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Allen Jackson - Every Perfect Gift
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Allen Jackson - Every Perfect Gift
Allen Jackson - Every Perfect Gift
The text for the study has been Revelation 21. It says: "He who was seated on the throne said, 'I'm making everything new!' And then he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'" "Making everything new". [...]
Allen Jackson - Transition of Power
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Allen Jackson - Transition of Power
Allen Jackson - Transition of Power
We're gonna continue this theme we've been working on under the title of "All Things New". I've really enjoyed this study for my own self. I pray that it's been a benefit in some other way, but it's certainly been a blessing to me. It's [...]
Allen Jackson - Jesus Is Lord
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Allen Jackson - Jesus Is Lord
Allen Jackson - Jesus Is Lord
It's good to be with you today. Our topic is "All Things New". Jesus said to be a Christ follower means we become a brand new creation. You're not just forgiven, it's not that just your past is overlooked. Everything is made new, so no [...]
James Merritt - Disciple, Conquering Cultural Christianity
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James Merritt - Disciple, Conquering Cultural Christianity
James Merritt - Disciple, Conquering Cultural Christianity
Well, I wanna say good morning, to those of you who are here with us live and those who are watching online by television, wherever you are around the world, thanks for joining us today. And I wanna begin by asking a very serious question. And you [...]
James Merritt - Sent, Send Me
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James Merritt - Sent, Send Me
James Merritt - Sent, Send Me
I wanna begin with a little thought experiment. I don't do things like this often, but so whether you're joining me right now online or you're watching by TV or you're here in the room, I want you to do something for me a little bit strange. I don't [...]
James Merritt - Serve, My Opening Gifts
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James Merritt - Serve, My Opening Gifts
James Merritt - Serve, My Opening Gifts
We're talking about something today that's really, really important to me, and I think it ought to be important to all of you, and it's not, and I hope it will be after the message. So I wanna begin by asking a question. How many of you are ordained [...]
James Merritt - Worship, Right From the Heart
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James Merritt - Worship, Right From the Heart
James Merritt - Worship, Right From the Heart
This past December, Time Magazine released this cover. It said 2020, had a big red X over that number and a simple phrase, "The worst year ever". I'll tell you, that's the story of the year you do not want to ever revisit. And I don't mind [...]
Jack Graham - Finally Home
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Jack Graham - Finally Home
Jack Graham - Finally Home
It's been a long journey really, step by step through Revelation, beginning at chapter one and now we come to the last two chapters: Revelation 21, Revelation 22. We are on our way home! After the millennial reign of Christ, one thousand years [...]
Jack Graham - When Christ Returns
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Jack Graham - When Christ Returns
Jack Graham - When Christ Returns
When Christ returns He will establish His kingdom on earth and then in eternity. That's what this message is about, Jesus is coming again! And when He does, enemies will be defeated, evil eradicated and His kingdom established. Eternity begins! When [...]
Jack Graham - Is There Hope For America?
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Jack Graham - Is There Hope For America?
Jack Graham - Is There Hope For America?
We're asking the question: Is There Hope for America? Beyond that: is there hope for the world? And our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the promise of His return! The solution to our problems are not political solutions really, though we [...]
Jack Graham - A Marriage Made in Heaven
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Jack Graham - A Marriage Made in Heaven
Jack Graham - A Marriage Made in Heaven
Marriage by God's design is a beautiful illustration of the relationship that we have with Christ. We are the bride of Christ, those of us who believe and receive Him, say yes to Him, have a relationship with Christ. We become His bride, His church, [...]
Jack Graham - The Collapse of the World System
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Jack Graham - The Collapse of the World System
Jack Graham - The Collapse of the World System
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Revelation chapters 17 and 18. Today we're going to cover two chapters that are in fact together in Scripture, back to back. But remember these verse numbers and chapters originally were not a part of the [...]
Jack Graham - How to Live in the Last Days
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Jack Graham - How to Live in the Last Days
Jack Graham - How to Live in the Last Days
At the end of the age there is coming great wrath, the final wrath of God. In fact, in chapter 15, beginning in verse 1 it says: "Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and amazing, seven angels with seven plagues", these are not chubby [...]
Jack Graham - Where Will You Spend Eternity?
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Jack Graham - Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Jack Graham - Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Most people today believe in the afterlife, so when I ask this question, and the message is a question, "Where will you spend eternity", I want to draw you in today to the Scripture because the Bible definitely tells us that what we decide [...]
Jack Graham - Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
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Jack Graham - Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
Jack Graham - Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. He has loosed the faithful lightning of His terrible swift sword. His truth is marching on. Glory, glory, [...]
Jack Graham - Who is the Antichrist?
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Jack Graham - Who is the Antichrist?
Jack Graham - Who is the Antichrist?
Now if you are in a driving storm as I was this week and you turn on your GPS system you can get some information as to what's coming down the road. Seems like our tollway has been stacked up recently with accidents and I can click on my GPS and not [...]
Jack Graham - The War to End All Wars
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Jack Graham - The War to End All Wars
Jack Graham - The War to End All Wars
The war to end all wars is really a behind the scenes, invisible, unseen war. My latest book is called Unseen, and the book is about this spiritual and supernatural war that has existed from eternity past and to this very day we are still fighting [...]
Jack Graham - The Coming Kingdom of God
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Jack Graham - The Coming Kingdom of God
Jack Graham - The Coming Kingdom of God
The kingdom of God is coming. Do you know why? Because the King is coming. Jesus the Lord is risen from the dead. He has ascended to rule forever and He's returning one day and one day soon. And when He does, He will reign forever and ever and ever. [...]
Jack Graham - Thunderstruck
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Jack Graham - Thunderstruck
Jack Graham - Thunderstruck
Have you ever been thunderstruck? In the dictionary thunderstruck is to be affected with sudden astonishment, to be astounded, to be confounded, to be amazed. Now, you know, when Deb met me, she was thunderstruck, and you can take that a lot of [...]
Jack Graham - Blacklist
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Jack Graham - Blacklist
Jack Graham - Blacklist
There's a popular television show called "The Blacklist". Here's the story line of "The Blacklist". A former fugitive, criminal by the name of Raymond Reddington (ie Red) surrenders to the FBI and makes the authorities an offer [...]
Jack Graham - Survivors
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Jack Graham - Survivors
Jack Graham - Survivors
Chapter 7, if you're taking notes in your Bible, you just may want to write the words "mercy chapter", because this is an interlude, if you will, from the judgment. We push the pause button. God pushes the pause button just a bit and there [...]
Jack Graham - Terrorism and the Tribulation
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Jack Graham - Terrorism and the Tribulation
Jack Graham - Terrorism and the Tribulation
Terrorism as we're seeing it in the world today is a major sign of the times in which we live, and link to prophecy. Recently New York Times columnist Roger Cohen wrote an article entitled "The Great Unraveling", describing the current [...]
Jack Graham - Ghost Riders in the Sky
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Jack Graham - Ghost Riders in the Sky
Jack Graham - Ghost Riders in the Sky
"Ghost Riders in the Sky", it's the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Now chapter 6 begins the action of the book, really the thriller-action portion of the book. Because in Revelation chapter 4 John is catapulted up into heaven and he [...]
Jack Graham - FaceTime
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Jack Graham - FaceTime
Jack Graham - FaceTime
What we have here really in Revelation 4 and 5 is like a movie trailer in once sense in that it previews things to come. And once we move by this heavenly scene in which we are raptured up... Remember, John is taken up into the presence of Jesus and [...]
Jack Graham - Taken
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Jack Graham - Taken
Jack Graham - Taken
Now in the Revelation, chapter 1, verse 19, God gives us an outline in the Scripture as to what the Revelation is all about. It's really not all that difficult to know the various chapters and dividings of the book of Revelation because it's given [...]
Jack Graham - Revealing Jesus
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Jack Graham - Revealing Jesus
Jack Graham - Revealing Jesus
Take your Bibles and turn to Revelation chapter 1, and the title of today's message is "Revealing Jesus". You will never understand the book of Revelation until you know Jesus, until Jesus is revealed. And the Revelation of Jesus Christ is [...]
Jack Graham - Revelation: What it Means and Why it Matters?
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Jack Graham - Revelation: What it Means and Why it Matters?
Jack Graham - Revelation: What it Means and Why it Matters?
The title of today's message is "Revelation: What it Means and Why it Matters". What it Means and Why it Matters. It matters because first and foremost, this is the Word of God; this is God's Word and all of God's Word, the Bible from [...]