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Joseph Prince - Thrive Even In Tough Seasons
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Joseph Prince - Thrive Even In Tough Seasons
Joseph Prince - Thrive Even In Tough Seasons
I believe that God has so much more for us and he wants us to receive this Word in season for all of us during this time. As you know, the whole world is right now in a global recession and it’s going to get worse as time goes on. But remember that [...]
Joseph Prince - The Power to Prosper During Famine
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Joseph Prince - The Power to Prosper During Famine
Joseph Prince - The Power to Prosper During Famine
I was reading a book and I came across this verse. I think probably one of the first times I came across that verse. I was a very young man then. And it says, «And Joseph was sold into Egypt and Potiphar bought him». He was a slave. And it says, [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons
I want to talk to you, I want to share with you about your night seasons. If you’re going through something right now, even though right now you’re on a high, you don’t feel like you’re going through anything. You know, you can tear a lion apart and [...]
Joseph Prince - Growing Stronger in Faith Through Every Trial
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Joseph Prince - Growing Stronger in Faith Through Every Trial
Joseph Prince - Growing Stronger in Faith Through Every Trial
And verse 23, «They certainly,» God says about those who didn’t believe, «They certainly shall not see the land of which I swore to your fathers, nor shall any of those who rejected Me see it». If you don’t believe, the land is ready for you. The [...]
Paul Daugherty - This Pain Has Purpose
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Paul Daugherty - This Pain Has Purpose
Paul Daugherty - This Pain Has Purpose
Jericho was the vision that Joshua had seen. Jericho was the vision that the spies had seen. It was their next step. It was the place that they had been praying for. It was the dream they had been waiting on. It was the vision that they had circled. [...]
Rick Warren - Never Waste Your Pain
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Rick Warren - Never Waste Your Pain
Rick Warren - Never Waste Your Pain
God has five purposes for your life. Number one, we know that God wants you to know and love him. You were planned for his pleasure. And that’s called worship, when you know and love God. We know that God wants you to learn to love other people. [...]
Jeff Schreve - Facing The Fire
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Jeff Schreve - Facing The Fire
Jeff Schreve - Facing The Fire
And today’s message is on the three Hebrew boys: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were three young men who refused to compromise, and they made such a difference for the Lord because they would not bow even in the midst of immense pressure put [...]
Jack Graham - New Morning Mercies
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Jack Graham - New Morning Mercies
Jack Graham - New Morning Mercies
God is faithful. And the title of this message is "New Morning Mercies" from Lamentations, chapter 3. Yes, Lamentations if you can find it in your Bible. It's next to a big book called Jeremiah. It was probably, most likely written by [...]
Rick Warren - Struggle When Life Makes No Sense - Part 2
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Rick Warren - Struggle When Life Makes No Sense - Part 2
Rick Warren - Struggle When Life Makes No Sense - Part 2
How do I go through struggles in my life, particularly when I’m struggling with God? When I’m angry at God, when I’m mad at God, when I’m disappointed with God, when I think God has let me down, when I’ve prayed and haven’t got an answer. That’s [...]
Rick Warren - Struggle When Life Makes No Sense - Part 1
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Rick Warren - Struggle When Life Makes No Sense - Part 1
Rick Warren - Struggle When Life Makes No Sense - Part 1
During this series on «Getting Through What You’re Going Through,» we are looking at the six stages of getting through the major things in life that we face, and we looked first at «Shock When Your World collapses,» and we looked at «Sorrow When [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - To Finish Well, Live In God's Presence
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Peter Tan-Chi - To Finish Well, Live In God's Presence
Peter Tan-Chi - To Finish Well, Live In God's Presence
To finish well, live in God’s presence. What does it mean to live in God’s presence? This is both a command and a promise. A command. In John 15, Jesus commands us. Everybody read this together. (v.4) «Abide in Me…» is a command. Abide by Jesus. [...]
Rick Warren - When Your World Collapses
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Rick Warren - When Your World Collapses
Rick Warren - When Your World Collapses
Because world is broken, and we talked about that last week, catastrophes happen to everybody. They happen to you, they happen to the people sitting next to you, they happen to me, they happen to everybody. The Bible says this there on your outline, [...]
Rick Warren - Getting Through Life's Losses - Part 2
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Rick Warren - Getting Through Life's Losses - Part 2
Rick Warren - Getting Through Life's Losses - Part 2
We're in this series I'm calling "The Stages of Getting Through What You're Going Through," and I told you that there's six stages of getting through what you go through: there's shock, then there's sorrow, [...]
Rick Warren - Getting Through Life's Losses - Part 1
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Rick Warren - Getting Through Life's Losses - Part 1
Rick Warren - Getting Through Life's Losses - Part 1
Let's take out our message notes. We're in this series I'm calling the stages of, "Getting Through What You're Going Through," and I told you that there's six stages of getting through what you go through. [...]
Robert Barron - Peace in the Storm
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Robert Barron - Peace in the Storm
Robert Barron - Peace in the Storm
Peace be with you. Friends, during this B-cycle of the liturgical readings, we're reading from the Gospel of Mark, and there's something about Mark that's just, I don't know, kind of bracing. It's the first of the Gospels. [...]
Steven Furtick - Where Is God In This?
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Steven Furtick - Where Is God In This?
Steven Furtick - Where Is God In This?
This is an excerpt from: God's Got The Hard Part So, I came to ask a question today: Where is God in this? "I've been sowing, I've been weeping, but I'm not reaping yet. Where is God in this? You tell me he's here, but [...]
Rick Warren - How We're Getting Through - Part 3
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Rick Warren - How We're Getting Through - Part 3
Rick Warren - How We're Getting Through - Part 3
Kay Warren : When Matthew’s mental illness took a huge turn for the worst about five years ago, I found myself increasingly panicked, and I knew I needed some spiritual support. And so, I enlisted a group of confidential, incredible people, who [...]
Rick Warren - How We're Getting Through - Part 2
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Rick Warren - How We're Getting Through - Part 2
Rick Warren - How We're Getting Through - Part 2
Now, the fact is, since sin entered the world and evil entered the world, everything was broken, nothing works perfectly on this planet. Now, if you want a chapter of the Bible that explains modern culture, it’s Isaiah 24, let me just show you a [...]
Rick Warren - How We're Getting Through - Part 1
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Rick Warren - How We're Getting Through - Part 1
Rick Warren - How We're Getting Through - Part 1
Since mental illness robbed my youngest son, Matthew’s life, one of the passages from the Bible that has really encouraged me has been 2 Corinthians chapter 1, verses 3 to 11. And I wanna begin tonight by reading that passage to you. Here’s what the [...]
Creflo Dollar - Faith in the Middle of the Attack
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Creflo Dollar - Faith in the Middle of the Attack
Creflo Dollar - Faith in the Middle of the Attack
Go with me to the book of Romans chapter 5 and verse 2. We're gonna talk about faith and grace in the midst of discomfort. We all agree that there is a purpose in discomfort. It is something that no one who's alive on the planet can avoid. [...]
Charles Stanley - Wisdom for the Trials of Life
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Charles Stanley - Wisdom for the Trials of Life
Charles Stanley - Wisdom for the Trials of Life
One of the most commonly asked questions is, "Why is it that God allows His children to go through such difficult, trying, painful times in life"? It's very obvious that He does, so it can't be denied. And since He's all [...]
Michael Youssef - Lessons from a Cave
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Michael Youssef - Lessons from a Cave
Michael Youssef - Lessons from a Cave
Today, I'm gonna show you proof, evidence of David's emerging from the cave of Adullam turned into a prayer closet. He emerges, giving us evidence, giving us proof that in that prayer closet, in that cave of Adullam, David began to develop [...]
TD Jakes - Working Through The Hard Places
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TD Jakes - Working Through The Hard Places
TD Jakes - Working Through The Hard Places
One thing I have learned in life is keep it moving. Keep it moving. Do not sit down and bask in how you feel about it, to the degree that you delay your assignment. Investigating your emotions should not delay your assignment. The discomfort we were [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - In Tough Times, Living Hope Transforms
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Peter Tan-Chi - In Tough Times, Living Hope Transforms
Peter Tan-Chi - In Tough Times, Living Hope Transforms
Greetings to everyone all over the world, and a special greeting to all the mothers! Happy Mother's Day! Today, I've invited the most amazing mother, the mother of my five children, to read a poem she wrote for all mothers. Let's [...]
Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
I believe we must develop a greater awareness and dependence upon the helper whom the father has provided. I'm not suggesting something new or extra biblical. I'm suggesting a different pattern, a different type of trust, a more personal [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
You know, our wars are thousands of miles away and for the overwhelming majority of us, we send others. In Israel, if the balloon goes up with Hezbollah in the north, it's 75 or 80 miles from Jerusalem. It's not some great long distance [...]
Rick Warren - Habits That Help Me Hold on in Hard Times
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Rick Warren - Habits That Help Me Hold on in Hard Times
Rick Warren - Habits That Help Me Hold on in Hard Times
Now in the last two messages on habits that help me hold on and handle hard times we looked at the first four habits of seven habits that we're looking at. Now the first four habits that help me handle hard times are, keep my life clean, keep [...]
Charles Stanley - The Believer's Valley Experiences
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Charles Stanley - The Believer's Valley Experiences
Charles Stanley - The Believer's Valley Experiences
Our text for this message is probably the most familiar passage in all the Bible. In fact, I can remember when I was a school kid that everybody had to memorize this passage. And usually, you will hear this passage of scripture read at almost every [...]
Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
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Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
I want to talk to you today about Trusting God's Ways. We're not going to understand everything that happens in life. There will be detours, delays, even dead ends, times where it looks like we're stuck. It's easy to get [...]
Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
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Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
I want to talk to you today about Grace for Gethsemane. The word Gethsemane means a place of pressing. It was an olive garden in Jerusalem, workers would put olives into a press. They were squeezed, and under that pressure the oil would come out. [...]
James Meehan - How Do I Pray Through Something Hard?
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James Meehan - How Do I Pray Through Something Hard?
James Meehan - How Do I Pray Through Something Hard?
Whitney : That's a big yell. Let's get into a big question we have this week. James Meehan : Oh gosh, that was so good. Whitney : We're talking about how do I pray through something hard? James Meehan : What a wonderful question. So [...]
Gregory Dickow - How to Respond to Life's Problems with Confidence
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Gregory Dickow - How to Respond to Life's Problems with Confidence
Gregory Dickow - How to Respond to Life's Problems with Confidence
"And the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha". And let me tell you something. The horses and the chariots of fire were always there. They [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
God is the maker of good days. You know, the Bible says that "He that will love life and see good days," and good days is always plural. "Good days," with an "s". But when it comes to the day that you go through a [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
If you are suffering mental depression, listen to what I'm gonna say, amen? Just live one day at a time. Get up, just do what you're supposed to do, the next thing, and the next thing, and the Holy Spirit will lead you first step by step [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
I want to talk to you, I want to share with you about your night seasons. If you're going through something right now, even though right now you're on a high, you don't feel like you're going through anything. You know, you can [...]
Adrian Rogers - Give Thanks in Tough Times
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Adrian Rogers - Give Thanks in Tough Times
Adrian Rogers - Give Thanks in Tough Times
Would you find Ephesians chapter 5, we're talking on this subject, "Giving Thanks in Tough Times". Now what is the hardest thing to do? Is the hardest thing to do to try to climb a fence that's leaning toward you? Well, harder [...]
James Meehan - Not All Sunshine and Rainbows
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James Meehan - Not All Sunshine and Rainbows
James Meehan - Not All Sunshine and Rainbows
Well, welcome to this week of Switch. We are so excited that you're joining with us. Before we go any further, I need you to give a quick shout out to Qualen Johnson, Youth Pastor at Life Church in Northland, Kansas City for getting me this [...]
Adrian Rogers - Can God Be Trusted in Your Troubles?
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Adrian Rogers - Can God Be Trusted in Your Troubles?
Adrian Rogers - Can God Be Trusted in Your Troubles?
Take your Bibles, find the book of Job, you'll find Job just before the book of Psalms, and turn to the thirteenth chapter of the book of Job, and we're going to look at one verse and then many other verses in the book, but this is the [...]
John Bradshaw - No One Expected That
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John Bradshaw - No One Expected That
John Bradshaw - No One Expected That
Right now there is someone who has no idea how God is going to get them through a trying situation, maybe that's you. God says, "Trust in me and I'll direct your paths". But there are times that you can only see a funnel cloud [...]
David Jeremiah - God Walks With You Through Trials
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David Jeremiah - God Walks With You Through Trials
David Jeremiah - God Walks With You Through Trials
"It was the bottom of the sixth inning, and the Montreal Expos's most feared hitter, Tim Raines, was at the plate. The pitcher, kicking high, threw as hard as he could, and it was the last pitch he would ever throw. A loud, sickening crack [...]
Mike Novotny - Even if You're Living With Pain
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Mike Novotny - Even if You're Living With Pain
Mike Novotny - Even if You're Living With Pain
I had a really good message for you today. Maybe you caught the past tense, I had one. We have been talking in this series about grumbling, and gratitude, and God, and I thought I would end these messages with one of my favorite passages on [...]
Joel Osteen - Healthy Pressure
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Joel Osteen - Healthy Pressure
Joel Osteen - Healthy Pressure
I want to talk to you today about Healthy Pressure. Sometimes we think we'll get to this place where there's no pressure, no people getting on our nerves, no traffic, no delays, everything's falling into place, plenty in our bank [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Make Sense Out of Suffering
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Adrian Rogers - How to Make Sense Out of Suffering
Adrian Rogers - How to Make Sense Out of Suffering
Find Romans chapter 8. And in just a moment, we're going to read verses 18 and 19. Let me ask you this question: do you know sorrow? Suffering? Pain? Disappointment? Fear? Frustration? Confusion? If you don't, just wait a while. You will! [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
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Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
I want you to repeat after me eight words, "When I am weak, then I am strong". Does that make any sense at all? It's a paradox. Weakness, strength. When we're weak, then we are strong? Doesn't that sound like nonsense, silly [...]
John Bradshaw - Even in Dark Moments
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John Bradshaw - Even in Dark Moments
John Bradshaw - Even in Dark Moments
A Roman jail cell was probably the last place on earth Paul wanted to be. Uncomfortable, isolated, hot and summer, cold in winter, and no shortage of enemies. He was almost certain to be put to death, and ultimately he was. But notice what he says [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Battles and Blessings
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Frankie Mazzapica - Battles and Blessings
Frankie Mazzapica - Battles and Blessings
Thank you for tuning in today, my name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of the message is "Battles and Blessings". Battles and Blessings. I so badly wanted to title this message "Blessings and Battles". I wanted to come out with [...]
Levi Lusko - The Treasures of Darkness
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Levi Lusko - The Treasures of Darkness
Levi Lusko - The Treasures of Darkness
I'm telling you, you're going through it. You look down at your wheelchair. You look down at your shaking limbs. You look down at your withered body. You look down at your depleted bank account. You look down at your empty home because you [...]
Adrian Rogers - God's Presence in the Hour of Death
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Adrian Rogers - God's Presence in the Hour of Death
Adrian Rogers - God's Presence in the Hour of Death
Take your Bibles. Find Genesis chapter 50. Genesis, as you know, is the first book; chapter 50 is the last chapter in the first book. And we're coming to the closing verses in the book of Genesis and the life of Joseph, and in a moment, [...]
Dr. Ed Young - When Life is Unpredictable
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Dr. Ed Young - When Life is Unpredictable
Dr. Ed Young - When Life is Unpredictable
Sir Winston Churchill was a master of the English language. If you've not read his history of the II World War, I encourage you to do so. It'll help us to understand, you and I, western civilization in a way that you will never have [...]
Michael Youssef - Look Up
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Michael Youssef - Look Up
Michael Youssef - Look Up
I want to talk to you about the trusting prayer that we learn from the psalmist, particularly in Psalm 121. And I hope you're turning to it in your Bible, your iPhone, your iPad, or whatever you do, and get Psalm 121 as I begin to bring this [...]
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