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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Ministry
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Ministry
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Ministry
Find God’s Word. Ephesians chapter 4. In a moment we’re going to begin reading in verse 17. A great Baptist preacher of yesteryear was named Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and Spurgeon told about going to visit an elderly woman in a poor house. She had [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Stewardship
Be finding Malachi chapter 3 if you would. That’s the last book in the Old Testament; Malachi chapter 3. Keep it open in your hand because I want you to see that the message today is coming right from the pages of God’s wonderful Word. We’re talking [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Evangelism
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Evangelism
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Evangelism
We’ve been in a series of Bible studies under the heading, «Faithful to God’s Family,» and we’ve been talking to you about some factors of faithfulness. Several Sundays ago, we talked about faithful in Bible study. And then we talked about [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Fellowship
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Fellowship
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Fellowship
First Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 12, would you turn to it. We’re talking about this factor of faithfulness, and the factor we’re talking about today is fellowship. And we’re talking about fellowship in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Worship
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Worship
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Worship
Would you take your Bibles please, and be finding John chapter 4. A factor of faithfulness if you would be faithful to the Lord Jesus and faithful to His church is indeed worship. Let me tell you this, to learn to worship is your greatest need. To [...]
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Bible Study
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Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Bible Study
Adrian Rogers - Faithful in Bible Study
Take God’s Word and find 2 Timothy chapter 2 and verse 15. In a moment we will look at it. Let me tell you what happened to me. As a teenage boy, I sat in a church and heard a man preach the Gospel. I was sitting by my father, when the invitation [...]
Jack Graham - New Morning Mercies
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Jack Graham - New Morning Mercies
Jack Graham - New Morning Mercies
God is faithful. And the title of this message is "New Morning Mercies" from Lamentations, chapter 3. Yes, Lamentations if you can find it in your Bible. It's next to a big book called Jeremiah. It was probably, most likely written by [...]
Jack Graham - Men of Character
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Jack Graham - Men of Character
Jack Graham - Men of Character
I want to speak to you on the subject of character, specifically men of character. Because I know if you are a Christ man, you want to be a great dad, right? You want to be, because it's the best job you will ever have. Did you know that? The [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Ready, God Keeps His Word
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Ready, God Keeps His Word
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Ready, God Keeps His Word
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I always say it is a great joy and privilege to worship with all of you today. Why do I say that? Because this week alone, I heard that one of our volunteers was arrested. Our [...]
Derek Grier - God Cannot Fail
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Derek Grier - God Cannot Fail
Derek Grier - God Cannot Fail
Today we're gonna be in Psalms 1:25 beginning with verse one and we are going to look at the entire Psalms, only like six or seven verses. Verse one, "when the Lord brought back". Other translations read "when the Lord restored [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Faithful Witness
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Faithful Witness
Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Faithful Witness
This is the reality of life What happens to you is out of your control but how do you handle what happens to you It's your responsibility. It's within your control. Why am I talking about this? Because I know a lot of people are hurting [...]
James Merritt - Staying Faithful
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James Merritt - Staying Faithful
James Merritt - Staying Faithful
Let me begin by asking you a question. Who's the one person that affects your life every day? I'm talking about a human. Who's the one person that you'd say affects your life every day? Maybe it's your spouse. Maybe [...]
Andy Stanley - The Ultimate Expression of Faithfulness
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Andy Stanley - The Ultimate Expression of Faithfulness
Andy Stanley - The Ultimate Expression of Faithfulness
Now, I wanna talk about you for a second, even though I don't know you. One of the strangest things about you, and there are so many strange things about you. I mean, I don't know, but you just ask your closest friends, one of the [...]
James Merritt - Philadelphia, Forever Faithful
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James Merritt - Philadelphia, Forever Faithful
James Merritt - Philadelphia, Forever Faithful
2000 years ago, there was a church in a city in Turkey called Philadelphia. And this song could have been their theme song, because in the midst of all that church was going through and all that church was under, that church stood like a rock. If [...]
Robert Barron - Does God Keep His Promises?
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Robert Barron - Does God Keep His Promises?
Robert Barron - Does God Keep His Promises?
Peace, be with you. Friends, the readings for this fourth Sunday of Advent are very dramatic. And they place us right in the heart of a central mystery in the Bible, which is the mystery of God's providence, that God cares for his world, but [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Are You A Faithful Witness?
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Peter Tan-Chi - Are You A Faithful Witness?
Peter Tan-Chi - Are You A Faithful Witness?
This year, we are starting a new series called "Truth Matters," specifically in the Book of Acts, where we will study Acts 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. Why is truth important? Tell me, why is this important? Because truth, even if you deny the [...]
Tony Evans - The Faithfulness of an Overcomer
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Tony Evans - The Faithfulness of an Overcomer
Tony Evans - The Faithfulness of an Overcomer
God has a major problem with part-time Christians who don't wanna be full-time saints, who want to identify when it comes to a blessing but not when it comes to a struggle, who want the benefits of heaven but not the trouble that heaven brings [...]
David Jeremiah - God Has Not Forsaken You
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David Jeremiah - God Has Not Forsaken You
David Jeremiah - God Has Not Forsaken You
Jim and Carol Cymbala are good friends of ours. Donna and I have known them for many years, and almost every year we go to New York City to speak at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Some of you remember when I was sick, Jim took off a Sunday from his great [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God Will Not Fail You
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Rabbi Schneider - God Will Not Fail You
Rabbi Schneider - God Will Not Fail You
Powerful word today. We're going to look at it and see if we can apply it to our own lives. It's in the book of Joshua chapter one, verse five. The Lord says to Joshua, "No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your [...]
Adrian Rogers - Family Faithfulness
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Adrian Rogers - Family Faithfulness
Adrian Rogers - Family Faithfulness
Would you take your Bibles and turn to Matthew chapter 19. We're going to be talking about family faithfulness, keeping love alive. I asked Joyce, "Will you love me, Joyce, when I'm old and unattractive"? She said, "Of [...]
Derek Prince - God's Covenant-Keeping Faithfulness
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Derek Prince - God's Covenant-Keeping Faithfulness
Derek Prince - God's Covenant-Keeping Faithfulness
"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; for His lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to Him who divided the Red Sea asunder, for His lovingkindness is everlasting and made Israel pass through the midst of it, for His lovingkindness is [...]
Michael Youssef - Faithfulness vs Performance
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Michael Youssef - Faithfulness vs Performance
Michael Youssef - Faithfulness vs Performance
Jesus taught many times about the importance of faithfulness, of diligence, of hard-work, faithfulness without resources, prudent with our investments of life; all of life. Not just money. Faithful worship, faithful stewardship with all of our [...]
TD Jakes - Faithful Wounds - Part 2
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TD Jakes - Faithful Wounds - Part 2
TD Jakes - Faithful Wounds - Part 2
Stability, to be, "Steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord". So I want you to write down "Retention," and I want you to write down "Reciprocity," because both of them are intrinsically in the [...]
TD Jakes - Faithful Wounds - Part 1
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TD Jakes - Faithful Wounds - Part 1
TD Jakes - Faithful Wounds - Part 1
He betrayed him with a kiss, so people who are carnal doesn't necessarily mean that you are sinful, it just means that you take things on a very surface level. You go by what you see, you go by how you feel, you go by what you can touch, [...]
James Merritt - Faithfulness, You Can Count on Me
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James Merritt - Faithfulness, You Can Count on Me
James Merritt - Faithfulness, You Can Count on Me
I'm always excited when I preach. I am pumped today, I really am. So I want you to kinda get ready 'cause this is gonna be... I'm telling you this is such an incredible story. You see, America has a cheating problem. And I'm not [...]
Allen Jackson - The Power of Faithfulness - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Power of Faithfulness - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Power of Faithfulness - Part 2
I'd like to ask you a question. It's a bit theoretical, and I'm not gonna give you an answer, but what spirit do you suppose is prevalent over our nation these days? That's worth some thought and some reflection. I could tell you [...]
Allen Jackson - The Power of Faithfulness - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Power of Faithfulness - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Power of Faithfulness - Part 1
We've been working through a little study under this guise of "Leading With Faith". There are many ways to lead. You know that, intuitively, if you haven't even thought about it, perhaps purposely. You can lead with power, you [...]
Allen Jackson - Faithfulness Matters
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Allen Jackson - Faithfulness Matters
Allen Jackson - Faithfulness Matters
Hey, we're walking through this crazy season of turmoil, and, yet we need our faith to flourish in the midst of it. Well, to do that, the foundations of our faith are essential. We've got to not just know about them. We have to understand [...]
Derek Prince - False Churches Are Unfaithful To Jesus
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Derek Prince - False Churches Are Unfaithful To Jesus
Derek Prince - False Churches Are Unfaithful To Jesus
This is an excerpt from: True & False Church - Part 1 Our theme this evening, and it will be in two sessions, is: True and False Church. The most important thing for you to carry away from these sessions is the fact that there is a true Church [...]
David Jeremiah - In a World of Betrayal, BE FAITHFUL
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David Jeremiah - In a World of Betrayal, BE FAITHFUL
David Jeremiah - In a World of Betrayal, BE FAITHFUL
The man strolling through a public park in Fairfax County, Virginia, didn't look like one of the world's most dangerous spies. He was a middle-aged, middle class, a bit out of shape guy. Look more carefully and you could see he had a [...]
Steven Furtick - Faithful With A Few
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Steven Furtick - Faithful With A Few
Steven Furtick - Faithful With A Few
I feel so excited to preach this word, but I feel settled about it. I don't feel spastic like that. I feel just settled about it. It's so cool, so beautiful what the Lord selected for us to study today, and I'm excited about it. Since [...]
Derek Prince - Faithful In Little Things
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Derek Prince - Faithful In Little Things
Derek Prince - Faithful In Little Things
"He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much" - (NASB). Notice, the little things come before the big things. If you want to have [...]
Craig Groeschel - One Word That Will Change Your Life
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Craig Groeschel - One Word That Will Change Your Life
Craig Groeschel - One Word That Will Change Your Life
If you could choose a one word goal to achieve in life, what one word would you choose? If there was one word that would represent your character, your nature, one word that would summarize what you stand for in life. What one word would you choose? [...]
Craig Smith - Five Keys to Faithfulness
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Craig Smith - Five Keys to Faithfulness
Craig Smith - Five Keys to Faithfulness
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us, whether you’re joining us in-person on campus or online, just so honored that you take a little bit of time this weekend to join with us. We are three weeks deep into a series on [...]
Craig Smith - Holding Back the Flood
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Craig Smith - Holding Back the Flood
Craig Smith - Holding Back the Flood
Well, hey, we’re starting a new message series today on the story of Noah and his Ark, which is maybe one of the most familiar stories in the whole Bible. Even if you’ve never been to church or never opened the Bible, you’ve probably heard at least [...]
Craig Smith - The Faithfulness Paradox
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Craig Smith - The Faithfulness Paradox
Craig Smith - The Faithfulness Paradox
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills on all of our campuses, including those watching us on Church Online. So glad you are here for the beginning of our Global Experience. We do this every year, and it’s one of my favorite times of year because it’s a [...]
Robert Morris - Remember God's Faithfulness
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Robert Morris - Remember God's Faithfulness
Robert Morris - Remember God's Faithfulness
To the angel of the church of Ephesus, return to your first love. God did not design us to be reservoirs. He designed us to be rivers. For a reservoir to not become stagnant, it must have two things. It must have water flowing in and water flowing [...]
Leon Fontaine - A Person of Integrity
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Leon Fontaine - A Person of Integrity
Leon Fontaine - A Person of Integrity
Hey, everybody. It's so good to have you with me today. As you can see, I'm out in this gorgeous North Canada, where Kississing Lodge and I'm out here with my five boys and we're just hanging out fishing and having fun. And so I [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Power Of Your Faithfulness To God
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Kenneth Copeland - The Power Of Your Faithfulness To God
Kenneth Copeland - The Power Of Your Faithfulness To God
Now open your Bibles with me once again this evening and receiving our offering. We're going to go back to John chapter six and continue from there so that when Jesus... verse four. The Passover, a feast of the Jews, was nigh. When Jesus then [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is The Faithfulness Of God
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Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is The Faithfulness Of God
Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is The Faithfulness Of God
Let's look at Matthew chapter 15. Do you remember the Syrophoenician woman? All right. Now this is a woman with no covenant and she knew it. Well. You know, brother Copeland, she probably had never heard about Jesus and, and uh, well, I beg [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - The Rewards Of Faithfulness
Jentezen Franklin - The Rewards Of Faithfulness
If you ever get discouraged on your job, if you ever get discouraged in your family, if you ever get discouraged in the call of God on your life, you need to remember a hero in the Bible that I'm gonna preach about, His name is Matthias. He is [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Test Of Faithfulness
Joyce Meyer - The Test Of Faithfulness
You know, faithfulness is on the endangered character list. I don't know if you realize it or not, but we're in serious trouble in our society, today because the things that we should be displaying the most seem to be disappearing more, [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Faithfulness
Joyce Meyer - Faithfulness
I wanna talk to you tonight about FAITHFULNESS. Faithfulness. In revelation 2 it says: "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life". So faithfulness is something that's supposed to go all the way through to the [...]
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David Jeremiah - Knowing a Faithful God
David Jeremiah - Knowing a Faithful God
Jim and Carol Cymbala are good friends of ours. Donna and I have known them for many years, and almost every year we go to New York City to speak at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. Some of you remember when I was sick, Jim took off a Sunday from his great [...]
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Craig Groeschel - Faithful in Service
Craig Groeschel - Faithful in Service
Hey, it's great to have all of you with us today. All of our Life.Churches are open network churches, our church online family. I want to congratulate everybody who was baptized last week. Every single one of you transformed by the grace of [...]