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Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of Hanukkah Unlocked
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Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of Hanukkah Unlocked
Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of Hanukkah Unlocked
It’s interesting that Jewish people are so galvanized by Hanukkah you’ll see these menorahs even televised all over the big cities of the world but the holiday of Hanukkah is nowhere mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures. The only place that Hanukkah [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Season of Light and Miracles
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Jonathan Bernis - Season of Light and Miracles
Jonathan Bernis - Season of Light and Miracles
Jonathan Bernis : Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah. Welcome to a special holiday edition of Jewish Voice. I’m Jonathan Bernis joined by Ezra Benjamin as we dive into the heart of Hanukkah, exploring its profound significance this year. Hanukkah, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, To the Glory of the Lord
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Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, To the Glory of the Lord
Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, To the Glory of the Lord
It's the Hanukkah season. And I wanted to bring you a little message about Hanukkah from the great city, the city of the great King, Yerushalayim, Jerusalem. Now, behind me, way off in the distance, you can see the Dome of the Rock, that gold [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The History of Hanukkah: God's Desire For Dedication
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Rabbi Schneider - The History of Hanukkah: God's Desire For Dedication
Rabbi Schneider - The History of Hanukkah: God's Desire For Dedication
As we're getting ready to celebrate Hanukkah this year, I wanted to begin by telling you the history and then I wanted to bring it forward and show you how Yeshua was celebrating Hanukkah in the pages of the New Testament. So, first of all, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, The Feast of Dedication
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Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, The Feast of Dedication
Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, The Feast of Dedication
Well, I've got some very special and exciting news for you tonight. Tonight is a Jewish holiday that Jesus celebrated. Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah. Now Hanukkah is Hebrew for the English word "dedication." In John 10:22, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Agree?
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Rabbi Schneider - Do You Agree?
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Agree?
Shalom eleichem and Happy Hanukkah. I'm in Israel. What a great place to be talking about Hanukkah. Hanukkah is about how the ancient Maccabees, in the 160 BCE period, liberated Jerusalem and recaptured the temple and then dedicated it back to [...]
Jonathan Bernis - There Is No Christmas Without Chanukah
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Jonathan Bernis - There Is No Christmas Without Chanukah
Jonathan Bernis - There Is No Christmas Without Chanukah
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice and thank you for joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis and today on the program my co-host Ezra Benjamin joins me as we explore Hanukkah. This is a celebration. It's a Jewish [...]
Jonathan Bernis - The Secret of Chanukah
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Jonathan Bernis - The Secret of Chanukah
Jonathan Bernis - The Secret of Chanukah
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom, and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I want to thank you for joining us today. As we approach the end of the year, I know that many of you are probably looking forward to Christmas, however, Jesus [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, God's Desire for Dedication
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Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, God's Desire for Dedication
Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, God's Desire for Dedication
♪ Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah let's light the menorah. Let's have a party and all do the hora. ♪ Well, I know I'm not on television to sing today, but I wanted to just introduce you to the Hanukkah spirit. That's a song that we sing [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Hanukkah Reveals to You Today?
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Rabbi Schneider - What Hanukkah Reveals to You Today?
Rabbi Schneider - What Hanukkah Reveals to You Today?
Shalom aleichem, peace to you, beloved ones. And I come to you today with Hanukkah greetings. Now I know that everyone that's listening today has heard of Hanukkah, but some of you may not know what it's actually about. Hanukkah is the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - It's Time to Celebrate
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Rabbi Schneider - It's Time to Celebrate
Rabbi Schneider - It's Time to Celebrate
Shalom, beloved ones. Today we find ourselves in a time of celebration because this is the season of Sukkot, or we say in English, the Feast of Tabernacles. This is the third holiday of the Lord during this fall holy season. We began several weeks [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Celebration of Chanukah
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Jonathan Bernis - Celebration of Chanukah
Jonathan Bernis - Celebration of Chanukah
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom, and welcome to Jewish Voice, and thank you for joining us today. And today on the program, my co-host, Ezra Benjamin, joins me, as we explore Hanukkah. This is a celebration. It's a Jewish celebration, but, Ezra, [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Chanukah
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Jonathan Bernis - Chanukah
Jonathan Bernis - Chanukah
Jonathan Bernis : Welcome to Jewish Voice, where we help you to discover the Jewish roots of your Christian faith, Bible prophecy, and why you should stand with Israel. I'm rabbi Jonathan Bernis and I'm joined again today by my co-host, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, Victory is Assured
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Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, Victory is Assured
Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, Victory is Assured
Greetings beloved ones, this is Rabbi Schneider, as many of you know, I want to greet you today in the name of Messiah Yeshua, as we are in now, the Hanukkah season. You know, Hanukkah is a season of victory. Many people don't realize that the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Truth About Hanukkah
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Rabbi Schneider - The Truth About Hanukkah
Rabbi Schneider - The Truth About Hanukkah
Hanukkah in the New Testament is referred to as the Feast of Dedication. The reason the gospels speak about Hanukkah as the Feast of Dedication, the scripture says that Yeshua Jesus was in the temple during the Feast of Dedication. The reason that [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Miracle of Hanukkah
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Rabbi Schneider - The Miracle of Hanukkah
Rabbi Schneider - The Miracle of Hanukkah
Rabbi Schneider : Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah, come light the menorah. You ready babe for this year's Hanukkah? Cynthia Schneider : I'm ready. I'm ready. It's exciting. I love Hanukkah. It's the same season as Christmas and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, Revealing the Son of God
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Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, Revealing the Son of God
Rabbi Schneider - Hanukkah, Revealing the Son of God
Rabbi Schneider : Baruch Hashem, bless the name of the Lord. Honey, as we're celebrating Hanukkah this year, I'm reminded of some of the special times that our family has had celebrating Hanukkah. Particularly when you bought me the drum [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — The Miracle of Israel and You
Rabbi Schneider — The Miracle of Israel and You
Coming up today on Discovering the Jewish Jesus, Hanukkah, The Miracle of Israel and You. Beloved ones, this is a very important broadcast. Stay tuned. God's gonna put a fire in your heart. I love you in Jesus's name. God bless and Shalom. [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — The Feast of Dedication
Rabbi Schneider — The Feast of Dedication
My name's Rabbi Schneider. Welcome to this special Hanukkah edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Now probably there are many watching right now, and you're wondering what Hanukkah has to do with being a Christian. But did you know that [...]