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Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
I believe we must develop a greater awareness and dependence upon the helper whom the father has provided. I'm not suggesting something new or extra biblical. I'm suggesting a different pattern, a different type of trust, a more personal awareness. [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
You know, our wars are thousands of miles away and for the overwhelming majority of us, we send others. In Israel, if the balloon goes up with Hezbollah in the north, it's 75 or 80 miles from Jerusalem. It's not some great long distance away. That's [...]
Rick Warren - Habits That Help Me Hold on in Hard Times
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Rick Warren - Habits That Help Me Hold on in Hard Times
Rick Warren - Habits That Help Me Hold on in Hard Times
Now in the last two messages on habits that help me hold on and handle hard times we looked at the first four habits of seven habits that we're looking at. Now the first four habits that help me handle hard times are, keep my life clean, keep my [...]
Charles Stanley - The Believer's Valley Experiences
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Charles Stanley - The Believer's Valley Experiences
Charles Stanley - The Believer's Valley Experiences
Our text for this message is probably the most familiar passage in all the Bible. In fact, I can remember when I was a school kid that everybody had to memorize this passage. And usually, you will hear this passage of scripture read at almost every [...]
Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
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Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
I want to talk to you today about Trusting God's Ways. We're not going to understand everything that happens in life. There will be detours, delays, even dead ends, times where it looks like we're stuck. It's easy to get discouraged when our plans [...]
Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
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Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
I want to talk to you today about Grace for Gethsemane. The word Gethsemane means a place of pressing. It was an olive garden in Jerusalem, workers would put olives into a press. They were squeezed, and under that pressure the oil would come out. [...]
James Meehan - How Do I Pray Through Something Hard?
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James Meehan - How Do I Pray Through Something Hard?
James Meehan - How Do I Pray Through Something Hard?
Whitney : That's a big yell. Let's get into a big question we have this week. James Meehan : Oh gosh, that was so good. Whitney : We're talking about how do I pray through something hard? James Meehan : What a wonderful question. So do what Jesus [...]
Gregory Dickow - How to Respond to Life's Problems with Confidence
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Gregory Dickow - How to Respond to Life's Problems with Confidence
Gregory Dickow - How to Respond to Life's Problems with Confidence
"And the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha". And let me tell you something. The horses and the chariots of fire were always there. They didn't come [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 3
God is the maker of good days. You know, the Bible says that "He that will love life and see good days," and good days is always plural. "Good days," with an "s". But when it comes to the day that you go through a [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 2
If you are suffering mental depression, listen to what I'm gonna say, amen? Just live one day at a time. Get up, just do what you're supposed to do, the next thing, and the next thing, and the Holy Spirit will lead you first step by step by step. [...]
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
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Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
Joseph Prince - Hope For Life's Dark Moments And Tough Seasons - Part 1
I want to talk to you, I want to share with you about your night seasons. If you're going through something right now, even though right now you're on a high, you don't feel like you're going through anything. You know, you can tear a lion apart and [...]
Adrian Rogers - Give Thanks in Tough Times
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Adrian Rogers - Give Thanks in Tough Times
Adrian Rogers - Give Thanks in Tough Times
Would you find Ephesians chapter 5, we're talking on this subject, "Giving Thanks in Tough Times". Now what is the hardest thing to do? Is the hardest thing to do to try to climb a fence that's leaning toward you? Well, harder than that is [...]
James Meehan - Not All Sunshine and Rainbows
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James Meehan - Not All Sunshine and Rainbows
James Meehan - Not All Sunshine and Rainbows
Well, welcome to this week of Switch. We are so excited that you're joining with us. Before we go any further, I need you to give a quick shout out to Qualen Johnson, Youth Pastor at Life Church in Northland, Kansas City for getting me this dope [...]
Adrian Rogers - Can God Be Trusted in Your Troubles?
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Adrian Rogers - Can God Be Trusted in Your Troubles?
Adrian Rogers - Can God Be Trusted in Your Troubles?
Take your Bibles, find the book of Job, you'll find Job just before the book of Psalms, and turn to the thirteenth chapter of the book of Job, and we're going to look at one verse and then many other verses in the book, but this is the verse that [...]
John Bradshaw - No One Expected That
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John Bradshaw - No One Expected That
John Bradshaw - No One Expected That
Right now there is someone who has no idea how God is going to get them through a trying situation, maybe that's you. God says, "Trust in me and I'll direct your paths". But there are times that you can only see a funnel cloud bearing down [...]
David Jeremiah - God Walks With You Through Trials
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David Jeremiah - God Walks With You Through Trials
David Jeremiah - God Walks With You Through Trials
"It was the bottom of the sixth inning, and the Montreal Expos's most feared hitter, Tim Raines, was at the plate. The pitcher, kicking high, threw as hard as he could, and it was the last pitch he would ever throw. A loud, sickening crack was [...]
Mike Novotny - Even if You're Living With Pain
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Mike Novotny - Even if You're Living With Pain
Mike Novotny - Even if You're Living With Pain
I had a really good message for you today. Maybe you caught the past tense, I had one. We have been talking in this series about grumbling, and gratitude, and God, and I thought I would end these messages with one of my favorite passages on [...]
Joel Osteen - Healthy Pressure
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Joel Osteen - Healthy Pressure
Joel Osteen - Healthy Pressure
I want to talk to you today about Healthy Pressure. Sometimes we think we'll get to this place where there's no pressure, no people getting on our nerves, no traffic, no delays, everything's falling into place, plenty in our bank account, healthier [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Make Sense Out of Suffering
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Adrian Rogers - How to Make Sense Out of Suffering
Adrian Rogers - How to Make Sense Out of Suffering
Find Romans chapter 8. And in just a moment, we're going to read verses 18 and 19. Let me ask you this question: do you know sorrow? Suffering? Pain? Disappointment? Fear? Frustration? Confusion? If you don't, just wait a while. You will! You will [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
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Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
I want you to repeat after me eight words, "When I am weak, then I am strong". Does that make any sense at all? It's a paradox. Weakness, strength. When we're weak, then we are strong? Doesn't that sound like nonsense, silly statement? You [...]
John Bradshaw - Even in Dark Moments
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John Bradshaw - Even in Dark Moments
John Bradshaw - Even in Dark Moments
A Roman jail cell was probably the last place on earth Paul wanted to be. Uncomfortable, isolated, hot and summer, cold in winter, and no shortage of enemies. He was almost certain to be put to death, and ultimately he was. But notice what he says [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Battles and Blessings
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Frankie Mazzapica - Battles and Blessings
Frankie Mazzapica - Battles and Blessings
Thank you for tuning in today, my name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of the message is "Battles and Blessings". Battles and Blessings. I so badly wanted to title this message "Blessings and Battles". I wanted to come out with [...]
Levi Lusko - The Treasures of Darkness
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Levi Lusko - The Treasures of Darkness
Levi Lusko - The Treasures of Darkness
I'm telling you, you're going through it. You look down at your wheelchair. You look down at your shaking limbs. You look down at your withered body. You look down at your depleted bank account. You look down at your empty home because you don't [...]
Adrian Rogers - God's Presence in the Hour of Death
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Adrian Rogers - God's Presence in the Hour of Death
Adrian Rogers - God's Presence in the Hour of Death
Take your Bibles. Find Genesis chapter 50. Genesis, as you know, is the first book; chapter 50 is the last chapter in the first book. And we're coming to the closing verses in the book of Genesis and the life of Joseph, and in a moment, we're going [...]
Dr. Ed Young - When Life is Unpredictable
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Dr. Ed Young - When Life is Unpredictable
Dr. Ed Young - When Life is Unpredictable
Sir Winston Churchill was a master of the English language. If you've not read his history of the II World War, I encourage you to do so. It'll help us to understand, you and I, western civilization in a way that you will never have through any [...]
Michael Youssef - Look Up
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Michael Youssef - Look Up
Michael Youssef - Look Up
I want to talk to you about the trusting prayer that we learn from the psalmist, particularly in Psalm 121. And I hope you're turning to it in your Bible, your iPhone, your iPad, or whatever you do, and get Psalm 121 as I begin to bring this message [...]
James Merritt - Where Is God?
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James Merritt - Where Is God?
James Merritt - Where Is God?
You know, one of the most popular comic strips of all time, in fact, it was my favorite, I didn't read comics much, but I did read one as a kid growing up, and it was "Peanuts" by Charles Schultz. And many of us remember Snoopy and Linus [...]
Joseph Prince - Discover The Door of Hope In Your Valley of Trouble
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Joseph Prince - Discover The Door of Hope In Your Valley of Trouble
Joseph Prince - Discover The Door of Hope In Your Valley of Trouble
I'm going to show you something that is a puzzle and confused many, many, many believers. I remember years ago somebody challenged this, just threw it in front of me and said to me that not many will be saved, not many will go to heaven, all right? [...]
James Merritt - Power Surge
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James Merritt - Power Surge
James Merritt - Power Surge
I want you to stand to your feet right now. If you don't mind everybody stand up and I want you to say something. And before I ask you to repeat it with me, some of you don't believe it. Some of you do believe it, but you don't live like you believe [...]
John Bradshaw - Sometimes God Allows Difficulty
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John Bradshaw - Sometimes God Allows Difficulty
John Bradshaw - Sometimes God Allows Difficulty
Today the ruins of the biblical City of Smyrna have been swallowed up by the bustling city of Izmir on turkey's West Coast; two thousand years ago, there was a thriving Christian community there. Jesus tells that church they'll suffer dreadful [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Victory (Isaiah 41)
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Rabbi Schneider - Victory
Rabbi Schneider - Victory
Every spirit that is opposing you, every person that's being motivated by a demonic spirit, everything that's coming against you from the realm of darkness you're going to defeat. All your enemies will be defeated. Even those that are coming against [...]
Allen Jackson - In The Midst of Tragedy
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Allen Jackson - In The Midst of Tragedy
Allen Jackson - In The Midst of Tragedy
It's good to be with you again. Our topic today's "In the Midst of Tragedy". Most of you know I live in Nashville, Tennessee, and we're walking through a season of, actually, more than one tragedy. We had a horrible school shooting and [...]
Matt Hagee - Living Through the Long Years
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Matt Hagee - Living Through the Long Years
Matt Hagee - Living Through the Long Years
Genesis 37:2 says, "And Joseph was seventeen". At this point in his life, he's known very little hardship. Up until his 17th birthday, he was not only his father's favorite, but he was his brothers' arch enemy. They hated the fact that dad [...]
Charles Stanley - Walking With God Through the Dark Times
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Charles Stanley - Walking With God Through the Dark Times
Charles Stanley - Walking With God Through the Dark Times
We all walk through those dark times in our lives, things we don't understand. And oftentimes they're things we don't understand why they happen and why they happen when they happen. Times we feel overwhelmed, don't understand what's going on. Times [...]
Joel Osteen - Invite God Into the Difficulty - (Stronger Than You Think)
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Joel Osteen - Invite God Into the Difficulty - (Stronger Than You Think)
Joel Osteen - Invite God Into the Difficulty - (Stronger Than You Think)
Most of the time when we're facing a difficulty, we're praying, "God, get me out of this challenge. Get me out of this trouble at work. Get me out of this financial setback. Get me out of this sickness". There's nothing wrong with that, [...]
John Hagee - Joseph, The Darkest Hour
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John Hagee - Joseph, The Darkest Hour
John Hagee - Joseph, The Darkest Hour
Turn to Psalm 105:17, as we continue our sermon series on "Joseph's Journey: From The Pit To The Palace" with this sermon "The Darkest Hour". Listen closely. Your darkest hour is conquered by your dream about your future. A dream [...]
Gregory Dickow - How To Face Dark Times and Not Fall Apart
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Gregory Dickow - How To Face Dark Times and Not Fall Apart
Gregory Dickow - How To Face Dark Times and Not Fall Apart
Well, welcome to the "Power to Change Today," and today I want to share with you in the form of a one-on-one Bible study from the recent podcast that I call "Think Like A Champion". And today's topic is all about how to face dark [...]
Skip Heitzig - Facing Darkness with Grace
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Skip Heitzig - Facing Darkness with Grace
Skip Heitzig - Facing Darkness with Grace
Good morning. Would you turn in your Bibles to the book of 2 Corinthians. 2 Corinthians, pretty easy to find. It's right after 1 Corinthians. Very good. So turn to 2 Corinthians, chapter 12. There was a ship out at sea in a storm, and the ship sank [...]
Skip Heitzig - Radioactive (Psalms 42-43)
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Skip Heitzig - Radioactive (Psalms 42-43)
Skip Heitzig - Radioactive (Psalms 42-43)
We're about to read the lyrics essentially of an ancient worship song. That's what the psalms of David and the other psalms in this book were used as. They were used as part of the corporate, public worship of ancient Israel. But what is amazing to [...]
Doug Batchelor - Coping Through Tough Times
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Doug Batchelor - Coping Through Tough Times
Doug Batchelor - Coping Through Tough Times
You know, I wanted to share what I think is a practical message with you today that I hope will be of some encouragement. It's about "Coping Through Tough Times." How can we triumph in spite of our trials? The Bible's pretty clear that [...]
TD Jakes - I Learned From My Losses
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TD Jakes - I Learned From My Losses
TD Jakes - I Learned From My Losses
I don't care if I fail playing the organ, that's not my greatest competence; I play, but I don't play well enough to have an ego attached to it. But if I fail in the area of my greatest competence then it challenges how I see myself. Joshua fought [...]
Joseph Prince - Supernatural Supply In Difficult Times
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Joseph Prince - Supernatural Supply In Difficult Times
Joseph Prince - Supernatural Supply In Difficult Times
Praise God. Every one of you are in for a blessing, amen. Because the Lord keeps on blessing and blessing. And we are coming back to him, amen, and we learned that he always keeps on giving. He never stops giving. Grace is all about supply, law is [...]
John Bradshaw - More Than Worth It
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John Bradshaw - More Than Worth It
John Bradshaw - More Than Worth It
No one in their right mind wishes for hardship, but there are times that your hardship is a means for God to do something he might not be able to do if you hadn't dipped your toes into the pond of adversity. For example, a death decree resulted in [...]
Jack Graham - God's Purpose for Your Pain
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Jack Graham - God's Purpose for Your Pain
Jack Graham - God's Purpose for Your Pain
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Romans 8, the great 8 chapter of Romans. Many believe that Romans chapter 8 is the greatest chapter in all of the Bible. And if Romans chapter 8 is the greatest chapter in the Bible, many also believe that their [...]
Jack Graham - Making Sense Out of Suffering
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Jack Graham - Making Sense Out of Suffering
Jack Graham - Making Sense Out of Suffering
Take God's Word and turn with me to the fifth chapter of the book of Romans, chapter 5. And we are in a series called THE ESSENTIAL GOSPEL. There's nothing above or beyond the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul said, "I'm not ashamed of [...]
Jack Graham - Training Ground
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Jack Graham - Training Ground
Jack Graham - Training Ground
The book of Hebrews is all about this race that we're running, and that we would endure, that we would persevere, that we wouldn't quit, go back or give up, but that we would go onward and upward to maturity and ultimately when we see Christ face to [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Hard Times and God's Process
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Rabbi Schneider - Hard Times and God's Process
Rabbi Schneider - Hard Times and God's Process
As I begin today, I want to briefly review one concept with you and that is the three primary covenants of scripture. Beloved, the foundational covenant of scripture is the Abrahamic covenant. Abraham entered into a relationship with the Lord, that [...]
Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 2
Hey, it's an honor to be together again. We're going to talk today about the necessity of a strong foundation in our faith. You know, most of us understand we begin that journey with a profession of faith, with accepting Jesus, conversion, the new [...]
Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Strong Foundation Required - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. Our topic is "Big Trouble Ahead," and we're gonna need a strong foundation to flourish in that season when those storms come. It's not a matter of if they're coming, folks; they're coming. In fact, I think [...]
John Bradshaw - Job
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John Bradshaw - Job
John Bradshaw - Job
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. For many people it's a troubling book of the Bible. It's twice as long as the Gospel of John and almost as long as Ezekiel at 42 chapters. In 41 of those chapters, 98 percent of the [...]
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