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Jeff Schreve - The Flesh, The Spirit, and the Christian
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Jeff Schreve - The Flesh, The Spirit, and the Christian
Jeff Schreve - The Flesh, The Spirit, and the Christian
Every Christian knows about the internal battle between the flesh and the spirit. If you let the flesh take control of your heart, it will steal, kill, and destroy, but if you, by the Spirit, put to death the deeds of the flesh, you’ll enjoy a life [...]
David Jeremiah - The Spirit and the Flesh
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David Jeremiah - The Spirit and the Flesh
David Jeremiah - The Spirit and the Flesh
It was June 12, 1979, and Bryan Allen was making aviation history. He actually flew a pedal-powered plane across the English Channel, a plane that you pedal that makes no motor, just you pedal it. The amateur cyclist and pilot powered The Albatross [...]
Derek Prince - The Three 'Loves' That Are The Root Of All Problems
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Derek Prince - The Three 'Loves' That Are The Root Of All Problems
Derek Prince - The Three 'Loves' That Are The Root Of All Problems
Now let’s go on with this list of corruption. I’m running out of my time now, but anyhow: Verse 2: Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, [...]
Leon Fontaine - Flesh Or Demons?
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Leon Fontaine - Flesh Or Demons?
Leon Fontaine - Flesh Or Demons?
Hey, everyone! It's so good to have you with us today. I'm excited about the message that we're gonna be talking about because so many people are confused about this issue. As a Christian, why am I dealing with things in my life? Is [...]