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Adrian Rogers - Dealing with Discouragement
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Adrian Rogers - Dealing with Discouragement
Adrian Rogers - Dealing with Discouragement
Would you be finding the book of Nehemiah, it’s about half way through the Old Testament, and I want you to turn to chapter 4. The book of Nehemiah is about a building project. Actually, Nehemiah is rebuilding the walls that crumbled around [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - The Remedy for Discouragement
Jentezen Franklin - The Remedy for Discouragement
If you have your Bibles, open them with me to the Old Testament book of Zechariah. I want you to see some powerful verses in the book of Zechariah 1. We'll begin reading with verse 16. "Therefore, thus says the Lord, 'I am returning [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
I think most of us can testify, I know I can, that the times of discouragement and the times of disappointment and the times when we get down in the dumps are the times when we have taken our eyes off of Jesus. I have. In fact, I remember back when [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
Hindsight is the ability to see things clearly after they happen, to see things clearly after they happen. Now, it's the opposite of foresight, because foresight is the ability to see things before they happen. Just about all of us are good at [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
Have you ever experienced, or witnessed somebody else experience, something that you immediately stopped and said, "This is totally and truly unfair. This is pure injustice. This is a blatant lie". What compounds the problem is that [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
Perhaps I have not seen this level of discouragement among God's people, and I know there's a lot to be discouraged about. Continuous discouragement can sap your energy. Continuous discouragement causes loss of hope. Continuous [...]
Allen Jackson - Defeating Discouragement - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Defeating Discouragement - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Defeating Discouragement - Part 2
Yeah, I think we face a challenge in the church. I think we've really imagined that maturing in the Lord is not particularly a pleasant thing. We're not even certain it's a good thing. So we're kind of reluctant to mature in the [...]
Allen Jackson - Defeating Discouragement - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Defeating Discouragement - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Defeating Discouragement - Part 1
Really, lessons in overcoming. How do we learn to overcome? And my imagination, my hope is this: that we will either add a new tool to your spiritual toolbox, or that you will gain in your dexterity and your use of the tool. Because overcoming is a [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - When Discouraged, Fix Your Eyes on God
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Peter Tan-Chi - When Discouraged, Fix Your Eyes on God
Peter Tan-Chi - When Discouraged, Fix Your Eyes on God
Prioritize first things first. This is the real foundation. We mess up, we have problems, because you don't know how to prioritize things first. There is a Chinese saying called "Look at the importance". Do you know this? You have to [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Do Not Be Discouraged
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Frankie Mazzapica - Do Not Be Discouraged
Frankie Mazzapica - Do Not Be Discouraged
Thank you for tuning in today. My name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of the message is "Do Not Be Discouraged". Do not be discouraged. It is so easy to have a goal and then look at your life and say, "I am so behind of what I'm [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - A Message For The Discouraged
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Frankie Mazzapica - A Message For The Discouraged
Frankie Mazzapica - A Message For The Discouraged
Hello, my name is Frankie Mazzapica, the title of the message today is "A Message For Those Who Are Discouraged," "A Message For Those Who Are Discouraged". If you're not discouraged today, take notes, you'll need this [...]
Michael Youssef - Satan's Greatest Tool
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Michael Youssef - Satan's Greatest Tool
Michael Youssef - Satan's Greatest Tool
Lorna Dueck : All right, Dr. Youssef. We have been learning every day from the book of Nehemiah with you. And when Nehemiah arrived to rebuild this massive wall, his enemies said, "It'll be nothing. A fox'll knock this thing [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Get Up When You're Down
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Adrian Rogers - How to Get Up When You're Down
Adrian Rogers - How to Get Up When You're Down
Would you find please, Psalm 42? And in a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 5. And what we're going to do today is to have a session on depression. How to get up when you've fallen and think you cannot get up. I'm not [...]
Steven Furtick - Fighting For Encouragement
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Steven Furtick - Fighting For Encouragement
Steven Furtick - Fighting For Encouragement
Got something today that was a little bit of a mind shift for me, reading about the story of Hannah when she was unable to conceive and her rival Peninnah would provoke her every day. In 1 Samuel, chapter 1, it says she would refuse to eat, and her [...]
Steven Furtick - How The Enemy Tricks You Into Giving Up
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Steven Furtick - How The Enemy Tricks You Into Giving Up
Steven Furtick - How The Enemy Tricks You Into Giving Up
This is an excerpt from: Delayed Praise You can be free, but not by this Friday. You can be healed from a broken heart, but not in the next hour, not by the time I say, "Amen". So, if the Devil can't trick you into thinking it's [...]
James Merritt - Life Lift
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James Merritt - Life Lift
James Merritt - Life Lift
I want you to turn to 1 Kings 19. We're going to study a man today that was absolutely at the bottom of the barrel of discouragement. In fact, it's kind of surprising to see who he was. His name was Elijah, and he's known as one of [...]
Steven Furtick - How To Fight Discouragement
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Steven Furtick - How To Fight Discouragement
Steven Furtick - How To Fight Discouragement
This is an excerpt from: Focus Your Faith Did you notice how he said in verse 9, "Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged"? I love that sermon I did a few weeks ago where I had Graham come up here and put his forearm on my neck. I was [...]
Allen Jackson - A Response to Discouragement
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Allen Jackson - A Response to Discouragement
Allen Jackson - A Response to Discouragement
I don't believe elections make us spiritually healthier or less so. I think elections reveal our spiritual health or our lack thereof. And so if we were left, whichever end of the spectrum you're on, if you were left-elated or downcast, I [...]
Charles Stanley - Defeating Discouragement
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Charles Stanley - Defeating Discouragement
Charles Stanley - Defeating Discouragement
Do you find yourself struggling with disappointment and difficulty and hardship and trying to express what you're really feeling on the inside? And somehow you just feel that there's this cloud of discouragement that seems to hang over you [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Cause and Cure for Discouragement
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Doug Batchelor - The Cause and Cure for Discouragement
Doug Batchelor - The Cause and Cure for Discouragement
I was hoping some of you were discouraged because that's what I'm talking about today. If you're all doing fine, it's sort of waste. But message today is dealing with the subject of discouragement. More specifically, the cause or [...]
Steven Furtick - Why You Feel Discouraged?
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Steven Furtick - Why You Feel Discouraged?
Steven Furtick - Why You Feel Discouraged?
This is a principle. We would say, "You get out of it what you put into it". That's why I'm always interested when someone says, "Well, I went to the church, but I didn't get anything out of it". I would always ask [...]
Allen Jackson - Battle With Discouragement - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Battle With Discouragement - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Battle With Discouragement - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you again. We're continuing our study on "Big Trouble Ahead, and the Battle with Discouragement". Folks, we are watching some things that are really unprecedented, an open Southern border and tens of [...]
Allen Jackson - Battle With Discouragement - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Battle With Discouragement - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Battle With Discouragement - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. Our title in this session is "Big Trouble Ahead in the Battle with Discouragement". You know, we're moving through a season that's leading us towards the culmination of this age. The King [...]
Craig Smith - The Discouragement Dragon
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Craig Smith - The Discouragement Dragon
Craig Smith - The Discouragement Dragon
Hey, why don’t you go ahead and grab your Bible and make your way to Revelation 3. We are in week six of the “Mission Killers” series. I can’t believe we are almost done. We are rounding the corner to week number seven. It’s coming up really fast. [...]
Steven Furtick - Feeling Discouraged?
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Steven Furtick - Feeling Discouraged?
Steven Furtick - Feeling Discouraged?
It's about to get good, because Paul is about to let us in on a principle that explains why some of us are struggling with discouragement, and even though we pray about it, we don't seem to receive what we need from the Lord. Let's [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Discouragement to Hope - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Discouragement to Hope - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Discouragement to Hope - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. We all feel sad and dejected from time to time, but for many people, discouragement becomes less of a passing feeling and more of a permanent state of mind. Today we're [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Discouragement to Hope - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Discouragement to Hope - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Discouragement to Hope - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". When a promising relationship goes nowhere, when your dream job ends in a nightmare, when the status quo refuses to budge, it's easy to become discouraged. So [...]
Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way
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Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way
Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way
Shalom. Shalom, church. I always look forward to this time when I can just share the Word with all of you, and every week I want you to know that I seek the Lord to have the now-Word. And it's called the rhema Word in the Bible. You know, [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Discouragement
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Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Discouragement
Jimmy Evans - How to Overcome Discouragement
Key number one is a Godward mind-set, is focusing your mind toward God. And David was a master at this. Now, in the book of Psalms, there are 150 Psalms in the book of Psalms. 73 of the 150 Psalms are attributed to king David. David was a worshiper. [...]
Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
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Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
Jimmy Evans - Overcoming Discouragement and Depression
Welcome to "The Overcoming Life". I want to talk to you today about freedom, and I want to talk you specifically about overcoming discouragement and depression. And some of you may be a little bit discouraged. And I think all of us get [...]
Victoria Osteen - Fight Fear and Discouragement with the Word of God
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Victoria Osteen - Fight Fear and Discouragement with the Word of God
Victoria Osteen - Fight Fear and Discouragement with the Word of God
You may be seated. It's good to be in the house of the Lord. How many of you, like me, want to go from just knowing the promises of God to walking in to the promises of God? It's one thing to know something, it's another thing to use [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - Jezebel's Children
Jentezen Franklin - Jezebel's Children
I want you to look with me today in Revelation 2, and I'm going to begin reading with Revelation 2:17. "He who has an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying", I don't have time to read that. Revelation 2:18. "And the angel of [...]
Joyce Meyer - How To Overcome Disappointment And Discouragement?
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Joyce Meyer - How To Overcome Disappointment And Discouragement?
Joyce Meyer - How To Overcome Disappointment And Discouragement?
I wanna talk to you this afternoon about How to Overcome Disappointment and Discouragement. You know, we all have times in our life when we get disappointed and the answer to being disappointed is to get reappointed. We all have times when [...]
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David Jeremiah - Slaying the Giant of Discouragement
David Jeremiah - Slaying the Giant of Discouragement
Jack Canfield was driving home from work one day, and he stopped to watch a local Little League game. As he sat down behind first baseline on the bench, he asked one of the boys what the score was. And the boy said, "We're behind 14 to [...]
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TD Jakes - Fight Back for the Family
TD Jakes - Fight Back for the Family
It was hard, it was hard for a mighty man of valor to come face to face with something he doesn't do well. Because it is hard for men to accept areas of failure. We gravitate to areas of success. We love to do whatever we do well and ignore [...]
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Joseph Prince - Jesus Draws Near When You Are Discouraged (Live In Israel)
Joseph Prince - Jesus Draws Near When You Are Discouraged (Live In Israel)
Well, praise the Lord. Just want to say again that you are in a very special place tonight. You are right where the gospel of grace went forth 2,000 years ago. Paul left this port and he never returned. He appealed to Caesar and to Caesar he went. [...]
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Greg Laurie - How to Handle Discouragement
Greg Laurie - How to Handle Discouragement
All right. Well let's all grab our Bibles. And we're going to really use our Bible today so get one close, pull that app up on your phone or your tablet, device or share with a friend if you don't have a Bible with you. We're [...]
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Charles Stanley - Overcoming Discouragement
Charles Stanley - Overcoming Discouragement
Are you discouraged? Do you know why? What's going on in your life that would cause you to be depressed, lost hope, don't see anything in your future whatsoever? What's going on inside of you? What causes you to be distressed? What [...]