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Tony Evans - The Mystery of Godliness
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Tony Evans - The Mystery of Godliness
Tony Evans - The Mystery of Godliness
The mystery of godliness. If you'll flip back a page to chapter 3, let me read verses 14 to 16 of 1 Timothy chapter 3. He says, "I am writing these things to you hoping to come to you before long. But in case I am delayed, I write so that you [...]
Tony Evans - The Meaning Of Godliness
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Tony Evans - The Meaning Of Godliness
Tony Evans - The Meaning Of Godliness
I wanna talk to you about godliness, and I would like to suggest to you that is our assignment. That if you are here today and you have been redeemed, saved, you've been saved for the purposes of becoming godly. We stay busy as people and as [...]