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James Merritt - Ephesus, You've Lost That Loving Feeling
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James Merritt - Ephesus, You've Lost That Loving Feeling
James Merritt - Ephesus, You've Lost That Loving Feeling
Whenever you fly on a commercial airline was on a plane last week, you could always count on hearing five words over the intercom every single time I heard it last week. This is your captain speaking. Have you ever wondered why they do that? Have [...]
Michael Youssef - Lost Love
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Michael Youssef - Lost Love
Michael Youssef - Lost Love
The first letter that our glorified Jesus, our glorified Lord sends, he sends to the church in the city of Ephesus. Remember, John the apostle, the revelator, was given the revelation, was privileged to be lifted up and to see not only the glorified [...]
John Bradshaw - The Warning to Ephesus
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John Bradshaw - The Warning to Ephesus
John Bradshaw - The Warning to Ephesus
The letters to the seven churches in Revelation aren't for the faint of heart. The messages were to real churches in real locations, in what's now Western Turkey. Ephesus was an important city located on the Aegean Sea, and Jesus warned the [...]
Craig Smith - Forgotten First Loves
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Craig Smith - Forgotten First Loves
Craig Smith - Forgotten First Loves
Welcome to Mission Hills at all of our campus, including the Church Online. I’m really glad you are with us today for the launch of our new fall series “Mission Killers.” I’m really excited about this series because I think it’s going to be pivotal [...]
Robert Morris - Return to Your First Love
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Robert Morris - Return to Your First Love
Robert Morris - Return to Your First Love
All right, we're beginning a new series called "The Seven Churches of Revelation". You've been waiting for this series. You've been wondering, "Pastor Robert, when you're gonna preach on the Seven Churches of Revelation"? Well, [...]