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Joseph Prince - How to Reign over Addictions and Bad Habits Effortlessly
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Joseph Prince - How to Reign over Addictions and Bad Habits Effortlessly
Joseph Prince - How to Reign over Addictions and Bad Habits Effortlessly
You’re about to reign in life over your bad habits, your addictions, amen. Whatever it is that’s binding you, you’re about to reign. Romans 6 verse 14, the Bible tells us, «For sin shall not have dominion over you, for», reason, for the cost is [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Breaking Bad Habits
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Peter Tan-Chi - Breaking Bad Habits
Peter Tan-Chi - Breaking Bad Habits
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Because it is hindering you, it is side-tracking you, it is stopping you from becoming the person that God wants you to be? Is it too much screen time? Is it social media? Is it [...]
James Meehan - Break Free from the Prison of Porn
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James Meehan - Break Free from the Prison of Porn
James Meehan - Break Free from the Prison of Porn
We live in a world today where porn is more accessible and acceptable than it's ever been before which has led to so many young people like you getting trapped in a cycle of addiction. That's why today we're talking about three steps [...]
Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage and Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest)
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Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage and Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest)
Joseph Prince - Find Freedom From Every Bondage and Addiction (LIVE at MegaFest)
Come on, lift your voices to the one who gave his life for us, who has risen from the dead. He's here right now. Give him praise. Hallelujah. We welcome your presence, Lord. He is here, you know. We're not just saying, he is here. Amen? [...]
James Meehan - Should Christians Support a TikTok Ban?
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James Meehan - Should Christians Support a TikTok Ban?
James Meehan - Should Christians Support a TikTok Ban?
Kaitlyn Caffery : James, today on this episode, we are going to talk about the ever controversial matter of TikTok being banned forever. James Meehan : Okay, wonderful. Kaitlyn Caffery : There are actually some pretty serious conversations going on [...]
John Bradshaw - Addiction Is Powerful
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John Bradshaw - Addiction Is Powerful
John Bradshaw - Addiction Is Powerful
As recently as five years ago, one in five adults in the world smoked. In most western countries, the rate of smoking has declined dramatically in recent years. Gone are the days of giving free cigarettes to soldiers or doctors prescribing tobacco [...]
Mark Batterson - Overcoming Addiction
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Mark Batterson - Overcoming Addiction
Mark Batterson - Overcoming Addiction
In 333 B.C., Alexander the Great marched his Macedonian army into Gordian, the capital of Phrygia. There he found a wagon tied to it's yolk with what a Roman historian describe as several knots so tightly entangled that it was impossible to see [...]
John Bradshaw - Addictions and The Man God Tried to Kill
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John Bradshaw - Addictions and The Man God Tried to Kill
John Bradshaw - Addictions and The Man God Tried to Kill
John Bradshaw : Welcome to "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. We are really glad to see you. We've got some Bible questions to get through, questions that have been submitted by It Is Written viewers. And so with [...]
Creflo Dollar - How To Attack Approval Addiction - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - How To Attack Approval Addiction - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - How To Attack Approval Addiction - Part 2
Last week, we began talking about overcoming approval addiction which appears to be a pretty big foundation for a whole lot of other things to operate in people's lives. For example, if you live under a burden of guilt, if you live under a [...]
Creflo Dollar - How To Attack Approval Addiction - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - How To Attack Approval Addiction - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - How To Attack Approval Addiction - Part 1
I'm amazed at the lives that are being destroyed and derailed over the effort of trying to earn approval from people that you don't even know, trying to buy things so that they can approve of you with money you don't even have, and [...]
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming Approval Addiction
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Creflo Dollar - Overcoming Approval Addiction
Creflo Dollar - Overcoming Approval Addiction
I'm about to talk about something that I don't have to ask you to raise your hands. Maybe you don't know it, but everybody in here at one time or another has been impacted and affected by something called approval addiction. To be [...]
Michael Youssef - Freedom From Bondage
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Michael Youssef - Freedom From Bondage
Michael Youssef - Freedom From Bondage
I had an opportunity to watch an interview with Dr. Patrick Carnes, who is recognized as the foremost authority in this country in this whole issue of sexual addiction, and pornography, and pornographic addiction. He heads up that famous clinic in [...]
Joel Osteen - Approval Addiction
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Joel Osteen - Approval Addiction
Joel Osteen - Approval Addiction
I want to talk today about Approval Addiction. Too many people make decisions based on what other people will think about them. They run everything through a filter: how's this going to make me look? How will my friends and coworkers perceive [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Addicts
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Addicts
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Addicts
Luke, chapter 4, and also would you put a marker in Matthew, chapter 11. Luke 4 and Matthew 11, and let's pray together. Father, we feel the need to calm our hearts, to focus our hearts, to ask for your help for us to concentrate. I always feel [...]
Doug Batchelor - A Cold Confession
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Doug Batchelor - A Cold Confession
Doug Batchelor - A Cold Confession
I'm going to be sharing something very personal with you and making a confession. You've heard it said before: confession is good for the soul, but very bad for the reputation; and that may be the case today. But your pastor was addicted [...]
John Bradshaw - Conversation with Lonny Shattuck
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John Bradshaw - Conversation with Lonny Shattuck
John Bradshaw - Conversation with Lonny Shattuck
Today he operates his own business and is happily married, but turn the clock back not very far and you'll meet someone who was caught in addiction. He spent time in jail again and again, multiple stints in rehab, many convictions for driving [...]
John Bradshaw - Addictions, Atonement and the Assurance of Salvation
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John Bradshaw - Addictions, Atonement and the Assurance of Salvation
John Bradshaw - Addictions, Atonement and the Assurance of Salvation
John Bradshaw : From the George Vanderman Studio at It Is Written, this is "Line Upon Line". I'm John Bradshaw. With me is Eric Flickinger. We have the privilege and the responsibility of answering your Bible questions. Remember, [...]
John Bradshaw - Conversation with Richie Halversen
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John Bradshaw - Conversation with Richie Halversen
John Bradshaw - Conversation with Richie Halversen
John Bradshaw : Richie, thanks for joining me. I really appreciate you taking your time. Richie Halversen : It's great to be here. John Bradshaw : Now, I don't think we should define you by your past. You know what I mean. There's [...]
John Bradshaw - Conversation with David Slack
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John Bradshaw - Conversation with David Slack
John Bradshaw - Conversation with David Slack
John Bradshaw : So how did you get involved in gambling? David Slack : Well, when I was younger, John, a lot of, um, a lot of friends of my parents, used to come round and play cards. On a Sunday night, they had a Sunday night card school, and, um, [...]
John Bradshaw - Overcoming Addictions
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John Bradshaw - Overcoming Addictions
John Bradshaw - Overcoming Addictions
Welcome to Take Charge of Your Health, brought to you by It Is Written. In each of these presentations we talk about ways that you can take charge of your health, decisions you can make, things that you can add into your life or leave out of your [...]
Jack Graham - Breaking Free from Addiction
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Jack Graham - Breaking Free from Addiction
Jack Graham - Breaking Free from Addiction
Jesus can break every chain, whether it is drugs or alcohol or sex or homosexuality or immorality of any kind, of gambling, pornography, anger, bitterness. Jesus can break every chain, and He will if you will experience His power in your life, if [...]
Sid Roth - God Said This to Me About My Alcohol Addiction
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Sid Roth - God Said This to Me About My Alcohol Addiction
Sid Roth - God Said This to Me About My Alcohol Addiction
Eighty percent of the children of alcoholics become alcoholics themselves. Alcoholism is epidemic in America, especially among the youth and 65 percent of the population in Russia is addicted to alcohol. My guest has a supernatural cure for this and [...]
Craig Groeschel - Why Can't I Stop?
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Craig Groeschel - Why Can't I Stop?
Craig Groeschel - Why Can't I Stop?
So I'm curious, I wonder how many of you have a bad habit, something you wished you didn't do and you've tried to break that habit, but you can't seem to break it. I wonder how many of you may be at some point you just prayed out [...]
Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 4
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Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 4
Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 4
This is the neatest Word. I think about it so often. I think about it a lot in prayer and will say it back to the Lord. The word that is "to know hearts" is a compound word in the Greek, so it is a putting together of... heart is [...]
Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 3
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Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 3
Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 3
So remember, we're getting some for-real rehab for approval addicts, and we're learning that it doesn't have to do with numbers. We could be as addicted to the approval of one person as someone else is to a full public of tens of [...]
Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 2
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Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 2
Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 2
We're gonna get some insight into the warnings that Jesus gave us about people pleasing and about being very, very careful when we look around us and a lot of people are really pleased with us because he's saying, "I'm gonna tell [...]
Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 1
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Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 1
Beth Moore - Rehab for Approval Addicts - Part 1
You may be seated. I want you to turn with me, if you would please, to 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 and then I would like for you to also get Galatians 1 in your hand so that you are ready to go back and forth between the two. Hold at 1 Thessalonians [...]
Tony Evans - Reversing Addiction Consequences
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Tony Evans - Reversing Addiction Consequences
Tony Evans - Reversing Addiction Consequences
Many of God's children are spiritual POWs, prisoners of war, trapped in a sin that they have been unable to break, trapped in a situation that is contrary to the will and Word of God from which they have not been able to escape. Whether it is [...]
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Craig Groeschel - Your Porn Battle Plan
Craig Groeschel - Your Porn Battle Plan
Today I'd like to tell you about my very first exposure to pornography. Is that an awkward way to start? 'Cause it feels awkward to me. I go, we're gonna go there today, and yes, we are, I'll tell you about my very first exposure [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Addictive Behavior
Joyce Meyer - Addictive Behavior
So, the first thing you have to do if you're gonna break any addiction, is stop saying, "I can't control this". Come on, now. Don't look at me like that. See, that becomes an excuse. "Well, you know, I can't help [...]
Joseph Prince - Break Free from Addiction and Shame
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Joseph Prince - Break Free from Addiction and Shame
Joseph Prince - Break Free from Addiction and Shame
You know, panic attacks, anxiety, suffering from these conditions is really not a small thing, people. It's not something that we can just say, "Well, think positive, you know. Just look on the bright side of things". And many of them [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Loving The Addict
Creflo Dollar — Loving The Addict
If a member of your family has an addiction, chances are high that your life is chaotic and out of control. The one who is strung out on drugs or alcohol without a doubt needs help, but what about those who love and care for the addict? Now, while [...]
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Joseph Prince — Find Freedom from Every Bondage and Addiction
Joseph Prince — Find Freedom from Every Bondage and Addiction
The sum total of the law is thou shall love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your might, all your strength. Has anyone done that? Even David failed. The law condemns the best of us. Grace saves the worst of us. So, after 1500 years of [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Overcoming Addiction
Creflo Dollar — Overcoming Addiction
People are faced with many types of negative addictions such as pornography, drugs, alcoholism, eating disorders, just to name a few. What do you do when you or a family member suffers from addictions such as these? 114 people die from addictions, [...]
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Patricia King — Overcome Drug Addiction
Patricia King — Overcome Drug Addiction
Patricia King teaches on the subject of drug abuse and the assignment to bring good news to the afflicted, freedom to the captives. [...]
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Sid Roth — Deliverance from Drug Addiction
Sid Roth — Deliverance from Drug Addiction
Steve Hill join Sid Roth to discuss how he was supernaturally set free from drug addiction and instantly healed of hepatitis. [...]
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Sid Roth — Overcoming Addictions
Sid Roth — Overcoming Addictions
Sid Roth, Mel and Desiree Ayres discuss how to overcome addictions. [...]
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Patricia King — Are You Trapped In Addiction?
Patricia King — Are You Trapped In Addiction?
Patricia King teaches on the causes of addiction and the biblical approach to freedom. Graham Cooke testifies. [...]