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James Meehan - Most Relationships Suck (How to Help Yours Thrive)
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James Meehan - Most Relationships Suck (How to Help Yours Thrive)
James Meehan - Most Relationships Suck (How to Help Yours Thrive)
Well, we are in a message series called «Getting Relationships Right». Because most people’s relationships suck, because most people suck at relationships. And, like, I don’t have to, like, tell you that, we all know it. I mean, just look at the [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Love God and Others: Love is the Root, Joy is the Fruit
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Peter Tan-Chi - Love God and Others: Love is the Root, Joy is the Fruit
Peter Tan-Chi - Love God and Others: Love is the Root, Joy is the Fruit
We are starting a new series. You know, what is our series? Everybody, let’s read this. Love and Joy, Discover the Connection. Do you know the Bible tells a lot about joy and love? They are connected. The only question is, how do you find real love, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Demonstrating God's Love
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Rabbi Schneider - Demonstrating God's Love
Rabbi Schneider - Demonstrating God's Love
Some of us are not aware that in addition to the Gospel of John, John wrote three letters that are found towards the end of the New Testament. I know that many of you know this, but perhaps some don't. In his first letter, not in the Gospel of [...]
James Merritt - Perfect Love
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James Merritt - Perfect Love
James Merritt - Perfect Love
I came across an online article with the title, «10 Tips for Life’s Greatest Challenge». And those kind of things always intrigue me. And so I thought, «Okay, what does this person think is the greatest challenge that we face in this life»? Now, you [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Love Is Hard, Isn't It?
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Peter Tan-Chi - Love Is Hard, Isn't It?
Peter Tan-Chi - Love Is Hard, Isn't It?
Today the topic is one simple word: Love is Action. 1 Corinthians 13 has 15 verbs about love, and I will explain that to you. So let’s begin by the introduction of what is most important. Many people do not understand what it means to be a [...]
Joyce Meyer - Love and Joy - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Love and Joy - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Love and Joy - Part 2
Let's look at Matthew 22 beginning in verse 37. And this is an important part of this because I can preach to you today all day long about how you need to love people and you'll be sincere and go out of here and try. But I can tell you if [...]
Joyce Meyer - Love and Joy - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Love and Joy - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Love and Joy - Part 1
The world gets very concerned about gifts. We get concerned about gifts, but God is more concerned about fruit. Gifts are given. They don't require much effort on our part. Fruit, however, is developed. It comes as a seed when we receive Christ [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Command to Love and Be Loved
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Command to Love and Be Loved
Kenneth Copeland - God's Command to Love and Be Loved
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Now, we've been talking about the curse and the curse of the law and so forth, but I want to mention something to you before we do. I [...]
Chris Hodges - Love
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Chris Hodges - Love
Chris Hodges - Love
Alright, who's glad to be in church today, anybody? Come on, give Jesus the best praise you've got, everybody! Oh, it's so good to see you. Welcome today to week number one of a nine-part series on "The Fruit of the Spirit," [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Love God With All Your Heart
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Peter Tan-Chi - Love God With All Your Heart
Peter Tan-Chi - Love God With All Your Heart
If you have one opportunity to ask Jesus one question, what will that question be? Think about it. One opportunity to ask Jesus any question you want, what will that be? Well, one day, there was a lawyer, a scribe, who is expert in the law of the [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - What Are You Known For?
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Peter Tan-Chi - What Are You Known For?
Peter Tan-Chi - What Are You Known For?
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We all long and look for love. Many of us have been disillusioned, discouraged, disappointed Because we look for love in the wrong place, we misunderstand what true love is. You [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - True Love Endures
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Peter Tan-Chi - True Love Endures
Peter Tan-Chi - True Love Endures
Greetings! In the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today is episode five on our series on love. Next week, we will have our season finale. By the grace of God, it has been a great joy in our journey together discussing love. Why [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Love is, Love Does
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Peter Tan-Chi - Love is, Love Does
Peter Tan-Chi - Love is, Love Does
Greetings, in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! This month is February. It is known as love month. Today, we will start a new series. It's called The Love Series. We will start with episode 1. Mind you, this is better than [...]
Andy Stanley - How Love and Humility are Connected
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Andy Stanley - How Love and Humility are Connected
Andy Stanley - How Love and Humility are Connected
If you don't feel good about yourself, it's hard to let others feel good about themselves, right? And if there is something in you that has a hard time allowing them to stay in the spotlight without stepping into saying, well, you know, [...]
Kerry Shook - Love
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Kerry Shook - Love
Kerry Shook - Love
I'm really excited about this weekend because I'm starting a new series I've been wanting to do for quite some time. I'm calling it "The Five Things I Want My Kids to Remember Forever". But really it's not a series [...]
David Jeremiah - Walking in Love
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David Jeremiah - Walking in Love
David Jeremiah - Walking in Love
It was March of 2022, and Martin Douthwaite began walking on a crisp March afternoon in Selby, England. His plan was to make a circle around his village walking completely around it, and then around it again, and then around it again. In fact, he [...]
Chris Hodges - Love One Another
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Chris Hodges - Love One Another
Chris Hodges - Love One Another
Alright, who's glad to be in church today? Anybody? Anybody? Oh, give God all the praise, everybody! That's awesome! Oh, it's so good to see you. You look absolutely great, and I wanna say a big hello to not only all of those here at [...]
Adrian Rogers - Christ-Like Love
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Adrian Rogers - Christ-Like Love
Adrian Rogers - Christ-Like Love
Find John chapter 13, the Gospel of John. And in a moment we're going to look at verse 34. A psychiatrist said that, "Man's greatest need is to be loved and to be able to show and to give love," and that is so true. Now, [...]
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 2
So, she takes her son, she lays him in the bed of the prophet. You heard the saying, "You've made your bed now, lie in it". Well, that's what she did. She was so filled with faith because she didn't wait for the tragedy to [...]
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 1
Verse 32, "Elisha came into the house, there was the child, lying dead on his bed. He went in therefore, shut the door behind the two of them, and prayed to the Lord. And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
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Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Many of us are familiar with Psalm 139, where David talks about how he's been fearfully and wonderfully made and how precious are the thoughts of the Lord towards him. It's such a beautiful psalm. We've got a little background noise. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Love Is On Your Side
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Kenneth Copeland - Love Is On Your Side
Kenneth Copeland - Love Is On Your Side
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, and welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Let's have a word of prayer. We'll get right into today's Bible lesson. Father, we just praise You and thank [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Practice The Love Walk And Reap The Reward
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Kenneth Copeland - Practice The Love Walk And Reap The Reward
Kenneth Copeland - Practice The Love Walk And Reap The Reward
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Father, thank You for Your Word today. We are so thrilled. Oh, it's so good to know that You love us and You are so, Your mercy endures forever. And we thank You and we praise You for [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Walking In The Commandment of Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Walking In The Commandment of Love
Kenneth Copeland - Walking In The Commandment of Love
— Hello everybody, we're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, glory to God. And we just love you, and we love God, and we're so glad you're with us today. Father, we thank You. We give You praise and honor for these broadcasts. And we call [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Father, thank You for Your Word today. We are so thrilled. Oh, it's so good to know that You love us and You are so, Your mercy endures forever. And we thank You and we praise You for [...]
Kenneth Copeland - You Can't Fail When You Walk In Love
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Kenneth Copeland - You Can't Fail When You Walk In Love
Kenneth Copeland - You Can't Fail When You Walk In Love
— Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast, broadcast, broadcast. Well, all right. Hallelujah. We're here in southwest Arkansas. Amen. I don't know, this place just does me that way. — It's a happy [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
— Hello, everybody. Welcome to Friday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Arkansas. Glory to God. We're in southwest Arkansas at our prayer cabin in a place that had been such a blessing in our lives for over 50 [...]
James Meehan - Learning to Love From the Most Influential Teacher in History
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James Meehan - Learning to Love From the Most Influential Teacher in History
James Meehan - Learning to Love From the Most Influential Teacher in History
So how are we gonna learn to love like Jesus? The best place that we can look is to Jesus, who is the most influential teacher in history. But he wasn't just like a regular teacher, right? He wasn't like a life coach offering tips and [...]
Bobby Schuller - How To Love Strangers, Competitors, and Annoying People
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Bobby Schuller - How To Love Strangers, Competitors, and Annoying People
Bobby Schuller - How To Love Strangers, Competitors, and Annoying People
Sometimes life is very lonely. There are times in life when we're surrounded by friends, surrounded by family. We've got people calling us, we've got people texting us, and yet why? Somehow we still feel a little bit alone. Something [...]
Robert Barron - Love the Ones You're Given
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Robert Barron - Love the Ones You're Given
Robert Barron - Love the Ones You're Given
Peace be with you. Friends, on this Feast of the Holy Family, so it's the very day after Christmas, I'm aware that we've all probably been with our families very recently, our immediate families, our extended families. And I want to [...]
Robert Barron - How to Fall in Love
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Robert Barron - How to Fall in Love
Robert Barron - How to Fall in Love
Peace be with you. Friends, our readings for this weekend are of extraordinary importance. They have to do with, to give it its technical term, Christian anthropology, that is to say, who we are in the presence of God, and the Christian [...]
James Meehan - Where Does Love Come From?
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James Meehan - Where Does Love Come From?
James Meehan - Where Does Love Come From?
All right, show of hands, how many of you have ever been in love? If your hand is not up, then maybe today is the day you meet that special someone. The first time I met that special someone, I was in sixth grade. She was in my history class. Her [...]
James Meehan - Becoming People Who Look Like Love
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James Meehan - Becoming People Who Look Like Love
James Meehan - Becoming People Who Look Like Love
Hello and welcome. Today we are continuing in our series, He Loved Us First, where we have been studying a letter written centuries before any of us were ever born. Why? Because we believe that this letter, that is a part of the Bible, contains [...]
James Meehan - What Is Real Love?
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James Meehan - What Is Real Love?
James Meehan - What Is Real Love?
Most people's ideas of love are really messed up. Like just to be frank, most of the time when people say I love you to someone else, it's because that other person did something that made them feel special. Let me give you an example: how [...]
James Meehan - Where Can I Find Real Love?
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James Meehan - Where Can I Find Real Love?
James Meehan - Where Can I Find Real Love?
A long time ago in the year of 2009, in a far away land known as Tulsa, Oklahoma, I was home from school sick. I had the flu or strap or something like that, that left me in a place where I was too sick to enjoy playing video games, but not so sick [...]
Creflo Dollar - Are You Equipped to Pay The Debt of Love? - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - Are You Equipped to Pay The Debt of Love? - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - Are You Equipped to Pay The Debt of Love? - Part 3
See, everything that Satan does is to destroy that sense of God's love in you, that sense that you're the beloved. Everything... think about all the stuff the devil does. It is to destroy that sense that you are God's beloved. You got [...]
Creflo Dollar - Are You Equipped to Pay The Debt of Love? - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Are You Equipped to Pay The Debt of Love? - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Are You Equipped to Pay The Debt of Love? - Part 2
The supernatural will be released for those who will realize that they are God's beloved. The supernatural will be released for those who realize that they are God's beloved. Are you listening to what I'm saying to you? That just by [...]
Creflo Dollar - Are You Equipped to Pay The Debt of Love? - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Are You Equipped to Pay The Debt of Love? - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Are You Equipped to Pay The Debt of Love? - Part 1
We've been in the series on owing no man nothing but to love him and learning how to pay the debt of love. Let's begin there in Romans chapter 13, verses 7 through 8 in the NLT. Romans chapter 13, verses 7 and 8 in the NLT. And today I [...]
Creflo Dollar - Is Your Currency of Love on Empty? - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - Is Your Currency of Love on Empty? - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - Is Your Currency of Love on Empty? - Part 3
I don't know what we were told that church was. I don't know what, you know, who convinced you that, you know, this is a part of your life. You need to be there. But I am telling you right now it's more than gimme, gimme, gimme [...]
Creflo Dollar - Is Your Currency of Love on Empty? - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Is Your Currency of Love on Empty? - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Is Your Currency of Love on Empty? - Part 2
Acts chapter 1 and 8. Is this power to be transformed? Well, in verse 8 it says, "But you shall receive power". Literally, it is the ability to get the job done. Power, the ability to get results. "But you shall receive power, after [...]
Creflo Dollar - Is Your Currency of Love on Empty? - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Is Your Currency of Love on Empty? - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Is Your Currency of Love on Empty? - Part 1
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Romans chapter 13, verses 7 through 8 in the New Living Translations. We started a series where we talked about the debt that will pay off all debts. And when we talked about that, I mean, just last [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Requirement for Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
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Kenneth Copeland - The Requirement for Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
Kenneth Copeland - The Requirement for Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Once again, this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Now, studying the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and prayer, all of the manifestations of the Spirit work together with prayer. And [...]
Allen Jackson - Love Each Other - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Love Each Other - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Love Each Other - Part 2
Hey, it's a privilege to be with you today. We're walking through a series on "Let's Do Difficult" and in this session, we're gonna complete our topic of "Love One Another". It's a biblical assignment. [...]
Allen Jackson - Love Each Other - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Love Each Other - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Love Each Other - Part 1
It's a privilege to have some time together today. We're walking through a series on "Let's Do Difficult". Kind of the awkward reality of our faith, that it's gonna take more than a casual interest on our part in order [...]
Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 2
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Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 2
Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 2
Go with me to Luke 2, to perhaps the most familiar story in all of New Testament scripture to people because it is going to be the birth narrative. We're gonna go to the point in the narrative where the baby has been born, the angels have [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Love Is the Motive of Prayer
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Kenneth Copeland - Love Is the Motive of Prayer
Kenneth Copeland - Love Is the Motive of Prayer
Let's go to the book of Hebrews chapter 2 verse 4. "God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and different miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will". So we could come down here, verse 8, [...]
James Merritt - Love and Marriage
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James Merritt - Love and Marriage
James Merritt - Love and Marriage
The next five weeks, we're gonna be talking about the family and today I wanna put a list of animals, some animals, most of which you've never heard of on the screen. And I want you to see if you can guess what they have in common, all [...]
James Meehan - Disciple of Jesus, Love One Another
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James Meehan - Disciple of Jesus, Love One Another
James Meehan - Disciple of Jesus, Love One Another
— Welcome to Switch Uncut. My name is James, this is Caitlyn, and today we're talking about the Bible, the B-I-B-L-E because that's the book for me. Caitlyn, what's your favorite book of the Bible? — Such a good question. I've [...]
Joyce Meyer - What Is Love? - Part 4
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Joyce Meyer - What Is Love? - Part 4
Joyce Meyer - What Is Love? - Part 4
Now, I don't know if you believe me or not, if you think this'll work, but I tell you what, I made a list of 65 things that I wanted to see happen in my life, and I said all of them were a reality and not one of them was a reality. And [...]
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Love
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Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Love
Charles Stanley - The Positive Power of Love
Every emotion that you and I experience in this life, somewhere in the Bible you're gonna find someone there who experienced the same kind of emotions. Sometimes it was hatred, sometimes it was love. It just went from one gamut to the other. [...]
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