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Charles Spurgeon - Chastisement
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Charles Spurgeon - Chastisement
Charles Spurgeon - Chastisement
"And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him". - Hebrews 12:5 God's people can never, by any possibility, be [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Chastening of the Lord
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Creflo Dollar - The Chastening of the Lord
Creflo Dollar - The Chastening of the Lord
I'm going to talk to you about "The Chastening of the Lord". What is that? How does it work? Is God going to go back to punishing people? If you know him, you know the answer to that. But, what I need to do, is really dig into this this [...]
Joseph Prince - The Truth About God's Chastisement
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Joseph Prince - The Truth About God's Chastisement
Joseph Prince - The Truth About God's Chastisement
Today I want to share about discipline. I have a chapter in my book, "Destined to Reign", in chapter six where I talk about discipline, but I want to go a bit more deeper, all right? Because in that book, I shared some of the things that [...]