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Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 3
Well, welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm so glad that you have joined me today. It's so important that we don't just live selfish, self-centered lives, expecting everybody to do something for us all the time, when we really don't [...]
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 2
Thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". It's always my prayer that you will receive what you need to hear on this particular day. We started talking yesterday about "Generosity and the power of serving other [...]
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 1
For the next couple of days, I wanna be talking to you about the power of serving others. Now, probably you're thinking, "Uh, uh, uh, I already do enough for other people". Well, you know, sometimes we do things for other people, we do it [...]
Tony Evans - Giving to God First
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Tony Evans - Giving to God First
Tony Evans - Giving to God First
Proverbs 3, verses 9 and 10. Proverbs 3, verses 9 and 10, "Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first of all your produce, so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine". A preacher one day was [...]
Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING Is Released by Giving
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Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING Is Released by Giving
Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING Is Released by Giving
— Join me again today in welcoming Jerry Savelle to this broadcast. — Thank you, sir. Good to be with you. — Hey, I noticed even today, you come driving up in a new truck. — I did. — Yeah, blessed every day. — I did, praise God. — That's the way it [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God Is Love and Love Gives
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Kenneth Copeland - God Is Love and Love Gives
Kenneth Copeland - God Is Love and Love Gives
— Would you join me today in welcoming Brother Jerry Savelle to this broadcast? — Thank you, sir. — Bless you, sir. Just right before we turned the cameras on, I asked Jerry where he wanted to start with today. And he gave me the scripture on the [...]
Chris Hodges - The Mindset of Generosity
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Chris Hodges - The Mindset of Generosity
Chris Hodges - The Mindset of Generosity
How about that? Come on give Jesus all the praise, everybody. Oh, that's not good enough, come on give God the praise he deserves. Isn't that awesome? What a joy it is to be a part of what God's doing on planet Earth, that he allows us to be a part [...]
Robert Barron - Give as God Gives
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Robert Barron - Give as God Gives
Robert Barron - Give as God Gives
Peace be with you. Friends, I wonder if you've heard about this phenomenon discovered by some sociologists of primal cultures. There's a scenario in which two chieftains, two rulers of tribes, essentially destroy each other in rivalrous displays of [...]
Mark Batterson - Barzillai, The Anointing of Generosity
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Mark Batterson - Barzillai, The Anointing of Generosity
Mark Batterson - Barzillai, The Anointing of Generosity
Hey, I wanna just do something that we don't always do at the beginning of a message, but it takes hundreds of volunteers to pull off a weekend at National Community Church. And I wanna shout-out some of our production folks. I think we got JT and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Give as You Have Received, Channel Your Blessings
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Rabbi Schneider - Give as You Have Received, Channel Your Blessings
Rabbi Schneider - Give as You Have Received, Channel Your Blessings
I love what we call the Aaronic Blessing. When the Lord told Moses that the priest, Aaron, and the continual priesthood should speak these words over God's people and the priestly prayer, or the Aaronic Blessing, I should say, goes like this. “The [...]
Chris Hodges - Grace Giving
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Chris Hodges - Grace Giving
Chris Hodges - Grace Giving
All right, who's glad to be in church today, anybody? Come on, give God some great praise, if you're glad to be in church? And you guys please excuse me. My voice is a little hoarse today, and it must be the weather. I don't know. That's all I'm [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Become Transformed Through Giving
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Rabbi Schneider - Become Transformed Through Giving
Rabbi Schneider - Become Transformed Through Giving
Most of us have been in a church service where the worship music has been playing, oftentimes people are raising their hands and singing, they're worshiping God. And you have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. You literally felt the presence of [...]
Chris Hodges - Choose to Be Generous
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Chris Hodges - Choose to Be Generous
Chris Hodges - Choose to Be Generous
All right, who's glad to be in church today? Oh, me, too. Thanks for coming, everybody. I know it's a little stormy outside, but welcome to church. A big hello to all of our campuses today. We are one church that meets in 23 locations all across the [...]
Mark Batterson - The Genius of Generosity
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Mark Batterson - The Genius of Generosity
Mark Batterson - The Genius of Generosity
On Wednesday of this week, the Dow Jones Industrial dropped 1,164 points. On that same day, a survey of CEOs found that 60% expect a recession sooner than later. The consumer confidence index is the lowest it's been in five years. Only 18% of [...]
Rick Warren - God's Promises About Giving
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Rick Warren - God's Promises About Giving
Rick Warren - God's Promises About Giving
Now if you pull out your message notes, today, we're gonna begin a new series for the summer that I'm very excited about. And I wanna begin by telling you that the words promise and promises are actually used over 1,000 times in different English [...]
John Bradshaw - The One Who Gives Receives
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John Bradshaw - The One Who Gives Receives
John Bradshaw - The One Who Gives Receives
A well known sports personality recently donated 10 million dollars to a certain organization, others have given in the hundreds of millions. Philanthropists have altered the world but if you can't give millions, you can still give. Here's what God [...]
John Bradshaw - The Joy of Giving
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John Bradshaw - The Joy of Giving
John Bradshaw - The Joy of Giving
Stories like this are not uncommon, a man felt impressed by God to give money to a church project, not just any money he felt God wanted him to give the money he and his wife had saved for a vacation to Hawaii. She was not impressed, but she got on [...]
Michael Youssef - A Giving Heart
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Michael Youssef - A Giving Heart
Michael Youssef - A Giving Heart
As I bring this series of messages to an end, this last message is going to be a challenging message, not to all of you, I know, but to some. But before I get there, I want to recap what we have been seeing throughout this series of messages. We [...]
Craig Groeschel - 3 Qualities of Generous People
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Craig Groeschel - 3 Qualities of Generous People
Craig Groeschel - 3 Qualities of Generous People
Let start by asking you a question. It's a personal question, and I wanna ask you about what you're good at when it comes to your money? What are you gifted at? What are you good at when it comes to your money? I'll give you some options. I wonder [...]
Mark Batterson - Flip The Blessing
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Mark Batterson - Flip The Blessing
Mark Batterson - Flip The Blessing
Well, welcome to National Community Church, all seven campuses, a shout out to our extended family online. This weekend, our daughter, Summer, is getting married, unbelievable, and I'm walking her down the aisle and so comin' to ya via video this [...]
Mark Batterson - Radical Generosity
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Mark Batterson - Radical Generosity
Mark Batterson - Radical Generosity
Hey NCC, this weekend we wrap up our "Yes and Amen" series. Wanna give you a quick walking tour of this car barn, this city block, that we are building out. A few weeks ago, showed you a picture of what it looked like about 100 years ago; [...]
Michael Youssef - Love Gives - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Love Gives - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Love Gives - Part 2
By now I'm sure you've heard at least 100 times one of the following statements: "Christmas is the season for giving". I'm not gonna ask you to raise your hand. "The magic of Christmas". "Christmas miracles". Not only [...]
Michael Youssef - Love Gives - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Love Gives - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Love Gives - Part 1
Beloved, we all need to be appreciated, every one of us. When those who matter to us the most withhold appreciation, our spirit within us begins to wither and die and even the body dies. Hear me out, please. I have never met anyone who does not [...]
Andy Stanley - Be Rich 2023
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Andy Stanley - Be Rich 2023
Andy Stanley - Be Rich 2023
From the beginning, our church decided to partner with nonprofit organizations that were making the biggest difference in their local communities and around the world. These organizations are run by the best of the best. They're marked by clear [...]
Andy Stanley - Memorial Day 2023
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Andy Stanley - Memorial Day 2023
Andy Stanley - Memorial Day 2023
Hey, wanna welcome all of those of you watching online from wherever you are in the world. For those of my friends up in North Carolina, over in Highlands and South Carolina and camp grounds all over the country, get all kind of cool email from [...]
James Merritt - Generosity, Give It All You Got
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James Merritt - Generosity, Give It All You Got
James Merritt - Generosity, Give It All You Got
I couldn't believe it when I read the headline. The headline read like this. This is really true, it was in the newspaper. It said, "I want the last check I write to bounce". And I thought to myself, "Now this is a fool. This is [...]
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 3
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Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 3
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 3
Hey, you made it back to the show that I believe is going to transform your life. I'm so grateful for you, I'm so grateful for your family, we've been praying for you. And today I believe the principles I'm going to share, have the opportunity to [...]
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 2
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Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 2
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 2
Hey, my friends. I am so glad you made it to today's program, and I am so excited because I know what we're about to talk about, and it's something that can change the trajectory of your life, your church, your family, and it has changed my life. [...]
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 1
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Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 1
Michael Todd - Are You A Paper Chaser - Part 1
Hey, what's going on, my friends. I am so glad that you tuned in to hear today's message. And I got a good one for you. I got a question for you. Are you a paper chaser or a purpose chaser? See, a lot of people in today's society are chasing paper, [...]
Andy Stanley - On Message, On Mission
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Andy Stanley - On Message, On Mission
Andy Stanley - On Message, On Mission
Now, no surprise, I love the local church. I love the church for lots of reasons. I'm a preacher's kid, so it was a big part of my life growing up. And preacher's kids, we see the best of church and we see the worst of church. And any preacher's kid [...]
Joyce Meyer - Sowing, Reaping and Generosity - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Sowing, Reaping and Generosity - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Sowing, Reaping and Generosity - Part 3
Well, thank you for being with me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, God does want you to enjoy every day of your life. So, make a decision that you're going to enjoy this day. And yes, even if you have a problem in your life, [...]
Joyce Meyer - Sowing, Reaping and Generosity - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Sowing, Reaping and Generosity - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Sowing, Reaping and Generosity - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And I pray, right from the beginning, that the word will bless you and minister to you today and that whatever you need to hear, God will bring that out of my mouth. I [...]
Joyce Meyer - Sowing, Reaping and Generosity - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Sowing, Reaping and Generosity - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Sowing, Reaping and Generosity - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And you know, life goes by so quick. We really do need to make sure that we enjoy every day. Don't waste today being angry at someone or jealous or even frustrated. Just be [...]
Robert Morris - Financial Unity
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Robert Morris - Financial Unity
Robert Morris - Financial Unity
Thank you, thank you so much. I am so honored to be here. This is my church, my home, church home away from church home, and you know, Pastor Chris always gets it wrong. He says you have 24 campuses, but he's not including the 10 campuses that you [...]
Joseph Prince - You Are Blessed To Be A Blessing
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Joseph Prince - You Are Blessed To Be A Blessing
Joseph Prince - You Are Blessed To Be A Blessing
Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. I enjoy my job, amen. And I believe that if God calls you to be a pastor or a preacher, okay, do not settle for anything less. I just felt like there's a whole new generation God is raising and he's gonna equip [...]
John Bradshaw - Not a Christian Virtue
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John Bradshaw - Not a Christian Virtue
John Bradshaw - Not a Christian Virtue
When Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, he was writing to people who had recently come out of heathenism, but the council he gave then still applies today. In Ephesians 4:28, he wrote, "Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him [...]
Gregory Dickow - The Outrageous Generosity of God
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Gregory Dickow - The Outrageous Generosity of God
Gregory Dickow - The Outrageous Generosity of God
The outrageous generosity of God, I just couldn't come up with a better word, there's a problem. There probably are better words, unfathomable, unmeasurable, like I'm sure there's more words that you can come up with to describe the generosity of [...]
Andy Stanley - Live Generous
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Andy Stanley - Live Generous
Andy Stanley - Live Generous
Yeah, listen to all the ladies clapping. That's exactly right. Yeah, Sandra would say it this way, "I think that's where Andrew learned it," she would say. And she still says, she says, "Andy, you need to understand, what's mine is [...]
Jack Graham - Generosity
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Jack Graham - Generosity
Jack Graham - Generosity
Take your Bibles; turn to 2 Corinthians, chapter 9. The subject today is "Generosity". Today we're going to talk about giving, stewardship; because stewardship means ownership, and in Christ it means Lordship. Stewardship is in regard to [...]
Jack Graham - Enriched in Every Way
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Jack Graham - Enriched in Every Way
Jack Graham - Enriched in Every Way
Now maybe you've come to church and felt like you've been squeezed, manipulated, pushed, pressured. That's not what this message is about, but I'm telling you what it's about. It is about how God wants to bless your life through your giving. That [...]
Craig Smith - Living Generously
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Craig Smith - Living Generously
Craig Smith - Living Generously
Well, we are wrapping up our bootcamp series today. For the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about moving our faith forward because we know that the more progress we make in our faith, the more of a difference we make in the world. And today I [...]
Derek Prince - What Happens When We're Stingy With God
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Derek Prince - What Happens When We're Stingy With God
Derek Prince - What Happens When We're Stingy With God
This is a clip from the full sermon The Christian And His Money. Now let's turn to Malachi for a closing analysis of this theme. Malachi 3:8 and following. I don't have time in this short talk but if you have access to the Living Bible I would [...]
Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
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Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
Derek Prince - The Tithe Is Just The Beginning Of Our Giving
This is a clip from the full sermon The Christian And His Money. We might think, some of us, that a tenth is a lot to give to God. You know, if I earn 200 pounds, I've got to give God 20 pounds. That sounds a lot. Well, let's look at Israel under [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You Stop Holding Back
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Craig Groeschel - When You Stop Holding Back
Craig Groeschel - When You Stop Holding Back
I read an article that was written in 2007. We're talking way back in the olden days, 2007. This is before Instagram. This is before Netflix originals. This was before the Cash App. How did we live? This article written in 2007 told us that back [...]
Joyce Meyer - Gratitude and Generosity
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Joyce Meyer - Gratitude and Generosity
Joyce Meyer - Gratitude and Generosity
Well, thank you for joining me, today, for, "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, the Word of God is full of things that we are told to do or not to do, that put us in a position, if we obey them, of really, being able to enjoy our everyday [...]
Craig Smith - Amazing Jesus
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Craig Smith - Amazing Jesus
Craig Smith - Amazing Jesus
Well, hey, we’re finishing up a series today called Crazy Generous. We’ve been in it for the last few weeks. And if you’re just joining us, let me get you caught up real quick. Being crazy generous is actually one of our core values as a church. It [...]
Craig Smith - The Power of Small Steps
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Craig Smith - The Power of Small Steps
Craig Smith - The Power of Small Steps
Well, hey, Mission Hills, this is crazy, is it not? If I’m right about this, I think it was exactly one year ago this weekend, that we started going to online-only because of the global pandemic, right? And one year to the date, we’re back, and [...]
Craig Smith - Where's Your Treasure?
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Craig Smith - Where's Your Treasure?
Craig Smith - Where's Your Treasure?
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills, so glad to have you with us this weekend. We are starting a new series, really excited about this series, it’s called “Travel Light.” It’s all about getting free of some of the weight that we’re carrying through [...]
Craig Smith - A Dangerous Blessing
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Craig Smith - A Dangerous Blessing
Craig Smith - A Dangerous Blessing
Well, welcome to Mission Hills on all of our locations, including Church Online. I’m so glad that you’re with us today. Why don’t you go and grab a Bible, start making your way to Mark chapter 10? We’re gonna jump in pretty quick. We are starting a [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Be Like God and Give
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Kenneth Copeland - Be Like God and Give
Kenneth Copeland - Be Like God and Give
Kenneth Copeland : Hello, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. That's Professor Greg Stephens, and we're having a good time on the love of God. People have asked me, "Well now, why are you taping with Greg [...]
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