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Louie Giglio - Confident In Christ's Return
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Louie Giglio - Confident In Christ's Return
Louie Giglio - Confident In Christ's Return
«I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain». Now, I don’t wanna stop all the way through, but this key to the Abyss would take us back to chapter 1 of the risen Jesus who said, «I [...]
Joyce Meyer - Confidence (NEW)
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Joyce Meyer - Confidence (NEW)
Joyce Meyer - Confidence (NEW)
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, this program today, is just for you, because we love you and we care about you. And we want you to be bold and courageous and full of confidence. And there's [...]
Michael Youssef - Facing the Future with Confidence
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Michael Youssef - Facing the Future with Confidence
Michael Youssef - Facing the Future with Confidence
You know, every New Year, these fortunetellers, that's really what I call them, future-predictors, they come out of the woodworks, every year. And through the years I've really tracked some of them and I gotta tell you that at least, and I [...]
Gregory Dickow - How to Respond to Life's Problems with Confidence
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Gregory Dickow - How to Respond to Life's Problems with Confidence
Gregory Dickow - How to Respond to Life's Problems with Confidence
"And the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha". And let me tell you something. The horses and the chariots of fire were always there. They [...]
Charles Stanley - The Confidence to Face the Unknown
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Charles Stanley - The Confidence to Face the Unknown
Charles Stanley - The Confidence to Face the Unknown
Because you and I cannot see into the future, life is full of unknowns. The question is: How do you and I respond to those unknowns in life? Some people respond with confidence and assurance. Many people respond with fear and anxiety and frustration [...]
Charles Stanley - Confidence in the Midst of Distress
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Charles Stanley - Confidence in the Midst of Distress
Charles Stanley - Confidence in the Midst of Distress
The year was nineteen hundred and forty-four and I was in the eighth grade. We were in a war and we were fighting in the Pacific and also in Europe. It was a time of great distress and turmoil in this country. Many things were rationed: food and [...]
Derek Prince - Expressing Confidence In Jesus' Blood
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Derek Prince - Expressing Confidence In Jesus' Blood
Derek Prince - Expressing Confidence In Jesus' Blood
Last time I believe we ended at Hebrews 10:22. I would like just to go back in your outline over what we have there from Hebrews 10:19–22 and then we'll go on. Rather than translate from the Greek I'll read the New American Standard [...]
Craig Groeschel - Confidence and Courage in Business (with Amy Porterfield)
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Craig Groeschel - Confidence and Courage in Business (with Amy Porterfield)
Craig Groeschel - Confidence and Courage in Business (with Amy Porterfield)
When I went out on my own and became my own boss, every insecurity that could come flooding in did. I didn't feel like I was enough. I didn't think I was strategic enough. I didn't have the right answers. I didn't have enough [...]
Dr. Ed Young - How to be Confident of the Future
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Dr. Ed Young - How to be Confident of the Future
Dr. Ed Young - How to be Confident of the Future
It's amazing how interest in last things wanes and swells. Sometimes there's a lot of interest; sometimes there's little interest. Primarily I've noticed it centers around what's going on in the Middle East. And when there [...]
Charles Stanley - What It Means to Believe in Jesus?
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Charles Stanley - What It Means to Believe in Jesus?
Charles Stanley - What It Means to Believe in Jesus?
What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ? All through the Bible you and I find these verses, they're talking about believing in Him, but what does that mean? It's very evident in the scripture that in order for a person to have their [...]
Derek Prince - Confident Access To God
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Derek Prince - Confident Access To God
Derek Prince - Confident Access To God
Now we come to the first passage of practical application, verses 14-16. And the essence of the application is confident access to God. In verse 14 we have the third "let us" passage, which is "let us hold fast our confession". [...]
Joseph Prince - Have a Confident Expectation of Good in Your Future
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Joseph Prince - Have a Confident Expectation of Good in Your Future
Joseph Prince - Have a Confident Expectation of Good in Your Future
This is an excerpt from: Power To Renew Your Youth Recently, in the Harvard Gazette, I just read this yesterday, but I know about this for quite some time, but in case those of you who are wondering about this, whether it's backed up and all [...]
Allen Jackson - Choosing To Believe In An Age To Unbelief - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Choosing To Believe In An Age To Unbelief - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Choosing To Believe In An Age To Unbelief - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. We're gonna complete our study on "Belief in an Age of Unbelief". I'm inviting you to be a little different, to stand apart from the crowd. Jesus talked about a narrow road and a narrow [...]
Allen Jackson - Choosing To Believe In An Age To Unbelief - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Choosing To Believe In An Age To Unbelief - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Choosing To Believe In An Age To Unbelief - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. We're gonna talk about, 'Choosing belief in an age of unbelief.' It seems to me that it's almost more chic to be a skeptic than it is to be a person of belief. Well, I wanna invite you to [...]
David Jeremiah - In a World of Disasters, BE CONFIDENT
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David Jeremiah - In a World of Disasters, BE CONFIDENT
David Jeremiah - In a World of Disasters, BE CONFIDENT
I don't know if you've ever wanted to visit a distant planet or to feel like you've been on one. Well, if you'd like to do that, take a vacation, Yellowstone National Park, the terrain is otherworldly, and, at times, you feel [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How You Can Have Confidence
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Rabbi Schneider - How You Can Have Confidence
Rabbi Schneider - How You Can Have Confidence
Last week on Seeds of Revelation, I concentrated on the fifth verse of the third chapter of Proverbs. I want to continue today by focusing on the sixth verse but let's read the fifth verse too to set the context. "Trust in the Lord with [...]
Steven Furtick - Why Is My Confidence Under Attack?
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Steven Furtick - Why Is My Confidence Under Attack?
Steven Furtick - Why Is My Confidence Under Attack?
This is an excerpt from: My Confidence Is Coming Back The Devil cannot take your calling. The Bible says the gifts and calling of God are without repentance. He doesn't change his mind when you lose your way. Since the Devil can't take [...]
Steven Furtick - How To Build Your Confidence
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Steven Furtick - How To Build Your Confidence
Steven Furtick - How To Build Your Confidence
This is an excerpt from: Borrowed Confidence How many of you, your teenage years were kind of a dark part of your life? So, imagine you're there again. You're going back in that. Now, when you're young, you have a commodity that can [...]
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Confidence
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Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Confidence
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Confidence
Our emotions have a powerful influence upon our life. Either they're gonna control us or we're gonna control them. Usually, when our emotions are controlling us, they're negative emotions. And many people wake up every morning and [...]
Craig Smith - How to KNOW God is in Control
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Craig Smith - How to KNOW God is in Control
Craig Smith - How to KNOW God is in Control
Well, hey, as Justin said, it’s a little easy to forget in all the craziness of the season right now, but this is actually Palm Sunday weekend. We’re one week out from Easter. And this is a special weekend all of its own. We call it Palm Sunday. And [...]
Steven Furtick - The Only Way To Gain Real Confidence
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Steven Furtick - The Only Way To Gain Real Confidence
Steven Furtick - The Only Way To Gain Real Confidence
Here's what I'm trying to say: let's stop being so quick to categorize people based on what we see with our eyes or where they are in certain behaviors in their lives. Judge nothing before the appointed time. You don't even know [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Unwavering Faith
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Rabbi Schneider - Unwavering Faith
Rabbi Schneider - Unwavering Faith
Studying messianic prophecy, beloved, it's more than an academic endeavor. Because when we see the divine origin of the Word of God, which is realized in seeing how Messiah Yeshua fulfills the ancient writings, it establishes us in our faith. [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith -  Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Very few Christians are willing to admit it, but we all struggle with doubt myself included. Maybe your thoughts are frequently overrun with questions about God's goodness, [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith -  Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus said, "If you have faith as tiny as that of a mustard seed you can move mountains". So how do we develop the kind of faith that allows us to [...]
Charles Stanley - Praying With Confidence
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Charles Stanley - Praying With Confidence
Charles Stanley - Praying With Confidence
Do you sometimes find yourself being a little impatient with God because you've been praying and He hasn't answered your prayer exactly when you expected it? Or do you find yourself sometimes maybe feeling even a little bit angry at God [...]
David Jeremiah - Stay Confident
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David Jeremiah - Stay Confident
David Jeremiah - Stay Confident
Bill Maher is best known as the host of television talk shows. He's a standup comedian, as you know, and he's pretty well known for his acid tongue and for his criticism of everything that's traditional, especially anything that has [...]
Steven Furtick - Borrowed Confidence
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Steven Furtick - Borrowed Confidence
Steven Furtick - Borrowed Confidence
You never want to miss a Sunday at Elevation, because you never know what God is going to do. He's just amazing. I think you picked a good Sunday to join us too, or if you're watching this on a Tuesday or listening to this on the [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Test of Confidence - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - The Test of Confidence - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - The Test of Confidence - Part 2
So, "Jesus full of the Holy Spirit", I'm in Luke 4. We're gonna read one through thirteen and see if you can hang on for 13 verses without gettin' lost. "And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Test of Confidence - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - The Test of Confidence - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - The Test of Confidence - Part 1
How many of you know that we go through testing times in our life? And I said last night if we get wise we'll start to pass our tests the first time we take 'em. Because with God nobody ever flunks out, you just get to keep taking the test [...]
Joyce Meyer - Confidence
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Joyce Meyer - Confidence
Joyce Meyer - Confidence
Thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And it's my prayer that you will not only enjoy the program, but you'll learn something that's gonna make your life better. Today, I wanna talk to you about what [...]
Steven Furtick - How To Be Confident In Your Calling
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Steven Furtick - How To Be Confident In Your Calling
Steven Furtick - How To Be Confident In Your Calling
I know your confidence has been shaken lately. That's why you need some people. Would you tell the person next to you, "I need people like you in my life". I really do. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of [...]
Steven Furtick - Are You Scared of Not Being Enough?
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Steven Furtick - Are You Scared of Not Being Enough?
Steven Furtick - Are You Scared of Not Being Enough?
So many of us are worried about our families these days, on every level. I'm hearing it from people who have young children. I'm hearing it from people who have elderly parents. We're worried. It's hard for us right now to trust [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Test Of Confidence
Joyce Meyer - The Test Of Confidence
How many of you know that we go through testing times in our life? And I said last night if we get wise we'll start to pass our tests the first time we take 'em. Because with God nobody ever flunks out, you just get to keep taking the test [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Self-Confidence
Joyce Meyer - Self-Confidence
A fool is always taking a mental beating. The self-confident man must worry, be anxious, reason, be in fear. A self-confident fool also takes an emotional beating. Nothing really works out right for him. And since he's worked so hard in his [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Cure For The Insecure
Joyce Meyer - The Cure For The Insecure
This morning, I want to talk to you about the cure for the insecure, because we have an epidemic of insecure people in the world today that are wearing masks and putting on phony personalities and trying to do things they don't even want to do, [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Confidence In Christ
Joyce Meyer - Confidence In Christ
Well, welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life," and I'm glad that you're with us today. And I believe, when you hear the Word of God that I'm going to share today, that it will help you to enjoy your everyday life because I [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Can I Gain Confidence?
Joyce Meyer - How Can I Gain Confidence?
Today, Joyce Meyer answers the question: How can I gain confidence? [...]
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John Hagee - The Storm of Self-Confidence
John Hagee - The Storm of Self-Confidence
"Confidence" are two words, "Con" meaning "With" and "Faido," which means "Faith," which is living by faith. That's what confidence is. The Bible says, "Without faith, it is impossible to [...]
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Joseph Prince - The Confidence That Brings Great Rewards
Joseph Prince - The Confidence That Brings Great Rewards
Turn to your neighbor, smile and say, "I'll be sitting next to you for the next three hours so be nice to me". Look at somebody else and say, "Something good is going to happen to you, something wonderful, something good". [...]
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Leon Fontaine - Confidence in Christianity
Leon Fontaine - Confidence in Christianity
Church can be some of the most awful places you ever been to in your life. But where Jesus is actually talked about and where his Gospel is actually shared it becomes one of the most beautiful places as you learn to love people, as you learn to [...]
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Joseph Prince — Live Confident
Joseph Prince — Live Confident
We think that Jesus rose from the dead because he's God's Son and God raised his own Son from the dead. That is true, Jesus is God's Son, but that's not the reason why God raised him from the dead. He came as a man and God has to [...]
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Steven Furtick - I Lost My Confidence
Steven Furtick - I Lost My Confidence
This text is gonna help us today. The Apostle Paul is, in his own way, upset and triggered for good reason, about something that is going on to affect the believers. So the title I wanna use, I need you to announce this title to the person sitting [...]
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Steven Furtick - Where's Your Confidence?
Steven Furtick - Where's Your Confidence?
Usually, I think in our culture we're approaching confidence at a surface level and it's a Bible word. I'll read you a few verses that say the word confidence. It's also mentioned in a positive context, even right in Philippians, [...]
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Steven Furtick — Protect Your Confidence
Steven Furtick — Protect Your Confidence
For a long time I thought he was doubting Jesus, but then I heard a preacher get up one time, and he said maybe Peter wasn't doubting Jesus as much he was doubting Peter. It says that he saw the wind, he saw the waves, and he started to doubt. [...]
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Joel Osteen — Be Confident In What You Have
Joel Osteen — Be Confident In What You Have
I want to talk to you today about being confident in what you have. It's easy to focus on what we don't have. "I don't have the talent. I don't have the education. I don't have the right personality". But as long [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Practical Ways to Developing Confidence
Creflo Dollar — Practical Ways to Developing Confidence
The more you renew your mind in that Word and the more you allow that Word to have authority over the way you think, the more time you spend with renewing your mind with that Word, you're gonna find yourself having confidence in that Word, [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Having Confidence to Rest
Creflo Dollar — Having Confidence to Rest
When you are at rest, then God will be at work; but if you're in stress and worry and care, and if you're trying to work, then God's gonna rest. The place of rest is the place of manifestations. The place of rest is the place where [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Developing Confidence in Jesus
Creflo Dollar — Developing Confidence in Jesus
Most of the things that have been stopped from manifesting in our lives have been because somehow we entered into stress rather than rest, we entered into worry rather than rest, we entered into carrying the care rather than being still in the rest. [...]
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Kay Arthur — No Confidence
Kay Arthur — No Confidence
What my friend is it that really turns you on, that really lights your fire? What is it that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning and causes you to press on? What are you trying to achieve? What is your passion? What are you reaching out [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Confidence in Christ
Creflo Dollar — Confidence in Christ
Every promise God made to us in his word, whether it’s healing, peace, joy, prosperity, or deliverance, is true. Having confidence in these promises puts us in the position to receive them, but we must always be prepared to encounter resistance. Our [...]
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