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Steven Furtick - Is This Part of The Plan?
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Steven Furtick - Is This Part of The Plan?
Steven Furtick - Is This Part of The Plan?
This is an excerpt from: Page Turner The Holy Spirit showed me we would be speaking in this series about some necessary messes in your life. It’s a mess right now, but it is not because God forgot where to put things. It is not because God has left [...]
Joel Osteen - Trust While You Are Waiting
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Joel Osteen - Trust While You Are Waiting
Joel Osteen - Trust While You Are Waiting
I want to talk to you today about Trusting While You’re Waiting. We all have times where we feel stuck, not making progress in our career, and haven’t met the right person, problem is not turning around. It’s easy to live frustrated, wondering why [...]
Derek Prince - Israel and the Church, Parallel Restoration
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Derek Prince - Israel and the Church: Parallel Restoration
Derek Prince - Israel and the Church: Parallel Restoration
We’re beginning once again with a proclamation from the Word of God. This one is taken from Daniel 2:20–22, and Daniel 4:34–35. What’s significant about the second part of the proclamation is it was made by King Nebuchadnezzar, a Gentile king who’d [...]
Adrian Rogers - Lighting the Future
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Adrian Rogers - Lighting the Future
Adrian Rogers - Lighting the Future
I want you to find a familiar passage of Scripture. As a matter of fact, it may be your favorite passage of Scripture, Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6. And we're going to revisit that passage of Scripture because it is so pertinent for this time of [...]
Joyce Meyer - Finding God's Will for Your Life (Talk It Out) - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Finding God's Will for Your Life (Talk It Out) - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Finding God's Will for Your Life (Talk It Out) - Part 3
What if you let go of what you have, to head towards something new, and then you get out there and there's nothing, and you've lost what you had, and now you don't have anything. And boy, that was a big one for me. I mean, I worked at [...]
Craig Groeschel - God's Plans Are Wrecking Mine
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Craig Groeschel - God's Plans Are Wrecking Mine
Craig Groeschel - God's Plans Are Wrecking Mine
I wanna talk to those of you that are followers of Jesus and I'm curious, if you are a Christian, how many of you want to hear from God? You want God's will for your life. Great news that you do, but I gotta warn you, whenever God speaks [...]
Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
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Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
I want to talk to you today about Peace With The Plan. What causes a lot of frustration is when our plans don't work out. We thought by this time we'd be further in our career, we would have met someone by now, we still wouldn't be [...]
Kerry Shook - God's Good Plan
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Kerry Shook - God's Good Plan
Kerry Shook - God's Good Plan
Fear is an emotion shared by every person who's ever lived. We all have fears. God gave us the ability to fear. Fear is not a bad thing. The emotion of fear can protect us from danger. For example, if you're walking in the woods and you [...]
Charles Stanley - God's Loving Desire for You
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Charles Stanley - God's Loving Desire for You
Charles Stanley - God's Loving Desire for You
Do you realize that God has a very specific plan for your life that He has not just left you here to flounder through life and wander around trying to figure out what you're going to do or how you're going to spend your life? You see most [...]
Mike Novotny - My Plans vs. God's Plans
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Mike Novotny - My Plans vs. God's Plans
Mike Novotny - My Plans vs. God's Plans
There's a question that has caused me more confusion, and frustration, and tension as a pastor than almost any other. And when I share this question with you, you might think it's a joke and it might seem a bit small but I'm being [...]
Mike Novotny - Why Jesus Allows Bad People Among Us?
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Mike Novotny - Why Jesus Allows Bad People Among Us?
Mike Novotny - Why Jesus Allows Bad People Among Us?
A few years ago, one of my daughters asked me a seemingly simple but actually very complicated question. We were all carrying buckets, wearing our gardening gloves, going around our property, trying to stop the weeds from their hostile takeover [...]
Mike Novotny - Why I Must Give Up My Treasures?
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Mike Novotny - Why I Must Give Up My Treasures?
Mike Novotny - Why I Must Give Up My Treasures?
Back in the year 2010, a very wealthy man named Forrest Fenn hid a million-dollar treasure. First, Fenn apparently owned an art gallery and had become wealthy in the process. But around 2010 he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and so he decided to [...]
Mike Novotny - When Average Moments Are Okay
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Mike Novotny - When Average Moments Are Okay
Mike Novotny - When Average Moments Are Okay
There are some moments in the Christian life that are powerful and they're beautiful and they're memorable. When you can feel like the momentum of the people around you, it like trainwrecks your heart in all the best ways. Those are great [...]
Mike Novotny - What Are the Threats to My Faith?
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Mike Novotny - What Are the Threats to My Faith?
Mike Novotny - What Are the Threats to My Faith?
In my opinion, one of the most exciting things that Jesus ever said was that God's word is like a seed. Now, I don't know a ton about gardening, but here's the little bit that I do know. A seed is one of the smallest things that you [...]
Allen Jackson - God's Unfolding Plans
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Allen Jackson - God's Unfolding Plans
Allen Jackson - God's Unfolding Plans
It's an honor to be with you today. Our topic is "God's Unfolding Plans". Be certain of this, God is moving in the earth, and he's looking for men and women who will participate with him. I wanna be one of those, and I [...]
Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 2
Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you again today. We're gonna continue our discussion on "When God's Plans Break Out in the Earth". I think most of us have had the imagination that if we ever got invited into some supernatural [...]
Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 1
Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. Our topic today is "When God's Plans Break Out". We're living in a very unique time when the purposes of God seem to be filling the headlines on our daily news. I mean, God is moving in the [...]
Rick Warren - Dreaming the Future God Wants for You
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Rick Warren - Dreaming the Future God Wants for You
Rick Warren - Dreaming the Future God Wants for You
Now if you take out your message notes inside your program, we're starting our annual spiritual growth campaign this weekend. It's going to take us all the way up to Easter. And I am so excited about this campaign. We've literally [...]
Michael Youssef - When God's Plans Differ from Ours in Timing
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Michael Youssef - When God's Plans Differ from Ours in Timing
Michael Youssef - When God's Plans Differ from Ours in Timing
Everywhere I go, people are praying for revival. Don't stop, don't stop. Some see revival, or actually more accurately a Holy Spirit awakening that is needed because our world has been sliding into moral abyss. They're praying for a [...]
James Meehan - God's Plan for You
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James Meehan - God's Plan for You
James Meehan - God's Plan for You
Well, welcome to week two of our series, "Who is God", where we're exploring the big questions about who is God? What is he like? And what does that mean for us? Last week, we kicked off this series by asking and exploring the [...]
Chris Hodges - Choose to Follow God's Plan For Rest
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Chris Hodges - Choose to Follow God's Plan For Rest
Chris Hodges - Choose to Follow God's Plan For Rest
All right, who's glad to be in church today? Anybody out there? Yeah, awesome. So glad you're here today. Big hello to all of our locations, our campuses. We are one church that meets all over the state of Alabama and right into Columbus, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus, the Fulfillment of God's Plan for Man
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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus, the Fulfillment of God's Plan for Man
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus, the Fulfillment of God's Plan for Man
— Well, we're right in that special time of year when a lot of things are changing. Businesses, they've just had a big year or a little one, depending on how they ran their business and who their God is. And there's, uh... you know, a [...]
Michael Youssef - No Short Cuts In God's Plan
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Michael Youssef - No Short Cuts In God's Plan
Michael Youssef - No Short Cuts In God's Plan
Whenever I tried to short circuit God plans in my life, whenever I tried to short circuit God's purpose for my life, whenever I tried to short circuit God's vision for my life, I go through unnecessary pain, unnecessary suffering, and [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 2
I wanted to start in Zechariah, one of the prophetic books near the end of your Old Testament; and the concluding chapters of Zechariah present us with a series of presentations, and it it's helpful to me there are several ways you can imagine [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 1
I wanna talk a little bit about Israel and what's happening, and some of it is not great news. But I wanted to start on a little lighter note with an email I got this morning from a friend in Israel. He's a businessman but he also pastors [...]
Mike Novotny - God's Biggest Goal for You
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Mike Novotny - God's Biggest Goal for You
Mike Novotny - God's Biggest Goal for You
This little Lego guy with the nice hair? This is you. And this little green Lego square is your upcoming year. These are all the places where you're going to go, the people you're going to talk to, the ways you're going to spend your [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Accomplishes the Plan of God
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Accomplishes the Plan of God
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Accomplishes the Plan of God
— Hello, everybody. Jesus is Lord. Amen. He is Lord. He is on the throne and prayer changes things. So open our Bibles to the book of Ephesians to chapter six. There is a key verse here in the sixth chapter of the book of Ephesians that will help a [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Follows the Plan of God
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Follows the Plan of God
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Follows the Plan of God
— Hello, everybody I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. Thank you for joining us today. And once again today, we're here with André and Jenny and the whole class. And we're talking about faith, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Trusts the Plan of God
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Trusts the Plan of God
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Trusts the Plan of God
— Welcome everyone to Thursday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Every believer has a voice. And it is and must be the voice of victory. And I don't have time on this broadcast to tell you where all that came [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Receives the Plan of God
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Receives the Plan of God
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Receives the Plan of God
— Now, of course, Andre and Jenny are no strangers to the Victory Channel because they're on there, an amazing broadcast. So to take a direction from the Lord. What I'm thinking about when I was flying into Meacham that night, and I heard [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Come Into Agreement With God's Plan
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Kenneth Copeland - Come Into Agreement With God's Plan
Kenneth Copeland - Come Into Agreement With God's Plan
So now we'll go over to First Samuel 30. "And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire; And had taken [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - God's Original Design For Your Life
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Samuel Rodriguez - God's Original Design For Your Life
Samuel Rodriguez - God's Original Design For Your Life
I wanna remind everyone here, the Holy Spirit is not a denomination. The Holy Spirit is not a network. The Holy Spirit is not an emotion. The Holy Spirit is not a moment, not even a service, a conference, ideology, or a Philosophy. The Holy Spirit [...]
Creflo Dollar - Living Life On A Divine Plane - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - Living Life On A Divine Plane - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - Living Life On A Divine Plane - Part 3
If you have your bibles, go with me to the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 13 and 3. We've been talking about living life on a divine plane. And we've been talking about the difference between a person that may not be born again, may not [...]
Creflo Dollar - Living Life On A Divine Plane - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Living Life On A Divine Plane - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Living Life On A Divine Plane - Part 2
Now, today we're gonna talk about morality, motivated by, you know the rewards you get from being moral, to talking about the things you do that's motivated by the grace of God and the love of God. See if you're not careful, [...]
Creflo Dollar - Living Life On A Divine Plane - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Living Life On A Divine Plane - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Living Life On A Divine Plane - Part 1
Today, may be one of the not greatest challenges because of the level of difficulty, but today may be the reason why Satan hates me so much is because of what we're gonna share. It's like if God doesn't give me the utterance for this, [...]
Derek Prince - God's Plan For The Land Of Israel
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Derek Prince - God's Plan For The Land Of Israel
Derek Prince - God's Plan For The Land Of Israel
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Now I want to come to possibly the most controversial topic in contemporary politics which is God's plan for the land of Israel, mistakenly called Palestine. Let me point out to you that is totally contrary [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Plan Is Right on Time
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Plan Is Right on Time
Kenneth Copeland - God's Plan Is Right on Time
Hello, everybody I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the student body of Kenneth Copeland Bible College. And that still my name on a Bible College. Yes, it took me a while, I just really was, you know, holding back there a little bit and because [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How Does God Feel About Israel?
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Rabbi Schneider - How Does God Feel About Israel?
Rabbi Schneider - How Does God Feel About Israel?
On of the problems we face as a church today is we have spiritualized, God's call upon Israel. I want to talk about the plan of God for Israel now. Many in the church think that Israel is no longer relevant. They spiritualize the Bible as it [...]
Skip Heitzig - God's Plan for Israel and the World
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Skip Heitzig - God's Plan for Israel and the World
Skip Heitzig - God's Plan for Israel and the World
Good morning. Great to see your faces. Welcome. Next week, we have Franklin Graham. Please think about who you're going to bring with you to hear a very, very unashamed representative of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who does work all over the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Significance of Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - The Significance of Israel
Rabbi Schneider - The Significance of Israel
How important is Israel, both the nation and the people of Israel, right now, today, and going into the future? You see, many of us have spiritualized God's call upon Israel. We think somehow that the promises that once pertained to Israel now [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Christmas, the Birth of God's Plan
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Kenneth Copeland - Christmas, the Birth of God's Plan
Kenneth Copeland - Christmas, the Birth of God's Plan
— Hello, everybody and Merry Christmas once again today, I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is our daughter, Kellie. And we praise God and thank God for her, amen. We mentioned at the very beginning, right after Gloria and I believe God and got out [...]
Sid Roth - God Reveals His Plans to Me in Vivid Detail
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Sid Roth - God Reveals His Plans to Me in Vivid Detail
Sid Roth - God Reveals His Plans to Me in Vivid Detail
Sid Roth : Hello. Sid Roth. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest Terry Shuttlesworth has a gift from God in which thousands of deaf people have got their hearing back. But I recently was at his congregation and I [...]
Derek Prince - Israel Is Not Cast Away
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Derek Prince - Israel Is Not Cast Away
Derek Prince - Israel Is Not Cast Away
This is the fourth and final session in this four part series of teaching on Romans chapters 9, 10 and 11. At the end of the third session we had just got somewhere into the beginning of chapter 11. And Paul had pointed out that there is amongst the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Plan Is To BLESS You
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Plan Is To BLESS You
Kenneth Copeland - God's Plan Is To BLESS You
Let's turn now to the 27th chapter of the book of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy chapter 27. Let me come down there. In this 27th chapter, now remember this, there's a lot of people here, not a few, something in the area of a million and a half [...]
John Bradshaw - The Kingdom of Stone
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John Bradshaw - The Kingdom of Stone
John Bradshaw - The Kingdom of Stone
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. I'm in Zimbabwe, Africa, the country once known as Rhodesia. It's a country with a long and colorful history. Colonists arrived here in the 1880s. Independence was [...]
Jack Graham - God's Plan for Your Life
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Jack Graham - God's Plan for Your Life
Jack Graham - God's Plan for Your Life
Martin Luther King had a dream and it was the result of a dream and his heart that America was dramatically changed. You have plans, you have dreams in your life. For some of you, students, college students, high school students, it may be to [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Plan of Justification
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Plan of Justification
Rabbi Schneider - God's Plan of Justification
What else has the blood of Jesus done for us? The blood of Yeshua has justified us. Now, what does it mean to be justified? To be justified means to be acquitted? What does acquitted mean? It means to be declared not guilty, released from any [...]
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Craig Smith - Finding Your Part in God's Purpose
Craig Smith - Finding Your Part in God's Purpose
Well, hey, we are in the midst of a series here called “Bootcamp”. We’re talking about how to move our faith forward because we know that when we make progress in our faith, we make a difference in the world. And the more progress we make in our [...]
Jack Graham - The Passover Plot
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Jack Graham - The Passover Plot
Jack Graham - The Passover Plot
There are conspiracy theories that abound. We're fascinated by these theories of what happened... what about the grassy knolls, were there multiple shooters? Conspiracy theories... We like to read them in literature whether it's fact or [...]
Sid Roth - God's End Time Prophetic Plan for America and Israel
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Sid Roth - God's End Time Prophetic Plan for America and Israel
Sid Roth - God's End Time Prophetic Plan for America and Israel
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth you investigative reporter here with John McTernan. And he has spotted something so phenomenal. It appears as though every time there are three things that occur in the United States of America there are horrific [...]
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