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James Merritt - Counterfeit Prophets
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James Merritt - Counterfeit Prophets
James Merritt - Counterfeit Prophets
It would be fair to say that there have been hundreds of thousands if not millions of sermons that have been preached. And yet by common consensus, if you were to ask anybody, «What is the greatest sermon ever preached»? common consensus would tell [...]
John Bradshaw - What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol, The Elect, Drinking, and the False Prophet
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John Bradshaw - What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol, The Elect, Drinking, and
John Bradshaw - What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol, The Elect, Drinking, and the False Prophet
John Bradshaw : Welcome to "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we get to answer your Bible questions. I'm John Bradshaw, with me, Pastor Wes Peppers. Wes, ready to go? Wes Peppers : Ready to go. Good to [...]
John Bradshaw - Predictions You Can Trust
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John Bradshaw - Predictions You Can Trust
John Bradshaw - Predictions You Can Trust
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. There have been some less-than-stellar predictions made over the years. In 1878, Sir William Preece, the chief engineer of the British Post Office, said, "The Americans have [...]
David Reagan - Terry James on Deceivers
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David Reagan - Terry James on Deceivers
David Reagan - Terry James on Deceivers
One of the warnings that Jesus gave about the end times that we are currently living in is found in Matthew 7. Jesus told us to “Watch out for false prophets.” And He added, “They will come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they will be ferocious [...]