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Leon Fontaine - Leaving A Legacy
Leon Fontaine - Leaving A Legacy
It's interesting when you hear the story of Moses who was probably his name is in the Bible. If you ever look at the word Moses in the Concord and just check how many times you see the name Moses in the Bible. It's stunning. It's just. I didn't [...]
John Gray - Where Is Your Altar?
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John Gray - Where Is Your Altar?
John Gray - Where Is Your Altar?
You know, I've been preaching for 20 years now, and I don't know how many sermons I've preached and, you know, I've been here now for close to, it'll be two years in January officially, and I'm grateful to God for what he's been doing in my family. [...]
John Gray - Man Up
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John Gray - Man Up
John Gray - Man Up
Strange how we all came to be here tonight. Strange when you think about it, this whole thing about faith. This whole thing about belief. This whole thing about church. Strange how you come week after week. Strange how you took time out, with all [...]
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David Reagan - The Challenge to America's Christian Heritage
David Reagan - The Challenge to America's Christian Heritage
The Christian Heritage of our Nation is coming under increasing attack as our society continues to drift towards secularism and paganism. Have we reached the point of no return? Is there any hope for reviving and maintaining the Judeo-Christian [...]
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David Reagan - The Christian Heritage of America
David Reagan - The Christian Heritage of America
One of the most remarkable American Christian families in modern history was that of Dr. Peter Marshall, an immigrant from Scotland who became one of the most famous preachers in our nation during the first half of the 20th Century. For some [...]
Tony Evans - Living a Life that Lasts
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Tony Evans - Living a Life that Lasts
Tony Evans - Living a Life that Lasts
Every responsible parent here has made a will. The will consists of that which you want to pass on to the next generation. It reflects the accumulation of goods and resources that have been attained during your life: houses, cars, accounts. And you [...]