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Michael Youssef - God's Holiness
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Michael Youssef - God's Holiness
Michael Youssef - God's Holiness
Conformity and peer pressure is one of the great challenges, not only among young people but adults as well. If a young student in school dares to be different, he or she would risk being alienated, and bullied, and even worse. Many parents in our [...]
Derek Prince - How to Achieve Holiness
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Derek Prince - How to Achieve Holiness
Derek Prince - How to Achieve Holiness
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 1 Let's look at Galatians 2:20. This is another confession of Paul. It's interesting to notice how many times Paul himself confessed his faith and his stand. I challenge you to search the New [...]
Mark Batterson - Holy, Holy, Holy
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Mark Batterson - Holy, Holy, Holy
Mark Batterson - Holy, Holy, Holy
The first thing you notice is his beard. It's long, it's thick, it's white. It covers half of his weathered face. His eyes are closed like a blackout curtain. Tears trickle down his cheeks, but you're not sure why. Tears of joy or tears of sorrow? [...]
Joyce Meyer - Holiness - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Holiness - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Holiness - Part 3
Well, thank you for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm really glad that you tuned in. I've been teaching the last two days, and I'm gonna conclude today, teaching on the subject of holiness. And if you started with me the [...]
Joyce Meyer - Holiness - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Holiness - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Holiness - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". And if you were watching yesterday and you are watching the program again today, I am especially proud of you because you know that I'm teaching on a subject that can be a [...]
Joyce Meyer - Holiness - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Holiness - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Holiness - Part 1
Thank you for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, I'm gonna be teaching on holiness. Actually, I'm gonna teach on that for today and then the next two days, a little different, tomorrow, I'm gonna teach on how important [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Holiness
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Dr. Ed Young - Holiness
Dr. Ed Young - Holiness
Sometimes when you're perusing around the Bible, open it to the first chapter of Judges. Joshua had led the children of Israel to conquer the Promised Land. He didn't clean out all the evil that was there, demonstrated in the lives of all the -ites, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Two Kinds of Holiness
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Rabbi Schneider - The Two Kinds of Holiness
Rabbi Schneider - The Two Kinds of Holiness
Legally because of the blood of Jesus, because of the finished work of what Yeshua HaMashiach, what Yeshua of Nazareth has done for us, being pierced through for our sins, and shedding His blood and giving His life for our iniquity. Because of that, [...]
Joseph Prince - True Holiness Is Unconscious
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Joseph Prince - True Holiness Is Unconscious
Joseph Prince - True Holiness Is Unconscious
This is an excerpt from: Hear Your Way Out Of Every Weakness The moment they said, "All that God says, we can do it," read Exodus 19. Exodus 20 was when God gave the Ten Commandments. Exodus 19, the moment they say, "Kol asher [...]
Derek Prince - You Don't Hear A Lot Of Preachers Talk About This
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Derek Prince - You Don't Hear A Lot Of Preachers Talk About This
Derek Prince - You Don't Hear A Lot Of Preachers Talk About This
This is an excerpt from: True And False Church - Part 2 Now, let's turn for the latter part of this session to a picture of the true Church. I'm going to try to pick out those aspects of the picture which particularly distinguish it from the false [...]
Doug Batchelor - Healing, Health and Holiness - Part 2
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Doug Batchelor - Healing, Health and Holiness - Part 2
Doug Batchelor - Healing, Health and Holiness - Part 2
Nuclear submarines, or boomers, are modern engineering wonders equivalent to a tightly packed, self-contained city where a crew of 140 share the space of a three-bedroom house. A nuclear sub can stay submerged up to 90 days. There is little contact [...]
Doug Batchelor - Healing, Health and Holiness - Part 1
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Doug Batchelor - Healing, Health and Holiness - Part 1
Doug Batchelor - Healing, Health and Holiness - Part 1
In January 2010, a minivan struck and killed a man crossing a Brooklyn street - especially tragic because this was no ordinary man. Joe Rollino would have been 105 years old in March. His friends said he was the model of health. A World War II vet [...]
Joseph Prince - Where Is Holiness In Grace?
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Joseph Prince - Where Is Holiness In Grace?
Joseph Prince - Where Is Holiness In Grace?
Happy Reformation Day, church. About 500 years ago, exactly today, Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses that launched the Reformation. Because the ancient church, the church at that time, did not believe that one is saved by grace through faith alone. [...]
Joseph Prince - Where Is Holiness In Grace? (Excerpt)
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Joseph Prince - Where Is Holiness In Grace? (Excerpt)
Joseph Prince - Where Is Holiness In Grace? (Excerpt)
This excerpt is from: Where Is Holiness In Grace? (31 Oct 2021) Grace is always seen like: "If you believe in grace, if you preach grace, then you are someone who is compromising on holiness. You don't believe in holiness". Now, friend. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How Can We Be Holy?
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Rabbi Schneider - How Can We Be Holy?
Rabbi Schneider - How Can We Be Holy?
The reason this series is so special, beloved ones, is because in the Hebrew Bible, in what we call the Tanakh, or the Old Testament, the Lord revealed to Moses in Exodus, chapter 3, and in Exodus, chapter 6, his personal sacred name. He said to [...]
Creflo Dollar - Holiness: What Is Is and What It Is Not
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Creflo Dollar - Holiness: What Is Is and What It Is Not
Creflo Dollar - Holiness: What Is Is and What It Is Not
Father, we thank you for this, another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep. I thank you, Lord, that revelation knowledge will flow freely, uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force. And Father, I pray that you [...]
Derek Prince - Are You Living A Life Of Holiness?
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Derek Prince - Are You Living A Life Of Holiness?
Derek Prince - Are You Living A Life Of Holiness?
2 Peter 3:11-12 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God. We’ll stop there. Peter asks a very sensible question, [...]
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David Jeremiah - Knowing a Holy God
David Jeremiah - Knowing a Holy God
God is all loving, but the angels around the throne aren't singing, "Loving, loving, loving". God is all knowing but there's no record of the heavenly host singing, "Omniscient, omniscient, omniscient". His power and might have [...]
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Joseph Prince - Practical Leadership Keys To Living Holy
Joseph Prince - Practical Leadership Keys To Living Holy
The heart of God is so big compared to us. God is so generous. We learned a few weeks ago about the parable, the Lord of the vineyard, how the Lord is so generous, he loves to give, and give, and give again, amen? That he wants us to just be in a [...]
Creflo Dollar - Grace-Based Holiness
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Creflo Dollar - Grace-Based Holiness
Creflo Dollar - Grace-Based Holiness
Father, we thank you for this, another opportunity to minister to these, your precious sheep. Thank you, Lord, that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force. And Father, I pray that you will [...]