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Watch 2022-2023 online sermons » Tag cloud » god's plan for israel now
Rabbi Schneider - The Power of Israel's Salvation
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Rabbi Schneider - The Power of Israel's Salvation
Rabbi Schneider - The Power of Israel's Salvation
Many of us, when we study the book of Romans, we first of all think that the book of Romans tells us how to get saved. Some of you that are a bit older, you remember there used to be a way to lead people to salvation, a witnessing tool that we [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How Does God Feel About Israel?
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Rabbi Schneider - How Does God Feel About Israel?
Rabbi Schneider - How Does God Feel About Israel?
On of the problems we face as a church today is we have spiritualized, God's call upon Israel. I want to talk about the plan of God for Israel now. Many in the church think that Israel is no longer relevant. They spiritualize the Bible as it relates [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Significance of Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - The Significance of Israel
Rabbi Schneider - The Significance of Israel
How important is Israel, both the nation and the people of Israel, right now, today, and going into the future? You see, many of us have spiritualized God's call upon Israel. We think somehow that the promises that once pertained to Israel now are [...]