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Sid Roth - How to Hear God Speak in Your Dreams

Sid Roth - How to Hear God Speak in Your Dreams
Sid Roth - How to Hear God Speak in Your Dreams
TOPICS: God's Voice, Dream Interpretation

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guests say that if you do not understand your dreams, you will miss much of your destiny for the last days. But if you're like me, these symbol books of dreams, these big books of symbols, I'm just too practical. If I can't understand I'm going to toss it out. But it's so simple they teach children how to understand their dreams. And this is what they say. They say everyone can understand their dreams. Everyone has dreams and God is going to speak things to you you'll never get in your natural mind. You will hear God better than you have before. Do you want to learn? Me, too. Mark, our producers are so excited about your understanding of how we can understand dreams and visions. You say that our dreams are absolutely the easiest way we can hear from God. Why do you say that?

Mark Virkler: Because dreams come from our heart and thinking comes from our head. And when we go to sleep at night our heart stays awake and our heart communicates to us without having to go through the bottleneck of our brain. And Jesus lives in our heart. When I got saved I invited Jesus into my heart. So now we have heart to heart communication without my brain muddling up the works. So dreams are simple, they're easy, they bypass the mind, they give me direct revelation, spirit to spirit, heart to heart.

Sid Roth: Well Charity, why are dreams so important?

Charity Kayembe: Dreams are so important because God says they are.

Sid Roth: Well that should be good enough.

Charity Kayembe: Exactly. Over and over in the Bible he says he'll reveal himself to us in visions, he'll speak to us in dreams, and he says that he'll open our ears and seal our instruction, and turn us wrongdoing, and keep us from pride. And I love with it says in Songs of Solomon. It talks about how dreams are God's contingency plan, because it says that, "When we're asleep our heart is awake to commune with our beloved". So when our mind shuts down, we are kind of deified and put in place of God. When that thing rests at night we go to our hearts and that's where God lives. Ephesians 3:17, "God lives in our hearts". So we want to live out of our hearts as well and commune with our beloved, and he speaks with us wonderful counsel and revelation every single night through our dreams.

Sid Roth: Mark, what about someone that says, I don't have dreams or visions. That's just not me. What would you say to them?

Mark Virkler: I would say what they should be saying is I don't recall my dreams and visions, because they do have dreams. Every single night everybody does and they've proven that in sleep laboratories. Because in a sleep laboratory they can watch and tell when you begin to dream, because when you begin to dream your eyes begin to flicker back and forth, and it's called REM sleep, R-E-M, rapid eye movement. And if they wake a person up whenever they see their eyes begin to move and don't let them dream, after three days they're going to enter into a nervous breakdown, which shows how important and central dreams are for our emotional wellbeing.

Sid Roth: Now most people that teach on dreams have a big book on symbols and all you do is look in the book for your symbol, but you don't go along with that. Why?

Charity Kayembe: You're right. People have complained to us and told us, when we try to do that we want to make sense of our dreams and we jump online, or we look at the dream symbol dictionary, we feel more confused at the end after we looked it up. This doesn't make sense. This doesn't feel right. And so they're like, dream interpretation, this is crazy. But the dream symbol dictionaries, they do not take into account your own personal experiences, your own unique perceptions, your own individual perspective on things. For example, if I dream of a dog and I love dogs, that's great. But if you dream of a dog and you were viciously attacked by a dog, well that's going to say two totally different things depending on who is dreaming it.

Sid Roth: You know what I found? When I talk to these dream experts, so to speak, and I give them my dreams, each one gives me a different interpretation. So what I did, Mark, was I just tossed the thing out except for literal dreams. And I do get literal dreams, but they're very infrequent. Most of my dreams are the way most of your dreams are, but I'm never going to throw out God speaking to me again. And you make it so simple. Have you heard that before from others, Charity?

Charity Kayembe: Definitely. We've tried, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven you have to be like a little child. So if we complicate it more than a little kid can do then we've made it too hard.

Sid Roth: Now I've read a scripture that it says, "The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous". Did you know that God is in a wealth transfer right now and he wants to speak to you through dreams and visions? And when we come back, I'm going to ask Dr. Mark to tell us some famous things that have been developed through dreams and visions. But you can get wisdom. You can get solutions to family problems. You can get business ideas. I mean, let's face it. If every night you could hear from God it would be heaven on Earth. We'll be right back.

Sid Roth: Dr. Charity, you teach that we are the best people to interpret our own dreams. We don't have to go to the experts. We have the expert inside of us. His name, Holy Spirit. Explain.

Charity Kayembe: The dreamer himself is the most qualified interpretation expert of their dream because they know what the symbols mean to them better than anyone. You know your association with whatever person or event, or thing. Number two, you know the setting of the dream better than anyone. You as the dreamer know that. The setting is what is going on in your waking life when you had the dream. Setting is everything. We don't know anything about a dream until we know the setting. So with every dream that we have we want to go back to our waking life and say, what happened that day. What was I was thinking about as I got ready for bed? What was I praying for as I fell asleep?

Sid Roth: It's almost like a lightbulb goes off.

Charity Kayembe: Yes. You have an a-ha moment. The interpretation needs to resonate in the heart of the dreamer and then you know you have the right message. It just clicks.

Sid Roth: Now Dr. Mark, tell me some famous inventions. And by the way, you're saying, oh I couldn't come up with an invention. Do you think God could? Does God have any problem? He's just looking for someone to use. Just volunteer. Say what Abraham said, "Here am I, God". Tell me some famous inventions.

Mark Virkler: Yes, and does God even care about famous inventions or does he just care about your spiritual life, or is inventions part of it all? And it is. Let me tell you about Larry Page. He was at Stanford University, 22 years of age, and he had a dream at night. And in this dream he sees himself downloading the entire Internet onto his personal computer, and he sees some algorithms that are connecting all the different articles like computer code, and it's showing how he's able to access and pull these articles down. He wakes up in the middle of the night. He spends two hours writing out what he can recall from that dream with these different rules as to how connect these articles and pull them down. He took it to his professor at college and told him he was going to create this in a couple of weeks and his professor laughed at him. It took him a year of working this dream out. But a year later, he had the Google search bar, which we now all use, which has become the foundation of Google Enterprises, which has made that the biggest, richest company in the world today, and made the founder of it, Larry Page, one of the richest men in the world today because he listened to a dream, honored the dream, got up and spent two hours writing about it, spent a year working it out and now he's blessed the world with a gift that we all use every single day of our lives, and he's become wealthy as a result of that.

Sid Roth: Tell me one more. I mean, there's so many. Wasn't it Thomas Edison that used to take a nap every day and God would show him inventions?

Mark Virkler: Yes. Almost every single inventor has done that. And the gentleman who came up with the sewing machine, he couldn't figure out, he patented the first sewing machine. He couldn't figure out how to thread the thread in the end of a needle. And he goes to sleep with that question on his mind, and he has a dream of an arrow being shot through a wigwam wall, snaring a thread on the inside of the wall and pulling it back to the wall. He said that's the way to hook the thread to the end of this needle. And he patented it, and he became very, very wealthy. So there's another example from recent history.

Sid Roth: Mark, what would you say to the person that's listening to us right now and say, but Dr. Mark, I believe everything you're saying, but I don't remember one of my dreams.

Mark Virkler: Well that's really, really simple to resolve. All you simply have to do is you lay there in bed at night, say, "Holy Spirit, would you give me a dream tonight". Say, "I believe in dreams. I believe in my heart. I believe my heart wants to communicate with me revelation, and Lord, I'm asking you to give me revelation in this area that I'm exploring right now, because you've asked me to explore it, and you have wonderful answers". You go to sleep asking that and wake up, and you put paper and pencil next to your bed, saying to your heart, "If you wake me up I'll write down what you give me". If you do that, I guarantee you, you're going to wake up every week with wonderful stuff to write down.

Sid Roth: You know what I found out in your teaching, most people are like me and they just, I'm so pragmatic. If I can't understand my dream, I don't want to even waste my time fooling with it. But then what I was thinking from your teaching is there was no expectancy and I got what I expected, nothing.

Mark Virkler: Right.

Sid Roth: How important is it to believe you're going to have this?

Mark Virkler: According to your faith, be it unto you, ask and you will receive. So if I'm not going to believe in dreams and I'm not going to ask for dreams then the Bible is clear to say I'm going to get nothing. Because he who comes to God must believe that he is and he's the rewarder of those who seek him. If I say, I don't really know if I believe in dreams, well you're not believing in God speaking from your heart. So you're getting nothing. You have to take a step of faith and say, look, the Bible covers dreams, I believe in dreams, I believe in the Bible, I'm going to practice living in dreams. It's as simple as that.

Sid Roth: Now also we're living in a very complex world today. What if, and God knows what's going to happen today, and he can warn you. Give me an example of a warning dream.

Mark Virkler: A warning dream. I was on the phone with a lady who was phoning me from prison and she had a warning dream before she even got saved from God, which shows God's tremendous love for every single person. And she was a teenager thinking of going from Utah or Nevada over to California. In the dream, the warning was don't go to California. If you do, you're going to go to prison. She ignored the warning. She went to California. She got involved in the drug scene and in a drug induced stupor, she killed her roommate, and she's now spending a life prison sentence in a California prison, which she wouldn't have had to do had she honored the voice of God through her dream and the warning of God through her dream.

Sid Roth: Charity, you have so opened up my thinking to children having advantage over people like me, children having advantage over everyone in dreaming, and we just totally dismiss this. What would happen if you taught your children that God speaks through dreams? What would happen if your children start telling you what God has in store for them? It's just expanding my thinking so much. When we come back I want to find, Charity, what you found out, and you have a degree in Biblical Studies. We'll come right back.

Sid Roth: Okay. I've been waiting for you to share this, Dr. Charity. I think it must be a degree of a passion with you. Children just physiologically are better adapted to get dreams than us adults. Explain.

Charity Kayembe: You're right. They're very sensitive to the supernatural world. They're very sensitive to the Spirit because of their brainwave state. Adults, right now, we're in Beta. It's like a faster, logical, analytical brain wave state.

Sid Roth: Absolutely. That's where I am.

Charity Kayembe: But then there's Alpha. And Alpha is a slower more meditative kind of prayerful brainwave state. And when we dream we're in Alpha. And just as we're falling asleep at night and just as we're waking up in the morning, that's Alpha, when we're not really sure if we're awake or asleep and the veil between the physical and the spiritual is very thin. That's Alpha. Well the incredible thing that science has found about children is that they live continually, day and night, in the Alpha brain wave state up until seven years of age. So they're not living logically and analytically out of their head, they're living out of their heart.

Sid Roth: I would rather do that myself.

Charity Kayembe: You're right. They're living out of Second Corinthians 4:18. They're living to an unseen realm. They're living to an inner kingdom. And so we know God lives in our hearts. We all want to live out of hearts and that makes us very sensitive to the supernatural realm that infuses and permeates this natural realm.

Sid Roth: Maybe that's why so many children love our show. I'm amazed, I mean, even at young ages, they're attracted to It's Supernatural.

Charity Kayembe: Absolutely. They see into the Spirit. They hear. They are young seers. They are very gifted in the prophetic. You're right.

Sid Roth: Now you teach simple keys to understanding of dreams and the keys work for children, but they also work for all of us. Tell us a few of the keys.

Charity Kayembe: There's three specific questions that we want to ask about every single dream we have. Number one, we want to ask what is the setting. And we talked about what's going on in our waking life when we have the dream. And then number two, we want to ask what is the main action of the dream. In the dream, what am I doing? Am I running? Am I hiding? Am I ministering? That's the key action. And the third question we want to ask about every dream is in the dream, how am I feeling? Am I excited? Am I scared? Am I disappointed, grateful? That's the key emotion. And then we take the key emotion and action from the dream, and we look in our waking life, and we match it up. Where in waking life am I feeling that emotion? Where am I doing this, and then experiencing these things? Then we overlay our waking life world setting on top of the dream. We see where it matches up. Then we know what area of our life the dream is speaking to. For example, I can share a dream. And it seems silly. It seems like it's just a pizza but there's really, there's a message in it from God. I had a dream where I was on a pole vaulting team. All the people on the team.

Sid Roth: Now you see, if I had a dream like that I'd say, but God, don't you know I'm not an athlete.

Charity Kayembe: Yes. But then we know to translate we need to look at the picture symbolically, figuratively. It's all in pictures. So okay, everyone on the team was able to pole vault except for me. I was too weak and I was too sick, and I couldn't get over the high bar. So what's the main action in this dream? Well I'm trying to get over something and the feeling is I'm struggling because I can't do it. So where in waking life am I struggling to get over something? Well in waking life I had actually been talking to God about someone who had said something to me and I was a little bit offended. I'm like, God, should I confront them? Should I tell them they hurt my feelings or should I just forgive them, walk in love and let it go, just get over it? Well God gave me this picture at night, showing me everyone else who was on your team, they were able to get over it. If you're spiritually strong, if you're a spiritually healthy person you should have no trouble getting over. Pole vaulting was the picture, but getting over was the problem. So by looking at what's going on in our waking life and matching it up with the dream we're able to see kind of what God is speaking to.

Sid Roth: You know, another clue that you gave me is that when you have multiple dreams in a night most likely they're all telling you the same thing.

Charity Kayembe: Absolutely. That's how it was for Pharaoh in the book of Genesis. He dreams of corn on the cob and then he's dreaming of the fat cows, and that seems unrelated. They have nothing to do with each other. But Joseph is like, hey, that's one and the same message. That's all talking about the same famine that's going to happen. So when we have lots of different dreams they might seem unrelated, but in one night God is usually speaking to a single heart issue and he's just showing us different angles, different perspectives so that we can get the message. He's showing us all different perspectives to communicate the message meaning he has for us.

Sid Roth: Mark, you say very strongly we should write down our dreams. When do we write them down, when we have them and wake up, or do we write them down first thing after we finished our sleep for the night? What do you recommend?

Mark Virkler: You do it as soon as you wake up. So if you wake up in the middle of the night, 2:00 from the dream, you write it down at 2:00 because chances are you'll have forgotten most of your dreams by the time you wake up in the morning. And so you write the dream down as soon as you receive it. God loves you to write things down because you're honoring your heart. You're saying to your heart, you're important. You wake me up and I'll record what you give me. So your heart says, great, I'm going to wake you up because you now honor me. And it's a way of memorializing it. It's a way of extending it because you as you begin to write the flow gives you pieces that you forgot about, and you say, there was that.

Sid Roth: That's what I've noticed. In other words, it's almost like the Holy Spirit will bring the recall when you have the intent. I want to know what you told me. Last minute, would you pray for us. Would you pray that everyone watching have sweet sleep and people with sleep problems and remember our dreams.

Mark Virkler: Amen. Be glad to. So right now, Father, we just come to you in the name of Jesus, and Father, we just release sweet sleep and dreams into the heart of every single listener here today. And we speak to your heart and we say be at peace as you fall asleep. Give your care to the Lord Jesus Christ and receive sweet rest, deep rest from the Holy Spirit, and we speak to your heart for faith to arise within your heart that you will have the gift of faith to believe that dreams are the language of the Holy Spirit and God is speaking directly into your heart. So I speak faith into your heart right now to believe in the value of dreams, and it's God speaking to you through those dreams. So Father, we receive those gifts right now. In Jesus' name we thank you for them. We bless you for them in Jesus' name. Amen.

Sid Roth: God says that he gives his beloved sweet sleep. The question is, are you his beloved? If Jesus is your Lord, if you believe Jesus forgave you of your sins and you say it out loud, and you ask Jesus to live inside of you, I'm going to tell you something, you and I want this to go deep inside of you, you are the beloved of God. You really are.