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Joseph Prince - How God's Favor Sets You Apart
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Joseph Prince - How God's Favor Sets You Apart
Joseph Prince - How God's Favor Sets You Apart
It seems like God is very concerned over you prospering in every area of your life. And I even shudder to use the word «prosper» because it is so shunned, even today, by the church world. In some places, they advocate it strongly. They are still [...]
Joel Osteen - Uncommon Favor
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Joel Osteen - Uncommon Favor
Joel Osteen - Uncommon Favor
I want to talk to you today about Uncommon Favor. We all have dreams that seem too big to accomplish, and challenges that we can’t overcome by ourselves. We look at things in the natural, logically speaking, and reason it out. Sometimes there’s no [...]
Steven Furtick - Finish Strong With God's Favor
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Steven Furtick - Finish Strong With God's Favor
Steven Furtick - Finish Strong With God's Favor
This is an excerpt from: Finish With Favor You are so familiar with earning, so you’re reflecting on the year, and you’re thinking of all of the failures you had, but Jesus said, «I want to set up a rematch. I want to redeem the year. I want to [...]
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Paul Daugherty - Favor In Frustration - Part 2
Paul Daugherty - Favor In Frustration - Part 2
Anyone else want a chocolate milk? My man right there chocolate milk over here, Chocolate milk back there. Just call me Joseph, just call me Joseph. So Joseph was the top. Come on we have fun at Victory Church. Y'all are like, what is happening [...]
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Paul Daugherty - Favor In Frustration - Part 1
Paul Daugherty - Favor In Frustration - Part 1
We've been talking about this guy in the old Testament named Joseph, and he was favored by his father. He got a beautiful coat. He had a dream to lead his family. He had more than one dream, all about leadership and all about being an impact to [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Faith, Fire, and Favor
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Samuel Rodriguez - Faith, Fire, and Favor
Samuel Rodriguez - Faith, Fire, and Favor
I went through a fire season. Let me explain. I lived this out. The whole faith, fire, favor, I've lived it out. In the past 12 months, since I was here last, something happened to us last year in our church in California. "By the grace of [...]
Joseph Prince - God's Favor Will Take You to Places
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Joseph Prince - God's Favor Will Take You to Places
Joseph Prince - God's Favor Will Take You to Places
This is an excerpt from: Where Is God In The Midst Of Your Trouble? Long before you have a need, long before the devil plants any evil against you, God has the provision. God sees beforehand. Can I have a good amen? All right. So it's a [...]
Joseph Prince - Experience Success When You Rely On His Favor
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Joseph Prince - Experience Success When You Rely On His Favor
Joseph Prince - Experience Success When You Rely On His Favor
This is an excerpt from: Prosperity With A Purpose One of the saddest things is that, I feel like there's a whole new generation. You know, they look at favor, and they this favor message and all that, it is some, you know, preachers who try [...]
Joseph Prince - God Has Set Apart A Favorable Season For You
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Joseph Prince - God Has Set Apart A Favorable Season For You
Joseph Prince - God Has Set Apart A Favorable Season For You
This is an excerpt from: The Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place - Part 2 Ecclesiastes 9:11, 9:11, 9:11. That date should remind us of something, as well as it's the emergency call of U.S. And for those of you watching from U.S., amen, this [...]
Joseph Prince - It's Not Luck, It's God's Favor
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Joseph Prince - It's Not Luck, It's God's Favor
Joseph Prince - It's Not Luck, It's God's Favor
This is an excerpt from: The Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place - Part 1 Have you ever had this experience? "I must pray about this, I must pray about this," and before you had a chance to pray, answer came. You didn't have to [...]
John Hagee - The Favor of God
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John Hagee - The Favor of God
John Hagee - The Favor of God
The favor of God is better than riches. It's better than gold, or silver, or diamonds, or rubies. The favor of God is the golden key to the gates of heaven. Any man, any woman used in the scripture, you will find the words, "They were [...]
Joel Osteen - Expecting A Favor-Filled Future
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Joel Osteen - Expecting A Favor-Filled Future
Joel Osteen - Expecting A Favor-Filled Future
I want to talk to you today about Expecting a Favor-Filled Future. It's easy to lose our passion in life. When we've gone through disappointments, dreams are taking longer than we thought or we're dealing with the challenge, if [...]
Joseph Prince - You Stand Permanently In The Favor Of God
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Joseph Prince - You Stand Permanently In The Favor Of God
Joseph Prince - You Stand Permanently In The Favor Of God
Well, praise the Lord. That was an amazing camp that I just came back from. Legacy was two weeks ago. Legacy is secondary school age, and last week was the varsity students camp. I was privileged to be in both camps. These are your children. These [...]
Joseph Prince - Now Is The Time Of Favor
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Joseph Prince - Now Is The Time Of Favor
Joseph Prince - Now Is The Time Of Favor
Greetings, church. It's good to be back with all of you once again at the feet of the Master who said, "This is the one thing needful". And the one thing needful is to receive his Word and that's what Mary did. And Martha did not [...]
Joseph Prince - Stand On Favor Ground #638
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Joseph Prince - Stand On Favor Ground
Joseph Prince - Stand On Favor Ground
Praise the Lord. Our Father in heaven loves us, and he sent us his Son to die for our sins on the cross, and he raised him from the dead on the third day. And that's what we celebrate today all over the world, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus [...]
Derek Prince - Stop Trying To Earn God's Grace And Favor
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Derek Prince - Stop Trying To Earn God's Grace And Favor
Derek Prince - Stop Trying To Earn God's Grace And Favor
I want to go on this evening dealing with faith and the theme is: Faith and Works. Two simple words that are used very commonly in the New Testament and yet it is truly amazing how many of God’s people do not have a clear understanding of the [...]
Joseph Prince - Declare You Are Highly Favored
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Joseph Prince - Declare You Are Highly Favored
Joseph Prince - Declare You Are Highly Favored
Greetings, church. Once again, I welcome you to our church service online, and I'm excited. I'm all pumped up to share God's Word with you today. You know, I'm excited about God's Word, because every time we touch God's [...]
Joseph Prince - Five Times More Favor And Provision
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Joseph Prince - Five Times More Favor And Provision
Joseph Prince - Five Times More Favor And Provision
Praise the Lord, hallelujah. Once again, we are together, amen, worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ and hearing the word that he has for us at this time. I wanna share about what God is doing around the world today. Therefore, you can also interpret [...]
Robert Morris - Highly Favored
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Robert Morris - Highly Favored
Robert Morris - Highly Favored
I want to bring my Christmas message that I bring the first week of December nearly every year. I didn't look at any of the book or any of the content I did for that message, but I'm going to talk about Mary. And the title of the message [...]
Joseph Prince - Activate God's Favor In Your Life
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Joseph Prince - Activate God's Favor In Your Life
Joseph Prince - Activate God's Favor In Your Life
God is a good God. God is a generous God. God wants to see your life prosper in every way. Amen? You know, regardless of how unpopular it is, you know, to hear the word "prosperity" in some circles, the Bible is full of it. The Bible says [...]
Joseph Prince - Experience Unmerited Favor When You Look To Jesus
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Joseph Prince - Experience Unmerited Favor When You Look To Jesus
Joseph Prince - Experience Unmerited Favor When You Look To Jesus
Praise the Lord. Let's dive right into the Word of God. The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. It's amazing, just recently I was listening to a message, and I was amazed that there are people coming out with [...]
Steven Furtick - Finish With Favor
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Steven Furtick - Finish With Favor
Steven Furtick - Finish With Favor
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good will toward men and women on whom his favor rests. Somebody put in the chat, "He's talking about me. That's me. His favor rests on me". I used to let you touch your [...]
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Joseph Prince - His Radiance Upon You Brings Favor
Joseph Prince - His Radiance Upon You Brings Favor
Give praise to God. Let everything that have breath praise the Lord, amen. And every month we are receiving testimonies from all over the world, especially in America, of life transformed, people being delivered from drugs, people healed, especially [...]
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Joel Osteen - Declare Favor
Joel Osteen - Declare Favor
I want to talk to you today about Declaring Favor. One way our faith is released is through our words, and there is a connection between speaking favor and receiving favor. It's not enough to just believe you have favor, it's not enough to [...]
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Joel Osteen - The Power of Favor
Joel Osteen - The Power of Favor
I want to talk to you today about The Power of Favor. What God has in your future can't be accomplished on your own. The places he's going to take you, you can't get there by yourself. There will be obstacles to big, dreams that seem [...]
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Charles Stanley - Walking In The Favor Of God
Charles Stanley - Walking In The Favor Of God
The Bible says, "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent and thought of his heart was only evil continually. The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth and He was grieved in His heart. [...]
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Joel Osteen — Favor Connections
Joel Osteen — Favor Connections
I want to talk to you today about Favor Connections. When I was a teenager, I was pulled over by a police officer for driving too fast. When he saw the name on my license, he asked if I was related to the pastor, that he watched on television each [...]
TD Jakes - You are Blessed and Highly Favored
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TD Jakes - You are Blessed and Highly Favored
TD Jakes - You are Blessed and Highly Favored
Luke 1:28, and my subject is "Are You Blessed and Highly Favored"? Stand please. "And the angel came in unto her, and said, 'Hail, thou art highly favoured.'" That's good, sounds real good to me, I like to be [...]
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TD Jakes — Favor Ain't Fair
TD Jakes — Favor Ain't Fair
Greetings in the name of Christ our King, our risen Lord. Today, is the day we get to share a message that's become for me in many ways the alma mater through which we live and move. Favor ain't fair. In fact we entitled the whole series [...]
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Joel Osteen — Living Favor-Minded
Joel Osteen — Living Favor-Minded
I want to talk to you today about living favor minded. God told Abraham in Genesis 12:2, "I will bless you with an abundant increase of favors". Not one or just two. He said, "I'm going to do favors for you in abundance". [...]
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Joel Osteen — Unprecedented Favor
Joel Osteen — Unprecedented Favor
I want to talk to you today about unprecedented favor. We've all seen God's favor in our life. Every one of us can say that God has been good to us. He has protected us, promoted us, opened up doors. That's God's favor. But I [...]
Joseph Prince - Are You Frustrating The Favor of God?
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Joseph Prince - Are You Frustrating The Favor of God?
Joseph Prince - Are You Frustrating The Favor of God?
Praise God. Hallelujah. Why don't you all stand to your feet? All right? Greet at least three or four persons around you because you all know whenever I come back I got a few messages boiling in my heart. So at least you all can encourage each [...]
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Joel Osteen — Heavy With Favor
Joel Osteen — Heavy With Favor
I want to talk to you today about "Heavy favor". There's something God has put on you that will help you accomplish what you couldn't accomplish on your own. It will cause you to stand out in the crowd, get breaks that you [...]
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Joel Osteen — Favor In The Storm
Joel Osteen — Favor In The Storm
I want to talk to you today about favor in the storm. When we think of favor, we think of something good happening. We received a promotion. We met someone special. The medical report turned around. We know that's the favor of God, but when we [...]
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Joel Osteen — Distinctive Favor
Joel Osteen — Distinctive Favor
I want to talk to you today about distinctive favor. There's something God has put on you that causes you to be different. It's a favor that makes a distinction between you and those that don't honor God. The scripture talks about how [...]
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Patricia King — The Favor Factor
Patricia King — The Favor Factor
In this webinar, Patricia King share how to receive and walk in Favor with God and with man. [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Responding to God's Favor
Creflo Dollar — Responding to God's Favor
He has been made for me righteousness. Christ has been made for me redemption. Christ has been made for me healing; Christ has been made for me holiness. Christ has been made for me deliverance. All of the finished works of Jesus Christ, He made [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Obedience is Receiving God's Favor
Creflo Dollar — Obedience is Receiving God's Favor
Our obedience can falter on a daily basis, but Jesus’ obedience is perfect. This is what we can base our spiritual walk on. We can rest assured that our salvation doesn’t depend on how well we can obey, but on the obedience He showed more than 2,000 [...]
TD Jakes - Growing Into God's Favor
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TD Jakes - Growing Into God's Favor
TD Jakes - Growing Into God's Favor
Whether you know it or not, you may not consciously be waiting, but whether you know it or not, many of us are waiting consciously or unconsciously for something to break over our lives. And if not us, our children. And if not our children, our [...]
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Sid Roth — Secrets of Esther’s Favor
Sid Roth — Secrets of Esther’s Favor
Tommy Tenney reveals with Sid Roth the secrets of Esther's favor. [...]
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Joel Osteen — Your Set Time For Favor
Joel Osteen — Your Set Time For Favor
In the Old Testament, the Israelites had several different feasts that they had to observe each year. These were special times that God had set aside to bless His people and show His favor. In the same way, there are set times God has already [...]
Bill Winston - The Law of Favor
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Bill Winston - The Law of Favor
Bill Winston - The Law of Favor
Favor determines the limits of everyone's destiny. Favor is like faith. It demands that God be your source and your only source. You can wear favor. People can see it on you. One encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor. With favor, [...]
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TD Jakes - Forensic of a Favor
TD Jakes - Forensic of a Favor
He lost a part of himself. Joseph was in some ways Jacob's Mini-Me. They were both blessed men of the same God, in the same way. And Joseph lost the one who believed in him, who believed in him before he was in the chariot. And when you find [...]