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Michael Youssef - What Ever Happened to Hell?
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Michael Youssef - What Ever Happened to Hell?
Michael Youssef - What Ever Happened to Hell?
The subject of hell is not a very popular subject in many pulpits today. As a matter of fact, not long ago, I read well over 50% of pastors said that they would never preach on hell throughout their ministry. So much so today, the majority of [...]
Michael Youssef - Does God Predestine People to Hell?
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Michael Youssef - Does God Predestine People to Hell?
Michael Youssef - Does God Predestine People to Hell?
Does God Predestine People to Hell? Absolutely not. God does not predestine people to hell. As a matter of fact, when people say, "How can a loving God send people to hell"? I say God is not gonna send anybody to hell; they're gonna send [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
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Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
So what's the hottest place on Earth? Guinness World Records list the official winner as the Death Valley, California. On July 10th, 1913, the mercury there skyrocketed to 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Some parts of Death Valley have an average daily [...]
John Bradshaw - Eternal Hell, the Tree of Life, and the NWO
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John Bradshaw - Eternal Hell, the Tree of Life, and the NWO
John Bradshaw - Eternal Hell, the Tree of Life, and the NWO
John Bradshaw : Hey there, welcome to "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. We have the opportunity to answer Bible questions that have been submitted by It Is Written viewers and Bible students. We're excited to be able to [...]
John Bradshaw - Eternal Fire, Jesus' Brothers, and Salvation by Diet
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John Bradshaw - Eternal Fire, Jesus' Brothers, and Salvation by Diet
John Bradshaw - Eternal Fire, Jesus' Brothers, and Salvation by Diet
John Bradshaw : Welcome. Thanks for joining us. This is "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we get to answer your Bible questions. The "we" being myself, I'm John Bradshaw, and my friend and [...]
Robert Jeffress - Answers To Those Who Who Say "Hell? No!" - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Answers To Those Who Who Say "Hell? No!" - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Answers To Those Who Who Say "Hell? No!" - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Atheist often criticize Christians for being too hellfire and brimstone. Dismissing biblical teaching about eternal judgment is nothing more than a scare tactic. Well, preachers do a [...]
Robert Jeffress - Answers To Those Who Who Say "Hell? No!" - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Answers To Those Who Who Say "Hell? No!" - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Answers To Those Who Who Say "Hell? No!" - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Christianity contains all sorts of hateful and intolerant beliefs. At least that's what their critics like to claim. For example, they don't like God's view on homosexuality or the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why God Sends Good People To Hell?
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Robert Jeffress - Why God Sends Good People To Hell?
Robert Jeffress - Why God Sends Good People To Hell?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. One of the most common questions I hear as a pastor is this one, "How could a loving God send people to hell"? On the surface, it's a convincing question, but once you dig [...]
John Bradshaw - Heaven, Hell and the Health Laws
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John Bradshaw - Heaven, Hell and the Health Laws
John Bradshaw - Heaven, Hell and the Health Laws
— Welcome to "Line Upon Line" brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we get to answer your Bible questions. And I'll tell you right up front, if you have a question you would like answered, please email it to us [...]
Sid Roth - After a Horrific Plane Crash, I'm Falling into Hell
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Sid Roth - After a Horrific Plane Crash, I'm Falling into Hell
Sid Roth - After a Horrific Plane Crash, I'm Falling into Hell
Sid Roth : Mickey, there was a historic date in your life, August 15, 1968. You're just doing the normal thing. You're a skydiver. That's not too normal. Why did you like skydiving? Mickey Robinson : Well Sid, ever since I was a kid I was [...]
John Bradshaw - To Hell and Back
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John Bradshaw - To Hell and Back
John Bradshaw - To Hell and Back
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. It seems to me that many people have a strange relationship with hell, an odd sort of relationship. I mean, think of the way people talk about hell, the way people refer to it. [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw My Mom in Hell
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Sid Roth - I Saw My Mom in Hell
Sid Roth - I Saw My Mom in Hell
Many are hearing God's voice, and they don't even realize it. God speaks to us in multiple ways. My guest has launched thousands to tap into the frequency of God. Sid Roth : I have to tell you, the presence of God has been so strong all day in our [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 2
We've been talking about the reality of heaven and hell. And last week, we talked about hell. And tonight, we're gonna talk about heaven. It's really, really gonna be an amazing thing for you to join me in the Scriptures tonight to see all the [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 1
I'm gonna start a series that it's gonna sound a little awkward, but I'm gonna talk about tonight and next week "The Reality of Heaven and Hell". And the reason why I believe the Spirit of God, he spoke this to my heart, he says, "I [...]
Sid Roth - I'm Being Taken to Hell and Jesus Thunders These Words
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Sid Roth - I'm Being Taken to Hell and Jesus Thunders These Words
Sid Roth - I'm Being Taken to Hell and Jesus Thunders These Words
Sid Roth : Jim Maxim was growing up in a dysfunctional home of alcoholics. Chaos was normal. No peace, no direction, but when he was 15, his mother rededicated her life to Jesus and he began to witness a new normal at home, for his mom, at least. [...]
Jack Graham - An Uncomfortable Truth
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Jack Graham - An Uncomfortable Truth
Jack Graham - An Uncomfortable Truth
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Luke chapter 16. This is one of the most sobering, perhaps even shocking messages that you will ever hear. It is, as we're calling it, an "Uncomfortable Truth". It is an incomprehensible truth; for some [...]
Sid Roth - I Was Taken to Hell. What I Saw There Shocked Me
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Sid Roth - I Was Taken to Hell. What I Saw There Shocked Me
Sid Roth - I Was Taken to Hell. What I Saw There Shocked Me
My guest has been to Heaven and to hell. When he describes Heaven many of you will literally feel the atmosphere of Heaven as if you were there too, next. Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here with Ryan Bruss. Ryan was a producer, for how many years, [...]
Sid Roth - Millions of Christians Go to Hell Over THIS
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Sid Roth - Millions of Christians Go to Hell Over THIS
Sid Roth - Millions of Christians Go to Hell Over THIS
My guest was taken to Hell, and he saw The Devil's secret weapon that is sending millions that think they're Christians to Hell. Next. Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here with Ivan Tuttle, and, Ivan, you've had some encounters that few people on Earth [...]
Sid Roth - Jesus Took Me to Hell to Show Me This
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Sid Roth - Jesus Took Me to Hell to Show Me This
Sid Roth - Jesus Took Me to Hell to Show Me This
Sid Roth : Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, Donna Rigney, is a prophetess. She hears from heaven and tells us what God is saying. I want everyone to know you a little bit better. You were [...]
Sid Roth - Ricky Roberts Went to Hell. This Is What He Saw
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Sid Roth - Ricky Roberts Went to Hell. This Is What He Saw
Sid Roth - Ricky Roberts Went to Hell. This Is What He Saw
My guest saw Hell - yes it's a real place - and has come back to speak about it. Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter, and I'm here with Ricky Roberts. If you tuned in last week, Ricky [...]
Derek Prince - Who Goes To Hell According To Jesus
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Derek Prince - Who Goes To Hell According To Jesus
Derek Prince - Who Goes To Hell According To Jesus
This is an excerpt from: Pressures, Tests & Challenges And so Jesus says: the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that is not aware of and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with [...]
David Reagan - The Reality of Hell
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David Reagan - The Reality of Hell
David Reagan - The Reality of Hell
What do you believe about Hell? Do you think it’s a real place or a fairy tale? Do you believe people will be tormented there eternally, or do you believe the torment will someday come to an end? Could it be a place of purging that is designed to [...]
Craig Smith - The Problem of God and Hell
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Craig Smith - The Problem of God and Hell
Craig Smith - The Problem of God and Hell
Well, welcome to Mission Hills at all of our locations including those of you are joining us Church Online. I’m really glad you’re here. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that some of you came in and you saw the worship card and the title for [...]
Sid Roth - Ron Reagan Died and Saw His Friends in Hell
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Sid Roth - Ron Reagan Died and Saw His Friends in Hell
Sid Roth - Ron Reagan Died and Saw His Friends in Hell
Is Hell real? My guest says he went there. He reports what he saw, on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter and I can't wait until you meet my guest. It's Ronald Reagan, and he literally went [...]
Craig Groeschel - A Voice From Hell
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Craig Groeschel - A Voice From Hell
Craig Groeschel - A Voice From Hell
There is an unwritten rule in churches. The unwritten rule is if you want people happy and you want them coming back, don't talk about politics, don't talk about money and don't talk about Hell. The good news is we're gonna save politics and money [...]
Sid Roth - Victor Redko Saw Heaven and Hell
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Sid Roth - Victor Redko Saw Heaven and Hell
Sid Roth - Victor Redko Saw Heaven and Hell
Sid Roth : Are curses from witches real? Is there a greater power to combat these curses? My guest Victor Redko says yes, next on this edition of It's Supernatural. Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter. My guest Victor Redko [...]
Billy Graham - Is There A Hell?
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Billy Graham - Is There A Hell?
Billy Graham - Is There A Hell?
Now tonight, I want you to turn with me to the 16th chapter of Luke's Gospel. Beginning at verse 19, there's a story that Jesus told. "There was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day. And [...]
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Robert Morris - Why?
Robert Morris - Why?
The title of the series, by the way, is, Eternity: Your Choice. So, I want to nail it down that God did not choose some people to go to heaven and some people to go to hell, that it is completely your choice where you spend eternity. So we talked [...]
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John Hagee - There is No Hell?
John Hagee - There is No Hell?
The world media reported that the pope made the shocking statement that there is no hell: that in eternity, you just simply disappear. The Vatican was greatly alarmed and the world was stunned, as they should be. Theologically, if there is no hell, [...]
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Craig Groeschel - The Horrors of Hell
Craig Groeschel - The Horrors of Hell
Well, we are in a message series called One Minute After You Die. What happens after life on earth? If you were with us last week, we talked about the soul separating from the body. We looked at The Judgment. What is The Judgment for those who are [...]
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Leon Fontaine - Heaven and Hell
Leon Fontaine - Heaven and Hell
When I was 20, about 22 years old. I was in the middle of my paramedic career and we worked at the hospital. So one of the things I would do, would be to assist the nurses if there was something complicated. I was also working in the OR, the Resus [...]
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Robert Morris — A Tough Message
Robert Morris — A Tough Message
The first week, I talked about a tough question. The second week, some easy questions. If you haven't heard those, go back and listen or get the CD's. This week I'm calling it, "A Tough Message". Because I'm going to talk to you about Hell [...]
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Greg Laurie — When All Hell Breaks Loose
Greg Laurie — When All Hell Breaks Loose
Pastor Greg Laurie shares a message entitled, " When All Hell Breaks Loose" about the Great Tribulation period. Pastor Greg reminds us that the Book of Revelation makes sense of our suffering in this life. All things shall pass away but [...]
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Greg Laurie — The Reality of Hell
Greg Laurie — The Reality of Hell
It's a word often avoided in polite company, but it represents a truth that can't be avoided. Pastor Greg Laurie reacquaints us with the reality of hell. It's a candid discussion of the judgment that awaits unbelievers. So many believe that [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — What in Hell Do You Want?
Jesse Duplantis — What in Hell Do You Want?
In his straightforward teaching about temptation and deception Jesse asks, 'What in Hell do you want?' You'll gain a spiritualized 'common-sense' view of the devil's deceptive tactics and start to view sin in a whole new light. [...]
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Sid Roth — 23 Minutes in Hell
Sid Roth — 23 Minutes in Hell
Is there a literal hell? If so, what is it like? Bill Wiese was chosen by God to visit hell and share his experience with a generation that is not sure if hell even exists! This interview will give you a great compassion for the lost. [...]
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Patricia King — Hell, Fire and Brimstone
Patricia King — Hell, Fire and Brimstone
Jesus talked about hell quite a lot - Patricia King discusses various aspects of hell, along with Jonathan Edwards preaches on it. [...]
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Patricia King — Hell Is Real, I Was There!
Patricia King — Hell Is Real, I Was There!
Howard Storm died, went to hell, and returned to tell about it. Hear first hand testimony of the reality of hell. [...]
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Patricia King — Hell and Salvation
Patricia King — Hell and Salvation
Howard shares his personal experience of dying and going into hell and his return to life and his salvation because of this experience. [...]
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Patricia King — A Hell Story
Patricia King — A Hell Story
Patricia shares the story of Howard Storm who dying and went into hell and came back to tell his story and gave his heart to Jesus. [...]