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Adrian Rogers - Knowing God Intimately
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Adrian Rogers - Knowing God Intimately
Adrian Rogers - Knowing God Intimately
Take your Bibles, and turn to the book of Exodus, if you will, chapter 33, Exodus chapter 33 and in a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 11. Now I want to talk to you about not just simply knowing about God; I think all of us here know [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God is Holy AND Approachable
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Rabbi Schneider - God is Holy AND Approachable
Rabbi Schneider - God is Holy AND Approachable
I wonder what percentage of you right now know the answer to this question. I'm sure that it's quite a lot. I don't know if it's 70%. I don't know what the percentage is. Shortest version of the Bible. What is the shortest verse in the Bible? Tyler, [...]
Michael Youssef - Creating Intimacy
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Michael Youssef - Creating Intimacy
Michael Youssef - Creating Intimacy
There are some here and under the sound of my voice who remember a day when a person's name was far more important and valuable than money and prestige. Now, for those of you who have not seen those days, have not experienced those days, let me tell [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How Disobedience Destroys Intimacy with God
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Rabbi Schneider - How Disobedience Destroys Intimacy with God
Rabbi Schneider - How Disobedience Destroys Intimacy with God
This word will change your life, I guarantee it. Those that will receive this word, it will change you. It is the most beautiful expression of King Jesus as our bridegroom in the entire Word of God. As I said on earlier episodes, the ancient rabbis [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Arise and Come Along
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Rabbi Schneider - Arise and Come Along
Rabbi Schneider - Arise and Come Along
The maiden, who is a prophetic shadow of the Church, she calls forth in verse number 8 of chapter 2: Listen! My beloved! She's hearing Yeshua her Bridegroom coming. Listen! My beloved! Behold, he is coming, Climbing on the mountains, Leaping on the [...]
Joseph Prince - Intimacy With The Father Brings Protection
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Joseph Prince - Intimacy With The Father Brings Protection
Joseph Prince - Intimacy With The Father Brings Protection
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, hallelujah. I wanna tell you something about the sermon series that I'm doing now, Psalms 91. We have done this before in 2003 and then in 2003 we had an incident, in fact, not just a national [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Song Over Us
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Song Over Us
Rabbi Schneider - God's Song Over Us
We're going to what is oftentimes referred to as the song of Solomon, but which is more accurately referred to as the Song of Songs. Now, why would I say that it's more accurately referred to as the Song of Songs? Well, let's look at verse one [...]
Joseph Prince - Own The Spirit Of Sonship
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Joseph Prince - Own The Spirit Of Sonship
Joseph Prince - Own The Spirit Of Sonship
Greetings, church. Welcome back to the house of God. The storehouse of all wisdom and knowledge, amen? Every time we come to God's house, we expect to hear wisdom, wisdom they cannot find out there in the world. And who better than our God, amen, to [...]
Gregory Dickow - How to Have an Intimate Relationship with God
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Gregory Dickow - How to Have an Intimate Relationship with God
Gregory Dickow - How to Have an Intimate Relationship with God
After Jesus died and rose from the dead, something happened to John in the year 95, in the year 95. So, he was very old by this time, 60 years or so after Jesus's death and resurrection. He was apprehended. John went like other disciples and he was [...]
Gregory Dickow - Intimacy With Jesus
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Gregory Dickow - Intimacy With Jesus
Gregory Dickow - Intimacy With Jesus
Well, welcome to "The Power to Change Today". And I want to share with you a beautiful verse that I've been thinking about over the last few weeks, it's become really personal to me because it points us to God's everlasting love and it [...]
Rabbi Schneider - An Intimate God
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Rabbi Schneider - An Intimate God
Rabbi Schneider - An Intimate God
I want to get right in to a brand new revelation that truly can produce light and freedom in your life. Paul said to the Lord, he said, "Lord, I'm struggling with something. There's this messenger of Satan that's tormenting me". And the [...]
David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
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David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
David Jeremiah - One-on-One With God
Elijah was an extraordinary man, one of the greatest men in all of the Bible, and we've stood with him in this series on Mount Carmel, when in one 30-second prayer, he called down fire from heaven and proved, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that his [...]
Charles Stanley - Intimacy with God
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Charles Stanley - Intimacy with God
Charles Stanley - Intimacy with God
How close to God are you? You say, "Well, I'm not too sure how close I am". Well, how close do you want to be? "Well, I want to be as close as I can". Why aren't you any closer than you are? "Oh, well, I don't know". Do [...]
TD Jakes - Naked and Not Ashamed
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TD Jakes - Naked and Not Ashamed
TD Jakes - Naked and Not Ashamed
All of us have gone through something that caused us shame. Have you ever lost something that kept you up at night? A job, a car, or a relationship, or a person, and you wondered, "Is it my inadequacies that has caused me to have this [...]
Joseph Prince - The Most Intimate Way of Walking With God
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Joseph Prince - The Most Intimate Way of Walking With God
Joseph Prince - The Most Intimate Way of Walking With God
This excerpt is from: Benefits Of Praying In Tongues (05 Dec 2021) In Genesis 5, we find this word about Enoch. It says that: "Enoch walked with God and he was not". He walked WITH God! Like Adam and Eve, he walked with God. So going back [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Tabernacle: How to Be Close to God?
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Rabbi Schneider - The Tabernacle: How to Be Close to God?
Rabbi Schneider - The Tabernacle: How to Be Close to God?
The Hebrew word for tabernacle is called mishkan. On last week's broadcast, we began in the Book of Exodus chapter number 25, verse 8 and 9. Let me read verse 8 and 9 of that book once again, beginning in verse number 8: Hear the word of God and let [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Intimacy with God
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Rabbi Schneider - Intimacy with God
Rabbi Schneider - Intimacy with God
You know we need two different aspects that are operating in our lives in order for us to walk in stability. Number one, we need to be girded by the energy of God, by the life of God, that comes to us through our mind; the logical part of God. But [...]
Beth Moore - Practical Steps to Intimacy With God - Part 2
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Beth Moore - Practical Steps to Intimacy With God - Part 1
Beth Moore - Practical Steps to Intimacy With God - Part 1
I have this little list of prayers that I've come up with that are based on Scriptures that talk about different things that God has opened. He's opened the mind of the disciples to understand the Scriptures. He's open this of someone else to do [...]
Beth Moore - Practical Steps to Intimacy With God - Part 1
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Beth Moore - Practical Steps to Intimacy With God - Part 1
Beth Moore - Practical Steps to Intimacy With God - Part 1
Here's what I want to do in the coming moments. This huge hindrance is that many of us feel like we're not getting a lot out of our time with God. What's that supposed to look like? For some of us, you're, like, "You know, I can't even get [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Draw Closer to God
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Rabbi Schneider - Draw Closer to God
Rabbi Schneider - Draw Closer to God
There are many applications for us from the Feast of Tabernacles, but I'm specifically in this series concentrating on the concept of God tabernacling with His people. Every year Israel build for themselves booths that we call Sukkot or individually [...]
Derek Prince - Is It Possible To Know Jesus Personally?
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Derek Prince - Is It Possible To Know Jesus Personally?
Derek Prince - Is It Possible To Know Jesus Personally?
So let me just recapitulate those four successive phases of this encounter which is so basic, because this is how we lay the foundation of Jesus in our lives personally. First of all, there was a confrontation. Second, there was a revelation granted [...]
Sid Roth - Intimacy with God Creates a Life of Miracles
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Sid Roth - Intimacy with God Creates a Life of Miracles
Sid Roth - Intimacy with God Creates a Life of Miracles
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. I'm in the most supernatural land in the world, Jerusalem, Israel, the place that Jesus came at his first appearance, the place that Jesus is about ready to [...]