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Adrian Rogers - Family Revival
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Adrian Rogers - Family Revival
Adrian Rogers - Family Revival
Take your Bibles and turn to Matthew chapter 19. And while you're turning to that, let me tell you that we're seeking and asking God for a revival. And, of course, we want revival in our nation, and we want revival in this, our church, but, friend, [...]
TD Jakes - Winning at Home
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TD Jakes - Winning at Home
TD Jakes - Winning at Home
TD Jakes : Because once people respect you and then found out you are human, they reject you. Am I talking good? So, winning at home implies it's a fight. You can't win if it's not a fight. And let me tell you something, I know you sitting there [...]
Robert Barron - Love the Ones You're Given
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Robert Barron - Love the Ones You're Given
Robert Barron - Love the Ones You're Given
Peace be with you. Friends, on this Feast of the Holy Family, so it's the very day after Christmas, I'm aware that we've all probably been with our families very recently, our immediate families, our extended families. And I want to tell you about a [...]
James Merritt - Poster Child
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James Merritt - Poster Child
James Merritt - Poster Child
Just about the time you think you've seen it all, and you think you've heard it all, you haven't. I mean, after all, children having disagreements and disputes with their parents, goes all the way back to the first parents, it goes all the way back [...]
James Merritt - Model Moms
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James Merritt - Model Moms
James Merritt - Model Moms
Well, again, I wanna say good morning to those of you who are watching online or by television around the world. Those of you in our building today, thank you for being here so very much. We are in a series, if this is your first time here for [...]
James Merritt - Father Figure
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James Merritt - Father Figure
James Merritt - Father Figure
Well, today we are in a series that you probably know about that we're calling "Family Ties". Now I wanna tell you a story. About 22 years ago, I took the plunge, I took up golf. And the reason I took up golf, even though I was in my late [...]
James Merritt - Here Comes the Bride
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James Merritt - Here Comes the Bride
James Merritt - Here Comes the Bride
We're in a series we're calling Family Ties and we started by talking about the foundation of the family and how family begins primarily when a man and a woman marry. They become husband and wife. Now last week, if you were here, we talked about the [...]
James Merritt - Here Comes the Groom
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James Merritt - Here Comes the Groom
James Merritt - Here Comes the Groom
So I want you to take God's word and turn to Ephesians chapter five. And let me begin by telling you a story. I wish I didn't have to tell, I don't know if I've ever told it before. It's an embarrassment to me. You may say it shouldn't be, but it [...]
James Merritt - Love and Marriage
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James Merritt - Love and Marriage
James Merritt - Love and Marriage
The next five weeks, we're gonna be talking about the family and today I wanna put a list of animals, some animals, most of which you've never heard of on the screen. And I want you to see if you can guess what they have in common, all right? First [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faith for the Family
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Adrian Rogers - Faith for the Family
Adrian Rogers - Faith for the Family
Would you take God's precious Word and turn to Hebrews chapter 11 please, and we're going to begin reading in verse 23 as we make our way through this Hall of Fame and the champions of faith. Today we come to verse 23 and let's read Hebrews chapter [...]
Adrian Rogers - Seven Words That Can Build a Marriage
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Adrian Rogers - Seven Words That Can Build a Marriage
Adrian Rogers - Seven Words That Can Build a Marriage
Find, please, First Peter chapter 3. I have a wonderful message on the home and I pray it will be a blessing to your heart. Love and marriage is wonderful. Actually, it is a miracle. But the great miracle is not love at first sight. Friend, the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Cultivating Contentment in the Home
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Adrian Rogers - Cultivating Contentment in the Home
Adrian Rogers - Cultivating Contentment in the Home
Would you take God's Word and find please Psalm 128. If you're familiar with the Psalms; you know that's one of the best Psalms in the Bible on the family. We're in a series of Bible studies entitled: "Celebrating the Family". But there's [...]
Dr. Ed Young - How to Discipline
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Dr. Ed Young - How to Discipline
Dr. Ed Young - How to Discipline
So, we need to learn how to parent in the world in which we live. You know what parenting today is like? It's like building a fire in the rain. You ever tried to build a fire in the rain? I have. It's tough, isn't it? Man, a lot of things you gotta [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Secret to a Healthy Family
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Dr. Ed Young - The Secret to a Healthy Family
Dr. Ed Young - The Secret to a Healthy Family
"All right! You want a healthy family, a healthy marriage, here's the list! Where are you failing? Try harder"! Isn't that what you expect? That's not what you're gonna get, because if you've been around for a while, we never get there by [...]
Chris Hodges - Inseparable Relationships
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Chris Hodges - Inseparable Relationships
Chris Hodges - Inseparable Relationships
Well, good morning, everybody! How's everybody doing, today? Oh, come on, give Jesus a great handclap, if you love the Lord, today, yeah. It's good to see you. A little cloudy outside, a little sunshine on the inside. Doesn't hurt anybody. It's so [...]
Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
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Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
Chris Hodges : Who's glad to be in church today? Anybody? Come on, give Jesus a praise together. Oh, yeah, it's awesome. And a big hello to all of our campuses. Let me just take just a second and say that I love you. I pray for you every day. We [...]
Jimmy Evans - Building a Lasting Family
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Jimmy Evans - Building a Lasting Family
Jimmy Evans - Building a Lasting Family
Chris Hodges : Hi, everyone. Welcome, today, to week number one of a four-part series we're calling, "Family Values". And to start this new series, we have our good friend, Pastor Jimmy Evans, who's the Founder and President of XO [...]
Adrian Rogers - Family Faithfulness
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Adrian Rogers - Family Faithfulness
Adrian Rogers - Family Faithfulness
Would you take your Bibles and turn to Matthew chapter 19. We're going to be talking about family faithfulness, keeping love alive. I asked Joyce, "Will you love me, Joyce, when I'm old and unattractive"? She said, "Of course I [...]
Adrian Rogers - Family Future
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Adrian Rogers - Family Future
Adrian Rogers - Family Future
Take your Bibles and turn to Deuteronomy chapter 5, and in a moment we're going to look at verse 29, but let me tell you about a funeral that took place some years ago. It was a very unusual funeral. The coffin was draped with the folds of Old Glory [...]
Adrian Rogers - Family Fun
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Adrian Rogers - Family Fun
Adrian Rogers - Family Fun
Take your Bibles and find Psalm 128. We're going to talk today about some homemade happiness. A home ought to be the dearest place on Earth, the nearest place to that Heaven that we're talking about. In this particular Psalm, God gives us a [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Family Values
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Dr. Ed Young - Family Values
Dr. Ed Young - Family Values
Open your Bibles, if you would, to Jeremiah, Chapter 17. I'll begin reading with Verse 9. Then I'll skip and read to Verse 13 following: "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick. Who can understand it"? KJV, [...]
James Merritt - Family Feud
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James Merritt - Family Feud
James Merritt - Family Feud
One thing that all parents learn, I learned it is a truth that a man named Lionel Kaufman gave a long time ago. Here's what he said. Children are a great comfort in your old age and they help you reach it faster too. I'm telling you, I know that is [...]
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Broken Families
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Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Broken Families
Michael Youssef - Rebuilding Broken Families
Lorna Dueck : Dr. Youssef, you challenge us in your study on Nehemiah that rebuilding our broken world is very close to God's heart. Dr. Michael Youssef : Absolutely. Lorna Dueck : Does this work for my family? If I've got a broken family, where do [...]
James Merritt - Family Matters
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James Merritt - Family Matters
James Merritt - Family Matters
The great writer and journalist G. K. Chesterton once said this, he said, "We spend the first half of our lives fighting with our parents and the second half of our lives fighting with our children". A lot of truth in that. A lot of truth. [...]
Matt Hagee - Build an Ark for Your Family
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Matt Hagee - Build an Ark for Your Family
Matt Hagee - Build an Ark for Your Family
Church, today I am so thankful that while Noah had to build his ark, Jesus Christ is the ark of my salvation. Genesis 7:1, God said to Noah: he said, "Come into the ark, you and your entire household". Now if you want to know whether or [...]
Matt Hagee - Love One Another As I Have Loved You
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Matt Hagee - Love One Another As I Have Loved You
Matt Hagee - Love One Another As I Have Loved You
Tonight we begin a series on relationships, and we begin by looking at the relationship of marriage. We're going to take a different look at different relationships each and every Sunday night for the next three Sunday nights, because I believe that [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Darkness of a Broken Family
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Skip Heitzig - The Darkness of a Broken Family
Skip Heitzig - The Darkness of a Broken Family
Good morning. How are you today? This just makes me miss film photography every time I see this Darkroom setup. I'm glad you're with us today. Would you turn in your Bibles to 1 Samuel, chapter 24. That's in the Old Testament, 1 Samuel. Easy to [...]
Skip Heitzig - How to Treat Your Family
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Skip Heitzig - How to Treat Your Family
Skip Heitzig - How to Treat Your Family
Thank you. Thank you. Wow. Wouldn't miss that for the world. It's been so long, I think I've forgotten how to preach. Hey, listen, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Peace, I give to you, My peace I leave with you, not as the [...]
Doug Batchelor - Fruits and Nuts in the Family Tree
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Doug Batchelor - Fruits and Nuts in the Family Tree
Doug Batchelor - Fruits and Nuts in the Family Tree
You know one of the most popular websites and it's also become a billion dollar business right now is It's the world's largest online collection of family history records and they got three million subscribers. There's other knock offs [...]
Tony Evans - God and Family
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Tony Evans - God and Family
Tony Evans - God and Family
The family is the first institution established by God that would serve as the foundation for the well-being of society and civilization. Like pouring a foundation in a building will determine the stability of what you build on it, when God [...]
David Jeremiah - The Christian Household
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David Jeremiah - The Christian Household
David Jeremiah - The Christian Household
Gail Urban was browsing in a Christian bookstore one day and she discovered a shelf of reduced-priced items. Among the items was a little figurine of a man and a woman, their heads lovingly tilted toward one another. On the bottom was the [...]
Jack Graham - Generation Next
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Jack Graham - Generation Next
Jack Graham - Generation Next
It's been the same for every generation, from biblical times to this day, through all the great generations, to us Baby Boomers, to Busters, to Millennials and Digitals and whatever generation you may be a part of. From generation to generation the [...]
Jack Graham - Celebrating the Family
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Jack Graham - Celebrating the Family
Jack Graham - Celebrating the Family
Your home, as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ should be the happiest place on earth. It really should be. And, as a matter of fact, people should be asking you. If you are a follower of Jesus, people should be asking you, "What is your [...]
Jack Graham - Lasting Love
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Jack Graham - Lasting Love
Jack Graham - Lasting Love
Take your Bibles and turn to 1 Corinthians, chapter 13. This, of course, is known as the love chapter. There are many songs written about romance and love and marriage, but this is the greatest song of all. These are the lyrics of love. God included [...]
Jack Graham - Leader, Lover, Defender and Friend
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Jack Graham - Leader, Lover, Defender and Friend
Jack Graham - Leader, Lover, Defender and Friend
Take your Bibles, turn to Ephesians chapter 5. And in the passage that I am about to read to you there is for the guys, for men, four times it says three words that will change your life, change your marriage, even change your wife, your family, [...]
Jack Graham - Fight for Your Family
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Jack Graham - Fight for Your Family
Jack Graham - Fight for Your Family
Now take your Bibles and turn to the book of Nehemiah chapter 4. Nehemiah is a hero, he is a hero, in fact, because he is a patriot. Not because he was a prophet, he was not a prophet, he was not a preacher per se but he was a man that God called [...]
Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 2
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Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 2
Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 2
We're back in Psalm 127 today so take your Bible and turn to 127th Psalm. As a reminder from the past message in Psalm 127, this is known as a song of ascent. There is a collection in the Psaltery the book of Psalms of these songs where the children [...]
Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 1
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Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 1
Jack Graham - A Song for the Family - Part 1
Every home needs an architect, a designer, a decorator, a builder and God is all of that and so much more for our homes and our families. And today, we're going to look at the family. In fact over the next two messages, I'm actually going to do a [...]
Joseph Prince - God's Heart For Your Family
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Joseph Prince - God's Heart For Your Family
Joseph Prince - God's Heart For Your Family
Every time we come to God's Word, we are expecting God to give us a fresh light, fresh revelation out of his Word. Amen? It is something called a word in season. And the Bible says our Lord Jesus has that word in season always in his mouth. The [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Missional Marriage
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Jentezen Franklin - Missional Marriage
Jentezen Franklin - Missional Marriage
So I wanna talk to you for a few moments tonight, I'm gonna share something that I've never shared before, never spoke this anywhere, never heard anybody preach on it. It's just kinda crazy, and, but the more I looked into it, I began to find [...]
Joseph Prince - The Secret Of Obed-Edom's Blessings
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Joseph Prince - The Secret Of Obed-Edom's Blessings
Joseph Prince - The Secret Of Obed-Edom's Blessings
Greetings, church! We are in for another exciting time in God's word. Aren't you glad that every time we feed on God's word, it is really like a feast to our spirit man? Thy words were found, and thy words were unto me, the joy and rejoicing of my [...]
Robert Jeffress - Does Your Home Work? - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Does Your Home Work? - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Does Your Home Work? - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". It's been said that for better or for worse, our homes are the proving ground for what we really believe. So what does your family reveal about your commitment to [...]
Robert Jeffress - Does Your Home Work? - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Does Your Home Work? - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Does Your Home Work? - Part 1
Hi, I'm Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. According to recent statistics, more and more households are breaking up and becoming the tragic casualties of separation and divorce. So what does the Bible have to say about these [...]
Joseph Prince - Your Family Matters To God
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Joseph Prince - Your Family Matters To God
Joseph Prince - Your Family Matters To God
The Lord wants to save not just you, but your family members. The Bible says: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ". In fact, Paul said this to the jailer. Because God shook, that night, the prison cells, and everyone's bonds were loosed and [...]
Derek Prince - The Home Is A Model Of The Church
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Derek Prince - The Home Is A Model Of The Church
Derek Prince - The Home Is A Model Of The Church
Now let me point out to you that the home is a model of the church. And I think this has important conclusions because I don’t believe really the church will ever be any stronger than the homes or the families that make up the church. Look for a [...]
Derek Prince - The Cause For The Breakup Of Families
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Derek Prince - The Cause For The Breakup Of Families
Derek Prince - The Cause For The Breakup Of Families
The problem is not to tell people something they don’t know, it’s to remind them of what they know and maybe don’t want to remember. First of all, individual lives can be shaken. In the ministry I’ve dealt with hundreds of people over the years [...]
Sid Roth - How to Devil-Proof Your Family
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Sid Roth - How to Devil-Proof Your Family
Sid Roth - How to Devil-Proof Your Family
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. I am mad with a godly anger over what the devil is doing to marriages, what the devil is doing to children. I am angry and my guest has come up with a [...]
Billy Graham - The Family
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Billy Graham - The Family
Billy Graham - The Family
Tonight, I want to read a passage of Scripture that was on the cake that they presented to my oldest grandson the day that he was confirmed, and this was on the cake. In the third Epistle of John, the fourth verse. "I have no greater joy than [...]
Andy Stanley - The Goal of Discipline
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Andy Stanley - The Goal of Discipline
Andy Stanley - The Goal of Discipline
When our kids were young we had two rules on our home just two. Honor your mother and don't tell a lie. Honor your mother and don't tell a lie. Now, having observed a lot of families, we concluded that if our kids honored Sandra and I honored [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Build a Safe Family
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Jimmy Evans - How to Build a Safe Family
Jimmy Evans - How to Build a Safe Family
Matthew 18:18, "Assuredly I say to you whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven". Now, the word "Assuredly" there means an emphasis, Jesus saying "What I'm [...]
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