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Marcus Mecum - Courage in a Compromising Culture
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Marcus Mecum - Courage in a Compromising Culture
Marcus Mecum - Courage in a Compromising Culture
If you got your Bibles turn with me to Daniel 1, let’s look at verse one. Daniel 1:1. «In the third year of the reign of the king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem to besiege it. And the Lord delivered the king of Judah into [...]
Paul Daugherty - Where Courage Comes From?
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Paul Daugherty - Where Courage Comes From
Paul Daugherty - Where Courage Comes From
Look at verse two of Acts chapter four. It says the leaders were very disturbed. They weren't just disturbed because they were preaching about the resurrection. They were disturbed because Peter and John were operating in their God given [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - But-If-Not Faith
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Peter Tan-Chi - But-If-Not Faith
Peter Tan-Chi - But-If-Not Faith
Our theme is Truth over Trends. What does it mean? Truth over Trends. You see, a lot of people today are influenced by culture. The problem with trends, they come and and go, it’s like fashion. It’s like what is popular today. They come and go. But [...]
Allen Jackson - Unafraid... with Courage
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Allen Jackson - Unafraid... with Courage
Allen Jackson - Unafraid... with Courage
Our topic is «Unafraid… With Courage». I would submit to you, it’s time for the church to understand the call upon us is to lead lives unafraid and with courage. We have focused for most of my adult life on having our systematic theology correct. We [...]
Derek Grier - Take The Step
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Derek Grier - Take The Step
Derek Grier - Take The Step
We're gonna be, again, in Matthew 14 and 25, and again, it's a very familiar passage. Jesus had just fed the multitude, 5000 with, you know, loaves and fish and he dismissed the crowds and the Bible says he made the disciples get into the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Overcoming the Fear of Failure
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Jentezen Franklin - Overcoming the Fear of Failure
Jentezen Franklin - Overcoming the Fear of Failure
I wanna preach to you today about how to break loose from fear. How to break loose from specifically, and it applies to all fear, but I feel like that God wants His people to be a fearless people, a courageous people, a people who walk in faith, not [...]
Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Opposition
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Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Opposition
Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Opposition
Would the people who know you best consider you courageous or cowardly? When they've watched you make decisions that were difficult, did they watch you run away from difficult situations? Or did they watch you courageously face them? When you [...]
Peter Tan Chi - Be Courageous
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Peter Tan Chi - Be Courageous
Peter Tan Chi - Be Courageous
Over the past few weeks we have been discussing that truth matters. Please tell me: truth is important! In Acts, you will study the history of the early church, how it started, and you will learn about the Holy Spirit. Truth is important. For [...]
Mike Novotny - When Doing Right Is Risky
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Mike Novotny - When Doing Right Is Risky
Mike Novotny - When Doing Right Is Risky
So, way back in 1953, a 24-year-old guy, Atlanta native stood at the altar, look the love of his life in her eyes and vowed to love her deeply until death would do them part. Just a year later, in the mid-1950s, this same young man received a call [...]
Joel Osteen - I Will Not Fear
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Joel Osteen - I Will Not Fear
Joel Osteen - I Will Not Fear
I want to talk to you today аbout: I Will Not Fear. There are so many opportunities to live anxious and afraid. You watch the news and see accidents, threats and violence. There's war in the Middle East, viruses, the pandemic. Even what [...]
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Courage
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Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Courage
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Courage
What do you fear most in life? Is it loss of financial security? Is it the loss of your health? Maybe a loss of your job, your vocation, the area in which you have worked all these years. Maybe it's a relationship or maybe somebody in your [...]
Mark Batterson - The Courage of Calling
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Mark Batterson - The Courage of Calling
Mark Batterson - The Courage of Calling
On a Sunday morning in 1851, during a church service a little bit like this, a 40-year-old mother of seven, Harriet Beecher Stowe, had a vision of a slave being beaten to death. That vision left her so shaken, that she would hardly keep from [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Be Strong And Courageous In The Lord
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Kenneth Copeland - Be Strong And Courageous In The Lord
Kenneth Copeland - Be Strong And Courageous In The Lord
Welcome, everybody, to Friday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And we are going to have a magnificent weekend and come back and talk about faith. Ha-ha-ha-ha. We're going to start this year on faith. Amen. All [...]
Matt Hagee - The Courage To Try Again
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Matt Hagee - The Courage To Try Again
Matt Hagee - The Courage To Try Again
The Bible is a book of courage. In Hebrews, you read these words: without faith, it is impossible to please God. And courage is the forerunner of faith. Because courage is never the absence of fear. Courage is doing what you should do in spite of [...]
Allen Jackson - Courage Required - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Courage Required - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Courage Required - Part 2
It's good to be with you today. We're walking through this series on "Jesus, His Followers, and Politics". And we're gonna talk specifically about the courage that's needed to take the gospel into a world that's [...]
Allen Jackson - Courage Required - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Courage Required - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Courage Required - Part 1
We've been working through a series talking about Jesus, his followers, and politics because I could be more annoying than normal. And the title for this session is "Courage Required". I really couldn't decide which was better, [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Stephen, Unshakable Courage
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Dr. Ed Young - Stephen, Unshakable Courage
Dr. Ed Young - Stephen, Unshakable Courage
God created time. Let that soak a while, okay. That answered so many things. God created time. And from the first nanosecond of creation in the beginning, God, from that first moment when He spoke time into existence all the way through history, [...]
Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. We wanna complete our discussion on "The Courage to Lead with Faith". You know, the real test of my Christianity is not who I am when I'm at church, who I am when I'm standing on a [...]
Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Courage To Lead With Faith - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. Our theme is "The Courage to Lead with Faith". You know, we have been educated, most of us, way beyond our level of obedience to the Lord. I believe what's been lacking, for the most part, in [...]
Craig Groeschel - Confidence and Courage in Business (with Amy Porterfield)
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Craig Groeschel - Confidence and Courage in Business (with Amy Porterfield)
Craig Groeschel - Confidence and Courage in Business (with Amy Porterfield)
When I went out on my own and became my own boss, every insecurity that could come flooding in did. I didn't feel like I was enough. I didn't think I was strategic enough. I didn't have the right answers. I didn't have enough [...]
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you. We're gonna continue our study on humility, courage, and leadership. I think we've avoided humility. We thought somehow it was about weakness. I don't believe humility means you don't think [...]
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you. Our topic is humility, courage, and leadership. I'll give you a secret to sustain success in your life, it's humility. It's not typically information or adaptability or resources, if we can [...]
James Merritt - Courage, Go Big Go Bold
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James Merritt - Courage, Go Big Go Bold
James Merritt - Courage, Go Big Go Bold
Well, welcome those that are watching online. Those at our Mule Creek campus, those that are here at our Sugarloaf campus, those by watching the television. Thanks for being a part of our service today. I wanna take you back to April the 1st, 1942. [...]
Allen Jackson - Strength and Courage - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Strength and Courage - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Strength and Courage - Part 2
Oh, I would submit to you that we have to learn to be God's people; and that's more than just learning to be saved, that's more than just learning what it is to be converted. I believe that's important. With all my heart, [...]
Allen Jackson - Strength and Courage - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Strength and Courage - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Strength and Courage - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. We're doing a study on "Determined Faith," and in this session we're gonna look at strength and courage. When God recruited Joshua, he told him he would need strength and courage. Joshua [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Gives You Courage
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Gives You Courage
Kenneth Copeland - God's Truth Gives You Courage
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland and what I mentioned yesterday, I know you... Where did he get his wife... Well, and the record of Genesis. Two things that people don't realize and understand. Moses wrote the first five books of the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Fear Factor
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Rabbi Schneider - The Fear Factor
Rabbi Schneider - The Fear Factor
Fear is one of the greatest enemies that you and I face in our life. Most of us found that when we were young children, we were afraid to die. Do you know that the fear of death, we're going to be talking about this in the last broadcast in [...]
John Bradshaw - David and Goliath
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John Bradshaw - David and Goliath
John Bradshaw - David and Goliath
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Walk around Jerusalem and you're walking in the footsteps of Jesus. When Jesus was alive, the temple, which was destroyed in 70 AD, was right there on top of the Temple [...]
TD Jakes - The Courage To Change Course
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TD Jakes - The Courage To Change Course
TD Jakes - The Courage To Change Course
Everything is going wonderful, and then Sarah, the Bible says, looked out and saw Ishmael, Hagar's son by Abraham, mocking Isaac, and the party was over. She stopped laughing. Put the cake back, take the hot dogs off the grill, put the party [...]
Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Life's Trials
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Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Life's Trials
Charles Stanley - The Courage to Face Life's Trials
When you face some difficulty, hardship, or trial, or maybe some crisis in your life, what is the first emotion that you feel? Is it fear or is it courage? And if you find yourself in that same circumstance for a period of time, which one of those [...]
Craig Smith - Fighting Fear
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Craig Smith - Fighting Fear
Craig Smith - Fighting Fear
So, I have two dogs at my house. I have a Golden Retriever and a Husky. In other words, real dogs, right? And, real dogs need to run. Unfortunately, I live in a house where my HOA said you can’t build a fence. So my dogs spend most of their time on [...]
Jack Graham - Choosing Courage Over Fear
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Jack Graham - Choosing Courage Over Fear
Jack Graham - Choosing Courage Over Fear
Can't think of a more needed choice than the one that we consider today which is to "Choose Courage over Fear". A courageous Christian is one who stands on principle, not just preference. He stands upon convictions and not just [...]
Jack Graham - Breaking Free from Fear
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Jack Graham - Breaking Free from Fear
Jack Graham - Breaking Free from Fear
We want to break free from the power of anything or anyone that would hold us or hold us back. And the subject today is in regard to fear and worry and anxiety; breaking free from the power of fear. Second Timothy chapter 1 and verse 7: "For [...]
Jack Graham - No Fear
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Jack Graham - No Fear
Jack Graham - No Fear
If you will begin finding Revelation chapter 2, let me remind you that these 7 churches are real churches, historically connected, they were really multi-site campuses. 7 churches at multi-locations around the Aegean Sea, surrounded by Ephesus and [...]
Leon Fontaine - Intentional Courage
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Leon Fontaine - Intentional Courage
Leon Fontaine - Intentional Courage
In my studies of leadership and I love the topic of leadership. I found a word that has changed. It's the word virtue. In our world, it means, you know, I want to hang on to my daughters' virtue. I will lock them up in their bedroom. [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Courage To Stand Alone - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - The Courage To Stand Alone - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - The Courage To Stand Alone - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. When America was founded, Christian morals were deeply rooted in the heart of our nation. Now, taking a stand for God in the public square often means standing alone. And it looks [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Courage To Stand Alone - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - The Courage To Stand Alone - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - The Courage To Stand Alone - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In today's society, abiding by the Christian moral code is no longer the norm, it's the rare exception. So as Christians, how can we remain faithful to God in a world [...]
Leon Fontaine - Deep Courage
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Leon Fontaine - Deep Courage
Leon Fontaine - Deep Courage
I'm going to title my message today, Deep Courage. Deep courage. We live in a time right now that, I speak with people across the nation, around the world, statisticians, think tanks, pastors. And so, it's stunning how quickly people can [...]
Craig Smith - The Day the Sun Stood Still
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Craig Smith - The Day the Sun Stood Still
Craig Smith - The Day the Sun Stood Still
One of the things my Bible says is that we can know our God is great, and that he is in control because he’s always working in the midst of everything. And so in fact, we found in the Book of Romans, it says that God is working in the midst of all [...]
Craig Smith - The Power of Courage (All Is Bright)
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Craig Smith - The Power of Courage (All Is Bright)
Craig Smith - The Power of Courage (All Is Bright)
Welcome to Mission Hills. So glad you’re here. We’re in our "All Is Bright" Christmas series where we’re talking about something Jesus said about his people in a commandment that he gave and is a commandment that Audra and Hannah are [...]
Robert Jeffress - Fearless Faith
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Robert Jeffress - Fearless Faith
Robert Jeffress - Fearless Faith
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress. And welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Scientists contend that humans develop the emotion of fear purely out of necessity. Fear was designed to keep us safe from predators and other dangers, but scripture reveals a [...]
Craig Smith - The Power of Courage
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Craig Smith - The Power of Courage
Craig Smith - The Power of Courage
Morning. Hey, just a little acknowledgment. I realize that a lot of you had to ride the shuttle in because our parking lot is absolutely full. Which is fun problem to have, but I also realize that it’s not necessarily what you expect when you come [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Fear to Courage - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Fear to Courage - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Fear to Courage - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Fear holds us back from achieving dreams and reaching goals. It makes us complacent and keeps us from living the way God intended, but gratefully with God's help, the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Fear to Courage - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Fear to Courage - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Fear to Courage - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Fear is a natural and even sometimes helpful reaction to danger, but fear doesn't have to control us. In fact, did you know that the Bible includes 366 commands that begin [...]
Levi Lusko - Liquid Courage
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Levi Lusko - Liquid Courage
Levi Lusko - Liquid Courage
Thank you for being here. Happy Memorial Day with gratitude for those who have laid their lives down in the history of our country. And I hope you have an amazing Memorial Day weekend. Or, if you skipped church to be camping or something and [...]
Christine Caine - Take A Risk, Part 2
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Christine Caine - Take A Risk, Part 2
Christine Caine - Take A Risk, Part 2
Jesus did not come to make us safe. He came to make us dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. That's what we are here for. We are here to plunder hell and to fill heaven. That's what this is all about. He didn't come to make a safe. [...]
Christine Caine - Take A Risk, Part 1
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Christine Caine - Take A Risk, Part 1
Christine Caine - Take A Risk, Part 1
And life is but a vapor, the Bible says. Like this, it's just a vapor. All that stress. Is my kid going to get a four point oh? Vapor. You know, what's going to happen with all the stocks? Vapor. Who's going to be in government? [...]
Leon Fontaine - How To Develop Courage
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Leon Fontaine - How To Develop Courage
Leon Fontaine - How To Develop Courage
A while ago, I did a series here at Springs and it was about cowards and champions. I remember going through what a coward was because we don't really talk that way anymore. If anybody acts cowardly, they've always got a reason that we [...]
David Jeremiah - The Courage of Faith
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David Jeremiah - The Courage of Faith
David Jeremiah - The Courage of Faith
Even if they get some of the details wrong, many people in our culture are familiar with the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho. One of the most overlooked facts about how the walls of Jericho came tumbling down is revealed in the biblical [...]
Charles Stanley - A Formula For Courage
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Charles Stanley - A Formula For Courage
Charles Stanley - A Formula For Courage
I want to begin my message today by an incident that happened in my life many years ago. And it turned out to be a message that absolutely has influenced me, impacted me, encouraged me, helped me; and I certainly hope this message will do the same [...]
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