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Skip Heitzig - Romans 14-16
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 14-16
Skip Heitzig - Romans 14-16
Good evening, good folks. You know, you really are the exception to the rule. It says in the Scriptures, in the last days that people will not endure sound doctrine. So what I love is that you make it so easy to come to church and to teach the Word [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 13-14:13
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 13-14:13
Skip Heitzig - Romans 13-14:13
Father, thank you for an opportunity to gather together midweek. Thank you for the rainy day we've had, and may your word now water our souls as we gather. Lord, for that to happen, adequately, powerfully, we need a hunger and a thirst in our [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 12
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 12
Skip Heitzig - Romans 12
All right, let's turn in our Bibles to the book of Romans, chapter 12. We come to the graduation chapter of the book of Romans, the fourth great transition of this book. Remember, I gave you four sections that this book is divided into? And you know [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 11
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 11
Skip Heitzig - Romans 11
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to the book of Romans, chapter 11. My errant though well-intentioned attempt at covering two chapters, since that has happened now a few times, I have now become more realistic. And so tonight I'm not promising [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 10-11:18
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 10-11:18
Skip Heitzig - Romans 10-11:18
So we're in Romans, chapter 10. Last week my aim was to teach chapter 9 and 10. I laugh because you laugh at the idea of me doing that. But tonight, by God's grace, I'm going to do chapter 10 and 11. And I hear some laughs and that's legitimate. I [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 9-10:4
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 9-10:4
Skip Heitzig - Romans 9-10:4
Good evening. Great to see you, especially on a day when the season can't decide if it's spring or winter. And I think we've had a little of both in the last couple of days. But it's nice and warm in the fellowship of God's people in here. And we're [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 8:28-9:6
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 8:28-9:6
Skip Heitzig - Romans 8:28-9:6
Good evening. That was a great last song. Wow, so good. The whole set was good, but that was just great. I thank God, amen. Let's turn in our Bibles to the book of Romans, let's go to chapter 8. That's what I said last week, and I should be saying, [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 8:1-27
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 8:1-27
Skip Heitzig - Romans 8:1-27
So good to see your faces tonight. So glad you could come to church. Way to go in the middle of the week to gather for fellowship, to gather for a spiritual meal, to gather for encouragement. I still don't like the fact that we can't hug. Well, they [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 6-7
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 6-7
Skip Heitzig - Romans 6-7
Look at you all. Happy as clams. Great to have you here tonight. Glad you're with us. Turn in your Bibles please, did you bring one of these things, by the way? Good. Smart. See you're smart people. Turn in your Bible, or on your device, or grab one [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 5-6:7
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 5-6:7
Skip Heitzig - Romans 5-6:7
Hey, redeemed one's. Great seeing you. You have your Bibles with you? I knew you were smart. Turn in your Bibles to the book of Romans chapter 5. Romans chapter 5. Peter talks about Paul, talks about Paul's writings. In 2 Peter he talks about our [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 3-4
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 3-4
Skip Heitzig - Romans 3-4
Turn in your Bibles, if you wouldn't mind, to Romans chapter 3 tonight. The last couple of weeks we started going through this incredible book. And we pick it up in Romans chapter 3 in verse 1. It was Mark Twain who said, having spent a considerable [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 1:24-2
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 1:24-2
Skip Heitzig - Romans 1:24-2
Good evening. You need to know it is my distinct honor and privilege to be among those who will take time out of the middle of their week to come and hear God's word and worship together. God bless you. Let's turn in our Bibles to the book of Romans [...]
Skip Heitzig - Romans 1:1-23
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Skip Heitzig - Romans 1:1-23
Skip Heitzig - Romans 1:1-23
So let's turn to that book tonight as we get started. If you are new to this format, this evening's study or a study like this, we will be in the scriptures for the next hour. If that's something you did not bargain for, if you think that's way too [...]
Derek Prince - Glory To The Only Wise God
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Derek Prince - Glory To The Only Wise God
Derek Prince - Glory To The Only Wise God
I’d like to just turn your attention for a moment to the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 2. This particular epistle appeals to me because in it Paul is dealing with what he calls the wisdom of this world as distinct from the truth of God. And [...]
Derek Prince - Self-Denial On Behalf Of Others
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Derek Prince - Self-Denial On Behalf Of Others
Derek Prince - Self-Denial On Behalf Of Others
This is the fourth and final session in the series of four sessions in which we’ve been working through the last five chapters of Romans. We’ve got to chapter 15 and we left off round about verse 5–7. I think we’ll go back there and then go on from [...]
Skip Heitzig - How to Treat Your Family
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Skip Heitzig - How to Treat Your Family
Skip Heitzig - How to Treat Your Family
Thank you. Thank you. Wow. Wouldn't miss that for the world. It's been so long, I think I've forgotten how to preach. Hey, listen, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Peace, I give to you, My peace I leave with you, not as the [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Cure for 'I' Disease
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Skip Heitzig - The Cure for 'I' Disease
Skip Heitzig - The Cure for 'I' Disease
Good morning. You know what I like about this service? You're the noisiest. You're the rowdiest. I actually like that. It's called feedback. All speakers love feedback. So thank you. What's that? Oh, I appreciate it. Trust me. I missed you, as well. [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Christian and Government
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Skip Heitzig - The Christian and Government
Skip Heitzig - The Christian and Government
Good morning. I'm so happy you're here. And would you turn in your Bibles please, to the book of Romans, chapter 13. We have really, or at least I can speak for myself, really enjoyed the ability to go verse by verse through this incredible book of [...]
Skip Heitzig - Love Is a Verb
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Skip Heitzig - Love Is a Verb
Skip Heitzig - Love Is a Verb
Happy new year. Now that it's 2020, we can see clearly, right? Well, you look all great. I hope you had a great holiday as we celebrated the advent of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ if you were here or you were traveling, but we're glad you're [...]
Skip Heitzig - Now It's Your Turn
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Skip Heitzig - Now It's Your Turn
Skip Heitzig - Now It's Your Turn
Hey, you all look so good. Nice to see you today. Merry Christmas. I love the ornaments in here. Of course that's going to be our theme for this year's Christmas Eve service. And you'll see why when you come to Christmas Eve service. So we welcome [...]
Skip Heitzig - God's Plan for Israel and the World
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Skip Heitzig - God's Plan for Israel and the World
Skip Heitzig - God's Plan for Israel and the World
Good morning. Great to see your faces. Welcome. Next week, we have Franklin Graham. Please think about who you're going to bring with you to hear a very, very unashamed representative of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who does work all over the world [...]
Skip Heitzig - Salvation: Reverse Engineered
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Skip Heitzig - Salvation: Reverse Engineered
Skip Heitzig - Salvation: Reverse Engineered
Would you turn in your Bibles please to the book of Romans chapter 10? We're having a great time in this book, book of Romans heart and soul. It's been several weeks and now we're in the 10th chapter. Now, when I first saw this sign that I'm showing [...]
Skip Heitzig - God, the Jew, and You
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Skip Heitzig - God, the Jew, and You
Skip Heitzig - God, the Jew, and You
Good morning. Hey, I come bearing gifts, but not for myself. This is a gift for some child somewhere in the world. There is a football in it. There's a dinosaur in it. A little car. I'm guessing it's for a boy. Play-Doh, bar of soap. I'm pretty sure [...]
Skip Heitzig - For the Love of God
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Skip Heitzig - For the Love of God
Skip Heitzig - For the Love of God
Would you turn in your Bibles to the book of Romans, chapter 8 for the final paragraph of this incredible eighth chapter of the book of Romans? When I was in high school, I remember getting a tract given to me by someone. I think I still have a copy [...]
Skip Heitzig - A Midterm Exam, Five Questions to Test Your Understanding
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Skip Heitzig - A Midterm Exam, Five Questions to Test Your Understanding
Skip Heitzig - A Midterm Exam, Five Questions to Test Your Understanding
The name of my message today in Romans 8 is called a midterm exam. Now, let me just see a show of hands, honest hands, how many of you did not like to take tests when you were in school? Raise your hands. Yes, yes, most of us. I love y'all. But now [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Steady Hand of a Caring God
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Skip Heitzig - The Steady Hand of a Caring God
Skip Heitzig - The Steady Hand of a Caring God
Good morning. Anybody here go to the Balloon Fiesta this morning first? Any hands up? One did. Is that it? Any more? Oh, a couple of you guys did. Good. Enjoyable? Yeah, you know, where we are here, at Osuna Campus, when you come down Osuna for the [...]
Skip Heitzig - The New You
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Skip Heitzig - The New You
Skip Heitzig - The New You
Today, please turn in your Bibles to the book of Romans 8. The 8th chapter of this incredible book of Romans. There were four brothers who left home for college, they all became successful. Either a doctor or a lawyer. They prospered and what they [...]
Skip Heitzig - Safe and Secure
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Skip Heitzig - Safe and Secure
Skip Heitzig - Safe and Secure
Let's turn in our bibles to Romans the eighth chapter, Romans chapter 8. Now over in England, there is a church that has a sign on the front door that reads, this is the gate of heaven. Enter ye all by this door. I think that's a great sign. This is [...]
Skip Heitzig - Winning the War with Sin
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Skip Heitzig - Winning the War with Sin
Skip Heitzig - Winning the War with Sin
This morning would you please turn in your Bibles to the book of Romans, chapter 6. Romans chapter 6. The Italian sailing team traveled to Australia to compete in the America's Cup race. They were outfitted by Italian designer, Gucci, with the [...]
Skip Heitzig - A One-Man Show
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Skip Heitzig - A One-Man Show
Skip Heitzig - A One-Man Show
And would you please turn, in your Bibles, to the Book of Romans, chapter 5? And we always say that, don't we, when we begin a service, "turn, in your Bibles, to." And that's because we believe that God speaks through what God has already [...]
Skip Heitzig - Unrivaled Love
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Skip Heitzig - Unrivaled Love
Skip Heitzig - Unrivaled Love
Good morning. Book of Romans, chapter 5. Let's turn there in our Bibles. David Roper wrote a little poem that goes like this, "Paul's girl is rich and haughty, my girl is poor as clay. Paul's girl is young and happy, my girl looks like a bale [...]
Skip Heitzig - Our Benefits Package
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Skip Heitzig - Our Benefits Package
Skip Heitzig - Our Benefits Package
Turn to your bibles, please, to the Book of Romans, chapter 5, fifth chapter in Romans. We made it thus far, so far. What a great book to go through. When you apply for a job, oftentimes, there's not just the employment that you're after, but you're [...]
Skip Heitzig - Old Age; Young Faith
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Skip Heitzig - Old Age; Young Faith
Skip Heitzig - Old Age; Young Faith
We are in chapter 4. If you would turn to chapter 4 of the book of Romans, we can get started. You probably all heard of Grimm's fairy tales, right? The Brothers Grimm published some of the greatest what are considered classics in literature. [...]
Skip Heitzig - How Prisoners Go Free
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Skip Heitzig - How Prisoners Go Free
Skip Heitzig - How Prisoners Go Free
A sobering fact you may not be aware of. There are about 2.3 million Americans in prison. What that means is, one person out of 138 Americans is in jail. One out of 138. We have, in fact, the highest incarceration rate in the world. Now get this. [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Advantage of Having the Bible
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Skip Heitzig - The Advantage of Having the Bible
Skip Heitzig - The Advantage of Having the Bible
Could you turn in your Bibles, please, this morning to the Great Book of Romans Chapter 3. I want to talk today about the advantage of having the Bible. I bet most of you have heard of or know about the story The Mutiny on the Bounty, yes? You may [...]
Skip Heitzig - Hypocrisy Gets an Audit
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Skip Heitzig - Hypocrisy Gets an Audit
Skip Heitzig - Hypocrisy Gets an Audit
I'm going to bring a message I'm calling Hypocrisy Gets An Audit. Yeah, I know, crickets at this point when you hear a title like that. I discovered an interesting fact this week. One out of every four Americans have a fear of being audited. 25% of [...]
Skip Heitzig - Four Mistakes Religious People Make
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Skip Heitzig - Four Mistakes Religious People Make
Skip Heitzig - Four Mistakes Religious People Make
Would you now turn in your Bibles to the book of Romans, chapter 2. We continue our study through this book. We call it heart and soul. And we are today in the second chapter for a message I've called Four Mistakes Religious People Make. The hardest [...]
Skip Heitzig - Is God Mad?
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Skip Heitzig - Is God Mad?
Skip Heitzig - Is God Mad?
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to the book of Romans chapter 1? We're continuing in this series called "Heart and Soul," which is an excursion through Paul's greatest work. And that is the book of Romans. Now as we start today, I [...]
Skip Heitzig - Unashamed!
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Skip Heitzig - Unashamed!
Skip Heitzig - Unashamed!
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to the book of Romans chapter 1, Romans chapter 1? We're going to principally look at two verses from this chapter in this series. We call it Heart and Soul, An Expository Study in the Book of Romans. When I [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Heart and Soul of the Gospel
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Skip Heitzig - The Heart and Soul of the Gospel
Skip Heitzig - The Heart and Soul of the Gospel
I've been looking forward to this series for a long time, and I'm happy to say this right now. Turn in your Bibles to the book of Romans, Chapter 1, book of Romans, Chapter 1. Every day, we hear news from a variety of sources, whether you watch the [...]
Derek Prince - Let Us Not Judge One Another
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Derek Prince - Let Us Not Judge One Another
Derek Prince - Let Us Not Judge One Another
Going back then to Romans 14 verse 13. And this is a therefore. Do You remember what I said about therefore? You begin to find out why it’s there. Well, this therefore is there because we’re all going to have to stand before the judgment seat of [...]
Derek Prince - Accept The One Who Is Weak In Faith
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Derek Prince - Accept The One Who Is Weak In Faith
Derek Prince - Accept The One Who Is Weak In Faith
This is the third of four sessions in which we are working our way systematically through the last five chapters of Romans, chapters 12–16. In this session we are going to begin at Romans chapter 14. And the first theme that we’ll deal with is [...]
Derek Prince - Love! For The Day Is Near
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Derek Prince - Love! For The Day Is Near
Derek Prince - Love! For The Day Is Near
I think we have to move on. We’ve got the rest of the chapter to deal with. Now, it’s so refreshing and beautiful to come back to the theme of love. And that’s what the main teaching of this section is. I pointed out in regard to chapter 12 that [...]
Derek Prince - Be Subject To Governing Authorities
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Derek Prince - Be Subject To Governing Authorities
Derek Prince - Be Subject To Governing Authorities
This is the second session in a series of four dealing with the last five chapters of Romans. We’re going to start now at chapter 13. And the first part of this chapter deals with the issues of relating to secular governmental authority, which is [...]
Derek Prince - Bless Those Who Persecute You
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Derek Prince - Bless Those Who Persecute You
Derek Prince - Bless Those Who Persecute You
All right. We’re going on. We have to reach still the final stage of this progress which is in verses 6 and following. And since we have gifts, Rejoice Charismatics, the word is charismata, since we have charismata. that differ according to the [...]
Derek Prince - Promises For Israel
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Derek Prince - Promises For Israel
Derek Prince - Promises For Israel
Going back to Romans 11, this is now an exciting verse, verse 15: For if their rejection be the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead? Through the rejection of the Jewish people the Gentiles had the [...]
Derek Prince - Israel Is Not Cast Away
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Derek Prince - Israel Is Not Cast Away
Derek Prince - Israel Is Not Cast Away
This is the fourth and final session in this four part series of teaching on Romans chapters 9, 10 and 11. At the end of the third session we had just got somewhere into the beginning of chapter 11. And Paul had pointed out that there is amongst the [...]
Derek Prince - Justified By Faith
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Derek Prince - Justified By Faith
Derek Prince - Justified By Faith
All right, what is the message? Verse 8 and following: The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart that is the word of faith which we are preaching So, this righteousness comes through a word, the word of the gospel. The message of the [...]
Derek Prince - Christ Is The End Of The Law
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Derek Prince - Christ Is The End Of The Law
Derek Prince - Christ Is The End Of The Law
This is the third session of our series on Romans chapters 9–11. It embarrasses me to think that I haven’t really got to the end of chapter 9 yet, and I’m left wondering just exactly what’s going to follow. But I have to go back to the latter part [...]
Derek Prince - You're Christian Because You're Chosen
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Derek Prince - You're Christian Because You're Chosen
Derek Prince - You're Christian Because You're Chosen
Now, I want to go on and return to the New Testament, and I want to point out to you that everything that people have reservations about concerning Israel applies also to the church. God in His dealing with the church and He has dealt with you and [...]
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