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Andy Stanley - Why Kindness is Strength
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Andy Stanley - Why Kindness is Strength
Andy Stanley - Why Kindness is Strength
Men especially, you need to know this. Kindness is actually an expression of strength. Unkindness is weakness. Unkindness is weakness. It means because it means you can't bridle yourself. You can't tame your tongue, you can't control yourself. [...]
Mike Novotny - Help Me Have More Kindness
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Mike Novotny - Help Me Have More Kindness
Mike Novotny - Help Me Have More Kindness
When I sit down and talk with you about life, and we schedule a time to meet in my office or go to coffee shop or come to your home. And you tell me what's going on in life, what you want in life, what you hope to change in life almost always, I can [...]
Rick Warren - Counter-Culture Kindness
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Rick Warren - Counter-Culture Kindness
Rick Warren - Counter-Culture Kindness
I'm not gonna tell you, I love you this week. I'm gonna say, I like you. I don't just love you, I like you. I think you're the coolest people around. If you pull out your message notes, today, we're in part two in a series called counterculture, [...]
Derek Prince - Born Again Into A Kingly Race
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Derek Prince - Born Again Into A Kingly Race
Derek Prince - Born Again Into A Kingly Race
All right. Going on to verses 22–28: "And you shall make on the breastpiece chains of twisted cordage work in pure gold. And you shall make on the breastpiece two rings of gold, and shall put the two rings on the two ends of the breastpiece. [...]
Tony Evans - Kindness In The Culture
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Tony Evans - Kindness In The Culture
Tony Evans - Kindness In The Culture
Hello, I'm Dr. Tony Evans and I am so excited about our kindness in the culture campaign. We want to promote an atmosphere of kindness throughout our whole land. And so this campaign invites you to get a kindness card that you are to use and ask [...]
David Jeremiah - In a World of Lawlessness, BE KIND
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David Jeremiah - In a World of Lawlessness, BE KIND
David Jeremiah - In a World of Lawlessness, BE KIND
Zaki Anwari was 17. He was good-looking and athletic and a rising star on Afghanistan's national soccer team. He spent hours practicing every day, trying to emulate his hero, Argentinean footballer, Lionel Messi. "He couldn't get enough," [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Ultimate Kindness
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Ultimate Kindness
Rabbi Schneider - God's Ultimate Kindness
You need to hear beloved, that these are very biblical themes; you can't just dismiss this and say you don't believe it, because to simply say you don't believe it beloved, is to reject the words of Jesus and to reject the words of the Scriptures. [...]
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David Jeremiah - Radical Kindness
David Jeremiah - Radical Kindness
Peter believed the church should be a place filled with the attitude of brotherly kindness, and so he adds that to his list of characteristics that we're to develop in our lives. He says we're to add to our godliness brotherly kindness. The word [...]
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Joseph Prince - Experience God's Sure Kindness Toward You
Joseph Prince - Experience God's Sure Kindness Toward You
Praise God, hallelujah. Hey, hey. What a great day, amen? It's good to be back after a short time away. I know you all, many of you came back also, amen. I met some of you during my holidays. You are everywhere. But I really enjoyed those times. [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Attractive Quality of Kindness
Charles Stanley - The Attractive Quality of Kindness
Do you consider yourself a kind person? Think about it a moment. Are you a kind person? You're friendly. You're generous. You're patient. You're easygoing. You're warmhearted, thoughtful, and you're just fun to be with. Now, you may be thinking, [...]
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Beth Moore — The Law of Kindness
Beth Moore — The Law of Kindness
Now because some people are just now catching up with us in this series on the law of kindness, what was number one? Kindness is not weakness. Kindness is a strength. In fact, we're going to see it as a supernatural strength. Number two is this: [...]
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Charles Stanley - Kindness
Charles Stanley - Kindness
What is that quality within a person that makes them very desirable? And it makes them have the kind of quality about them that you maybe not always be able to recognize it, but somehow it's there, and it doesn't make any difference what their age [...]