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TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
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TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
Loving somebody gives them the power to hurt you. It means I give you my shield. I have no defense against your words. When David and Jonathan meet together in the palace and David gives Jonathan his shield, I mean, Jonathan gives David his shield [...]
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
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TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
When John the Writer writes here about God, he says that God so loved. It would be enough to say that God loved because God is love. But he says that God so loved. He had to put an adjective in front of it to modify the noun to make you understand [...]
Derek Prince - The Cross At The Center - Part 2
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Derek Prince - The Cross At The Center - Part 2
Derek Prince - The Cross At The Center - Part 2
This is our second session on the theme of 'The Cross at the Center.' In our previous session I pointed out three major reasons why we have to keep the cross at the center, why God's plan and our salvation really doesn't work when the cross is [...]
Derek Prince - Is The Cross In Your Life Displaced From The Center?
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Derek Prince - Is The Cross In Your Life Displaced From The Center?
Derek Prince - Is The Cross In Your Life Displaced From The Center?
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 1 Now let's look at one other statement by Paul in Romans 8:31 and following. Again, Paul emphasizes the all sufficiency of the sacrifice of Jesus. Romans 8:31 and following. What then shall [...]
Derek Prince - The Cross Is An All Sufficient Sacrifice
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Derek Prince - The Cross Is An All Sufficient Sacrifice
Derek Prince - The Cross Is An All Sufficient Sacrifice
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 1 I want to give you a number of different reasons why we need the cross at the center, why nothing else must ever be allowed to take the place of the cross in the church in general, and in [...]
Derek Prince - The Most Important Thing For Christians
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Derek Prince - The Most Important Thing For Christians
Derek Prince - The Most Important Thing For Christians
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 1 The theme for this evening is 'The Cross at the Center.' I'll be presenting this theme in two sessions. The theme originates in a conversation that I had with a Christian friend about two or [...]
Derek Prince - The Cross At The Center - Part 1
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Derek Prince - The Cross At The Center - Part 1
Derek Prince - The Cross At The Center - Part 1
The theme for this evening is 'The Cross at the Center.' I'll be presenting this theme in two sessions. The theme originates in a conversation that I had with a Christian friend about two or three years ago. It wasn't a planned conversation, we [...]
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 3
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 3
In the last two messages, we have been studying the folly and the power of the cross. The Bible said that those who are perishing, to them the cross is foolishness, it's folly; but to those who are being saved, to them the cross is none other than [...]
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 2
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 2
Every human being that is born anywhere in the world, every one of us, every human being of the 7 billion in the world today or the ones before us or the ones after us, everyone was born with a spiritual debt around our neck which we could never [...]
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 1
Michael Youssef - The Folly and The Power of The Cross - Part 1
I think most of you will agree with me that in our lifetime, certainly I know in my lifetime, there has been no time when the cross of Christ has been more abused and misused, have been undermined and ignored, has been rejected and despised; yet, [...]
Allen Jackson - The Triumph of the Cross - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Triumph of the Cross - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Triumph of the Cross - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. We're walking through our series on, "Let's Do Difficult," specifically on the triumph of the cross. Here, folks, the honest truth, Christianity is not easy. It's not intended to, it shouldn't be [...]
Allen Jackson - The Triumph of the Cross - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Triumph of the Cross - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Triumph of the Cross - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you today. The series we're working through is "Let's Do Difficult". Now, Christianity, I don't believe is really intended to be easy. It's free and it's available to all, but to yield your life to the lordship [...]
Robert Barron - The Power of the Cross
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Robert Barron - The Power of the Cross
Robert Barron - The Power of the Cross
Well, I'm recording these words on holy Thursday, so we come to the beginning of the tritium the most sacred time of year for Christians and I must say my mind's been drifting a lot during this time to the issue of pain it might seem a little bit [...]
Mike Novotny - Cross
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Mike Novotny - Cross
Mike Novotny - Cross
So, do you know what, Bieber, Tupac, a local pastor, a high-end fashion designer, and motorcycle riders have in common? Their interest in it, the cross. It is pretty curious, isn't it? Can you think of many other things in life that would unite such [...]
John Bradshaw - The Cross
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John Bradshaw - The Cross
John Bradshaw - The Cross
You see it everywhere these days, around necks, in cemeteries, on churches and every time, it can only mean one thing; the cross means the death of Jesus, and more really because shortly after He was taken from the cross and buried in Joseph's new [...]
Derek Prince - The Cross In My Life - Part 2
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Derek Prince - The Cross In My Life - Part 2
Derek Prince - The Cross In My Life - Part 2
We're continuing with the theme which I entitled 'The Cross in My Life.' This teaching is taken mainly from the epistle to the Galatians and in the previous session I began by pointing out that the Galatian Christians, although they were Spirit [...]
Derek Prince - The Cross In My Life - Part 1
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Derek Prince - The Cross In My Life - Part 1
Derek Prince - The Cross In My Life - Part 1
The theme of this session and the next one is entitled: 'The Cross in My Life.' I need to begin by explaining briefly what I mean by the phrase 'the cross' because there are some people, especially those from a liturgical background who might [...]
Allen Jackson - Freedom Through The Cross
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Allen Jackson - Freedom Through The Cross
Allen Jackson - Freedom Through The Cross
The lesson today is really a very simple lesson. I wanna hand you three ideas that I would submit to you are fundamental to our faith. See, fundamentals matter. In times of upheaval, or times of uncertainty, or times of stress, the fundamentals make [...]
Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
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Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
I want us to turn tonight to the fifth chapter of the book of Galatians. "And I brethren, if I preach works, if I preach legalism, why do I suffer persecution? Then is the offense of the cross ceased". Now we're living at a moment in [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Ultimate Weapon
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Dr. Ed Young - The Ultimate Weapon
Dr. Ed Young - The Ultimate Weapon
During the II World War, only one U. S. General was captured. General Jonathan Wainwright was captured by the Japanese. He was placed into a prison camp in Mongolia. When the war ended, MacArthur had won. Peace treaty was signed. The way in [...]
John Bradshaw - At the Cross
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John Bradshaw - At the Cross
John Bradshaw - At the Cross
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Standing at the side of an enormous memorial a little more than 30 miles from the Spanish capital, Madrid, is the world's largest cross. It's almost 500 feet tall, 150 meters. It's [...]
James Merritt - Front And Center
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James Merritt - Front And Center
James Merritt - Front And Center
Some of the world's major religions have a visual symbol that illustrates the central feature of its beliefs. And when you see that symbol, you're actually looking at a visual commentary of what they believe at their heart of their very religious [...]
Charles Stanley - The Cross: A Debt Paid in Full
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Charles Stanley - The Cross: A Debt Paid in Full
Charles Stanley - The Cross: A Debt Paid in Full
A debt is an obligation. And probably most people have been in debt at some point in their life or the other. And nobody likes debt because it's a pressure that seemingly increases over a period of time. And usually people will try to pay off their [...]
Skip Heitzig - Cross Examination
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Skip Heitzig - Cross Examination
Skip Heitzig - Cross Examination
Would you please turn in your Bibles to the book of Psalms? Psalm 22, or as they used to say in olden times, Psalm the 22nd, Psalm 22. A defense attorney was cross-examining a police officer in a felony trial. And I am told that what I'm about to [...]
Skip Heitzig - Cross Culture
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Skip Heitzig - Cross Culture
Skip Heitzig - Cross Culture
Let's turn in our Bibles this morning to Psalm 22. 22nd Psalm. About 18 years ago, I had the privilege of serving at ground zero after the twin towers fell in New York City after September 11th. And one day that I was there, I worked with the Red [...]
Gregory Dickow - The Cross Is Love
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Gregory Dickow - The Cross Is Love
Gregory Dickow - The Cross Is Love
Hi, precious family. Welcome to "The Power to Change Today". And I've got a very special teaching that I wanna share with you called "The Cross Is Love". I believe the cross is the single most significant act of love that will [...]
Creflo Dollar - What Changed Before And After The Cross
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Creflo Dollar - What Changed Before And After The Cross
Creflo Dollar - What Changed Before And After The Cross
This morning we've been talking about righteousness, and I think yesterday we saw a difference between righteousness based on what you do versus righteousness based on your faith in Jesus Christ. I think we can safely conclude that you brought [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 4
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Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 4
Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 4
Before the cross of Jesus, under the law, God held man responsible for his sins. Before Jesus died and shed his blood, God held men responsible for their sins. Now think of that, man. Look at this in Leviticus chapter 5:17. Let's look at it in the [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 3
2 Timothy chapter 2 in the Amplified Bible. We're gonna talk about and continue to deal with this subject "The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel". Because the cross is the defining line of the gospel. The cross is the defining line [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 2
Notice what the Spirit of God calls the New Testament. This so ministered to me. Notice what the Spirit of God... go to Hebrews chapter 8:6. Notice what the Spirit of God calls the New Testament, which Jesus is the mediator of. Notice what the [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel - Part 1
I'm noticing what's going on in the world today. I'm noticing what's going on with believers today. I'm noticing even what's going on with the Bible today, how people think about the Bible and how it, you know, is becoming a book that people are [...]
Allen Jackson - The Cross
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Allen Jackson - The Cross
Allen Jackson - The Cross
It just feels like to me every week there's some new expression of turmoil or violence or confusion or frustration, or we get a little bit of tragedy fatigue, but the fact that you're tired doesn't stop it, so saying, "I'm tired," is not [...]
Jack Graham - The Cross-Centered Life
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Jack Graham - The Cross-Centered Life
Jack Graham - The Cross-Centered Life
We live in a braggadocios world today, kind of a selfie-world in which there's allot of self introspection and self aggrandizement and there's allot of pride that we're pushing forward in our generation. And that's why it's so very important that we [...]
Charles Stanley - Why The Cross?
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Charles Stanley - Why The Cross?
Charles Stanley - Why The Cross?
Well, I see them hanging in automobiles in front of the windshield. Then I see them oftentimes on the wall. Sometimes I see them around people's necks. And then I oftentimes see it in a hymnbook. Sometimes people have them on their rings. Sometimes [...]
Sid Roth - I Stood At the Cross of Jesus. Then I Looked Up and Saw This...
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Sid Roth - I Stood At the Cross of Jesus. Then I Looked Up and Saw This...
Sid Roth - I Stood At the Cross of Jesus. Then I Looked Up and Saw This...
Hello! Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. My guest says that most Believers, they don't even know how to make Jesus irresistible. Not only is there a much better way to lead people to Messiah, there's a much [...]
Craig Smith - Dawn
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Craig Smith - Dawn
Craig Smith - Dawn
We are so glad that you’re here this morning. We’ve been praying and planning for the service for so long. Can I make an assumption? You guys know about the cross, right? Like, nobody’s here going, “Cross? What are you talking about?” Yeah, I mean I [...]
Billy Graham - The Necessity of the Cross
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Billy Graham - The Necessity of the Cross
Billy Graham - The Necessity of the Cross
Tonight, I want you to turn with me to Galatians, the sixth chapter and the fourteenth verse. Just one verse of Scripture. "But God forbid, that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom the world is crucified unto me [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel
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Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel
Creflo Dollar - The Cross: The Defining Line of the Gospel
I'm noticing what's going on in the world today. I'm noticing what's going on with believers today. I'm noticing even what's going on with the Bible today, how people think about the Bible and how it, you know, is becoming a book that people are [...]
Joseph Prince - The Cross: Your Redemption From Shame and Reproach
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Joseph Prince - The Cross: Your Redemption From Shame and Reproach
Joseph Prince - The Cross: Your Redemption From Shame and Reproach
I want to share with you about how God wants to defeat the wrong mentality in our lives and how that you can watch out, whether this mentality is trying to creep into your life, amen? So let's go to the story of David hallelujah. 1 Samuel 17, [...]
Billy Graham - The Real Meaning of the Cross
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Billy Graham - The Real Meaning of the Cross
Billy Graham - The Real Meaning of the Cross
One of the television networks ran a series of five programs on the early days of Christianity. And they included the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. One of the most graphic pictures I have ever seen. And among all the emblems of the world, none is [...]
Billy Graham - The Power of the Cross
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Billy Graham - The Power of the Cross
Billy Graham - The Power of the Cross
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to a familiar passage of scripture, Galatians, the 6th chapter. Galatians, the 6th chapter, and the 14th verse. "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the [...]
Billy Graham - The Offense of the Cross
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Billy Graham - The Offense of the Cross
Billy Graham - The Offense of the Cross
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to Galatians, the book of Galatians, the fifth chapter and verse 11. The fifth chapter. "And, I, brethren". This is the Apostle Paul writing to the church at Galatia. "And I, brethren, if I yet [...]
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Steven Furtick — At the Cross
Steven Furtick — At the Cross
We are in the middle of something and that's where God is. That really blesses me to know that, because, waiting for the finished product until I have joy, have peace, trust God, and be happy, that doesn't sound very promising to me. But if God is [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Freedom by the Cross
Creflo Dollar — Freedom by the Cross
We're about to knock over some sacred cows. I mean to the point where you're gonna think, "What in the world have I heard?" I am not here this morning to try to preach a ceremonial message because it's Easter. I'm not here this morning to [...]
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Greg Laurie — What Is the Cross to You?
Greg Laurie — What Is the Cross to You?
In this message Pastor Greg examines Christ's seven statements from the cross and what those statements meant to the people at the cross. He also shares what the cross means to believers today how the cross can bring life to the unbeliever. Pastor [...]
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Creflo Dollar - Life After the Cross
Creflo Dollar - Life After the Cross
Say it again. Say it again. Say it again. You're blessed because of who? You're blessed because of who? Now, if you believe that, if you believe that you are blessed because of Jesus, lift your hands up right quick. I believe I'm blessed because of [...]
Steven Furtick - Complete the Cross
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Steven Furtick - Complete the Cross
Steven Furtick - Complete the Cross
We are in the middle of something, and that's where God is. That really blesses me to know that. Waiting for the finished product until I can have joy, have peace, trust God, and be happy doesn't sound very promising to me, but if God is an ever [...]
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Tony Evans — The Activation of the Cross
Tony Evans — The Activation of the Cross
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin. What sin? The sins we confess. But then he says, I'll throw in a bonus. I'll not only take care of the things you confess, I, with the blood of Jesus Christ, the cross of Christ, will cleanse you from [...]
Tony Evans - Victory Because Of The Cross
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Tony Evans - Victory Because of the Cross
Tony Evans - Victory Because of the Cross
You are the pastor of your family, and if you're not shepherding your family, then you're not being the man of God that God has called you to be. How is God using you today as a man, as a David, in this generation? Until you have purposed to find [...]
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Tony Evans — The Relevancy of the Cross
Tony Evans — The Relevancy of the Cross
A very poor man one day was given a free cruise, given a ticket for a free -day cruise. He was very poor. He had never been on a cruise before. And he went on the ship and it was beautiful. The food was wonderful to look at, the entertainment. The [...]
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