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Andy Stanley - The Contentment Challenge
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Andy Stanley - The Contentment Challenge
Andy Stanley - The Contentment Challenge
Hi everybody, welcome to "Your Move," where we help you make better decisions and live with fewer regrets. I'm Andy Stanley, and today we're talking about something we all want more of, but have a hard time finding. Something that we can't [...]
Adrian Rogers - Cultivating Contentment in the Home
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Adrian Rogers - Cultivating Contentment in the Home
Adrian Rogers - Cultivating Contentment in the Home
Would you take God's Word and find please Psalm 128. If you're familiar with the Psalms; you know that's one of the best Psalms in the Bible on the family. We're in a series of Bible studies entitled: "Celebrating the Family". But there's [...]
Robert Jeffress - Control Yourself
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Robert Jeffress - Control Yourself
Robert Jeffress - Control Yourself
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway To Victory". Social Media provides a fun way to connect with our friends, but these platforms have stirred up problems as well. One of the biggest problems is jealousy. People in [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Living Life to the Fullest
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Dr. Ed Young - Living Life to the Fullest
Dr. Ed Young - Living Life to the Fullest
1 Kings chapter number 10, read those early verses, and you'll read about a very wonderful encounter between two heads of state. When the president of the United States meets with the premier of China, it's news. And that's always been news. When [...]
Joyce Meyer - An Attitude of Contentment - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - An Attitude of Contentment - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - An Attitude of Contentment - Part 2
You wanna be happy and you wanna be content, how many of you do? Okay. Then you can't do it with one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom. You can't do it hiding a bunch of stuff and not dealing with it. You gotta get on God's program [...]
Joyce Meyer - An Attitude of Contentment - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - An Attitude of Contentment - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - An Attitude of Contentment - Part 1
We have so much. And there's really no excuse at all to ever be discontent. And that's what I wanna talk about this afternoon is to have a contented attitude. The Bible says, "Godliness with contentment is of great gain". And I believe [...]
Craig Smith - Contentment Conflict
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Craig Smith - Contentment Conflict
Craig Smith - Contentment Conflict
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So glad to have you with us this morning. We are rounding third base and heading for home in our Boundless Series. Last couple of months, we have worked our way through the Book of Philippians, and we’ve been on the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Materialism to Contentment
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Materialism to Contentment
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Materialism to Contentment
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Materialism is characterized by the continual pursuit of more with no end in sight. Although this craving is part of our DNA, it's another mountain, an obstacle that blocks us from [...]
Christine Caine - Re-Vision: A Heavenly Perspective - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Re-Vision: A Heavenly Perspective - Part 1
Christine Caine - Re-Vision: A Heavenly Perspective - Part 1
Hey, I'm so grateful that you've joined us today. You know, every single one of us can fall into the trap of discontentment. We somehow can believe the lie, if we would just accumulate more, acquire more, amass more, or were just more in general, [...]
Creflo Dollar - Contentment: The Way Out Of Complacency
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Creflo Dollar - Contentment: The Way Out Of Complacency
Creflo Dollar - Contentment: The Way Out Of Complacency
Well, if you have your Bibles go with me to the book of Proverbs chapter 1. Proverbs chapter 1, verse 32 in the New Living Translation, and we're gonna continue talking about complacency. We talked about complacency last week, and the issue, the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Choosing Contentment Over Comparison
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Robert Jeffress - Choosing Contentment Over Comparison
Robert Jeffress - Choosing Contentment Over Comparison
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. What do people want more than anything else in the world? Money, health, comfort? Well, all of those things are just a means to achieve happiness, or so people think. Society has [...]
Steven Furtick - How To Be Content
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Steven Furtick - How To Be Content
Steven Furtick - How To Be Content
"Thou shalt remember to rejoice". That staff member who took the offering at Ballantyne said he was forgetful. He said, "I tend to be forgetful. I forget my keys. I forget my wallet". That's not the worst thing you can forget. [...]
Victoria Osteen - Contentment Is A State Of Mind
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Victoria Osteen - Contentment Is A State Of Mind
Victoria Osteen - Contentment Is A State Of Mind
Hallelujah. We love you, Lord. It's good to be in the house of the Lord, isn't it? Have you ever felt restless? Maybe you felt anxious. You're just not content. You don't even know what it is. It's just something that's just stirring inside of you. [...]
Creflo Dollar - Understanding How To Be Content
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding How To Be Content
Creflo Dollar - Understanding How To Be Content
Let's begin in Philippians chapter 4 in the King James Bible, verse 11 and 13, and I wanna just lay this out line by line, precept by precept so that you can really gain concept of walking in contentment and knowing the difference between [...]
David Jeremiah - The Joy of Serenity
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David Jeremiah - The Joy of Serenity
David Jeremiah - The Joy of Serenity
As we turn our attention to this last section of Philippians, we've already learned about the peace of God which passes all understanding and the God of peace who's promised to be with us. We've discovered that blessings can be ours, which we [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Power Of Contentment
Joyce Meyer - The Power Of Contentment
You know, in Exodus chapter 2, verse 21, and I think this will be a good example for a lot of us. Let's take a look at this. You know, Moses was raised in the house of Pharaoh and he had every privilege that anybody could have, wealth, fine clothes, [...]
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Robert Morris — The Principle of Contentment
Robert Morris — The Principle of Contentment
We've been in a series called, "Relationship Through God's Top Ten List", and these are ten laws for a civilized society. I don't want to ever overlook that. But, there's a principle behind each commandment that I think we need to [...]
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Joel Osteen — Living Content
Joel Osteen — Living Content
I want to talk to you today about living content. It's good to have dreams and goals. We should be stretching our faith, believing for something bigger, but here's the key, while we're waiting for things to change, waiting for promises to come to [...]