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Matt Hagee - You Better Believe It
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Matt Hagee - You Better Believe It
Matt Hagee - You Better Believe It
John 5 tells us very quickly and clearly, the power of belief and the danger of unbelief. You have to understand that there are consequences to both. And truly, in this world, it really doesn’t matter what the topic is, there’s only two types of [...]
Jack Graham - The Power of Faith
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Jack Graham - The Power of Faith
Jack Graham - The Power of Faith
Take your Bibles and turn to Hebrews, chapter 11. This is our series of messages called «DISTINCTIVES FOR DISCIPLES». And what this is really is core Christianity: what we believe, why we believe it. The things that every Christian should know [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care on the Lord To Stay in Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care on the Lord To Stay in Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care on the Lord To Stay in Faith
Hello, everybody, I’m Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer’s Voice of Victory Broadcast, and I’m going to tell you something. Last night, I got in the bed, I thought, well, I’ll just catch up on my 700 Clubs. I hadn’t watched them in a long time. [...]
Jeff Schreve - The Issue of Unbelief
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Jeff Schreve - The Issue of Unbelief
Jeff Schreve - The Issue of Unbelief
When it comes to the Christian life, sometimes there are issues we wrestle with that become sticking points to our spiritual growth. Hey, is there something in your life right now hindering your progress? Join me today and learn how to wrestle with [...]
Joseph Prince - Right Believing Unlocks God's Blessings
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Joseph Prince - Right Believing Unlocks God's Blessings
Joseph Prince - Right Believing Unlocks God's Blessings
The new covenant is all about believing, amen. Therefore, the lack of blessing in a believer’s life is a symptom of what? Not a lack of devotion but a lack of faith, unbelief. Somewhere in some area of our life we don’t believe. We are operating by [...]
Kenneth Copeland - How the Fundamentals of Faith Work
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Kenneth Copeland - How the Fundamentals of Faith Work
Kenneth Copeland - How the Fundamentals of Faith Work
Let’s turn to John chapter 20 and we will look at the 24th verse. «Thomas, one of the 12 called Didymus, of the twin, the other disciples therefore said unto him, We’ve seen the Lord. But he said unto them, 'Except I shall see in his hands the [...]
Joseph Prince - Faith to Receive God's Blessings
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Joseph Prince - Faith to Receive God's Blessings
Joseph Prince - Faith to Receive God's Blessings
So let’s dive right into the Word of God, praise the name of Jesus. We know that God is going to do something great in your life, something powerful, amen? The world is getting darker and darker but the church of Jesus Christ is shining brighter and [...]
Joseph Prince - Faith Is Knowing Jesus Loves You
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Joseph Prince - Faith Is Knowing Jesus Loves You
Joseph Prince - Faith Is Knowing Jesus Loves You
You ready for the Word, amen? So this is the way Jesus showed himself. Whatever it is, he’s about to show himself in a way the Holy Spirit is warning you, all right, giving you a little insight that this chapter is full of revelation about Jesus [...]
Joseph Prince - Growing Stronger in Faith Through Every Trial
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Joseph Prince - Growing Stronger in Faith Through Every Trial
Joseph Prince - Growing Stronger in Faith Through Every Trial
And verse 23, «They certainly,» God says about those who didn’t believe, «They certainly shall not see the land of which I swore to your fathers, nor shall any of those who rejected Me see it». If you don’t believe, the land is ready for you. The [...]
Joseph Prince - The Power of Simple Faith
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Joseph Prince - The Power of Simple Faith
Joseph Prince - The Power of Simple Faith
I want to share with you something that I think is going to bless you greatly, especially we are on this track of learning to inherit. Say, «Inheritance». That word is so rich, isn’t it? Just saying the word inheritance. When someone says, «I have [...]
Joseph Prince - The Secret to Robust Faith
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Joseph Prince - The Secret to Robust Faith
Joseph Prince - The Secret to Robust Faith
Now, I’m going to tell you something. I read the Bible and I ask questions that people don’t ask. That’s how I get my messages. I like to ask questions that some people don’t even bother. I ask them, «How about this verse? There must be an [...]
Joseph Prince - Live Life with Great Faith
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Joseph Prince - Live Life with Great Faith
Joseph Prince - Live Life with Great Faith
All right, «They limited the Holy One of Israel». This is a phrase that I feel that the Lord has put in my spirit, that has happened to so many of us. We have become natural. We are God’s people, yet we become natural. Psalm 78 says the people of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Lean on Faith For Your Total Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Lean on Faith For Your Total Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Lean on Faith For Your Total Healing
Faith, the secret to success, why preach so much of it? Impossible to please God without it, can’t be saved without it, can’t live the Christian life without it, can’t overcome the world without it, whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Faith begins [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - But-If-Not Faith
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Peter Tan-Chi - But-If-Not Faith
Peter Tan-Chi - But-If-Not Faith
Our theme is Truth over Trends. What does it mean? Truth over Trends. You see, a lot of people today are influenced by culture. The problem with trends, they come and and go, it’s like fashion. It’s like what is popular today. They come and go. But [...]
Jeff Schreve - Faith That Works
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Jeff Schreve - Faith That Works
Jeff Schreve - Faith That Works
Do you have your Bible? Please turn to Ruth chapter 2. We’re in a series on the book of Ruth. We started it last week. We’re entitling this series «Beauty for Ashes». And today we want to talk about a very important subject in the Bible. It’s the [...]
Greg Laurie - Faith and Politics
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Greg Laurie - Faith and Politics
Greg Laurie - Faith and Politics
Now we shift gears. I said we’ll talk about politics. Let’s do that together. Now, I know the knee jerk reaction is, «No, we shouldn’t talk about politics in church, and you, as a pastor, should not talk about this subject». Well, why not? My job, [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Training For Victorious Faith
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Peter Tan-Chi - Training For Victorious Faith
Peter Tan-Chi - Training For Victorious Faith
How many of you like discipline? You like the word «Discipline»? Raise your hand. Be honest. How many, if you like the word 'Train'? Training. Training. Training? All right. Do you realize to be good in sports, to be good in music, to be [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Victorious Faith Brings Victorious Living
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Peter Tan-Chi - Victorious Faith Brings Victorious Living
Peter Tan-Chi - Victorious Faith Brings Victorious Living
Everybody read this, «Victorious Faith Brings Victorious Living». Now, why is this important? You know, I have discovered many of us live defeated lives. You know the Lord, but you do not have joy, you do not have peace, your life is like in the [...]
Allen Jackson - Establish a Legacy of Faith - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Establish a Legacy of Faith - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Establish a Legacy of Faith - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're working through a little study on leading with our faith, but in this session we're going to talk about a legacy of faith. Now, what will you be remembered for when your days under the sun are [...]
Allen Jackson - Establish a Legacy of Faith - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Establish a Legacy of Faith - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Establish a Legacy of Faith - Part 1
I started a theme in a previous session back to "Leading With Faith," but it's the holiday edition. We've talked a lot this year about leading with our faith and stepping out of the crowd, but I wanna have that conversation in [...]
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. Our topic is "Leading with Our Faith in the Holidays". You know, they tell us that faith and politics are not appropriate for polite company. I disagree. I think we have to bring our faith with [...]
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Lead With Faith, Holiday Edition - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. Our topic is "Leading with Our Faith in the Midst of the Holidays". You know, it's an important time of the year. You're gonna be gathered with friends and family and co-workers, all sorts [...]
Allen Jackson - Living Faith - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Living Faith - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Living Faith - Part 2
Simple suggestion: please read your Bibles, daily, intentionally. When I say systematically, I mean, from front to back, not just randomly here and there. I have found there to be a benefit when we do reading together. That's not the only way [...]
Allen Jackson - Living Faith - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Living Faith - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Living Faith - Part 1
The topic is "Living Faith," and to be completely candid, I had prepared an outline, at least sketched out the outline that I intended for this evening, and when I did the Bible reading this morning, I felt like I got a whole different [...]
Robert Barron - Faith Without Works Is Dead
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Robert Barron - Faith Without Works Is Dead
Robert Barron - Faith Without Works Is Dead
Peace be with you. Friends, I guess, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread". I'm going to go once more into this great issue that has been a dividing Western Christianity since the Reformation: the issue of faith and works. I do [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Contend Your Faith
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Jentezen Franklin - Contend Your Faith
Jentezen Franklin - Contend Your Faith
The book of Jude. I'll begin reading with verse 3, "Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting". He wanted to write about common salvation. He [...]
Robert Barron - Reach Out in Faith
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Robert Barron - Reach Out in Faith
Robert Barron - Reach Out in Faith
Peace be with you. Friends, I mentioned last week that we're in the Gospel of Mark now in this liturgical cycle, and Mark is such a... He's a literary master, really. As I mentioned last time, there's something Hemingway-esque about [...]
Kenneth Copeland - When We Walk In God's Authority, We Are In Great Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - When We Walk In God's Authority, We Are In Great Faith
Kenneth Copeland - When We Walk In God's Authority, We Are In Great Faith
— Hello everyone, we are talking about the command of a follower of Jesus Christ, the Authority of the believer. Hallelujah. And this book is the most precious thing there is, the Holy Bible. The Bible simply means a complication, a hodgepodge of [...]
Creflo Dollar - Faith in the Middle of the Attack
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Creflo Dollar - Faith in the Middle of the Attack
Creflo Dollar - Faith in the Middle of the Attack
Go with me to the book of Romans chapter 5 and verse 2. We're gonna talk about faith and grace in the midst of discomfort. We all agree that there is a purpose in discomfort. It is something that no one who's alive on the planet can avoid. [...]
Joel Osteen - Seeing From a Distance
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Joel Osteen - Seeing From a Distance
Joel Osteen - Seeing From a Distance
I want to talk to you today about Seeing From a Distance. We all have promises in our heart and dreams we're believing for, but sometimes they seem so far off and so unlikely. We don't see how we could get well, or how we'll meet the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith in the Finished Work of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith in the Finished Work of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Faith in the Finished Work of Jesus
Father, we thank You this morning, the healer's in the house, and we give You praise, and we honor the God, the King of the universe, that always has been. And in the beginning Elohim said, "Light be", and light was. And You, Holy [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak The WORD and Put Faith Into Motion
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak The WORD and Put Faith Into Motion
Kenneth Copeland - Speak The WORD and Put Faith Into Motion
Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. We've been studying our redemption from the curse of the law. It's amazing how... now over, you know, in 57 years you hear a lot of people [...]
Robert Barron - Do You Struggle to Believe?
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Robert Barron - Do You Struggle to Believe?
Robert Barron - Do You Struggle to Believe?
Peace be with you. Friends, on the second Sunday of Easter, we have this marvelous inexhaustible reading from the 20th chapter of John. It's one of the accounts of the resurrection appearances of Jesus, and I've been preaching on this [...]
Matt Hagee - Faith, Your Access to Heaven's Power Here and Now
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Matt Hagee - Faith, Your Access to Heaven's Power Here and Now
Matt Hagee - Faith, Your Access to Heaven's Power Here and Now
The currency of the kingdom is love, and faith and hope are how you access that currency. Whenever you read in the Word of God faith, hope, and love, they're always working together. And it works together so that you will have the opportunity [...]
Chris Hodges - Building Our Faith
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Chris Hodges - Building Our Faith
Chris Hodges - Building Our Faith
All right, who's glad to be in church today? Anybody? How about we give Jesus a big hand clap of praise, 'cause I don't think we can praise him enough, that's right. It's good to see you. Really good to see you guys. Let me [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - We Walk By Faith and Not By Sight
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Samuel Rodriguez - We Walk By Faith and Not By Sight
Samuel Rodriguez - We Walk By Faith and Not By Sight
Corinthians 5:7, "We walk by... and not by..." Anyone who has ever accomplished great things for the kingdom has had to walk with their mess for at least one season. From Genesis to Revelation, you have never seen, a man or a woman of God [...]
Robert Barron - When Your Faith Is Put to the Test
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Robert Barron - When Your Faith Is Put to the Test
Robert Barron - When Your Faith Is Put to the Test
Peace be with you. Friends, we come now to the Second Sunday of Lent, and we're on I call it both dangerous and very holy ground because the Church is giving us twenty-second chapter of Genesis. The ancient Israelites referred to it as the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Overcoming the Fear of Failure
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Jentezen Franklin - Overcoming the Fear of Failure
Jentezen Franklin - Overcoming the Fear of Failure
I wanna preach to you today about how to break loose from fear. How to break loose from specifically, and it applies to all fear, but I feel like that God wants His people to be a fearless people, a courageous people, a people who walk in faith, not [...]
Andy Stanley - Unmistakable, Unshakable
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Andy Stanley - Unmistakable, Unshakable
Andy Stanley - Unmistakable, Unshakable
Have you've been attending one of our churches or this church for years or months or weeks, or maybe it's just your first time. I wanna tell you for the next few minutes what I want for you. And you may not care what I want for you [...]
Adrian Rogers - Can an Intellectual Believe in God?
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Adrian Rogers - Can an Intellectual Believe in God?
Adrian Rogers - Can an Intellectual Believe in God?
Would you take God's Word and find, please Psalm chapter 19, the nineteenth Psalm? And when you've found it, I want to read to you from a little leaflet that has been handed to me. The title of this leaflet is, "An Invitation to the [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Have A Rock-Solid Faith
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Adrian Rogers - How to Have A Rock-Solid Faith
Adrian Rogers - How to Have A Rock-Solid Faith
Would you take please the Bible and look now in Romans chapter 5, find it if you will. I heard somewhere of a little boy who had a horse and the horse was really just an old, oat burning nag. The horse was decrepit, sway-backed and wasn't much [...]
Marcus Mecum - Honor Your Faith Shields
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Marcus Mecum - Honor Your Faith Shields
Marcus Mecum - Honor Your Faith Shields
Ephesians 6 let's look at verse 13. "Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, have girded your waist with truth, having put on the breast [...]
Charles Spurgeon - Characteristics of Faith
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Charles Spurgeon - Characteristics of Faith
Charles Spurgeon - Characteristics of Faith
"Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe". - John 4:48 You will remember that Luke in his letter to Theophilus speaks of things which Jesus began both to do and to teach, as if there was a connection [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Father, thank You for Your Word today. We are so thrilled. Oh, it's so good to know that You love us and You are so, Your mercy endures forever. And we thank You and we praise You for [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
— Hello, everybody. Welcome to Friday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Arkansas. Glory to God. We're in southwest Arkansas at our prayer cabin in a place that had been such a blessing in our lives for over 50 [...]
Tony Evans - Faith for Your Journey
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Tony Evans - Faith for Your Journey
Tony Evans - Faith for Your Journey
We are doing an exposition of 2 Peter 1, verses 1 through 11, calling it "The Triumphant Trip to Glory". And our goal is to be in sync with Peter's goal. Peter had a twofold goal. He states it in verse 8. "If these qualities are [...]
Allen Jackson - Faith Mountains
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Allen Jackson - Faith Mountains
Allen Jackson - Faith Mountains
I don't usually start a new study on a Wednesday night, but I wanted to this week, but the title is "Mountains of Faith". Mountains on planet Earth, for the most part, are barriers. A lot of reasons around that, but they separate [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - It Begins With Faith
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Samuel Rodriguez - It Begins With Faith
Samuel Rodriguez - It Begins With Faith
High five your neighbor and tell 'em, "I believe it". Your other neighbor, tell 'em, "I believe it. I believe it. I believe it". You may be seated. It really begins with faith. Somebody say, "Faith". Not just [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Acting In Faith To Receive Your Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Acting In Faith To Receive Your Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Acting In Faith To Receive Your Healing
This is healing day, and we're receiving healing, Galatians 3. "And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Hall of Fame of Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - The Hall of Fame of Faith
Kenneth Copeland - The Hall of Fame of Faith
So here we are now. These people are the righteousness of God. "By faith, Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear or reverence, prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world and [...]
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