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Allen Jackson - Blessings or Curses
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Allen Jackson - Blessings or Curses
Allen Jackson - Blessings or Curses
It's good to be with you again. We have stepped back outside for some of our worship services, so I get to welcome you into our outdoor sanctuary. It's a beautiful time of year in Tennessee, and we wanted to take advantage of this season. Our topic [...]
Allen Jackson - Blessings and Curses - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Blessings and Curses - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Blessings and Curses - Part 2
We're continuing our study on the strategies and tactics of the spiritual influences around us and we're specifically talking in this session about blessings and curses. It's a real thing, it's not just a fantasy or a fiction or something that [...]
Allen Jackson - Blessings and Curses - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Blessings and Curses - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Blessings and Curses - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. We're gonna continue our study on strategies and tactics that are involved in the spiritual conflict that defines our lives. In this session, we're gonna talk about blessings and curses. It's another way of [...]
Derek Prince - Common Indications That There's A Curse Over Your Family
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Derek Prince - Common Indications That There's A Curse Over Your Family
Derek Prince - Common Indications That There's A Curse Over Your Family
This is an excerpt from: Invisible Barriers To Healing We're getting near the end. You may see this as somewhat lengthy but if we do it for everybody collectively we don't have to do it for each person individually which takes ten times longer. The [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Cure for the Curse
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Skip Heitzig - The Cure for the Curse
Skip Heitzig - The Cure for the Curse
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, this morning to Genesis, chapter 3. We're going to look today at a single verse of scripture. Genesis, chapter 3, verse 15. And leave it to me to squeeze 5 points out of a single verse. It shouldn't surprise [...]
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Sid Roth - This Satanic Curse is Keeping You Sick
Sid Roth - This Satanic Curse is Keeping You Sick
My guest says that the devil is in the business of hijacking our minds. As a result, Satan has an open door to keep us sick, fearful and broken. No more! Get ready for your new normal, your heavenly normal. Sid Roth : The presence of God, Holy [...]
Sid Roth - Breaking the Curse of Generational Bloodline Iniquities
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Sid Roth - Breaking the Curse of Generational Bloodline Iniquities
Sid Roth - Breaking the Curse of Generational Bloodline Iniquities
Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. Does the enemy have a legal right to stop your healing, hinder your hearing from God and prevent total freedom from addictions of all kinds? I mean all kinds. My guest [...]
TD Jakes - The Choice That Breaks The Curse
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TD Jakes - The Choice That Breaks The Curse
TD Jakes - The Choice That Breaks The Curse
Where the men at? Holler at your boy. You hear that? Do it again, holler at your boy. That's Jacob down in there. I told you. I told you. Jacob was dying, but Israel sat up in the bed and strengthened himself. The fact, men, the fact that I have a [...]
Sid Roth - North American Curses Linked to Jewish People with David Demian
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Sid Roth - North American Curses Linked to Jewish People with David Demian
Sid Roth - North American Curses Linked to Jewish People with David Demian
My guest is an Egyptian who proves supernatural curses on North America are connected with the Jewish people. Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter. I'm here with David Demian. He's an [...]
Derek Prince - 7 Common Indications Of A Curse
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Derek Prince - 7 Common Indications Of A Curse
Derek Prince - 7 Common Indications Of A Curse
This is an area which God has led me into in the last four or five years. And because I’m not going to have time to go into it in detail, I want to just recommend to you the same book that I mentioned earlier: How to Pass From Curse to Blessing. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Goodness of God Overcomes the Curse
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Kenneth Copeland - The Goodness of God Overcomes the Curse
Kenneth Copeland - The Goodness of God Overcomes the Curse
If you'll turn with me to Matthew chapter 8. Now, I will give you my personal routine. I get up early and as a normal routine in my house, I get up, I put on my exercise clothes and I go to bed. I haven't used an alarm clock in so many years, I [...]
Derek Prince - You Can Pray To Be Released From A Curse
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Derek Prince - You Can Pray To Be Released From A Curse
Derek Prince - You Can Pray To Be Released From A Curse
After that I began to teach on this and I made some tapes, including a series of three messages called: "Curses: Cause and Cure". And these began to circulate and I began to get remarkable testimonies of what was happening not just to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Blessing Overcame the Curse
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Kenneth Copeland - The Blessing Overcame the Curse
Kenneth Copeland - The Blessing Overcame the Curse
— Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland, let's have a word of prayer, we'll get right into today's Bible lesson. Father, we thank you again today, Oh, my. We praise you Lord Jesus, we praise you Heavenly Father, thank you Holy Spirit, greater one [...]
Derek Prince - This Is What Happens If You Curse The Jewish People
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Derek Prince - This Is What Happens If You Curse The Jewish People
Derek Prince - This Is What Happens If You Curse The Jewish People
We’re going on from this list, Genesis chapter 12, we have God’s call to Abraham. We need to look at that because it has something significant in it. God calls Abraham out, promises various things, and in verse three (this is the end of the call) He [...]
Derek Prince - Things That Threaten The Church To Be Accursed
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Derek Prince - Things That Threaten The Church To Be Accursed
Derek Prince - Things That Threaten The Church To Be Accursed
Then there’s another very important curse pronounced in the prophet Jeremiah. Which is just a few short words, and I think often we pass them over without really appreciating their significance. Jeremiah 17:5-6: Thus says the Lord; Cursed is the man [...]
Derek Prince - There May Be A Curse In Your Family If These Things Happen To You
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Derek Prince - There May Be A Curse In Your Family If These Things Happen To You
Derek Prince - There May Be A Curse In Your Family If These Things Happen To You
Now, over the years, independently of this list, I made a little list of indications that to me alerted me that I was probably dealing with a curse. I only say probably. And I made this independently of Deuteronomy 28 but it’s amazing really how [...]
Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Curses
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Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Curses
Derek Prince - The Satanic Power of Curses
Now let’s look at witchcraft as a spiritual power. Now we are talking about something that’s supernatural. It’s more than human ability. It is very important to understand that not all supernatural comes from God. A lot of it comes from Satan. There [...]
Derek Prince - The Primary Cause For All Blessings and Curses
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Derek Prince - The Primary Cause For All Blessings and Curses
Derek Prince - The Primary Cause For All Blessings and Curses
In Proverbs 26:2 the writer of Proverbs makes a very important statement. He says: Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, so a curse without cause shall not alight. In other words, if there’s a curse there’s always a cause. There’s [...]
Derek Prince - The 7 Main Blessings and Curses In The Bible
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Derek Prince - The 7 Main Blessings and Curses In The Bible
Derek Prince - The 7 Main Blessings and Curses In The Bible
Now I want to deal out of Scripture with the forms that blessings and curses take. There is one particular chapter in the Old Testament which deals exclusively with blessings and curses. How many of you know which it is? Deuteronomy chapter 28. All [...]
Derek Prince - Release From The Curse
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Derek Prince - Release From The Curse
Derek Prince - Release From The Curse
Now the theme is: Release from the Curse. And this contains truths which God has been teaching me largely, I would say, in the last five years. Truths which have revolutionized my own life and the lives of countless other people to whom I’ve been [...]
Derek Prince - Prayer To Break Curses Over My Life
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Derek Prince - Prayer To Break Curses Over My Life
Derek Prince - Prayer To Break Curses Over My Life
Now, if there are those of you here this evening who feel that in some way there’s the shadow of a curse over your life and you want to be released, I want to lead you in a prayer of release. You remember the story I told you of Miriam who read the [...]
Derek Prince - If You Do These Things, You're In Danger Of Getting Cursed
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Derek Prince - If You Do These Things, You're In Danger Of Getting Cursed
Derek Prince - If You Do These Things, You're In Danger Of Getting Cursed
Now in Deuteronomy 27:15-26 we have twelve curses pronounced and when Israel went into the Promised Land they had to pronounce all these curses upon themselves. If they disobeyed the Law they automatically came under these curses. They couldn’t get [...]
Derek Prince - How To Be Released From A Curse
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Derek Prince - How To Be Released From A Curse
Derek Prince - How To Be Released From A Curse
All right, now we come to the really important climax which is how to be released from a curse. I want to give you some simple instructions. There’s a basic pattern which I teach people that consists of four words, each of which begins with RE. [...]
Derek Prince - Freemasonry Can Bring A Curse Upon Family
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Derek Prince - Freemasonry Can Bring A Curse Upon Family
Derek Prince - Freemasonry Can Bring A Curse Upon Family
Then we’re going on in the next common cause of curses. It’s what I call unscriptural covenants. Exodus 23:32, in relationship to the people whom Israel was to dispossess from the land of Canaan; that is, all of them, idol worshipers, people who [...]
Derek Prince - Don't Curse Someone In Ignorance
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Derek Prince - Don't Curse Someone In Ignorance
Derek Prince - Don't Curse Someone In Ignorance
Now I want to go on to other sources of curses. The next one is very important and very little understood by contemporary Christians. I call it persons with relational authority. That is, persons who have authority because of a relationship. Now, [...]
Derek Prince - Did You Know God Curses People and Nations
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Derek Prince - Did You Know God Curses People and Nations
Derek Prince - Did You Know God Curses People and Nations
Now, there are also in the Bible a number of different sources and specific causes for curses. We’ve dealt with the general one, now we’ll deal with some specifics. The first source of curses — and this may surprise some of you — is God Himself. [...]
Sid Roth - How to Break Generational Bloodline Curses
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Sid Roth - How to Break Generational Bloodline Curses
Sid Roth - How to Break Generational Bloodline Curses
Sid Roth: Hello. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest was a career criminal. His extended family consisted of drug dealers, drug addicts, pimps, prostitutes, fatherlessness. He had 34 members of his family in [...]
Derek Prince - Curses Pronounced By Servants Of Satan And Occult Tokens
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Derek Prince - Curses Pronounced By Servants Of Satan And Occult Tokens
Derek Prince - Curses Pronounced By Servants Of Satan And Occult Tokens
And then there are curses pronounced by servants of Satan. And there are various different words for such servants in different languages. In English I think we call them witch doctors. In America they call them medicine men. In Swahili it’s called [...]
Derek Prince - Curses Can Be A Barrier To God's Blessing
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Derek Prince - Curses Can Be A Barrier To God's Blessing
Derek Prince - Curses Can Be A Barrier To God's Blessing
What I’m going to do now is explain to you the nature of curses and blessings. These are two major themes of Scripture. I think the word bless in various forms occurs about 600 times in the Bible. And the word curse probably nearly half that number [...]
Derek Prince - Are Curses Out Of Date, Or Still Relevant Today
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Derek Prince - Are Curses Out Of Date, Or Still Relevant Today?
Derek Prince - Are Curses Out Of Date, Or Still Relevant Today?
Another specific source of curses is men who speak on behalf of God as God’s mouthpiece. There are many examples of this in the Bible. We’ll only look at just a few. the first is found in Joshua 6:26 after Israel had captured and destroyed Jericho. [...]
#221 Joseph Prince - God Can Turn Curses Into Blessings For You
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Joseph Prince - God Can Turn Curses Into Blessings For You
Joseph Prince - God Can Turn Curses Into Blessings For You
Last week I touched on how all of us are in a prison called righteousness, okay? Now, the thing is that outside - actually it's bondage. Outside is slavery. Outside is all kinds of terrible curses that has befallen mankind ever since Adam fell. It's [...]
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Joseph Prince - Reversing The Curse Through The Holy Communion
Joseph Prince - Reversing The Curse Through The Holy Communion
Praise the Lord. All right, let's hear it for Jesus our Lord and King, amen. Thank you, Lord. Praise your wonderful name for all the great things that you have done, Lord. It never fails to thrill our hearts, Lord, all the things that you have done, [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Throw Off The Curse By Blessing Others
Kenneth Copeland - Throw Off The Curse By Blessing Others
We're talking about Galatians 3:13-14. And Christ, let's turn back over there and read that. Particularly for those of you that were not here Monday or yesterday. Galatians, chapter three. Verse 13: "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - The Curse Was Never God's Will For You
Kenneth Copeland - The Curse Was Never God's Will For You
We're talking about what we read in Galatians 3:13-14, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for it is written 'Cursed is everyone that hangeth on the tree.' That the blessing of Abraham might come upon [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - The Curse Is Death, The Blessing Is Life
Kenneth Copeland - The Curse Is Death, The Blessing Is Life
Let's read once again our golden text from Galatians chapter 3 for this week's study. In Galatians chapter 3, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - The Blessings Gives You Authority Over The Curse
Kenneth Copeland - The Blessings Gives You Authority Over The Curse
Now, we've covered a lot of territory this week. Let's read our golden text once again from Galatians 3, and Christ, the anointed one, has redeemed us from the curse of the law. So now we see the curse. Being made a curse for us, for it is written, [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - The Anointing Reverses the Curse
Kenneth Copeland - The Anointing Reverses the Curse
Open your bibles with me please to the book of Luke chapter 4. Now, here's something that I want to show you before we even begin concerning the gospel. Yes, yeah. Yes sir. I'll go ahead and do it right now. Hold your place there, but turn over to [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - The Blessing Overtakes the Curse
Kenneth Copeland - The Blessing Overtakes the Curse
Hello everybody. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. Glory to God. I'm Kenneth Copeland and we are gonna have a good time this week. Praise the Lord. And, Hallelujah, I gotta lot of help in here tonight. Amen. I do have a lot of help [...]
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Joseph Prince - How To Live Free From The Curse
Joseph Prince - How To Live Free From The Curse
Are you ready for the Word? All right, look at this verse in Isaiah 49, "Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered"? Notice that [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Am I Cursed?
Creflo Dollar — Am I Cursed?
Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross was so powerful because it set humanity free from the curse on so many levels. Where Adam and Eve failed in the Garden of Eden, Jesus provided the answer. He was scourged with a cat-o’-nine tails so that we could [...]
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Sid Roth — Removing curses
Sid Roth — Removing curses
Larry Huch join Sid Roth do preach on Removing curses that keep us from receiving God's blessing. [...]
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Patricia King — Breaking Generational Curses
Patricia King — Breaking Generational Curses
Francis Myles joins Patricia King to reveal biblical truths behind generational curses. [...]
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Patricia King — Breaking Financial Curses
Patricia King — Breaking Financial Curses
Dr. Myles reveals how we can break financial poverty off our households and lay hold of abundance. [...]