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Tony Evans - The Intercessor
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Tony Evans - The Intercessor
Tony Evans - The Intercessor
I want to challenge you to ask a question, to make a request: «Lord, whatever you do, make me more like Jesus». So God allows circumstances external to conform us in order that he might transform us internally. So if he’s pressing you, stretching [...]
Jack Graham - The Holy Spirit and You
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Jack Graham - The Holy Spirit and You
Jack Graham - The Holy Spirit and You
Take God’s Word and turn with me to Ephesians, the fifth chapter, and we’re going to look at verse 18. «The Holy Spirit and You». When we pray for God to have His way and His will to be done, when we pray for revival, we are asking God to pour out [...]
Robert Barron - Fruits of the Spirit, Works of the Flesh
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Robert Barron - Fruits of the Spirit, Works of the Flesh
Robert Barron - Fruits of the Spirit, Works of the Flesh
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the Feast of Pentecost along with Christmas and Easter and the greatest feast in the church year. The great celebration of the Holy Spirit. We remember that great day when the Father and the Son sent the Holy [...]
Robert Barron - Hints of the Holy Spirit
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Robert Barron - Hints of the Holy Spirit
Robert Barron - Hints of the Holy Spirit
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the Sixth Sunday of Easter. We're getting very close to Pentecost. So what the Church does, it gives us readings that are kind of hinting at the Holy Spirit, giving us a kind of foretaste of this great [...]
Derek Prince - How We Get The Holy Spirit Involved In Ministry
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Derek Prince - How We Get The Holy Spirit Involved In Ministry
Derek Prince - How We Get The Holy Spirit Involved In Ministry
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 2 We have to go on. The next reason why we need the cross in the center is because it's the door to God's secret, hidden wisdom. We'll go back to 1 Corinthians 2. Paul has said [...]
Marcus Mecum - Receiving The Holy Spirit
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Marcus Mecum - Receiving The Holy Spirit
Marcus Mecum - Receiving The Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 12:13. It says, "For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free- and all have been made to drink into one Spirit". I want you to see that this text, and even if you read [...]
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
Let's take the balance of our time and process this in the context of Jesus's life and the role of the Holy Spirit in Jesus's life. If Jesus could not fulfill... I'll give you the cliff notes. If Jesus could not have completed [...]
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
The topic for this session is the Holy Spirit and power. And it really has emerged out of my own prayers of late and the awareness that we need the the power of God to address what is before us. The challenges that face us, the opportunities before [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Pursue God's Mission by the Power of the Holy Spirit
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Peter Tan-Chi - Pursue God's Mission by the Power of the Holy Spirit
Peter Tan-Chi - Pursue God's Mission by the Power of the Holy Spirit
Our message for today, let's read it together: Pursuing God's Mission by the Power of the Holy Spirit What does this mean? First, do you know God's mission? Ladies and gentlemen, can you whisper to the person next to you: What is [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Experience The Power of God's Spirit
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Peter Tan-Chi - Experience The Power of God's Spirit
Peter Tan-Chi - Experience The Power of God's Spirit
Our topic today is so exciting because it has to do with the importance of not only knowing God's will, but doing God's will. If I asked you how many of you truly desire to do God's will, raise your hands. You will know God's [...]
Allen Jackson - Every Perfect Gift
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Allen Jackson - Every Perfect Gift
Allen Jackson - Every Perfect Gift
The text for the study has been Revelation 21. It says: "He who was seated on the throne said, 'I'm making everything new!' And then he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'" [...]
Mark Batterson - Come Holy Spirit
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Mark Batterson - Come Holy Spirit
Mark Batterson - Come Holy Spirit
20 years ago I took some of our team to a conference in California. That weekend we visited Mosaic Church, and Erwin McManus was one of my favorite communicators, one of my favorite writers. So I was stoked, super excited. We get into the service [...]
Peter Tan Chi - Practice the Habits of a Spirit-Filled Church
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Peter Tan Chi - Practice the Habits of a Spirit-Filled Church
Peter Tan Chi - Practice the Habits of a Spirit-Filled Church
Praise God! We have been discussing the importance of truth. Last Sunday we discussed the first sermon in history. What was that sermon in history about? Chapter 2 of Acts is spoken by the apostle Peter. Why is this information so important? So you [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Drink in the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit
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Rabbi Schneider - Drink in the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit
Rabbi Schneider - Drink in the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit
As you can see, beloved, I'm standing in the wind right now. I got my peyos behind my ears because if I don't, they'll be in front of my eyes. So it's an interesting thing to film when you're getting blasted by the wind like [...]
Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 2
Hi, and welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, the second part of our discussion on the Holy Spirit that we began yesterday. It's a practical, eye-opening look into something that can be a bit confusing and sometimes even [...]
Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 1
Did you know that when Jesus left the earth after his resurrection he said that it is a good thing because he was leaving behind someone even better? Really? This must be someone we need to meet, right? Well, today, on the program, we are exploring [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Holy Spirit Prays for You Every Day
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Kenneth Copeland - The Holy Spirit Prays for You Every Day
Kenneth Copeland - The Holy Spirit Prays for You Every Day
Welcome, everybody, to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. For those of you that don't know, I'm Kenneth Copeland. And this is a time we're spending learning how the Holy Spirit of God manifests Himself. So let's go [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Wind of the Holy Spirit
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Jentezen Franklin - The Wind of the Holy Spirit
Jentezen Franklin - The Wind of the Holy Spirit
If you have your Bible, I would like for you to open them with me to the book of John 3. I'll begin reading with verse 6. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I say to [...]
James Meehan - The Spirit of God
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James Meehan - The Spirit of God
James Meehan - The Spirit of God
— Well, hello there. Welcome to this week's episode of Switch Uncut. My name is James and this is Caitlin. — Yes. That's who I am. — And today we're talking about the Bible and we're gonna learn some things about it. Caitlin, [...]
James Meehan - Formed and Filled
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James Meehan - Formed and Filled
James Meehan - Formed and Filled
— Well, hello there. Hi. How are you? Welcome to Switch Uncut. My name is James Mehan and here with me is Caitlyn Kaffree. And today we are going to dive into some different passages of scripture and walk through what they mean, why they mean that, [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit
Our topic today is simple. Let's read together: "Be Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit". The book of Acts is the continual work of Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, to His apostles and among His people, so Jesus Christ is [...]
Allen Jackson - Experience The Power of the Spirit - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Experience The Power of the Spirit - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Experience The Power of the Spirit - Part 2
Now, I wanna take the time we have left and simply look at, I don't know, one or two or three people who have preceded us in the faith. They're my heroes. I've lived with these men and women's names and stories for as long as I [...]
Allen Jackson - Experience The Power of the Spirit - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Experience The Power of the Spirit - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Experience The Power of the Spirit - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you again today. Our topic is "Experiencing the Power of the Spirit". The turmoil in our world is ratcheting up again. It's coming to us in many formats and from all over the globe these days. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How the Holy Spirit Can Guide You
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Rabbi Schneider - How the Holy Spirit Can Guide You
Rabbi Schneider - How the Holy Spirit Can Guide You
You see, God's Spirit is a speaking Spirit. This is why in the book of Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit, when the Ruach HaKodesh was given, in Acts 2, to the church, He manifested Himself above the disciples head as a tongue. A tongue is a speaking [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Follow the Inward Witness for Protection
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Kenneth Copeland - Follow the Inward Witness for Protection
Kenneth Copeland - Follow the Inward Witness for Protection
— Welcome, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is Friday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. The inward witness, Professor. The local church is the most powerful thing on the face of this earth. Jesus said [...]
Chris Hodges - Be Filled with the Spirit
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Chris Hodges - Be Filled with the Spirit
Chris Hodges - Be Filled with the Spirit
All right, so good to see all of you here today in church. Anybody glad to be here today? Anybody? Come on, give Jesus a great praise together. I love it. Ha, ha, that's awesome. And a big hello to all of our locations. We are one church at 23 [...]
Chris Hodges - Spirit-Filled Prayer
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Chris Hodges - Spirit-Filled Prayer
Chris Hodges - Spirit-Filled Prayer
All right, who's glad to be in church today? Anybody else? How about we just put our hands together and give Jesus a great praise? Come on. Isn't that awesome? So good to see you guys. We are in week number one of a four-part series called [...]
TD Jakes - Prayer Partners - Part 4
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TD Jakes - Prayer Partners - Part 4
TD Jakes - Prayer Partners - Part 4
You remember the Syrophoenician woman who came to Jesus, and had no right to be delivered, and her daughter was grievously vexed with the devil? And Jesus answered her not a word, and then said, "I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Authority of the Holy Spirit
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Adrian Rogers - The Authority of the Holy Spirit
Adrian Rogers - The Authority of the Holy Spirit
Would you take God's Word and be finding Romans chapter 5. The book of Romans, sometimes called the, "Constitution of Christianity". And what a great chapter chapter 5 is. It deals with kingdom authority. May I tell you this? Nothing [...]
Chris Hodges - Come Holy Spirit
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Chris Hodges - Come Holy Spirit
Chris Hodges - Come Holy Spirit
Well, thanks again for joining us and they are of the devil. White supremacy or any supremacy other than the supremacy of Christ is of the devil. And some I know have even brought our church or even me into question. They're wondering, where do [...]
John Hagee - The Holy Spirit, Its Power and Purpose
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John Hagee - The Holy Spirit, Its Power and Purpose
John Hagee - The Holy Spirit, Its Power and Purpose
If you have your Bibles, turn with us, please, to Mark 16, and we'll begin reading at verse 15. We're beginning, tonight, a journey into the supernatural, as we talk about the power and the purpose of the Holy Spirit. Our roadmap is going [...]
Derek Prince - You Can Scare The Holy Spirit Away
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Derek Prince - You Can Scare The Holy Spirit Away
Derek Prince - You Can Scare The Holy Spirit Away
This is an excerpt from: The Headship of Jesus - Part 2 Let me close by suggesting to you certain simple basic conditions that we need to meet if we're going to be able to hear from Jesus as the head of the church. I could give you Scriptures [...]
Derek Prince - The Holy Spirit May Sometimes Forbid Us To Go Someplace
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Derek Prince - The Holy Spirit May Sometimes Forbid Us To Go Someplace
Derek Prince - The Holy Spirit May Sometimes Forbid Us To Go Someplace
This is an excerpt from: The Headship of Jesus - Part 2 I'd like to continue for a little while with the second missionary journey of Paul. We get some other examples here of the headship of Jesus exercised through the Holy Spirit. In Acts 16, [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Pray in the Spirit
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Adrian Rogers - How to Pray in the Spirit
Adrian Rogers - How to Pray in the Spirit
What a mighty God we serve. Turn to Romans chapter 8 and a classic verse on praying in the Spirit. Romans chapter 8 verses 26 and 27. And as you're turning to that, let me say that prayer is the greatest Christian privilege. Secondly, prayer is [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Principles of Power
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Adrian Rogers - The Principles of Power
Adrian Rogers - The Principles of Power
Be finding the Book of Acts and, that's right after the gospels and, we're into acts chapter two. We're talking about living supernaturally. If you didn't bring a Bible, most likely there'll be one there in the pew rack [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Stir Up the Gift Inside You! (Shavuot 2023)
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Rabbi Schneider - Stir Up the Gift Inside You! (Shavuot 2023)
Rabbi Schneider - Stir Up the Gift Inside You! (Shavuot 2023)
We read in the Scriptures that the Apostle Paul was in a hurry to get back in Jerusalem in time for Shavuot or we call it in English, Pentecost. Shavuot or Pentecost is one of the three main pilgrim feasts in the Bible. The time that Jewish people [...]
John Bradshaw - LGBTQ+, Polygamy, and the Bad Holy Spirit
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John Bradshaw - LGBTQ+, Polygamy, and the Bad Holy Spirit
John Bradshaw - LGBTQ+, Polygamy, and the Bad Holy Spirit
John Bradshaw : Welcome to "Line Upon Line," great to see you. Thanks for taking time out of your day to spend some time with us as we answer your Bible questions. We have a great deal of fun doing this; we appreciate you getting [...]
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Allen Jackson - Acts 2 and The 21st Century - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Acts 2 and The 21st Century - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're gonna conclude our lesson on Acts chapter 2 and the 21st century. Some of you will know Acts chapter 2 is the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is poured out and Peter stands up and addresses the [...]
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Allen Jackson - Acts 2 and The 21st Century - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Acts 2 and The 21st Century - Part 1
The point of reading our Bibles and studying Scripture is not to accumulate information about the past. Our goal is not to be experts on the culture of the 1st century or 10th century BCE. Our objective is to understand what it means to be the [...]
James Merritt - Fire Out
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James Merritt - Fire Out
James Merritt - Fire Out
It may be the largest fire in American history, perhaps the largest fire ever to burn. As a matter of fact, just to read about it almost singes the hair on your head because for two terrifying days and night on August the 20th and 21st, 1910 this [...]
James Merritt - Holy Hurt
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James Merritt - Holy Hurt
James Merritt - Holy Hurt
We're in a series that we're calling "Holy Who," because quite frankly, there are a lot of people that just, you know, the Holy Spirit's just not really on their agenda, and so, we really thought, and I've really been [...]
James Merritt - Full Up
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James Merritt - Full Up
James Merritt - Full Up
When I'm on vacation, I go to other churches. And have you ever thought about who you're sitting with when you walk into a church service, particularly if you don't know anybody? Who you're sitting next to, or who you're [...]
James Merritt - Inside Scoop
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James Merritt - Inside Scoop
James Merritt - Inside Scoop
I want you to turn to John Chapter 14. Let me give you the backdrop of what's going on there then we're going to get into this. The disciples had been with Jesus 24/7 three years. I mean, three years, they've hardly ever been away [...]
Allen Jackson - Welcome - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Welcome - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Welcome - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you again today. We're gonna continue our study on "The Power of the Holy Spirit," particularly about how to welcome him into our lives. One of the titles attributed to him is that he's our helper [...]
Allen Jackson - Welcome - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Welcome - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Welcome - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you today. We're continuing our study on the power of the Holy Spirit. Specifically, we want to talk about think a little bit about what it means to welcome the Spirit of God into our lives. So often I think we [...]
Allen Jackson - In The Power of the Spirit
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Allen Jackson - In The Power of the Spirit
Allen Jackson - In The Power of the Spirit
We're gonna start a new study this weekend. I'm excited about it. We're gonna talk about life "In the Power of the Spirit". Thank you for that enthusiastic response. I can tell you're excited too. My goal is really [...]
Robert Morris - The Holy Spirit
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Robert Morris - The Holy Spirit
Robert Morris - The Holy Spirit
So, this is the next to the last message in the series, Divinely Human. And then next week, just to let you know, I'm having a young lady who's just getting started in the ministry named Joyce Meyer. Just want to give the young people a [...]
Charles Stanley - The Holy Spirit: An Absolute Essential
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Charles Stanley - The Holy Spirit, An Absolute Essential
Charles Stanley - The Holy Spirit, An Absolute Essential
Have you ever wondered why you don't make any more progress than you do in your Christian life? In fact, you look back last month or last year or ten years ago and you have to ask yourself the question, "Well, why don't I love God any [...]
Allen Jackson - Unleashing The Power of the Holy Spirit
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Allen Jackson - Unleashing The Power of the Holy Spirit
Allen Jackson - Unleashing The Power of the Holy Spirit
So, I'd like to begin our study with the simplest of ideas on welcoming the Holy Spirit into our lives. And I'll just give you two or three verses to help underscore the notion. In Judges 14, in verse 6, it's a comment about Samson, [...]
Allen Jackson - Spirit Baptism - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Spirit Baptism - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Spirit Baptism - Part 2
So I want to take the balance of our time, and we have a bit, and talk a bit about the why, why does Spirit baptism matter. Because if you understand that, I think it will perhaps give you a willingness to consider it for yourself far beyond my [...]
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