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Sid Roth - How to Be a Carrier of God's Glory

Sid Roth - How to Be a Carrier of God's Glory
Sid Roth - How to Be a Carrier of God's Glory
TOPICS: Glory of God

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. As a young Jewish believer in the Messiah, I came to know a woman that walked in one of the greatest miracle ministries I ever saw. Her name, Kathryn Kuhlman and she used to say, "Please don't grieve the Holy Spirit. He's all that I have". My next guest started a genuine friendship with the Holy Spirit at 13. He's 27 now and he says the most important thing of the hour is for you to have a friendship with the Spirit of the Living God and he would like to help you develop this. I want this. Do you? Now I've been really looking forward to interviewing my guest David Hernandez because of the relationship he has with the Holy Spirit and everyone is supposed to have this type of a relationship. But your family was sabotaged generations ago with the occult and how did they get free?

David Hernandez: Well they got free when my grandparents were filled with the Holy Spirit. And my grandparents actually attended a church that looked down upon people who had the infilling of the Holy Spirit. So they get kicked out of their church and they go find a church plant locally that was actually enabling them to move in those gifts, but it was since that moment that they were filled with the Holy Spirit that the things that the enemy had tried to do, because you know, even if you break something he tries to get back in. The scripture talks about how demons return. And so in my family those things that tried to come back in even all the way down to me, on the other flip side of that is when my family is filled with the Holy Spirit, as is true of any believer, we experienced the supernatural in our lives.

Sid Roth: And at 11, you got born again and you had an encounter in which the Lord showed you your future. Tell me about that.

David Hernandez: Well when I was 11 years old, that's when I gave my heart to Jesus and when I say I gave it to him, I truly do mean that I understood the ramifications of that commitment and whole heartedly I said, "Lord, I am in and I just want you". And when I did that the Lord showed me that he would use me in ministry he showed me not just the ministry, the type of ministry I would be in, but the Lord also showed me which, funny enough, the administrative, the back end, the different steps it would take logistically and practically, and that happened after I prayed, Lord, I read it in James here, where it says, "If any of you lack wisdom". I was 11, so I needed some wisdom if I was going to do anything.

Sid Roth: Well as a 75-year-old, I know I need some wisdom.

David Hernandez: So at 11 years old, I said, "Lord, I'm going to stand on this with childlike faith". I said, "Lord, I believe that I can have that". And it was almost like I just knew the information, just a download. And even to this day, now I'm 27, been in the ministry officially since 13, but even to this day we're still living out that plan that I received when I was 11. So I said, "Okay Lord, after these next couple of steps you're going to have to show me another download because we need to know the next step of the way.

Sid Roth: Well you know, at age 13, he starts preaching the Gospel. He has such a close intimacy with God, such a close intimacy with the Spirit of the Living God. But then panic set in. Guess what happened? All of a sudden that presence lifted. What did you think?

David Hernandez: At first I thought, Lord, did I do something to offend you? Did I say something? Was I preaching something that wasn't necessarily scriptural? And so as you can imagine, I became very fearful. I started panicking, like you said. I said, "Lord, I was enjoying just this beautiful fellowship with you". And I felt there was this flow spiritually and something just blocked it and disrupted that flow". And so I said, "Lord, I have to understand what's happening here". And so I just pressed in further and I determined within me and I said, "There's got to be more". Because I know that I've walked with Jesus, but I feel as though I'm missing something. And I'm looking back now. The Lord had withdrawn not because of anything that I had done, and when I say he withdrew, he didn't do so literally, he did so in relation to my emotions. I learned that when God seemingly withdraws he's not doing it to push you away. He's doing it to draw you closer.

Sid Roth: Now did you literally lock yourself in the room and say, "God, if you don't come here I'm not going out". Did you really?

David Hernandez: I went in and I made that ultimatum and I said "Lord, until I receive something fresh from Heaven, I'm not leaving here. You need to touch me". And so I remember on my face was pressed into the carpet, the carpet became tear-drenched. I was praying with so much passion that I remember even tensing my whole body and everything in me just hungered for the presence of Jesus. And I said, "Lord, I can't leave this place until you touch me. I'm not leaving this place until something from Heaven comes in here". And I remember I was just praying for several hours, about four hours in that moment, and then something amazing happened. And what had happened in that moment was looking back now what is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I didn't speak in tongues at that point, but I received what I call a flood from within. You see, at salvation you receive the Holy Spirit, but at baptism you release him. You receive him into the rest of your being. Jesus said, "Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water". So the scripture talks about that river being deep within. That flood touches from the spirit and it goes from the inside out so that the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you can receive him, even though, people ask, well I already have the Holy Spirit. How do I receive him a second time? You received him in your spirit the first time when you got saved, but he overflows the rest of your being at baptism. They say, Lord, I want more of your presence. That's not the point. The point of baptism is not you getting more of God, it's him getting more of you. And when he is released from deep within he begins to overflow and that's what happened to me. I felt just this, I felt like I was living in a little piece of Heaven on Earth in my room. The ordinary plain surroundings of my room changed dramatically, not visually, but the sense of his presence was so strong I remember I felt like this heat descend on my body, like currents of electricity moving up and down. I'm crying, I'm praying, I'm worshiping, and I close my eyes. My eyes were closed at that time and I said, I remember Jesus had become so real, the Holy Spirit had revealed him with such intensity that I felt if I move my hand I might feel it brush up against his robe. I was frozen. I didn't want to move because I didn't want to disrupt what was happening and that real experience was the well I still draw from today.

Sid Roth: But that sparked you to even more passionately have intimacy with God. You would spend hours and hours seeking God. Tell me about that.

David Hernandez: Well I mean, even seeking out mentors and even seeking, I would go to the conferences, I would read the books and I would spend my time in prayer, spend my time in the Word, so much so that when I would read the Word my Bible started falling apart. I heard this old quote that says, "A Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to a believer who isn't". And so I'm looking at this and I remember just reading it, and when I read it I wasn't, I'm younger, so it wasn't in my mind I want to preach a sermon or I want to get a revelation. It was simply, Jesus, I want to see another facet of who you are. And seeking the Word who is Jesus, as I read it from Scripture, the Holy Spirit would take that Word and bring it to life. And I sensed the drawing, I sensed the closeness. The more time I spent, the scripture describes that "we're changed as we behold him". You know, there's not too much work to it, but we do work toward holiness and we do enact disciplines that cause us to walk the way God wants us to walk. The truth is that there's not much you can do to transform yourself. But it was in the presence of Jesus that I received the transformation. Acts, Chapter 4 talks about how the Pharisees and the Sadducees knew the disciples had been with Jesus because of the time they spent with him. And so the presence of God will transform you. And as you spend time looking and gazing into the lovely countenance of Christ, the majestic, beautiful countenance of the Son of the Living God, you're looking in the scripture and you're being transformed as you're looking into the Word. You're being changed into his image. You're becoming more like Jesus. For every moment you spend in his presence, you're becoming more like him. You're being transformed to be more like Jesus.

Sid Roth: Now speaking about being more like him, he starts going to school and this fountain of God's presence starts coming out of him on all of the students. When we come back I want to find out what happened at school. We'll be right back to It's Supernatural! We now return to It's Supernatura!!

Sid Roth: So David, you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but you just didn't manifest speaking in tongues. But one day you go up to the altar and what happened?

David Hernandez: So I'm at the altar to see an evangelist had come to our church. He's praying and he talked about this gift of speaking in tongues. Now I understand that that's the flood overflowing and touching the mouth. And I said, "Lord, I want that gift because I know that if I can operate in that gift I can more clearly hear your voice, I can be drawn close to you. It will advance the prayer life force. And you know how they do rows behind the different prayer people, and so we had two rows. I'm in behind one very tall gentleman who had a sleeve that was hanging off of his elbow. And he's so tall that when he's rocking back and forth, every time he walks back his sleeve keeps tapping me on the forehead.

Sid Roth: That's pretty annoying.

David Hernandez: It was very annoying. So I'm praying and I remember I just kept feeling his sleeve touching my forehead. But I was so hungry for the presence of God that I said, I'm not going to move because I want the evangelist to lay hands on me. So I'm standing there and my hands are lifted, and I'm saying, "Okay Lord, I'm ready to receive all that you have for me. I'll surrender to the gift once I receive it". And the evangelist, I didn't know at that moment was laying hands on the tall man who kept annoying me with his sleeve. And so when the evangelist touches that man, this time when the sleeve came back and hit me I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through my body. So it moved through the pastor, through that man, through his anointed sleeve and it touched me on the head, and I felt it. And I remember it's like something just broke loose, and I start praying in the Holy Ghost, and I mean I was praying loud in the Holy Ghost. People were looking at me and I was surprised that I was praying in the Holy Spirit with that much passion I had. It was like this is it. This is what I've been praying for. And that led to several other things in the ministry.

Sid Roth: Tell me about what goes on with someone your age that is so passionate about God, so filled with the Spirit of God, so yielded to the Holy Spirit. Tell me what was going on with you in school.

David Hernandez: Well as you know, all true ministries are birthed out of a love for Jesus, cultivated in the secret places of prayer. Private prayer is always revealed in public power. And there was an overflow that started to happen and I got excited. You know, when you're filled with the Holy Spirit you don't have to try to work yourself up to evangelize or work yourself up to worship. Everything in you has to do to subdue it. You're saying, okay, I might be getting a little carried away with this because it's so natural. And the Holy Spirit's friendship, because I started spending time with him, everywhere I go now I'm aware of the fact that he's with me, even at school. And so I start telling people about Jesus and it got to the point where at lunch, kids would start to come to just hear about Jesus and I would start praying with them. We saw people get healed of psoriasis. We saw people take off their glasses, able to be healed and see. We saw people with broken bones be healed, swollen ankles that would go down right in front of everybody.

Sid Roth: Would they mock you?

David Hernandez: There was one, yes, especially who I remember would mock us. And one of the things that manifested in that place is as people would come to the group there were a couple of times where people didn't know what they were walking into. They just kind of saw people gathered. And as they would approach the Glory was so manifested on the place where we were praying that kids would have trouble standing as they approach the prayer place and not even know why. And so I had one guy, he had his arms folded, he's watching. I'm talking to somebody. I'm saying, "Okay, we're going to believe God. We're going to believe for your healing". I said, "Repeat after me". I'm praying, as I'm praying for him, I hear him behind me saying, "This is fake. He's using psychology. He's using power of suggestion". And I wasn't angry. I wanted to try to explain that this was the real deal. This was the power of God. So I turn. I remember I had my, held my hand out like this. I turned to go to tell him about what God was doing and the moment I turned to talk to him, he goes out under the power. And he gets up. This was so funny. He gets up and he goes, "I don't believe that. I don't believe that. I don't believe that". I said, "It just happened to you. What do you mean you don't believe that"? So the Glory of God hit him and he, I mean, I think it was just a matter of months later he's at our church now at the altar praying. He had been giving his heart to Jesus. It was because of the Glory of God. It was because of that friendship that overflowed and manifested into everyday life.

Sid Roth: David, you're a forerunner. What you just heard David say, it's going to happen in schools all over the world. It's going to happen in colleges all over the world. I'm telling you we're about ready to see such an explosion of the Holy Spirit. You use the term "glory". What does the word glory mean to you and explain that a little.

David Hernandez: Well the Glory is the full weight of the person of Jesus. You know, John, Chapter 1, Verse 1, it says, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God". Jump down to Verse 14 and it describes it. "He was the Glory of God. He was full of grace and truth". And Jesus is the, see, we use terms sometimes, and I know I used to think this way and the Lord helped me with it, we use terms like "glory" and "the Holy Spirit". And in our minds we imagine it to be some type of esoteric force or some type of power, or substance, when in reality it is the very person. So when I talk about the Glory I'm talking about walking in an awareness and you can walk in an awareness 24/7. This isn't just for me. This isn't just for Sid Roth. This is for everybody. This is the way the early church did it where they walked in an awareness of Jesus to where he was able to touch people any time of any day because they were surrendered and yielding to his voice because of that awareness. I like to say that the only distance that can exist between the believer and the Holy Spirit is their unawareness of his presence. It's only because we're unaware of what God is doing that we are able to participate in it. Often people will say, oh we prayed and we worshiped, and the Glory of God came down. It's not that the Glory of God comes down, it's that we become aware of the Glory that is already there. And when we walk in that Glory, when we walk in that awareness of the Glory of God 24/7, what begins to happen is we begin to see opportunities that would otherwise have been missed because we think in a mentality where God is far from us. The scripture says he's not far from any of us. He's near to us. He's just a whisper away. And if you feel like you've fallen away from that, as far as you think you've run, a single moment of repentance can cover that entire distance and bring you all the way back home, because he's the one who's interested in connecting with us.

Sid Roth: So there are people watching us right now, you're watching us and you feel very distant from God. There is no one like our God, no one. There is nothing impossible. There is no one that has gotten too far away from God. I want you to lead someone to Jesus that's watching right now. Would you do that?

David Hernandez: Yes. So in this moment now, say, Dear Jesus.

Sid Roth: Dear Jesus.

David Hernandez: I come before you now.

Sid Roth: I come before you now.

David Hernandez: And I put my trust in you.

Sid Roth: And I put my trust in you.

David Hernandez: I turn from this world.

Sid Roth: I turn from this world.

David Hernandez: And I turn to you.

Sid Roth: And I turn to you.

David Hernandez: Forgive me.

Sid Roth: Forgive me.

David Hernandez: Save me.

Sid Roth: Save me.

David Hernandez: I believe.

Sid Roth: I believe.

David Hernandez: You are the Son of God.

Sid Roth: You are the Son of God.

David Hernandez: I believe.

Sid Roth: I believe.

David Hernandez: You rose from the dead.

Sid Roth: You rose from the dead.

David Hernandez: And I believe.

Sid Roth: And I believe.

David Hernandez: That you're saving me now.

Sid Roth: That you're saving me now.

David Hernandez: In Jesus' name. Now I want to pray for you to receive the, all you have to do, just right where you are, just lift your hands and receive all that God has. So Father, you said that if we would ask we would receive and you being the good Father, Lord, if we ask for bread you're not going to give us stone. So Father, I pray in Jesus' name that Jesus the baptizer will pour out his Holy Spirit on that one who is receiving it now, for that one watching who's saying I want that. Lord, I pray for an infilling with power right now in Jesus' name. Amen. Now you may say I didn't feel anything. Some of you did feel something. But whether or not you felt something is not the issue. The issue was that God keeps his promises and if you ask for the Holy Spirit and you trusted that God would give it to you, no matter what you felt if you did praise God, if you didn't, I want to encourage you, you received it. Just allow that river to flow from in to out.

Sid Roth: I know something. I know when we come back there are going to be words of knowledge released. I know there's going to be major healings. Don't go away. We'll be right back to Its Supernatural!

Sid Roth: You know what I think is so amazing, you talk about Peter's shadow. I believe that when you pray for people the shadow or the Glory of God falls on them. And the same thing that people were healed under Peter's shadow, tell me about what you see in Peter's shadow.

David Hernandez: Well what I saw when I was reading that scripture about Peter's shadow is I noticed that the Bible doesn't actually say that the people were healed because of Peter's shadow. The Bible says that, "People brought their sick that his shadow might fall upon them". In other words, the people had it in their minds that if his shadow can just touch them they could be healed. And I thought, what would give rise to such a belief, to such an odd belief that a shadow could heal someone. Well it wasn't that Peter's shadow was healing anyone. It's that the healing presence of Jesus was so heavy upon his life that everywhere he walked miracles happened by him just being there. And I believe believers can step into that. That was one of the things I prayed for about the gift of healing was that gift. But then I realized that there's the gift that God places on certain individuals, as we talk about in First Corinthians 12. But then, according to Mark 16, every believer is to flow in this operation and every believer is to walk in the healing presence of Jesus. And when the healing presence of Jesus comes on our life you're going to see miracles and there's not going to be really so much effort that you have to put into it. You just have to believe.

Sid Roth: I'm going to start right now. God has told me several times there are people with pain in your neck. If you move your head if you have pain, you'll see that that pain is gone and backs are being healed right now. Anything wrong with your back, I would like you to pray as the Holy Spirit directs right now.

David Hernandez: So I want to pray if you're believing for a miracle, I believe that the Holy Spirit could make the Jesus the healer more real than anything you've ever experienced, and that's really the key. When the Holy Spirit takes a revelation from the Word and causes it to become something that becomes a reality for you, everything changes. He's going to cause Jesus to become so real to you right now, right where you're watching this, wherever you're watching this, your whole atmosphere is about to shift. And when Jesus becomes more real than your sickness, you're going to notice that your sickness goes. So let's believe God for, first of all, the presence.

Sid Roth: Now that's a very different way of praying, I want to tell you, but I love it. Go ahead.

David Hernandez: I'm going to pray right now that the healing presence of Jesus would fill that room where you are. So precious Lord, we know you are faithful to your Word and we know that it is by the Holy Spirit that you establish your dominion. So in the name, there is somebody watching me right now, there is a skin disorder that has just been healed. You noticed there's been a skin disorder all up your left arm like a rash of some sort. If you'll look now you're going to notice that the rash or psoriasis is completely gone in Jesus' name. Lord, we thank you for that. Jesus, we give you the Glory. Come on, let's believe and pray right now in Jesus' name. Father, I thank you for your Holy Spirit's presence now flowing. Lord, I rebuke sickness right now in Jesus' name. I rebuke heart disease in Jesus' name. Lord, we come against arthritis in Jesus' name. I rebuke cancer right now in the name of the Living God. In the name of Jesus we come against and we break the back of the enemy right now and we destroy the works of the devil. And Father, I pray that that atmosphere of faith would be electrified right where they are in Jesus' name. Lord, let your presence become so intense, so real that they not only get a sense of you, but that it be done in their body. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Sid Roth: Amen. I pray that you cultivate friendship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit's purpose is to make Jesus so real, as David prayed that the reality of Jesus is stronger than any problem in your life. I pray in Jesus' name you become a friend of the Holy Spirit.