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David Jeremiah - Spiritual Warfare
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David Jeremiah - Spiritual Warfare
David Jeremiah - Spiritual Warfare
It was 10 o'clock on September 15, in 2021, and the town of Denton, North Carolina went dark. More than 1,400 people found themselves without power, which is a big deal in a town with a total population of 1,660. A little later that morning, Denton [...]
David Jeremiah - Walking in Love
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David Jeremiah - Walking in Love
David Jeremiah - Walking in Love
It was March of 2022, and Martin Douthwaite began walking on a crisp March afternoon in Selby, England. His plan was to make a circle around his village walking completely around it, and then around it again, and then around it again. In fact, he [...]
David Jeremiah - The Diversity of Unity
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David Jeremiah - The Diversity of Unity
David Jeremiah - The Diversity of Unity
Ohio surgeon Michael S. Kavic once wrote in a medical journal that when interviewing candidates for a surgical residency, the qualifications he looked for were not necessarily the qualities you might expect: a high intellect, excellent hand-eye [...]
David Jeremiah - A Prayer for Inner Strength
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David Jeremiah - A Prayer for Inner Strength
David Jeremiah - A Prayer for Inner Strength
Dean Karnazes stumbled as he reached the front porch of his San Francisco area house. He had just spent an evening celebrating his 30th birthday, and he was really drunk. He had a successful job in corporate America, but he didn't know what his life [...]
David Jeremiah - Salvation Pure and Simple
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David Jeremiah - Salvation Pure and Simple
David Jeremiah - Salvation Pure and Simple
On May 26, 2013, 4:30 p.m., a massive ocean swell slammed into the Jascon-4, a tugboat towing a oil tanker off the coast of Nigeria. The waves sprayed sheets of water across the deck, cracking a piece of the hull and flipping the vessel over on its [...]
David Jeremiah - Eight Spiritual Blessings
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David Jeremiah - Eight Spiritual Blessings
David Jeremiah - Eight Spiritual Blessings
It was a dream come true from Roman Yurkov. As a 35-year-old car salesman from Tula, Russia, Yurkov had his share of financial troubles, including a gambling habit. Like most people in his community, he was doing the best he could to get by. Then [...]