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James Merritt - How Do You Get to Heaven?
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James Merritt - How Do You Get to Heaven?
James Merritt - How Do You Get to Heaven?
One of my greatest privileges in life, I’ve got to meet a lot of famous people. I don’t think I’ve ever been more honored in my life than when I got to meet Dr. Billy Graham. Some of you, many of you know who Dr. Graham is. Greatest evangelists in [...]
Sid Roth - I Went to Hell TWICE, Then Angels Showed Up
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Sid Roth - I Went to Hell TWICE, Then Angels Showed Up
Sid Roth - I Went to Hell TWICE, Then Angels Showed Up
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Scott McNamara, was raised by a single Christian mom. At 24, Scott had a near-death experience. Tell me about it. Scott McNamara : Yeah, so I got caught up in circles of notorious criminals; [...]
Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
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Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
Peace be with you. Friends, last week we looked at the twentieth chapter of Saint John's Gospel, one of the great Resurrection appearances. And this week, on the Third Sunday of Easter, we have a passage from that magnificent twenty-fourth [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - How Can I Enter Heaven?
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Peter Tan-Chi - How Can I Enter Heaven?
Peter Tan-Chi - How Can I Enter Heaven?
The most important question that I believe you can ever ask is this: if there's a heaven, how can I enter heaven? Today if you notice, modern people, whether you like it or not, have this mindset: life someday will be judged. There will be a [...]
Michael Youssef - What Ever Happened to Hell?
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Michael Youssef - What Ever Happened to Hell?
Michael Youssef - What Ever Happened to Hell?
The subject of hell is not a very popular subject in many pulpits today. As a matter of fact, not long ago, I read well over 50% of pastors said that they would never preach on hell throughout their ministry. So much so today, the majority of [...]
Michael Youssef - Who Is Going to Heaven?
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Michael Youssef - Who Is Going to Heaven?
Michael Youssef - Who Is Going to Heaven?
I want you to turn with me to John chapter 3. Keep it open in front of you. Jesus told this religious man who came to him by the name of Nicodemus. What Jesus said to Nicodemus leaves us in no doubt whatsoever as to the answer to the question, [...]
Louie Giglio - Seven Things You Can't Do In Heaven
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Louie Giglio - Seven Things You Can't Do In Heaven
Louie Giglio - Seven Things You Can't Do In Heaven
Is anybody excited about going to Heaven? It's an easy question at church because you're hoping the people here are counting on going to Heaven. I've met a few people in my life that told me, "I don't wanna go to Heaven. [...]
Louie Giglio - What Happens When You Die?
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Louie Giglio - What Happens When You Die?
Louie Giglio - What Happens When You Die?
Interestingly, if you were to go and set on a journey right now to try to find truth and find meaning, and you determined that you were gonna go and search out every major religion and every path that there is on Earth, one thing that you would find [...]
Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
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Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
Would you take your Bibles and find First John chapter 3? We're making our way through this wonderful book of First John, this epistle written by the beloved apostle, and we're calling this Bible study: "The Sweetest Fellowship this [...]
Robert Barron - The Reality of Life After Death
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Robert Barron - The Reality of Life After Death
Robert Barron - The Reality of Life After Death
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading and our gospel for this weekend have a special resonance for our time I think, because they both speak clearly about life after death. Now I say it has resonance for our time, because there's coming [...]
James Merritt - Last Breath
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James Merritt - Last Breath
James Merritt - Last Breath
There are two dates that are very important to me, personally. They mean a lot to me. And individually, one is December the 22nd, 1952. The reason that date is so important, that's the date of my birth. And I'm at the age and stage of my [...]
Adrian Rogers - Five Minutes After Death
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Adrian Rogers - Five Minutes After Death
Adrian Rogers - Five Minutes After Death
Would you take your Bibles and find Luke chapter 16. And we're going to talk about an unpleasant subject today, at least unpleasant for some, and that is the subject of death. Death is a very real subject. And man is the only creature who knows [...]
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
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Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
Beloved, labels have never saved anyone. Labels have never taken anyone to heaven. And our passage for today in Luke 13 beginning at verse 23, some unknown person asked Jesus, "Lord, will those who are saved be few"? Listen carefully to [...]
Derek Prince - Hope Beyond This Life
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Derek Prince - Hope Beyond This Life
Derek Prince - Hope Beyond This Life
The next passage we'll look at is chapter 11:8–10 which deals with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I'll translate those three verses and then comment on them. By faith, being called, Abraham obeyed to go out to a place which he was due to [...]
John Bradshaw - You Should Not Be Surprised
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John Bradshaw - You Should Not Be Surprised
John Bradshaw - You Should Not Be Surprised
Two weeks after she missed out on qualifying for the Rio Olympics in 2016, 100 meter hurdler, Kendra Harrison, won a race in London and broke the world record without even realizing it. The timer malfunctioned; when her actual time was posted, she [...]
Mike Novotny - Are My Loved Ones Watching Over Me From Heaven?
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Mike Novotny - Are My Loved Ones Watching Over Me From Heaven?
Mike Novotny - Are My Loved Ones Watching Over Me From Heaven?
Who's ready for a tough question? I hope you are because someone posed a really tough question to me the other day. They said, "Do our loved ones in heaven watch over us?" and "Are guardian angels real"? Now, I've had [...]
John Hagee - A Place Called Heaven
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John Hagee - A Place Called Heaven
John Hagee - A Place Called Heaven
If you have your Bibles, please turn to John 14:1 through 3, as we talk today about "A place called heaven". "Newsweek" recently carried a story that very few preachers are talking about heaven because they're reticent to [...]
Robert Jeffress - How To Die With A Smile On Your Face
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Robert Jeffress - How To Die With A Smile On Your Face
Robert Jeffress - How To Die With A Smile On Your Face
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. One day, all of us will pass from this life into the next one. So when your time comes, how do you wanna be remembered? Today we're going to look at the final moments in [...]
Greg Laurie - Will I Get To Heaven?
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Greg Laurie - Will I Get To Heaven?
Greg Laurie - Will I Get To Heaven?
You know, I remember before I was a Christian, I thought when you died, you simply ceased to exist, and that freaked me out. Because I thought, "How can I simply no longer exist"? This is actually what I looked like at that stage. I [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Heaven is Fun
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Dr. Ed Young - Heaven is Fun
Dr. Ed Young - Heaven is Fun
Google "heaven" and you know what you'll see? Miles and miles of white clouds. You may see an angel or a cherub with a little halo around. You may see a harp of some kind but on and on and on and on you get the world's picture of [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Will We Know People in Heaven?
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Dr. Ed Young - Will We Know People in Heaven?
Dr. Ed Young - Will We Know People in Heaven?
Perhaps you noticed in the news that 007, Roger Moore, died this past Tuesday. He was 89 years old. He made, what, seven or eight different movies, all of them very popular? He was a man with a gun. He was a man who was a spy for Great Britain but [...]
Dr. Ed Young - What Will Heaven Look Like?
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Dr. Ed Young - What Will Heaven Look Like?
Dr. Ed Young - What Will Heaven Look Like?
Revelation, I was in seminary, I took a class on Revelation for an entire year. The first day of class, our professor Dr. McDowell said, "If anyone puts on S on Revelation, you're gonna flunk the course". It's Revelation, the [...]
Dr. Ed Young - A Super Body in a Super World
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Dr. Ed Young - A Super Body in a Super World
Dr. Ed Young - A Super Body in a Super World
What kind of bodies will we have in heaven? What will heaven be like? What will you look like? What will I look like? And we'll immediately go to the prototype of the kind of bodies we'll have and that's a resurrected body of Jesus [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Heaven Is Real
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Dr. Ed Young - Heaven Is Real
Dr. Ed Young - Heaven Is Real
Every second three people die. Every minute 180 people die. Every hour 1,1000 people die. Every day 250,000 people leave this earth. The mortality rate is 100%. A hundred percent. And therefore when we cease to function as a living person in this [...]
Mike Novotny - Recognition and Memories in Heaven
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Mike Novotny - Recognition and Memories in Heaven
Mike Novotny - Recognition and Memories in Heaven
Will we recognize people in heaven? Also, in heaven will we have memories of our time on earth? Revelation 7, so when John gets this glimpse of heaven, he says, "I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count from [...]
John Bradshaw - Hope Beyond
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John Bradshaw - Hope Beyond
John Bradshaw - Hope Beyond
The more funerals I attend, the more I'm impressed by the wonderful truth that death is not the end for the one who has faith in Jesus. Imagine life being just this. Imagine losing a loved one and having absolutely no hope you'll see them [...]
Jonathan Bernis - What Happens When You Die
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Jonathan Bernis - What Happens When You Die
Jonathan Bernis - What Happens When You Die
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom, and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Today on the program, we're gonna be talking about the topic, "Life After Death". It's [...]
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Life After Death
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Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Life After Death
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Life After Death
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom, welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Well, with so much devastation and suffering going on in the last few years from the pandemic, to the war, to [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
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Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
Doug Batchelor - The Final Firestorm
So what's the hottest place on Earth? Guinness World Records list the official winner as the Death Valley, California. On July 10th, 1913, the mercury there skyrocketed to 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Some parts of Death Valley have an average [...]
Robert Jeffress - Our Bodies In Heaven
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Robert Jeffress - Our Bodies In Heaven
Robert Jeffress - Our Bodies In Heaven
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In 1 Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul writes that one day all Christians will receive a new heavenly body to inhabit for all eternity. That's some wonderful news. So what [...]
Robert Jeffress - Final Conquest
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Robert Jeffress - Final Conquest
Robert Jeffress - Final Conquest
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress. Welcome again to Pathway to Victory. It's a sobering fact that nobody likes to think about, but one day all of us will pass on from this life. Every second brings us closer to our departure from earth. Gratefully, [...]
Jentezen Franklin - A Place Called Heaven
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Jentezen Franklin - A Place Called Heaven
Jentezen Franklin - A Place Called Heaven
I want you right now to look at 1 Samuel 20:3: "Then David took an oath again, and said, 'Your father certainly knows that I have found favor in your eyes, and he has said, 'do not let Jonathon know this, lest he be grieved.' But [...]
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Eternal Destiny
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Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Eternal Destiny
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Eternal Destiny
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". We can't possibly predict when or where, but the day is coming for every one of us. One day, our hearts will stop beating, and we'll be on the threshold of [...]
Allen Jackson - Preparing For Eternal Judgment
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Allen Jackson - Preparing For Eternal Judgment
Allen Jackson - Preparing For Eternal Judgment
I think we should start by the acknowledgement that the Bible tells us that God is the Judge of all. Not a popular statement these days in contemporary culture. Look in Genesis 18. I've told you on many occasions that in the early chapters of [...]
Sid Roth - After a Horrific Plane Crash, I'm Falling into Hell
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Sid Roth - After a Horrific Plane Crash, I'm Falling into Hell
Sid Roth - After a Horrific Plane Crash, I'm Falling into Hell
Sid Roth : Mickey, there was a historic date in your life, August 15, 1968. You're just doing the normal thing. You're a skydiver. That's not too normal. Why did you like skydiving? Mickey Robinson : Well Sid, ever since I was a kid [...]
Sid Roth - I Died. What God Showed Me in Heaven Will Shock You
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Sid Roth - I Died. What God Showed Me in Heaven Will Shock You
Sid Roth - I Died. What God Showed Me in Heaven Will Shock You
My guest died on the operating table. She experienced excruciating pain constantly for 14 years, so when God offered her a choice, she did not want to return. Then she saw what would happen if she did not come back. I believe you are the main reason [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw My Mom in Hell
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Sid Roth - I Saw My Mom in Hell
Sid Roth - I Saw My Mom in Hell
Many are hearing God's voice, and they don't even realize it. God speaks to us in multiple ways. My guest has launched thousands to tap into the frequency of God. Sid Roth : I have to tell you, the presence of God has been so strong all [...]
Jack Graham - The Beauty of Heaven
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Jack Graham - The Beauty of Heaven
Jack Graham - The Beauty of Heaven
You can't think of heaven without trying to imagine its beauty, its magnificence. I heard about a mother and a child that were walking outside, a beautiful evening, the stars were glistening like diamonds in the dark and the girl was just taken [...]
Jack Graham - The Reality of Heaven
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Jack Graham - The Reality of Heaven
Jack Graham - The Reality of Heaven
Good morning everyone and let me ask that you take your Bibles and turn to John's Gospel, the fourteenth chapter. And we begin our series on HEAVEN: five weeks on heaven. Today the "Reality of Heaven". We'll be talking going [...]
Robert Jeffress - Tricked Or Treated?
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Robert Jeffress - Tricked Or Treated?
Robert Jeffress - Tricked Or Treated?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Christians often wonder, isn't it unfair when a sinful reprobate who accepted Christ at the very end of his life is welcomed into heaven, just in the nick of time? Well, [...]
Jack Graham - Graduation Day
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Jack Graham - Graduation Day
Jack Graham - Graduation Day
We're taking time to imagine what it will be like when we stand in His presence, and the Spirit of God in His word has shown us many wonderful things regarding our future with Him. So eternity begins now. Eternity begins today, looking forward [...]
Jack Graham - Finally Home
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Jack Graham - Finally Home
Jack Graham - Finally Home
It's been a long journey really, step by step through Revelation, beginning at chapter one and now we come to the last two chapters: Revelation 21, Revelation 22. We are on our way home! After the millennial reign of Christ, one thousand years [...]
Jack Graham - Where Will You Spend Eternity?
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Jack Graham - Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Jack Graham - Where Will You Spend Eternity?
Most people today believe in the afterlife, so when I ask this question, and the message is a question, "Where will you spend eternity", I want to draw you in today to the Scripture because the Bible definitely tells us that what we decide [...]
Robert Jeffress - A Tale From The Crypt
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Robert Jeffress - A Tale From The Crypt
Robert Jeffress - A Tale From The Crypt
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. From restrictive diets to rigorous exercise, people of all ages are trying new ways to prolong their lives and postpone the end. But no matter what exercise, regimen or diet you [...]
Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
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Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
All of us who are Christians, we want to know what heaven is like. And, of course, we have questions that we can't answer. And we will never comprehend the greatness, the grandeur, the glory of heaven until we're actually there. And yet [...]
Jack Graham - An Uncomfortable Truth
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Jack Graham - An Uncomfortable Truth
Jack Graham - An Uncomfortable Truth
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Luke chapter 16. This is one of the most sobering, perhaps even shocking messages that you will ever hear. It is, as we're calling it, an "Uncomfortable Truth". It is an incomprehensible truth; for [...]
Jack Graham - What Lies Beyond
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Jack Graham - What Lies Beyond
Jack Graham - What Lies Beyond
Take your Bibles and open them, please, to the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, There is: "a time to be born, and there is a time to die". Birth brings us into time to earth; death brings us into timelessness, eternity. There is a time to [...]
Sid Roth - I Died and Came Back with an Urgent Message from Jesus
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Sid Roth - I Died and Came Back with an Urgent Message from Jesus
Sid Roth - I Died and Came Back with an Urgent Message from Jesus
My guest died of a heart attack. He knows what happens when you die, the whole process. Now, he knows what Heaven is like, and he returned physically healed with an urgent message for us, for you. Sid Roth : I've never had this happen before. A [...]
Sid Roth - Millions of Christians Go to Hell Over THIS
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Sid Roth - Millions of Christians Go to Hell Over THIS
Sid Roth - Millions of Christians Go to Hell Over THIS
My guest was taken to Hell, and he saw The Devil's secret weapon that is sending millions that think they're Christians to Hell. Next. Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here with Ivan Tuttle, and, Ivan, you've had some encounters that few [...]
Sid Roth - In Eternity, You Will Be Judged Based on This
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Sid Roth - In Eternity, You Will Be Judged Based on This
Sid Roth - In Eternity, You Will Be Judged Based on This
Sid Roth : Hello Sid Roth your investigative reporter here with Peter Wyns I don't know about you but I remember as a young boy focusing on a subject what happens when you die, and I started to try to visualize what it be like if I was dead, [...]
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