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Jeff Schreve - Decision Time
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Jeff Schreve - Decision Time
Jeff Schreve - Decision Time
Happy New Year. I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and today, as we look to the New Year, we’re going to consider the most important decision that anyone can ever make. It’s the decision concerning Jesus, a decision that determines your eternal destiny. So [...]
Allen Jackson - Decisions Regarding Jesus - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Decisions Regarding Jesus - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Decisions Regarding Jesus - Part 2
Luke is gonna present to us today, quickly, a group of people making decisions regarding Jesus. But I want us to understand we're not just reviewing something from antiquity. We're not considering a theological tone, that we're [...]
Allen Jackson - Decisions Regarding Jesus - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Decisions Regarding Jesus - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Decisions Regarding Jesus - Part 1
We're working through the Gospel of Luke. We're not hurrying through it. I know it's in addition to our normal Bible reading. As a congregation, we read through the Bible each year. I hope you're a part of that. If you're [...]
Greg Ford - Making Decisions
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Greg Ford - Making Decisions
Greg Ford - Making Decisions
Hi, my name is Greg ford. I'm the lead pastor at One Church in Columbus, Ohio, and this is the Power of One. Today, I wanna talk to you about making decisions. When you think about it, our lives are a compilation of decisions. And I think we [...]
Jack Graham - Decide Today
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Jack Graham - Decide Today
Jack Graham - Decide Today
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Take your Bibles and turn with me to Joshua, the twenty-fourth chapter. Over theses past weeks we have been in a series of [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Sure of Your Salvation
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Sure of Your Salvation
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Sure of Your Salvation
Today I want to share with you the importance of making choices. Tell me, make good choices. The truth is, whether you like it or not, we make thousands of decisions every day. I was shocked. You Google the internet and you'll find out. In [...]
TD Jakes - Decisions and Consequences
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TD Jakes - Decisions and Consequences
TD Jakes - Decisions and Consequences
The reason I'm in this text is that when it comes to the story of the lost son, the entirety of this story of the younger son who says, "Father, give me the portion of goods that fall after me," he is distinctly different from the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Who Speaks For God? - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Who Speaks For God? - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Who Speaks For God? - Part 2
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. It's been said that no man is an island unto himself, but when it comes to making tough decisions, sometimes it feels like we're all alone. Today I'm going to explain [...]
Robert Jeffress - Who Speaks For God? - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Who Speaks For God? - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Who Speaks For God? - Part 1
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. When you're wrestling with a difficult decision, you can always find someone who's willing to offer their unqualified advice. So whom can we trust to provide sound wisdom? [...]
Robert Jeffress - Putting Out The Fleece, Without Getting Fleeced
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Robert Jeffress - Putting Out The Fleece, Without Getting Fleeced
Robert Jeffress - Putting Out The Fleece, Without Getting Fleeced
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. When we're struggling to make a crucial decision, finding God's perfect will can be tough. It's why many of us are tempted to ask, "God, could you just give me [...]
Craig Groeschel - When It’s Time to Walk Away
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Craig Groeschel - When It's Time to Walk Away
Craig Groeschel - When It's Time to Walk Away
Today, we are starting a new message series on an Old Testament book of the Bible. Now, to introduce this message series, we're coming out at the movies. What I wanna do is I wanna ask you about your favorite genre of movies. Those of you [...]
Robert Jeffress - Refusing To Second Guess Your Right Decisions
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Robert Jeffress - Refusing To Second Guess Your Right Decisions
Robert Jeffress - Refusing To Second Guess Your Right Decisions
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". After making a essential decision, it's natural to feel regret. But sometimes, we're regretful after making a good decision. Abraham, the great man of faith, [...]
Adrian Rogers - What Shall I Do With Jesus?
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Adrian Rogers - What Shall I Do With Jesus?
Adrian Rogers - What Shall I Do With Jesus?
Would you take God's precious Word and find Matthew chapter 27. I want to speak to you today about the greatest question ever asked. And we're going to find that question in a few moments in verse 22, but I want to give you the setting for [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Decisions of the Living and the Destiny of the Dead
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Adrian Rogers - The Decisions of the Living and the Destiny of the Dead
Adrian Rogers - The Decisions of the Living and the Destiny of the Dead
Be finding Revelation chapter 14. And when you've found it, look up here. This chapter is a chapter of great contrast. It talks to us about the Lamb. It talks to us about the beast. It talks to us about earth. It talks to us about Heaven. It [...]
James Merritt - On the Other Hand
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James Merritt - On the Other Hand
James Merritt - On the Other Hand
You know, one of the things that you learn pretty early in life, even as a child, is it's really easy to underestimate the power of words. It's really easy to take for granted just how powerful the words are that come out of your mouth, [...]
Steven Furtick - You Have A Decision To Make
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Steven Furtick - You Have A Decision To Make
Steven Furtick - You Have A Decision To Make
This is an excerpt from: The One Who Seeks... Finds! There are seasons in your life where you come into a reality that what you went through is leaving you, but Ruth still had to make a decision once she got to Bethlehem to go into the fields and [...]
Adrian Rogers - It is Decision That Determines Destiny
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Adrian Rogers - It is Decision That Determines Destiny
Adrian Rogers - It is Decision That Determines Destiny
Would you take God's Word and find the book of Ruth, the book of Ruth. You'll find that in the Old Testament right after the book of Judges, and we're going to be spending four Sundays together in the book of Ruth. It is a love story. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Out of Debt
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Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Out of Debt
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Out of Debt
Kenneth Copeland : Hello everybody. Hasn't this been a wonderful week? Glory to God. And the thoughts of people and the decisions that people make. And like one man, like this one woman said, "The people that some people marry". [...]
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Prosper Your Soul
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Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Prosper Your Soul
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Prosper Your Soul
Kenneth Copeland : Well, you're here again, praise God. I'm so glad, I was just thinking about... I wish, you know, we have Billy Graham Classics on Sunday nights, and I was watching last night and they had two stadiums full of people. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Make a Quality Decision for Your Health
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Kenneth Copeland - Make a Quality Decision for Your Health
Kenneth Copeland - Make a Quality Decision for Your Health
Kenneth Copeland : Hello everybody. I think you should know that in this studio, the Spirit of the Living God... Things come in here and thoughts begin to flow that don't flow when I'm by myself. This is the reason why we come into [...]
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Choose THE BLESSING
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Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Choose THE BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Choose THE BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland : Welcome, everybody to the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. Of course I'm Kenneth Copeland. It's amazing when you begin to talk about and think about decisions. And we read yesterday from the Bible in the Book [...]
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Your Spirit in Shape
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Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Your Spirit in Shape
Kenneth Copeland - It's Your Decision To Get Your Spirit in Shape
Kenneth Copeland : Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. This is Professor Greg Stephens and this is the class and the Spirit of God is here. So good morning to all of you. We're [...]
Joel Osteen - Who's In Your Ear?
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Joel Osteen - Who's In Your Ear?
Joel Osteen - Who's In Your Ear?
I want to talk to you today about "Who's In Your Ear"? It's so important who we're taking advice from. We're listening to their counseling, following their suggestions, doing what they say. We all have people that are [...]
Allen Jackson - The Valley of Decision - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Valley of Decision - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Valley of Decision - Part 2
So how do we lead with our faith? We've been talking about this for a bit now, and I've made a couple of suggestions. The first was to use your influence on behalf of the kingdom of God. Use your voice. Be an advocate. Let the people who [...]
Allen Jackson - The Valley of Decision - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Valley of Decision - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Valley of Decision - Part 1
We've been working through this series under the title of "Leading with Faith," and in this session I want to talk specifically about the valley of decision because I believe we're in a time of decision far beyond elections, I [...]
Charles Stanley - The Key to Making Wise Decisions
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Charles Stanley - The Key to Making Wise Decisions
Charles Stanley - The Key to Making Wise Decisions
How do you make decisions? What's the basis of your decision-making process? All of us make decisions every day, sometimes they appear to be insignificant, and they become, as we see, in time, they were very significant. Sometimes those [...]
Robert Jeffress - Making Tough Decisions
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Robert Jeffress - Making Tough Decisions
Robert Jeffress - Making Tough Decisions
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Whether you're trying to figure out whom to marry, what job to take, or where to live, major life choices are rarely easy. So how can we be absolutely certain we're [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Decision Is Yours - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - The Decision Is Yours - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - The Decision Is Yours - Part 3
Well, thank you for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, the last couple of days we've been talking about the importance of decisions, and we're gonna conclude the week's teaching with a little bit more of [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Decision Is Yours - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - The Decision Is Yours - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - The Decision Is Yours - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining us today on "Enjoying Everyday Life," where I teach the Word of God. And I believe that your life and mine is changed by the word because there's power in it. Jesus is the word made flesh who came to dwell [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Decision Is Yours - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - The Decision Is Yours - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - The Decision Is Yours - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining us today on "Enjoying Everyday Life," where I have the great privilege of teaching the Word of God. You know, the Word of God has changed my life because it's taught me what to do and what not to do. And I [...]
Steven Furtick - Is This The Right Decision?
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Steven Furtick - Is This The Right Decision?
Steven Furtick - Is This The Right Decision?
This is an excerpt from: God's Got Your Back But the passage was so powerful to me. It said whether you turn to the right or to the left, whether you go to Elon or Chapel Hill… I was thinking of a college student right now. You are so stressed [...]
Kenneth Copeland - A Quality Decision To Receive Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - A Quality Decision To Receive Healing
Kenneth Copeland - A Quality Decision To Receive Healing
Welcome everyone to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast I'm Kenneth Copeland and welcome them again this week to Kenneth Copeland Bible College and class this morning. So come right on in, join the class with us, and we're just [...]
Robert Jeffress - Your Second Most Important Decision
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Robert Jeffress - Your Second Most Important Decision
Robert Jeffress - Your Second Most Important Decision
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress. And welcome again to Pathway to Victory. What is the most important decision a person can make in life? Some people might say the person you choose to marry, or which career path you decided to pursue, or which church [...]
Joyce Meyer - Making Right Choices - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Making Right Choices - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Making Right Choices - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, I don't know if you got to watch the program yesterday or not, but I started talking about choices. And how, so often we make wrong choices, and then, we [...]
Joyce Meyer - Making Right Choices - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Making Right Choices - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Making Right Choices - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And you know what? I believe that what I'm going to teach, today, is going to help you enjoy every single day of your life more. You know, I wonder how many decisions [...]
Steven Furtick - Decide Where You Want To Win
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Steven Furtick - Decide Where You Want To Win
Steven Furtick - Decide Where You Want To Win
This is an excerpt from: The Power of Precision Where does God want you to win? Because you can't win every battle at once. Aram wasn't the only enemy; it was the next one. I can't win everywhere at once, and I'm going to tell [...]
Craig Groeschel - Take Back Your Life
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Craig Groeschel - Take Back Your Life
Craig Groeschel - Take Back Your Life
What do you think is the difference between those people that are really fulfilled in life? And when I say really fulfilled, I mean they have great and meaningful relationships. They're strong financially and generous with people around them. [...]
Robert Jeffress - Going Without Knowing - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Going Without Knowing - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Going Without Knowing - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. When facing a major life decision with high stakes, wouldn't it be nice if God would simply come forward and point you in the right direction? Well, God rarely gives us a [...]
Robert Jeffress - Going Without Knowing - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Going Without Knowing - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Going Without Knowing - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Have you ever faced a major life decision that required making a leap of faith? Well, you're not alone. In Hebrews 11, the writer identifies 11 men and women of faith, who [...]
Leon Fontaine - Staying Out of Neutral
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Leon Fontaine - Staying Out of Neutral
Leon Fontaine - Staying Out of Neutral
The Bible has a promise, and it says that no deadly thing shall hurt you. No deadly thing. And so that's what I'm talking about. I'm going to come at this from a lot of different areas. And there are so many areas to come at this from [...]
Leon Fontaine - Help, I Need to Make a Decision
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Leon Fontaine - Help, I Need to Make a Decision
Leon Fontaine - Help, I Need to Make a Decision
I'm going to entitle this message today, "Help, I need to make a decision". One of the most asked questions I get asked as a leader, is how do you know what to do? How do you know what next step to make? In the middle of the storms we [...]
Tony Evans - Moses, The Choice of Faith
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Tony Evans - Moses, The Choice of Faith
Tony Evans - Moses, The Choice of Faith
We make decisions every day. Some are minor decisions; they really don't matter one way or the other. Others are medium decisions, they matter somewhat. Others are massive decisions; they carry a great deal of weight. I'm sure we've [...]
Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Decision-Making
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Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Decision-Making
Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Decision-Making
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. We've all had questions about so-called gray areas of the Christian life. By gray areas, I'm referring to moral issues that are neither black, nor white. For example, [...]
Andy Stanley - The Relationship Question
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Andy Stanley - The Relationship Question
Andy Stanley - The Relationship Question
So today, we're wrapping up our series, Better Decisions Fewer Regrets. And the big idea in this series is the often overlooked relationship between good questions and good decisions. Good questions actually set us up to make good decisions. [...]
Andy Stanley - The Maturity Question
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Andy Stanley - The Maturity Question
Andy Stanley - The Maturity Question
So when our kids were old enough to drive I decided not to give them a curfew, a curfew a specific time to be home. And the reason is this, my personal experience with curfew as a teenage driver convinced me that the traditional approach to curfew [...]
Andy Stanley - The Conscience Question
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Andy Stanley - The Conscience Question
Andy Stanley - The Conscience Question
So, let's begin with a question that I'm sure you have pondered probably most of your adult life. Why are people who've had too much to drink inclined to make such bad decisions? Do you ever wonder about this? Why are people [...]
Andy Stanley - The Legacy Question
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Andy Stanley - The Legacy Question
Andy Stanley - The Legacy Question
So one thing I think we all have in common is our love of story, right? Our love of story. We all love a good story. Whether it's a book or movie, maybe part of a comedy series, fiction, nonfiction. I love historical fiction. Maybe it's [...]
Andy Stanley - The Integrity Question
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Andy Stanley - The Integrity Question
Andy Stanley - The Integrity Question
So, here's a disturbing thought to get things kicked off today. The easiest person, the easiest person to deceive is the person in the mirror. The easiest person to deceive is the person in the mirror. And it shouldn't be this way. And [...]
Andy Stanley - Deciding Our Way Forward
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Andy Stanley - Deciding Our Way Forward
Andy Stanley - Deciding Our Way Forward
Today we begin a brand new series entitled "Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets". Now, as you may know I recently published a book under this title. And for that reason, I was a bit hesitant to turn this content into a series of talks lest [...]
David Jeremiah - Ruth: Overcoming Bad Decisions
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David Jeremiah - Ruth: Overcoming Bad Decisions
David Jeremiah - Ruth: Overcoming Bad Decisions
Tonight, I want to tell you the story of a woman whose name was Ruth. The story begins in the first chapter of Ruth, and here, as we look at this, we have to realize that the book starts on a negative note. You see, men and women, these were brutal [...]
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