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Sid Roth - The Female Demon Behind America's Chaos

Sid Roth - The Female Demon Behind America's Chaos
Sid Roth - The Female Demon Behind America's Chaos

Sid Roth: Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Becca Greenwood, has been mentored by Jesus. You heard me right, by Jesus himself, to expose and dismantle one ancient demon that is the cause of America's, and the world's, and families' decline. Tell us a little bit about yourself and about this subject that very few people understand, the queen of heaven. But let's start with a little bit about who you are.

Becca Greenwood: Sid, when I was growing up, my mother used to always say to me, "Becca, you're blessed. The Lord has a special calling and destiny on your life". And my dad, Ronnie Long, he used to sing this wonderful song to me, Sid, when I was growing up, my sister and I, every night. So, here my dad would sing this song called Far Away Places with Strange-Sounding Names. It's talking about the nations. And they were really preparing my way in the calling that I have, in the nations of the world. And Sid, it was 1990. I had a beautiful encounter with Holy Spirit. And in this encounter, he took me in a vision. And in this vision, I was raised just a little bit. It wasn't like a stage. I was just standing on a little platform so I could see. And it was all of these men, women, and children, different ages, different nations, different races. And I was reaching out in this vision. And I was touching their hands. And I asked him, I said, "Jesus, what does this mean"? And he said, "Becca, will you be responsible for the souls I have allotted, that I have apportioned, that I have assigned to you"? And so, I responded to him, and I said, "Jesus, teach me how". So, that began a whole supernatural chain of events. And this deep place of prayer and intercession began to be awakened in me. And it was in 1994, and the Lord began to wake me up in the middle of the night, midnight to 3:00 AM, usually when I am on the wall in intercession for the nations. So in 1994, there was a three-week period of time. And during this time, Sid, he woke me up and he began to have me turn to scriptures, like Jeremiah seven, where it talks about the children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women kneed dough to make breads for the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings to other gods. And then, he had me turn to Jeremiah 44, where Jeremiah is prophesying. And they begin to say in Jeremiah 44:16, "As for the word of the Lord, we will not listen to you. We will continue to make cakes and offerings to the queen of heaven". And I asked the Lord, "Why are you showing me this"? He said, "You are called to the nations to pray against the queen of heaven, to see her schemes defeated, destroyed, overthrown, conquered, and dethroned. This is your calling. You will be sent in to nations to contend against her and to have victory over her". The Hebrew word for queen is meleket. And it actually means a female ruler, a governmental head of a kingdom. So, when we're reading about this queen of heaven in scripture, and all of her many different forms like Astarte, Ashtoreth, Asherah... We're even going to talk one about one here in a little bit, about Lilith. But all of these different forms, it's like the queen of heaven structure, different names and manifestations. And so, what happened is in ancient culture, even all the way up through history and time now, this demonic principality has entrenched itself in culture. It has literally affected the abortion industry. It's affected governments. It has affected even the homosexual agenda. It has affected arts and entertainment, it's affected media. It's affected literature. And so, I believe it's so important for us to have our eyes open to understand what is it that we're battling against. And when we sin, and people sin and they begin to line up with that sin repeatedly, it empowers these demonic principalities to where they are able to have influence over culture and influence over people. And the good news is, before we even go further, the good news is, as we are called and chosen ones, that are called to conquer with him, and to see these principalities defeated.

Sid Roth: Now, I can understand back then, when God told you that your ministry is to see these things defeated, that you were not particularly excited.

Becca Greenwood: No.

Sid Roth: But now, it's 30-plus years after.

Becca Greenwood: 34.

Sid Roth: What can you tell me God has done with you as a result?

Becca Greenwood: 34 years later. And we have seen people set free from demonic oppression. We have seen people set free from spirits of death that are attached to these entities. Sid, we have seen cities, regions, and nations. When we have prayed, we have seen abortion clinics shut down. We have seen legislation shift to righteousness. See, I believe the Lord wants us to know these things so we can walk in the authority that he has given us to see all of this overturned in culture.

Sid Roth: All right. Quickly, your face-to-face encounter with Jesus in 2023.

Becca Greenwood: Yes, we were in intercession. There were 10 of us. And we were in this four-hour time of intercession for the nations of the earth. And what I mean in intercession is we're carrying a burden that he's wanting us to carry for the nations. And Sid, all of a sudden there was this taken-up moment. We were all experiencing him so tangibly, that manifest, kabod, that Shekinah glory in the room. And all of a sudden I'm seeing Jesus face-to-face. He's right here. And then, while I'm seeing him, Sid, it's like throughout history and throughout time, he is showing me how this entity, this queen of heaven has established herself in culture, how she is warred against the saints, how she has caused death, how she has caused persecution, how she has influenced culture. And in this encounter, and I believe we even have some audio of it, he began to speak to me. He said, "Don't you know my battle has always been with her"? Now, I have to stop there. His battle is with other demonic principalities and Satan himself. But he was speaking to us in such a deep way that now is the time that we are to deal with this queen of heaven in her manifestation, to see her defeated and dethroned.

Sid Roth: You taped the conversations that you were hearing in heaven. Would you like to hear just a snippet of that tape right now? Let's roll it.

Sid Roth: When we return, Becca will break off demonic strongholds controlling your life and pray for God to release his glory. Be right back.

Sid Roth: This is fascinating. Becca has done extensive research on a principality, a demonic spirit called queen of heaven. Just briefly tell me some of the things this queen of heaven entity, demonic spirit, controls.

Becca Greenwood: Yeah. Well, when we read about it in the Bible, and we said that earlier, right, the queen of heaven, the Hebrew word is meleket. So, it means that she is like a female ruler, like a governmental head of a kingdom. So, in Satan's hierarchy, she's pretty up there in his demonic army. And what happens is she has influenced... Sid, what we have seen, she has influenced the feminist movement. She has had an influence in the banking and economy structures through the Knights Templar. We have seen that she has an impact and a demonic hold on the whole abortion industry. We have seen where she has had a hold on racism. Forms of the queen of heaven have affected racism from ancient times. We have seen the queen of heaven infiltrating and causing there to be death, and killing, trafficking of human souls, sex trafficking, through drug cartel and their version of what they worship in the queen of heaven. And we have seen it repeatedly, even with what we've seen with abortion, what we have seen operate through even the Nazi structure through Hitler. I mean, when we begin to read and understand how this demonic entity has had a grip, this is why when we're listening to that place of intercession, I began to weep because I could see how this principality throughout history and time... And I was like, "I see, I see, I see". It's because...

Sid Roth: What does this Lilith have to do with the queen of heaven?

Becca Greenwood: Oh, she's part of that structure. And people are going to say, "Who is Lilith"? Right? Where do you see her in the word of God? Glad you asked. I'm going to give you a scripture, and it's Isaiah 34:14. And when you read Isaiah 34:14, it talks about an entity. We think it's just an animal or a bird. But it says, "Screeching owl, night owl". Some translations say, "Night hag". And it's talking about the judgment of the Lord against these principalities. They all represent a principality. So, this screeching owl, this night hag, when you look up the Hebrew word, it is Lilim, L-I-L-I-M, which in English would be Lilith. And this is an ancient principality that comes from Babylon. They worshiped her in Babylon in occult mystic practices. Then it went throughout time in history through occult mystic practices. And they said that this entity would drive them in witchcraft. It would kill children. Margaret Sanger, she was raised in a very poor home. And her father, he did not believe in Jesus at all. He was an atheist, and he was a socialist, and he was very controlling. He was an alcoholic. They were poverty-stricken. And she lost her daughter. She had a daughter, Sid. And her daughter's name was Peggy. And she lost her when she was five. So, Margaret Sanger then began to get involved in seances, and she began to have dreams and visitation of infant girls. And then, she would begin to go to seances where she could then see Peggy, her daughter, which led her into an occult mystic form of worship, Rosicrucianism, where they would meditate in order to talk to demonic spiritual beings for occult empowerment. And the occult portion of the Kabbalah that worshiped the black moon goddess Lilith was also a part of Rosicrucianism. So, Margaret Sanger began to be involved in those occult practices. Do you know, it was really one of those demonic spirits, they think Lilith, that told her to name Planned Parenthood. "Planned Parenthood".

Sid Roth: How many babies have been murdered?

Becca Greenwood: 60 billion babies have been murdered at the hand of abortion and Planned Parenthood. And here we have this entity, this demonic entity, Lilith, Lilim, the Hebrew word, that is the driving force behind what we're seeing that is trying to kill off this next generation. And so, when Margaret Sanger was doing this, get this, then what began to happen... In World War II, Hitler and his Nazi officials, Goebbels, they began to hear about the eugenics movement, and Planned Parenthood, and what Margaret Sanger and this group and this movement was doing. So, that's what led to the 1939 Nazi decree that they were then going to start killing off babies who were born with mental handicaps or physical ailments that then led into the driving force of them wanting to create a perfect Aryan race and annihilate the Jewish race.

Sid Roth: Which then led to...

Becca Greenwood: The Holocaust. murdering all those Jewish people. You see how this is all tied together? Do you want the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as your God?

Becca Greenwood: Yes. Woo.

Sid Roth: Do you want the one God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the one Messiah, the Jew Jesus, to be your Messiah and Lord? Repeat this prayer after me and mean it to the best of your ability. "Dear God, I've made many mistakes for which I'm so sorry. I believe Your blood paid the price for my mistakes. And I'm clean. And now that I'm clean, Jesus, come and live inside of me. I make you my Savior. And now, I make you my Lord". Break some curses right now.

Becca Greenwood: There are some of you that are watching that have had abortions, and you're hearing this. And so, right now I break all guilt, shame, and condemnation off of you now in Jesus' name. Right now, where a spirit of death has entered into your womb, causing barrenness because of that abortion, I break death out of your womb and off of your womb right now in Jesus' name. You will no longer be barren. For those that have been involved in the feminist movement, Lilith is the demonic entity that is empowering the feminist movement. They say she is their icon, their idol, their empowerment. Right now in Jesus' name, all of you driven by that rebellious Lilith entity, I take authority over that now in your life, in Jesus name. And there are some mothers that are watching. You're like, "That is my daughter. That is my granddaughter". Right now, in Jesus' name, we stand in agreement that rebellion and feminism will be broken now in Jesus' name. And all witchcraft, meditation, all Kabbalah, Lilith, black moon goddess meditation to Lilith that some of you watching, you're like, "Ooh, I've done that. I've done that. I've done that," I want you to say right now, "Lord, I repent. I ask you to forgive me". And right now, I break all black magic off of your life and out of your life now in Jesus' name. And those who are Messianic Jewish believers, those who are Jewish friends that are watching this episode right now, all Lilith assignment and attack to rob your race, to rob your people of life, I take authority over that spirit of death now in Jesus' name. That spirit of murder set against you, all racism and prejudice agendas of Lilith are canceled now in Jesus' name. And some of you that are watching, all of a sudden that cloud of confusion has lifted off of your mind. And now, you are seeing and receiving and hearing the truth of Jesus's perfect love, Yeshua's perfect love, the Messiah's perfect love touching you. So, Jesus, I thank you for your resurrection, saving life now that is touching all who are watching, who were gripped in that death structure of Lilith. And now, they are walking with you in your resurrection life. Lord, I thank you right now for that Holy Spirit fire, for your glory to be released over them, the top of their heads. Hey, hey, hey, hey. To the souls of their feet, every place where the house has been swept clean, fill them up to overflowing. I'm seeing a vision. There's several of you that are watching right now and I'm literally seeing in your home. You are feeling that visitation of Jesus, that glory visitation of him in your home right now. He says, "The spirit of suicide and death is broken". And his glory and his life are flooding you now in Jesus' name. There are some of you that still have scars on your arms from that death and suicide. Look at your arms right now and you've got to send in these reports. Look at your arms. The scars and the glory of the Lord are being healed right now. And many of you prophetic watchmen and intercessors, you are getting caught up in his presence and in his glory right now. And you will begin to see what he wants you to see, and you will hear what he wants you to hear. It is a new day for you, prophetic watchmen, in Jesus' name. Thank you.