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Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
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Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
Take if you will please your Bible and be finding the book of Exodus, chapter 20. And today we look at verse 16. Exodus chapter 20 and verse 16 it simply says this, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not bear [...]
TD Jakes - Decisions and Consequences
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TD Jakes - Decisions and Consequences
TD Jakes - Decisions and Consequences
The reason I'm in this text is that when it comes to the story of the lost son, the entirety of this story of the younger son who says, "Father, give me the portion of goods that fall after me," he is distinctly different from the coin or [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Supernatural Consequences
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Rabbi Schneider - Supernatural Consequences
Rabbi Schneider - Supernatural Consequences
If you and I do not abide in the Light, we find ourselves in the darkness. And when we're in the darkness, destruction can fall upon us and evil spirits can enter our lives. When we willfully sin, we open up a legal door for unclean spirits to come [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Choices We Make
Charles Stanley - The Choices We Make
Can you recall a decision or a choice you made years ago, somewhere back yonder in your life, that you really and truly regret? I heard somebody say, "Yeah". Well, why do you think you made that choice? What motivated you? That is, what [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Consequence
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Rabbi Schneider - The Consequence
Rabbi Schneider - The Consequence
We are in this season of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. It is the holiest day of the year on God's sacred calendar. We read about it first in the Torah where the Lord commanded the high priest to go into the Holy of Holies, which was the back [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why Forgiven People Must Still Sit in the Electric Chair
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Robert Jeffress - Why Forgiven People Must Still Sit in the Electric Chair
Robert Jeffress - Why Forgiven People Must Still Sit in the Electric Chair
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. No matter how often or how badly we mess up, God is always willing to forgive our sins. But just because we've been forgiven, doesn't mean we won't have to experience the consequences [...]
Robert Jeffress - Forgiving Without Forgetting - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Forgiving Without Forgetting - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Forgiving Without Forgetting - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Most of us can brush off a small insult or a minor offense, but when somebody hurts us deeply and profoundly, and when the wounds seem like they will never heal, is it really possible [...]
Robert Jeffress - Forgiving Without Forgetting - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Forgiving Without Forgetting - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Forgiving Without Forgetting - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. If you've ever been hurt by somebody you love, you've probably been told to forgive and forget. And while the idea sounds nice, it's not exactly realistic. Today I'm going to discuss [...]
Robert Jeffress - Forgiving People You Never Want To Eat Lunch With Again - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Forgiving People You Never Want To Eat Lunch With Again -
Robert Jeffress - Forgiving People You Never Want To Eat Lunch With Again - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to, "Pathway to Victory". When someone we love deeply offends us, how do we restore that relationship to where it was before? And what if that person never shows any remorse? Well, healing a [...]
Tony Evans - Reversing Demonic Consequences
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Tony Evans - Reversing Demonic Consequences
Tony Evans - Reversing Demonic Consequences
Now, throughout Jesus's life in ministry, he had to deal with demons. When you read the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, he is constantly confronting physical realities with spiritual causation, demonic influence, oppression, or [...]
Tony Evans - Reversing Sexual Consequences
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Tony Evans - Reversing Sexual Consequences
Tony Evans - Reversing Sexual Consequences
We have become a sex-saturated society. TV, music, smart devices all give us access to and permission for this particular sin. It has become the drug of choice within the culture, and as the culture has devolved, increasing in that devolution of the [...]
Tony Evans - Reversing Financial Consequences
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Tony Evans - Reversing Financial Consequences
Tony Evans - Reversing Financial Consequences
My challenge today is to tell all who will listen to what God has to say how to get out of debt. Is there anybody here need to get out of debt? God has, like in every other area, an answer to your financial dilemma. The problem is that God can't get [...]
Tony Evans - Reversing Discrimination Consequences
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Tony Evans - Reversing Discrimination Consequences
Tony Evans - Reversing Discrimination Consequences
Oftentimes, when it comes to the people of God, we reject folk who don't look like they belong. We reject people who don't look like they fit. We reject people because they do not fit the smoothness that we think they ought to have and they get spit [...]
Tony Evans - Reversing Addiction Consequences
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Tony Evans - Reversing Addiction Consequences
Tony Evans - Reversing Addiction Consequences
Many of God's children are spiritual POWs, prisoners of war, trapped in a sin that they have been unable to break, trapped in a situation that is contrary to the will and Word of God from which they have not been able to escape. Whether it is [...]
Tony Evans - Reversing Irreversible Consequences
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Tony Evans - Reversing Irreversible Consequences
Tony Evans - Reversing Irreversible Consequences
How many of you like puzzles? Anybody like puttin' together puzzles? Okay? Well, today, we're going to have a puzzle, and we're going to see the protrusions and the indentations of this puzzle come together to address the issue of irreversible [...]
Tony Evans - Reversing Generational Consequences
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Tony Evans - Reversing Generational Consequences
Tony Evans - Reversing Generational Consequences
All of us bear the DNA of our mothers and fathers. They have transferred physiologically their makeup. The physical DNA is not the only thing that gets transferred. There is a spiritual DNA that transfers as well. This is an unseen reality that [...]