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Sid Roth - I Insulted an ANGEL! Then He Responded

Sid Roth - I Insulted an ANGEL! Then He Responded

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural! And just before we went on the air, I felt such an awesome presence of God that's going to be spectacular in the miraculous this show. My guest is John Fenn, and John had an encounter with Jesus, in which Jesus literally taught him how to activate his 5, not natural, but 5 spiritual senses. This happened in Mexico: and what happened, when John received this Revelation teaching from Jesus, you can't get much better than that, on activating your spiritual senses, his spiritual senses opened up. And wherever he goes, it's transferable. That's why I'm so excited. But John, it didn't just happen to you: God prepared you, for a long time. As a young person, you wanted to understand how people in the Bible could have their spiritual senses activated.

John Fenn: Yeah. It actually began in my search for the father. When my own dad left, and when I was born-again about 4 years earlier, I really wanted to touch his realm: I wanted to fellowship with the father: and that led me to study, especially the Old Testament, where Adam and Eve clearly could see both in the spiritual realm and the natural. I mean the Lord put Adam in the garden: he did a surgery on Adam and brought eve over to him, so I could see they could see both in the spiritual realm and the natural realm. And then I read in 1 Kings chapter 6 where the prophet Elijah, who was surrounded by the Syrian army, and his servant was afraid! And he said, "Lord, open up his eyes so that he can see what I see". And said...

Sid Roth: I love that line! "Opened up his eyes"!

John Fenn: "Opened up his eyes". And that's what happened to me, during that visitation: and, and then it began forming in me. I mean I'm talking about 16-years old, when I was born-again, that the Book of Acts was normal Christianity. And there are lots of experiences with angels and...

Sid Roth: I just want to be normal! I think you just want to be normal, too. John, there was one moment where someone had a word of knowledge, because you had been trying to understand healing, and you knew that word was for you. Tell me about the first person you prayed for.

John Fenn: Well actually yes, for two or three months the word "Revelation" just kept coming about healing! There was no practical application until one Sunday night, and I was still a teenager. And the leader who was also a teenager had a word of knowledge. And he just said, "The Lord has been teaching somebody about healing, and now's the time to do it". And I was really scared. In fact at first, I mean there was only 10 or 12 of us in that living room, but I was a little nervous: but finally I raised my hand, and a young, another teenager with severe scoliosis was there as well, and the leader said, "Now's the time to do it! Heal her".

John Fenn: And this young girl, she was kind of nervous too! She was markedly...

Sid Roth: But you were more nervous!

John Fenn: I was! I was! But she had one shoulder that was lower than the other, and I just had her turn around, and i, just about her waist, I said, "Put my fingertip" and just going up the back of her spine, just said, "In the name of Jesus, be healed", and then stepped back. And it was like a terrier shaking a rat: something got ahold of her spine, and it just went drzzzzzz all the way up! And she just stood up, and that shoulder just leveled out, and she was just ecstatic! She was bending over and twisting, and things that she hadn't done.

Sid Roth: Well what was going on with that young teenager you!

John Fenn: I thought, "This is really neat"! And, in fact, there was such an anointing that from that time on, for 2 solid weeks, anybody that I laid hands on, for 2 weeks straight, got healed, immediately.

Sid Roth: Now God told you that was actually a...

John Fenn: That's right.

Sid Roth: Explain that.

John Fenn: It's after 2 weeks, and I had laid hands on a neighbor who busted up his elbow going through a door: my own mother with a sore leg that she'd bruised. But it shut off just as quickly, after 2 weeks. And I was praying: I said, "Father, what was this"? And he said, "I just want to give you a preview of what you're going to be walking in later".

Sid Roth: And let me tell you he's really walking in it right now. Tell me about that Navajo pastor!

John Fenn: Well that was my actually, the very first time I saw the Lord. It was in April of '86, and I was an associate pastor, unpaid position, and I was sitting at the back because my wife and I had a child, our youngest, still in the nursery. No one was in our row. And in the middle of worship, I had my eyes shut, I had my hands up, I was worshipping, and suddenly my head turned. And this is important to understand: my spirit man's head turned: my body is still there, but I turned, and I saw Jesus walk into the back of the church. And he stood at the end of the row, and he said, "Come with me". And it was one of those experiences where at the time I didn't know if I was in the body or out of the body: I just knew I walked down the row, went up the aisle, stood in front of Navajo pastor, who was the only one in the congregation sitting down during the worship service. And Jesus stepped to the side, and he said, "I have a word for him, and I'd like you to give it to him". And this was a pastor that our church supported, so he was just visiting: but I looked at him and I said, "Lord, you're here". And long before it ever became a motto, he just looked at me and said, "Just do it". And so I put forth my hand and put it on this pastor, and there was a prophecy that came forth! And just a word of encouragement and appreciation of how much the Lord loves him. And as that prophecy, as that word started trailing off, it was like somebody shutting off a faucet, gradually just trailing off. The Lord, who's about 5 feet 11, and I'm 6 feet 6, melted somehow to fill my space. And as he did that, he said, "Remember, my son. When you lay hands on a person in my name, it's as if I am laying hands on that person". And snaps fingers instantly I was back at my standing next to my wife.

Sid Roth: So you found if I'm understanding you right, your spirit man walked out of your body, and walked up to this pastor to prophesy.

John Fenn: That is right: it was just like Paul spoke about. He said, "Whether in the body or out I don't know, but I went to paradise". It was kind of like that: it wasn't until after I was back that I realized, "Oh"!, and checked with my wife: she said, "You never left my side".

Sid Roth: Well, when we come back, John Fenn was in Mexico, and the Messiah of Israel visited him, and activated, and taught on how he can activate the 5 spiritual senses. Don't go away. We'll be right back after this word.

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with John Fenn. John Fenn was in Mexico, and he had a visitation from the Messiah of Israel, Jesus. Tell me what you saw, what happened, John.

John Fenn: Well, I was minding my own business: that's probably the biggest thing to know right off the bat. It wasn't...

Sid Roth: You weren't particularly spiritual.

John Fenn: I wasn't: I wasn't trying to visualize anything. My two friends were on up ahead: I was kind of lingering behind. In fact, I was looking down at the rocks in the road, making sure I wasn't twisting my ankle. But suddenly inside of me, there was an excitement, in my spirit man. Not like butterflies, being nervous, but there was an excitement. And I didn't know what that was! It was like the presence of God, but it was much stronger. And finally I turned the corner, and I was contemplating, "What is that? What is that"?, and suddenly, up out of me, I heard, "It's Jesus". And when I did that, my head raised up, and there about 15 feet away Jesus was standing, right in a bend of the little road. And I was so startled, I looked at him and I said, "What are you doing here"? And he looked at me and he said...

Sid Roth: That would not be what I would say.

John Fenn: No.

Sid Roth: But, go ahead.

John Fenn: It was a surprise! And, he said, "I'm here to meet the needs of the village". And I said, "Well how can I help"?, and he looked at me and said, "Meet the needs of the village".

Sid Roth: Hm.

John Fenn: And some other things were said, and then he said, "I want to teach you how to hear the voice of the father, and know the ways of the spirit". And that began about a 45 or 50-minute teaching time where he explained to me just the things of the spirit, about what we were talking about earlier. Where the spirit man is really the eternal part of us: our spirit and soul are eternal. And when somebody, for instance, goes to heaven, it's their spirit and soul which is in heaven. And he pointed to the very first example was in Luke chapter 16 where two men had died: one man ended up in hell, the other man in "Paradise" or "Abraham's bosom". And he began teaching me. He said, "Notice", he said, "Their bodies are dead and buried": but they saw each other, the heard each other, they spoke to one another. One wanted water because, the torment of the flame, and he said this: he said, "The root of your senses is actually in your spirit man". And he started giving me different examples of life, how I had not realized that, but operated in it: and I think this is what happens with with many of our viewers. When the Lord started talking to me about this and teaching me, I realized, well, this is very common, that let me give you an example. There was a particular store that my wife and I knew, and we had been in there. And there was just a heavy feeling there, and we recognized that as a wrong spirit. And the Lord pointed that out, and he said, "How did you know that"?, and I said, "I didn't feel right". And he said that "The Bible uses the word 'perceive' and 'discern:'" and he said, "That describes the process by which your mind picks up on what is happening in your spirit". And that's what happened. We walked in, and our mind was like a teeter-totter. You take in the physical senses, but also you check on the inside: not with just physical, but on the inside of you, and you sense that: the spiritual atmosphere.

Sid Roth: Well but for instance, when I go into a store, and someone is involved in perhaps new age or involved in, other things like that, I get I can literally feel something.

John Fenn: Yes.

Sid Roth: Or witchcraft.

John Fenn: Right. And that's and what he pointed out to me is that that spirit man is how we make contact with the spiritual realm. In other words, there are people who say that they have had, the world uses it: the word "Premonition", maybe: and you see different things. "Premonition" or they "Have a hunch": someone "Has a peace" about something that they're doing, or that "It doesn't feel right": all those are senses in the spirit man. And when he began teaching me all this, I began realizing that all through my life I had moved in elements of it, but it took on a whole other dimension, a whole other level, through his teaching. And he referred to examples in his own life. For instance, one of the examples he used from his own life was when "The woman with the issue of blood, touched the hem of his garment".

Sid Roth: Hm.

John Fenn: And Luke 8 tells us that he was hemmed in, and pushed, and thronged, and mobbed, by a group of people, but he stopped and he said, "Who touched my clothes"? And the disciples were like what do you mean who touched you? Everybody's touching you! But he said, "No: I felt power leave me": "I felt power go out of me". And then that woman, being afraid, came forward and said, "I got healed". And so he told me, he said, "You have to train yourself: even mobbed, with all your physical senses in operation", he said, "Notice how I trained myself to perceive what was happening in my spirit, and I felt that power go out of me". He said, "I want you to train yourself to do that same thing".

Sid Roth: You also have a gift of discernment, which you can see what's going on in the invisible world. Right now, on this set, can you see anything: and if so, what?

John Fenn: Several angels. And it's not something that I initiate: it's something that just happens in the discerning of spirits. And, and you know as we even visited over a meal earlier, there was an angel. And a lot of the words of knowledge I receive come from angels, and this is completely scriptural! Some people don't understand it, but when the angel appeared to Cornelius and his household, or even the angels at the tomb of Jesus, they gave them words: they gave them instructions, and words of knowledge or words of wisdom are what that's called. And so a lot of the words of knowledge I receive for peoples oftentimes come through the angel. And it's always this: it' always something like, "The father wants them to know..."

Sid Roth: Now, do you have a personal angel?

John Fenn: I have one that I have seen. Shortly after this visitation in 1986 is when it began: and have been walking it the last 25 years or so.

Sid Roth: And do you see your angel all the time near you?

John Fenn: Not all the time...

Sid Roth: Okay.

John Fenn: But it's very often when i... It's unusual to go more than a week or so without seeing him. I had an incident, for instance, one time.

John Fenn: I didn't see him for 2 weeks straight, and suddenly he was there! And is said, "Where have you been"?, and he said, "In the same way you take sleep for refreshment, we go to the throne". And I said, "Well I hope everything was okay while you were gone for 2 weeks", and I insulted him. And he looked very serious, and he said, "I would not have left unless everything was taken care of". And...

Sid Roth: That's a good feeling!

John Fenn: That's a good feeling! But it made me realize there's a whole different perspective that they have, and...

Sid Roth: I love it, the way spiritual senses can be activated. And John has such an anointing for this, he actually had an experience with heaven, and found things out that you'll be fascinated with. Don't go away. We'll be right back after this word.

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with John Fenn, and my guest John went to heaven. He's "Provoking me to jealousy...", but some of the things he saw, I think they'll fascinate you. Tell me about that time that you went to heaven in '91.

John Fenn: Well I was, again minding my own business, just praying in the church. I was all alone, on my knees actually, and my hands lifted up. And I saw what I describe as my angel's arm, in the middle of the air, from about the elbow down, and he said, "Take hold of my hand". And when I did that, I saw my left arm come up out of my body, grab hold of his hand, and then pshew we were gone. In fact it was...

Sid Roth: Well was there any fear at all, in this experience? I mean it's unknown.

John Fenn: It's unknown: we...

Sid Roth: Unchartered waters.

John Fenn: When you're in it, you know, the presence of the Lord is such that even if he's delivering bad news, there's a peace that goes with it.

Sid Roth: I see.

John Fenn: And so I was already in prayer, and there was a peace. There was a little uncertainty in my mind, like "What is this"?, but we were, going so fast, that by the time I had the idea to turn around and try to find our church and our little town, I could not even see the earth. It was going through space: the distances are so vast, you sometimes you think when you're out there, that they're going to get closer: but it's the same. And I was looking around, and then I felt a deacceleration. And I looked up, as I was holding onto his hand, and suddenly there was this huge wall. We're coming up almost on the corner, about 20-22 stories high. And we came up over the edge, over the wall. And I saw all sorts of buildings, all sorts of architecture from all over the world, all different ages. White streets, narrow streets, and landed, just stepped down, in grass that was about halfway up my shin.

Sid Roth: How'd that feel?

John Fenn: I don't know that there was a feeling to it: it was all: I was taking it all in. This was all...

Sid Roth: Right.

John Fenn: It was both comforting, and yet fascinating, and amazing! And so on our right was a wall, a low wall, and homes and different things like that. And in front of us was a what I would say the tributary or the river of life itself: about 50-feet wide, with grass growing right down to its side, right down to the water's edge. And in the distance some hills, and trees, and such. And what was fascinating was the whole place just vibrated, and moved with the presence of God. And I found my eyesight to be so perfect, I remember looking at a tree about a quarter-mile away, and I was just curious about the leaves because they were slightly different than what I had seen on earth. And as soon as I had the thought, I zeroed in: not only like binoculars or even a telescope. But I was curious about what all that humming and this beautiful was. And I saw down to the cellular level, and I saw the molecules just vibrating. And I realized that every single plant: every different plant, had a different vibration, almost frequency, almost sound. That contributed to a whole orchestration of a beautiful sound that just permeated everything.

Sid Roth: It's like a symphony!

John Fenn: It was like a symphony! I mean the grass had a certain sound to it: the different flowers, the trees, it all was like that.

Sid Roth: And what about you, the family pets that you saw there?

John Fenn: My family pets.

Sid Roth: That is the thing that's very curious to me.

John Fenn: People sometimes want to know if animals are in heaven, and I remind them that Elijah was taken away by a "Chariot of fire" and horses drawing and Jesus returns, on it with horses. We had a golden retriever named Abby... my apologies to anybody named Abby out there, but our golden retriever was named Abby, who was hit by a school bus January 3rd of 1989. And we prayed, our children were younger, that she'd be in heaven. And we took it from that perspective: that there are horses in heaven, so why not dogs? Well suddenly we're standing there, and suddenly I see this rustling through the grass, and I couldn't quite see because the grass was so tall. But suddenly, at the river's edge was Abby, our golden retriever, and my pet monkey that I had when I was 14 named Tilly, a little squirrel money. And they jumped. In fact, Tilly was on Abby's back, jumped the river, all 50 feet, in one bound: and came over, and sat down. And she had her tongue out: now because she was tired, just, you know, a dog. And she looked up at me, and suddenly snaps fingers I heard her thoughts: and she said, "Where's barb, and the boys"?

Sid Roth: So they can communicate in heaven?

John Fenn: Well that's what I looked at my angel, and as soon as snaps fingers I looked at him, he said, "In heaven, you're given access to the father's unlimited knowledge, as you have a need because it's governed by love". And, you know in the in the writings of Josephus, the Jewish historian, he says that, he writes it as the animals could talk to Adam and Eve, and that there was communication. I believe what Adam walked in was the supernatural power God: that he had words of knowledge, and he had access to God's knowledge.

Sid Roth: You know what also fascinates me is at times, a window, when he's speaking, a window will open up, and it's a window to heaven. Tell me one time it opened up and what happened.

John Fenn: Well this is, oftentimes when ministering and again, this particular time, it was a lady who had lost her husband about a year earlier. And suddenly I saw my angel standing next to her, and so I said, "What are you doing here"?, and he says, "The father wants her to know some things". And suddenly, in the living room was a huge window: looked like a widescreen TV or something like that, and I saw into heaven! And I saw her husband, who I met once, walking along. And he had his back to me: he was walking along with an older man that I just knew was his father, and they were walking along the river of life! And I asked my angel who I was seeing, and he mentioned this man's name. And I said, "Who's the other man"?, and he said, "His father". And I said, "Well what are they talking about"? And he said, "It's none of your business. But I can tell you that they are talking about things that happened earlier in their lives, and they're reconciling, and having a chance to go over some of these things".

Sid Roth: That's an amazing thing. John, would you pray to activate the spiritual senses of the people that are watching right now?

John Fenn: Sure. And that's exactly the case. It's a matter of Paul saying that he wants to impart a share of what he has, and so I want to do that with you right now. Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray that the spirit of wisdom and Revelation would be given to our viewers. That as you, Lord, imparted to me, the knowledge and the sensitivity to the things of the spirit, I ask also, Father, that they would be sensitive: that you would give them a sensitivity, that their mind would be able to pick up and discern what is in their spirit. And Father, I ask for that anointing to go out. Right now there's somebody in a recliner, and just to your right, you feel a denser sense of the presence of God. An angel feels like a person anointed by the spirit, but there's more of a density to it: more of a weightiness. Heavy, not heavy in the negative: heavy in a very depth of spiritual truth to it. And that person in the recliner right now, they're just touching your shoulder, and giving you some word, and giving you some reassurance: that somebody that you aren't' sure that's in heaven, and the Father's saying that they are in heaven. Now, in fact, your little kick thing is up on your recliner: you're sitting back on it. But Father, I ask for that all over, in Jesus' name. Thank you for it Father: sensitivity.

Sid Roth: And then I'm just plain curious. Do you see any angels right now, and what are they doing, on the set?

John Fenn: Yes I do, and they're standing.

Sid Roth: How are they dressed?

John Fenn: Well, the one behind you has on a robe: it's almost is like a velour if I could use that. I don't know if it's velour or heavy cotton. Sometimes they'll wear different types of materials, different colors of materials, but these looks like a robe and an overlaying of a robe, like a longer one, and then a coat kind of, generally.

Sid Roth: And are there some behind you right now?

John Fenn: Yeah, I can sense them: obviously I can't see them yeah, I can feel them.

Sid Roth: Well you know something? Whether you experience an angel or not, I want you to experience the greatest experience a human can have, and that is experiencing the love of God touching your spirit, and having God, himself, live inside of you. It's so simple you need help to be confused. You simply recognize that compared to a holy God, you're a sinner: and you ask God to forgive you, because of Jesus: and then you ask Jesus to live inside of you, and become your Lord, in your own words. And he loves you so much, that it's his love that is pouring through your television or computer right now. It's his peace that's pouring through your television or computer right now. It's his compassion that is healing you right now. Just raise your hands, they're holy right now. And tell God how much you love him. Do that right now: he deserves it.