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Marcus Mecum - Courage in a Compromising Culture
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Marcus Mecum - Courage in a Compromising Culture
Marcus Mecum - Courage in a Compromising Culture
If you got your Bibles turn with me to Daniel 1, let’s look at verse one. Daniel 1:1. «In the third year of the reign of the king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem to besiege it. And the Lord delivered the king of Judah into [...]
Jeff Schreve - Facing The Fire
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Jeff Schreve - Facing The Fire
Jeff Schreve - Facing The Fire
And today’s message is on the three Hebrew boys: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were three young men who refused to compromise, and they made such a difference for the Lord because they would not bow even in the midst of immense pressure put [...]
Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 2
So the very next verses, Luke gives us this scenario at a little village not far away. There's a funeral procession, and Jesus interrupts the funeral procession, and what does he do? He said, "Young man, get up". "And the dead [...]
Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Ambivalence and Destruction - Part 1
Working through a study on the Gospel of Luke, I've invited you to, beyond your normal Bible reading, which I understand is a little bit of an extra lift, but I've invited you to read the Gospel of Luke with me repetitively. If your [...]
Craig Groeschel - Living for Jesus in a Culture of Compromise
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Craig Groeschel - Living for Jesus in a Culture of Compromise
Craig Groeschel - Living for Jesus in a Culture of Compromise
At all of our churches, raise your hands if relationally right now, you're experiencing any tension, any complicated conversations, or have any friends going crazy on social media. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. Online, you can type in, [...]
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 2
Our enemy, the devil, wants you to believe that you're not significant. That to be important, you have to be an influencer. I would submit, you have influence with the Creator of all things. Let's decide the simple part of this, that our [...]
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 1
I started a new series in the previous session. I wanna take a few sessions and talk with you about the Gospel of Luke. In fact, I wanna ask you, if you will accept it, to take a little homework assignment. I know we already do daily Bible reading [...]
James Merritt - Thyatira, Failing The Tolerance Test
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James Merritt - Thyatira, Failing The Tolerance Test
James Merritt - Thyatira, Failing The Tolerance Test
Well, I got a question, November the 16th, big day, how many of you know why it's a big day? Anybody here know the significance of November the 16th, anybody? Because if you do, you're smarter than I am and you're certainly smarter [...]
Mike Novotny - Do We Compromise Sexual Morality?
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Mike Novotny - Do We Compromise Sexual Morality?
Mike Novotny - Do We Compromise Sexual Morality?
In fact, in this sermon series as we study these letters that Jesus wrote in Revelation 2 and 3. Did you know that there's one topic that comes up in the first letter and the third and the fourth letter. The only topic repeated by Jesus that [...]
Adrian Rogers - The High Cost of Low Living
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Adrian Rogers - The High Cost of Low Living
Adrian Rogers - The High Cost of Low Living
I want you to find, please, Second Samuel chapter 11. This is a sad chapter in the Word of God. It's a tragic chapter. It's the story of David's sin with Bathsheba. The title of the message this morning, "The High Cost of Low [...]
James Merritt - The Middle Seat
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James Merritt - The Middle Seat
James Merritt - The Middle Seat
Two phone calls that I received caused me to do maybe the most difficult, distasteful thing I've ever had to do in my entire ministry, and both of them had to do with people that served on our staff. Both of them had to do with people who were [...]
Doug Batchelor - Samson, Conquered by Compromise
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Doug Batchelor - Samson, Conquered by Compromise
Doug Batchelor - Samson, Conquered by Compromise
We're continuing a series that we began a couple of weeks ago dealing with the Bible character of Samson. And today, in particular, we're going to be talking about Samson who was conquered by compromise. Samson's story is something of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Where Compromise Leads You
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Rabbi Schneider - Where Compromise Leads You
Rabbi Schneider - Where Compromise Leads You
In the book of Joshua, called in Hebrew Yahashua, chapter number 24, verse number 15, Joshua says this, "If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve. But as for me and my house, we will [...]
Robert Jeffress - Wimp-Free Christianity
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Robert Jeffress - Wimp-Free Christianity
Robert Jeffress - Wimp-Free Christianity
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. We live in a day when Christians are pressured to tone down our moral convictions. Secular media paints biblical truth as "Backwards," "Oppressive," and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - In the End Tolerance Fails
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Rabbi Schneider - In the End Tolerance Fails
Rabbi Schneider - In the End Tolerance Fails
One of the most powerful scriptures in the entire word of God, Philippians 2 verses 10 and 11. Hear the word of the Lord, "at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow of those who are in heaven and those who are on the earth and under the earth. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Remember the Covenant to Keep From Compromising
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Kenneth Copeland - Remember the Covenant to Keep From Compromising
Kenneth Copeland - Remember the Covenant to Keep From Compromising
— January 2022. The decisions can be made and should be made that affect the entire year. And people are in new year's resolution and it's gone by February, but we're talking about Bible decisions based on the Word of God, based on [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Reward of an Uncompromising Heart
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Kenneth Copeland - The Reward of an Uncompromising Heart
Kenneth Copeland - The Reward of an Uncompromising Heart
— Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. This is Gloria Copeland. This is our daughter, Kellie. Glory to God. And we're here because the Lord told us to be here. — That's right. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Compromise Will Lose the Promise
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Kenneth Copeland - Compromise Will Lose the Promise
Kenneth Copeland - Compromise Will Lose the Promise
— Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Father, we thank You — Thank You, Lord. — ...once more, for the Word of the living God being so alive and creating faith in our hearts. And we praise You and thank You, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Overcoming the Temptation to Compromise
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Kenneth Copeland - Overcoming the Temptation to Compromise
Kenneth Copeland - Overcoming the Temptation to Compromise
— Hello, everybody happy New Year. And this is Kellie, our daughter, and this is Gloria, my lovely gorgeous wife that in let's see, January, February, March, April, we will have been married 60 years. Praise God. Amen. And as most of you know, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Don't Compromise and Don't Quit
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Kenneth Copeland - Don't Compromise and Don't Quit
Kenneth Copeland - Don't Compromise and Don't Quit
— Happy New Year, everybody, 2022. Glory to God. Everybody's going to have a heyday with 2022. — What we going to do? — Because it rames, rhymes, it rames. It rhymes with so much. In 2022 you'll know what to do. — Hey, hey, hey. — And [...]
Kenneth Copeland - A Life of No Compromise Leads To Promotion
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Kenneth Copeland - A Life of No Compromise Leads To Promotion
Kenneth Copeland - A Life of No Compromise Leads To Promotion
Well happy New Year, everybody. And the Lord dropped this message in my heart, to share with you. And if I only had one message to share with spirit filled Christian people, or anybody really for that matter, saved or unsaved. Because these are [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Religion and Political Correctness
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Rabbi Schneider - Religion and Political Correctness
Rabbi Schneider - Religion and Political Correctness
Baruch Hashem. I'm not sure if it's proper to have a favorite gospel, but my favorite gospel is the Gospel of John. I love the Gospel of John, because of the mysteries of the Spirit that John reveals. We're now in season 4 of a series [...]
Robert Morris - Refuse to Compromise
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Robert Morris - Refuse to Compromise
Robert Morris - Refuse to Compromise
Hey, everyone. It's good to see you. I just want to let you know about something, if you haven't heard about it. The way this sounded was, 'cause I'm going to say something about The King's University. Well, you heard about [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Do You Believe?
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Rabbi Schneider - What Do You Believe?
Rabbi Schneider - What Do You Believe?
Today we're gonna be going to Mount Carmel where was that famous show down between Elijah the prophet of God and the 450 false prophets of Baal. I know that you're gonna find application in your life from this message because there's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus' Life of Uncompromising Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus' Life of Uncompromising Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus' Life of Uncompromising Faith
This is actually an adventure, a day in the life of Jesus. And you can see for yourself who He really is, in this chapter. It's amazing to me. Verse one, "They came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - If You Bow, You Burn
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Kenneth Copeland - If You Bow, You Burn
Kenneth Copeland - If You Bow, You Burn
When this ministry began to grow and we stepped out and refused to compromise. And I'll tell you in a few moments what that meant to us and still does. We were just getting along fine. We were just struggling along like everybody else. And all [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Never, Ever Compromise
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Kenneth Copeland - Never, Ever Compromise
Kenneth Copeland - Never, Ever Compromise
Turn with me to the Book of Daniel. The Book of Daniel is 12 chapters of never, ever compromising. From the time that Daniel was a very, very young man and it kept growing and the situations kept becoming more serious and more serious and more [...]
Joel Osteen - Calling Over Comfort
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Joel Osteen - Calling Over Comfort
Joel Osteen - Calling Over Comfort
I want to talk to you today about Calling Over Comfort. It's easy to get comfortable in life with things that are less than God's best. We know there's more in us, but we don't want to have to stretch, we don't want to take [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Deception of Compromise
Joyce Meyer - Deception of Compromise
This stirring message beckons us to shine brightly for Christ without compromising our convictions. [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Fire Men
David Jeremiah - The Fire Men
Scholars believe that there's at least a 20-year gap between the events of the second and third chapters of Daniel, and during this time, something has drastically changed in the heart of King Nebuchadnezzar. Because as you remember, at the end [...]
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Greg Laurie — The Problem with Compromise
Greg Laurie — The Problem with Compromise
Are you compromising in your Christian life? "When we compromise, we will always lose. Jesus looks at our heart and nothing is hidden from Him, He is intolerant of sin. It's time to repent and get right with God! Make every effort to be [...]
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Greg Laurie — The Compromising Church
Greg Laurie — The Compromising Church
Pastor Greg says that more people have been brought down by the sin of compromise than by any other sin. He shares insights from Jesus' words in Revelation chapter 2 to the church of Pergamos, where compromise was a problem. Greg shows how [...]
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Greg Laurie — The Danger of the Compromised Life
Greg Laurie — The Danger of the Compromised Life
All right, we're gonna turn to two passages today. Hebrews 11, which is sort of our base text for this series that we're doing that we're calling world changers. But also I want you to turn to Exodus chapter five. And we're gonna [...]