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John Hagee - Firstfruits Offering
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John Hagee - Firstfruits Offering
John Hagee - Firstfruits Offering
Would you please stand for the reading of the Word of God? Turn in your Bible to Exodus 34:19, as today we open the Word of God to discover the miracle and the majesty of the law of first fruits. The law of first fruits is a giant step toward [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He is Risen! First Fruits 2023
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Rabbi Schneider - He is Risen! First Fruits 2023
Rabbi Schneider - He is Risen! First Fruits 2023
Shalom uvracha, beloved ones, peace and blessings during this very special season of Passover, unleavened bread, first fruits which is connected to the resurrection of Messiah, all happening and converging at the same time this year, and we are in [...]
John Hagee - The Law of First Fruits
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John Hagee - The Law of First Fruits
John Hagee - The Law of First Fruits
Learn this principle first: that God demands being first. He doesn't ask to be first: he demands being first. The Bible says, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto you". Why do [...]