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Matt Hagee - His Victorious Church
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Matt Hagee - His Victorious Church
Matt Hagee - His Victorious Church
Ephesians 3:20–21 are two verses that cannot be taught separate from one another. When you read Ephesians 3:20, everybody gets excited because the first thing that it says is, «Now to him who is able». And without a doubt, we can talk for days, and [...]
Paul Daugherty - Uniting the Divided State of the Church
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Paul Daugherty - Uniting the Divided State of the Church
Paul Daugherty - Uniting the Divided State of the Church
The Bible says that in the last days, the love of many will grow cold and that offenses will turn rampant. This is among believers. This is among God fearing people. That people will get divided, defensive, will get into strife, there will be [...]
Derek Prince - This Is What Is Needed For The Church to Be Restored
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Derek Prince - This Is What Is Needed For The Church to Be Restored
Derek Prince - This Is What Is Needed For The Church to Be Restored
This is an excerpt from: Israel and the Church: Parallel Restoration Now I want to move on to the picture of restoration which is found in Joel 2. I’ll only read from verse 21 «Fear not, O land, be glad and rejoice, for the Lord has done marvelous [...]
Derek Prince - Most Churches Are Not The Church By Biblical Standards
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Derek Prince - Most Churches Are Not The Church By Biblical Standards
Derek Prince - Most Churches Are Not The Church By Biblical Standards
This is an excerpt from: Israel and the Church: Parallel Restoration We’re beginning once again with a proclamation from the Word of God. This one is taken from Daniel 2:20–22, and Daniel 4:34–35. What’s significant about the second part of the [...]
Derek Prince - Israel and the Church, Parallel Restoration
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Derek Prince - Israel and the Church: Parallel Restoration
Derek Prince - Israel and the Church: Parallel Restoration
We’re beginning once again with a proclamation from the Word of God. This one is taken from Daniel 2:20–22, and Daniel 4:34–35. What’s significant about the second part of the proclamation is it was made by King Nebuchadnezzar, a Gentile king who’d [...]
Robert Barron - The Earliest Moments of the Church
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Robert Barron - The Earliest Moments of the Church
Robert Barron - The Earliest Moments of the Church
Peace be with you. Friends, it's the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time, and our gospel is from the 6th chapter of Mark. Mark the first Gospel, this rather spare, understated Gospel. But gosh, every part of it, precisely for that reason, is worth [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Worshipping Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Worshipping Church
Adrian Rogers - A Worshipping Church
Take your Bible, find John chapter 4, and look up here. In these climatic days in which we're living in the life of our church, I have been trying to distill and focus on the things that I have told you for 32 years. What kind of a church [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Spirit-Filled Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Spirit-Filled Church
Adrian Rogers - A Spirit-Filled Church
Be finding John chapter 14 and verse 12. We have been in a series of studies together talking about the kind of a church that we want to be, the new horizons, what God has for us, and what I've tried to teach you to do and be for over 30 years. [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Steadfast Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Steadfast Church
Adrian Rogers - A Steadfast Church
Be finding Nehemiah chapter 4. We're in a series of Bible studies, things that I want to say to the church. What kind of a church should this church be? What kind of a church have I been trying in these past years to allow God to lead me to [...]
Derek Prince - May Churches Establish Their Own Rules?
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Derek Prince - May Churches Establish Their Own Rules?
Derek Prince - May Churches Establish Their Own Rules?
Does the local church have the right to establish rules for membership, such as refraining from alcohol, et cetera? This is a very good and important question. We've got to distinguish between rules in two ways. Rules as a means of achieving [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Unified Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Unified Church
Adrian Rogers - A Unified Church
Would you take your Bibles and turn to Ephesians chapter 4. I'm beginning a series of messages that I'm going to be preaching, God willing, all this month and next month that is going to be a distillation of things that I want you to [...]
Matt Hagee - The True Identity of the Church
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Matt Hagee - The True Identity of the Church
Matt Hagee - The True Identity of the Church
The reason that the world we live in is so chaotic, so confused, and has a culture that would embrace a lie instead of a truth is because the church has forfeited its responsibility of shining. Listen to the conversation that Jesus is having here [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Grafted In: What Does It Mean?
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Jonathan Bernis - Grafted In: What Does It Mean?
Jonathan Bernis - Grafted In: What Does It Mean?
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I wanna thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Have you ever looked at the clock and it was exactly 11:11? Well, [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Every Christian Should Know About Church
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Robert Jeffress - What Every Christian Should Know About Church
Robert Jeffress - What Every Christian Should Know About Church
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". There was a time in American history when you could find a busy church on every street corner, but today, more and more churches are shutting their doors for good and [...]
Andy Stanley - The Wonder of It All
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Andy Stanley - The Wonder of It All
Andy Stanley - The Wonder of It All
Years ago I had the opportunity to go to China with a group. I took my son, Andrew, he was in the ninth grade at the time, so this is many years ago. And while we were there, we had the opportunity to tour a factory, not in a large city, but in a [...]
Andy Stanley - Big and Bold
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Andy Stanley - Big and Bold
Andy Stanley - Big and Bold
Now, as most of you know, my dad was a pastor and he would often say to me when he knew I was going into ministry he would say, "Andy, if you preach from your weakness, you'll never run out of material". And I didn't know whether [...]
Andy Stanley - Opening Day
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Andy Stanley - Opening Day
Andy Stanley - Opening Day
I wanna welcome all of our Atlanta area churches, those of you're watching online from all over the country and all over the world. It is so great to have you with us and for those of you with us all the time, that's fantastic. And I hope [...]
Andy Stanley - What's in a Name?
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Andy Stanley - What's in a Name?
Andy Stanley - What's in a Name?
So it comes as no surprise that I love church. I love the local church. I love like the big C church, the universal church, the worldwide church. And I love our church. I don't know what comes to mind when you hear the word church, maybe the [...]
Mike Novotny - Do We Compromise Sexual Morality?
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Mike Novotny - Do We Compromise Sexual Morality?
Mike Novotny - Do We Compromise Sexual Morality?
In fact, in this sermon series as we study these letters that Jesus wrote in Revelation 2 and 3. Did you know that there's one topic that comes up in the first letter and the third and the fourth letter. The only topic repeated by Jesus that [...]
Mike Novotny - Faith in the Midst of Suffering
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Mike Novotny - Faith in the Midst of Suffering
Mike Novotny - Faith in the Midst of Suffering
I can't think of a single book cover that moves me emotionally quite like this one. This is my personal copy of Eusebius's "The Church History". Have you read it? Have you heard of it? No, I didn't think so. Eusebius was a [...]
Mike Novotny - What if Church Is Boring?
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Mike Novotny - What if Church Is Boring?
Mike Novotny - What if Church Is Boring?
If I'm making eye contact with you right now, that means you're not live here at our church, it means you're watching on TV, it means you're livestreaming on your favorite device. It means that I'm looking to you through the [...]
Michael Youssef - Became So Worldly
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Michael Youssef - Became So Worldly
Michael Youssef - Became So Worldly
Few years ago, there was something, there was a big craze. It was known as extreme sports. What is it? Well, it was a sport that was taken to an extreme. That's extreme sports. But then they get to the bottom line. Always get to the bottom [...]
Michael Youssef - Lost Its Vision
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Michael Youssef - Lost Its Vision
Michael Youssef - Lost Its Vision
In today's letter of Jesus, the glorified, magnified Jesus in heaven, to the believers in the church of Philadelphia, it's about the open door. It's all about the open doors. So, we're looking at the glorified Jesus in heaven [...]
Michael Youssef - Living in the Past
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Michael Youssef - Living in the Past
Michael Youssef - Living in the Past
In the 20th century, I was taught from childhood that one's reputation is one of the most prized possessions. One's reputation is really more important than money or power or prestige, that one's reputation is more valuable than even [...]
Michael Youssef - Biblical Confusion
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Michael Youssef - Biblical Confusion
Michael Youssef - Biblical Confusion
If you forget everything I say today, if you forget everything, there's one word I beg you and I pray to God you will never forget, not just this week, not next week, not just, for the rest of your life, and that word is discernment. If you do [...]
Michael Youssef - Began to Drift
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Michael Youssef - Began to Drift
Michael Youssef - Began to Drift
I want you to imagine with me this fictitious scenario. He's a 25-year-old young man who is very healthy; and, therefore, he would say, "You know, all this healthy eating and exercise, it's just so overrated. I don't do any of [...]
Michael Youssef - Tempted to Quit
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Michael Youssef - Tempted to Quit
Michael Youssef - Tempted to Quit
Every day, it seems to me, I am hearing some news of somebody being fired because of their faithfulness to Christ and his Word, every day. Now, I would be standing here literally for hours and just telling you one example after another. By the same [...]
Michael Youssef - Lost Love
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Michael Youssef - Lost Love
Michael Youssef - Lost Love
The first letter that our glorified Jesus, our glorified Lord sends, he sends to the church in the city of Ephesus. Remember, John the apostle, the revelator, was given the revelation, was privileged to be lifted up and to see not only the glorified [...]
Michael Youssef - Introduction
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Michael Youssef - Introduction
Michael Youssef - Introduction
Think about this with me, please, just think with me. The Bible makes it very clear that the church is the bride of Christ. We're the bride of Christ. And as sometimes the case, a wife, after being married for a few years or many years, it [...]
Mark Batterson - House of Dreams
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Mark Batterson - House of Dreams
Mark Batterson - House of Dreams
...At 11:14am, in what would've been the middle of my message. Our lives have revolved around her ever since, for which we are grateful. But fortunately, that weekend we had someone on deck, Dick Foth, who pitch hit for Pastor Mark. The tables [...]
Mark Batterson - House of Miracles
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Mark Batterson - House of Miracles
Mark Batterson - House of Miracles
If you're in the house this weekend, it feels like you're sitting still, and you are, but you aren't. All of us, including those online, are on a planet that is spinning around its axis at a thousand miles per hour. But, we're [...]
Mark Batterson - House of Miracles and Place of Worship
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Mark Batterson - A Place of Worship
Mark Batterson - A Place of Worship
When I was in high school, I drove a car affectionately referred to as the Batmobile. Batterson, Batmobile. But don't let the name fool you. It was a 1984 Dodge Colt, black and white, but I got into fender bender. Only part we could find for [...]
Mark Batterson - A Place of Prayer
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Mark Batterson - A Place of Prayer
Mark Batterson - A Place of Prayer
Warm welcome to National Community Church. You are not here by accident. Even if it's your first time, in person, online, "Welcome Home". I hope you feel seen, heard, loved, big hug today, amen? Psalm 92:13, "The righteous will [...]
Allen Jackson - The Church In The World - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Church In The World - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Church In The World - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. We're gonna conclude our study on "The Church In The Earth". You know, the heart of this whole discussion is that our faith isn't just about eternity, it's not just about a [...]
Allen Jackson - The Church In The World - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Church In The World - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Church In The World - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. Our topic is "The Church in the World". You know, I remember learning years ago that the sea in a ship is a bad thing, but a ship in the sea, that's a good thing. Well, it's true with the [...]
Allen Jackson - False Prophets, False Apostles And The False Church - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - False Prophets, False Apostles And The False Church - Part 2
Allen Jackson - False Prophets, False Apostles And The False Church - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're gonna conclude our study on false prophets, false apostles, and the false church. Sounds a little negative, but not really. The devil's an imitator. He's not an originator, and in order [...]
Allen Jackson - False Prophets, False Apostles And The False Church - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - False Prophets, False Apostles And The False Church - Part 1
Allen Jackson - False Prophets, False Apostles And The False Church - Part 1
I wanna begin a study with a very positive title. "False Prophets, False Apostles and the False Church". On that happy note, I would point this out, you can't have something false unless there's something true. And so I [...]
Levi Lusko - What The Church Is Meant to Be
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Levi Lusko - What The Church Is Meant to Be
Levi Lusko - What The Church Is Meant to Be
If you are wounded, if you are hurting, if you've messed your life up, if you have consequences today, guess what? You're welcome in this church. We're glad that you're here. If you feel far from God, if you feel unworthy, when I [...]
Allen Jackson - A Journey
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Allen Jackson - A Journey
Allen Jackson - A Journey
It's a privilege to be with you today. Our topic is "Church on Purpose". You know, my academic career began in the basic sciences, and one of the things I learned is that our universe is in crazy intentionality. There's a [...]
Allen Jackson - The Church of the Redeemed
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Allen Jackson - The Church of the Redeemed
Allen Jackson - The Church of the Redeemed
The topic for the weekend is "The Church of the Redeemed". Church of the Redeemed. On a typical weekend around here, we'll have people from between fifty and sixty different Christian traditions, denominations. All the way from the [...]
Adrian Rogers - You Are Somebody in His Body
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Adrian Rogers - You Are Somebody in His Body
Adrian Rogers - You Are Somebody in His Body
Would you take God's Word and turn to First Corinthians chapter 12. Find verse 12, and when you've found it, look up here. The title of our message, "You Are Somebody in His Body". Now, there a lot of terms for the church, a lot [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Birthday of The Church
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Robert Jeffress - The Birthday of The Church
Robert Jeffress - The Birthday of The Church
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". To most Christians, the church is something that has always been around. There are new churches, historic churches, large churches, small churches. You name it. But [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Should the Church Have a Say in Government?
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Dr. Ed Young - Should the Church Have a Say in Government?
Dr. Ed Young - Should the Church Have a Say in Government?
I hope you have your Bible in hand. Matthew 4:1 following: Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the Devil. After He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry, and the tempter came and said to [...]
Andy Stanley - On Message, On Mission
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Andy Stanley - On Message, On Mission
Andy Stanley - On Message, On Mission
Now, no surprise, I love the local church. I love the church for lots of reasons. I'm a preacher's kid, so it was a big part of my life growing up. And preacher's kids, we see the best of church and we see the worst of church. And any [...]
Derek Prince - Churches' Declining The Spirit's Gifts, Can Never Be His Bride
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Derek Prince - Churches' Declining The Spirit's Gifts, Can Never Be
Derek Prince - Churches' Declining The Spirit's Gifts, Can Never Be His Bride
This is an excerpt from: True And False Church - Part 2 And then we look in Revelation 19 in verse 8, a picture of the Church ready to be married. And notice all heaven is excited. I think heaven is much more excited than the Church at the moment [...]
Derek Prince - You Don't Hear A Lot Of Preachers Talk About This
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Derek Prince - You Don't Hear A Lot Of Preachers Talk About This
Derek Prince - You Don't Hear A Lot Of Preachers Talk About This
This is an excerpt from: True And False Church - Part 2 Now, let's turn for the latter part of this session to a picture of the true Church. I'm going to try to pick out those aspects of the picture which particularly distinguish it from [...]
Derek Prince - Could Revelation 18 Be Talking About Nuclear Weapons?
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Derek Prince - Could Revelation 18 Be Talking About Nuclear Weapons?
Derek Prince - Could Revelation 18 Be Talking About Nuclear Weapons?
This is an excerpt from: True And False Church - Part 2 All right, let's go on with the picture of the false church. The next statement is found in Revelation 17, verse 5. Revelation 17, verse 5. On her forehead a name was written, a mystery, [...]
Allen Jackson - The Essential Church - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Essential Church - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Essential Church - Part 2
It's good to be with you again. Our topic today is "America, the Essential Church". You know, during COVID when we were all struggling to find our way forward, we had a lot of things closed. Our businesses, our lives, our restaurants, [...]
Allen Jackson - The Essential Church - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Essential Church - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Essential Church - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. Our topic today's "America: The Essential Church". It was during covid that somebody, some politician somewhere declared that the church was non-essential; they closed our buildings and told us [...]
Derek Prince - False Churches Are Unfaithful To Jesus
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Derek Prince - False Churches Are Unfaithful To Jesus
Derek Prince - False Churches Are Unfaithful To Jesus
This is an excerpt from: True & False Church - Part 1 Our theme this evening, and it will be in two sessions, is: True and False Church. The most important thing for you to carry away from these sessions is the fact that there is a true Church [...]
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