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Sid Roth - People Get Healed When This Man Sings

Sid Roth - People Get Healed When This Man Sings
TOPICS: Healing

Sid Roth: Hello Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural! My guest, Kevin Dedmon, has such a gift. In fact, I was recently in Sedona, Arizona speaking, and there was a man that moves in tremendous miracles by the name of Bill Johnson. And I've never seen so many healings at one time! It was like poof! And just miracles broke out all over the place. And when I heard what he had to say about my guest Kevin Dedmon, he said that Kevin moves in one of the greatest miracle anointings he has ever witnessed, I had to have him as a guest. Kevin has prayed for people without a jawbone, and they've gotten jaw bones! He's prayed for people without a thumb where it was amputated, and watched the thumb grow out! Including the nail! I mean, Kevin, these are outrageous miracles! And the amazing thing is, you were almost tricked out of this. At a young age you became a believer in the Messiah, but you immediately moved in praying for people to be healed. Why?

Kevin Dedmon: Well I started reading the Bible for the first time, and I started reading about what Jesus did, and I just assumed that that was what you were supposed to do as a Christian. So I used to go around hitchhiking and well, and picking up hitchhikers and then I would minister to them, and pray for them for healing, and see them healed...

Sid Roth: Now tell me...

Kevin Dedmon: And I thought everybody should do that!

Sid Roth: Tell me one that come to mind: one of the first ones.

Kevin Dedmon: Well, I was witnessing at a park, and I came across some young men, about my same age, and I walked up to this group of guys. And one of the guys had a broken arm, and he had a cast on: and it was a soft cast. And I said, "Okay, well either, if God heals your arm, you have to believe in Jesus. If he doesn't heal your arm, you can all beat me up".

Sid Roth: We have a word for that called "Chutzpah": that means "Nerve"! That is "Chutzpah"!

Kevin Dedmon: When God healed his arm, and about 4 of them gave their lives to Jesus, right there on the spot. And I just thought that was normal!

Sid Roth: Okay. So, he becomes normal, and all of a sudden, he bumps into someone he prays for. He's sure this person is going to be healed because all the pastors in town are saying, "Go pray for some of our people", even though he's normal, maybe they weren't. And they keep getting healed. But this one woman he prayed for had cancer, and she died. It devastated you Kevin.

Kevin Dedmon: It really did. I thought I killed her. Yeah, I did. I thought I killed her because I didn't have enough faith, or I wasn't gifted enough. Even though I'd been healing people everywhere, and the pastors in the community in which I was doing all of this, they saw something in me and so they invited me to come and pray for this woman, because I had faith and I was seeing results. And when it didn't happen, I thought I killed her.

Sid Roth: And you know, he's not kidding. It was so devastating to him...

Kevin Dedmon: Yeah.

Sid Roth: That for the next 20 years he said, "I guess I'm not supposed to pray for someone:"

Kevin Dedmon: That's right.

Sid Roth: "Someone else is supposed to do it". But then you had problems with your son. He was drinking a little bit, and you were at your wit's end, and your wife said, "Enough is enough": there's a move of God's spirit, a revival in Brownsville and Pensacola, Florida, and your son had to go there. He went there, and then your wife gets a phone call from there, and you figure, "Oh, he's really messed up"!

Kevin Dedmon: Well the youth pastor called my wife, and my wife then called me and said, she's crying, "Kevin! Kevin! It's Jan", and I'm "Oh! My goodness! What are we going to do now"? Because we had tried everything. He was dealing drugs out of our house, and so we were dealing with all sorts of issues. And we had sent him to Brownsville as a last resort, and she said, "Oh Kevin, the youth pastor called and said that Chad's been crying for 24 straight hours, and then he's been laughing for 24 straight hours: and he's never seen anything like this before. He's been totally transformed". And sure enough, he came back, and he was completely transformed. He was a new person.

Sid Roth: And it was such a transformation that Kevin and his wife were kind of provoked to jealousy, so they went out to Brownsville. What happened to you?

Kevin Dedmon: Well we had to go out and find out what had happened to him: and we went out there, and a similar kind of thing happened to us, in that we caught a vision for what we were born for: what we were made for. We saw revival taking place: people getting healed, getting saved, getting set free: part of a community that was just on fire for God with passion towards God.

Sid Roth: But you still feel that you can't pray for someone, so he...

Kevin Dedmon: That's right: that's right.

Sid Roth: Gets home, and he has someone that is a biker that he's letting stay at his home. The guy had had surgery, and it didn't' work out too well, and he was in terrific pain. So right after he gets home, Kevin's having a meeting, and the guy yells from the bedroom, "I'm in pain": and he comes down, and he asks for prayer. But you don't pray for people, so what happened?

Kevin Dedmon: Well I looked around the room to see if there was anybody else who had the gift of faith, and nobody else in the room had the gift as far as I knew: and he was pleading, crying, asking me to pray for him, so just out of duty, I decided, "Okay, well I'll pray for you". And as I did, a fire came in my hand, and came on his back at the same moment. And this man who had been debilitated for six months, had surgery, the whole bit, was totally bedridden, got up and started jumping all around the room, yelling out, "I'm healed! I'm healed! I'm healed! I had fire go through my back", and then several others got healed in that same evening.

Sid Roth: But what did I mean for 20 years. You said, "I don't have any gift"!

Kevin Dedmon: Yeah.

Sid Roth: "I'm not going to pray for people", and all of a sudden this... What's going on inside of Kevin?

Kevin Dedmon: I'm like, "Oh my gosh! What is going on here"? And my hand is still on fire, and so I'm putting it on other people, and I'm thinking, "This is amazing"!

Sid Roth: Well let me tell you something that's even more amazing than that! Kevin has a passion for you to be able to do this.

Kevin Dedmon: Oh yes!

Sid Roth: And there is such a presence of the Spirit of God on his new book, "Unlocking heaven", and he says it's not just for special people!

Kevin Dedmon: That's right!

Sid Roth: It's for people who understand a special God! Don't go away. We'll be right back.

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with Kevin Dedmon. And laughing, we're told, actually scientists have found that when people have deadly diseases like cancer, and they start laughing, they get healed! There is, well I'm reminded of the scripture that says, "A merry heart is good medicine"! My guest Kevin laughs over people, and people get new body parts! Tell me about the person that got the new kidney.

Kevin Dedmon: Well I was in Miami, Florida doing a healing conference, and the first night, the ushers brought up a woman and asked, "Well, can you pray for her for her healing"? So I just asked her what she wanted, and she said, "Well I really want to be healed, but I don't think I can be". And I asked "Why not"?, and she said, "Well, I have been suffering from kidney failure for the last 2 years, and I've been bedridden for the last 3 months: and it's gotten so bad that I finally succumbed, and I went down to the kidney transplant center and put my name on the list for a new kidney. And now my relatives, who are elders at another church, they've told me that I've lost all hope for healing now, because I put my name on the list, which was a demonstration of my lack of faith", to which I responded and said, "No way! Your faith is standing right here, right now"! And then I said, "Oh! More than that, I see God smiling over you right now"! And then I saw an added picture, and I said, "I see him dancing around you! And even more than that, he's smiling over you and he's dancing around you, and he's laughing over you"! And I put my hand on her head: and she was an African-American woman about 5 foot 6, and she looked about 65. I found out later she was 38-years old.

Sid Roth: Mm!

Kevin Dedmon: Put my hand on her head, and I just started laughing, and she started laughing. We're laughing this gut-wrenching laughter over about 3 or 4-minutes, and finally she says, "I'm on fire! I'm on fire! Fan me off"!

Sid Roth: Hm!

Kevin Dedmon: So her husband's behind her, fanning her off. And then we go back to laughing, and then she's yelling out, "Fan me off! I'm on fire"! And finally she says, "It's in my feet! It's in my feet! Fan me off"! And her husband's on the floor, fanning off her feet, and we're going back and forth laughing. And now this woman couldn't sit in a chair on her own, let alone get up out of a chair on her own: she could barely walk. She had to be helped up to the front. And all of a sudden, she does something like Michael Jordan meets Bruce lee and does this flying kick in the... And you know, just at the front of the church: and she lands and says, "I'm healed! I'm healed"! And she's running around and yelling "I'm healed", jumps into the front row seats, jumps out: now all of a sudden she looks like she's 38-years old again.

Sid Roth: Hm.

Kevin Dedmon: She goes back to the hospital, to the transplant center the next Monday, and they can't figure out why she's already received a brand-new kidney. She got a kidney transplant as we just laughed: I never even got to pray for her!

Sid Roth: Now, now...

Kevin Dedmon: All we did was laugh.

Sid Roth: Now was this something unique, or does this happen often?

Kevin Dedmon: Oh this happens everywhere I go. I just start laughing over people: they start laughing! And you know, "In his presence is fullness of joy", and it's his presence that heals people. So, as we just enjoy his presence, as "The oil of gladness" comes...

Sid Roth: Now do you have to be told to laugh? Do you have to feel like laughing, or can you do it as an act of faith?

Kevin Dedmon: Well you know, everything we do in the kingdom is a matter of choice that we do by faith! Forgiveness: who feels like forgiving, you know when you're offended? You know, it's like, "I don't want to forgive you! I want God's wrath to come upon you". Well no, you need to forgive because it's right. "But I don't' feel like forgiving"! Okay, well I'm going to make a choice by faith, because it's right in the kingdom to forgive. "I forgive you". Oh, the heavens just opened up again! Giving, serving, laughing, tithing, all of these things we do by faith, as a result of the choices that we make.

Sid Roth: Well if you...

Kevin Dedmon: So it's something that's cultivated.

Sid Roth: If the thing about the kidney surprised you, what about the person with lupus?

Kevin Dedmon: Well, that was something that I called out as a word of knowledge originally in a meeting that I was in, and it took 5 times before somebody actually responded. And it turned out that it was a woman that wasn't even in the meeting: the head elder at this church, his wife had just been diagnosed with lupus that week. She was so depressed over it, and hopeless because of the diagnosis and the prognosis, that she couldn't even come to the meetings. So we got her on the cell phone, and I called her at home, and I just began to release the presence of God over the phone, and we started laughing! Both of us started laughing over the phone. I put it on speakerphone: the whole church erupted in laughter.

Sid Roth: Laughter is contagious.

Kevin Dedmon: It is! It really is! In fact, you know, we're told, sociologists tell us that if we laugh in public, it'll change the environment. And I think that's how we can actually bring God's presence into an atmosphere, is through "The joy of the Lord"! And so we all started laughing, and she began to feel heat going through her whole body: and all of the pain left, until she was completely healed. Her husband, when he got home, saw such a change in his wife, they ended up laughing for 2 solid hours till about one in the morning: this was on a Saturday night. She comes back Sunday morning: both services, she gets up and shares the testimony, how she is now completely healed. And I was just back in the church just recently, and she sends me little gifts all the time, her and her husband, and she was just so thankful. It's been about two-and-a-half years since she's been healed now. And then I shared the testimony in the next church that I went to, and it turned out that a woman came up holding a cell phone, saying, "My daughter is on the phone, and she has the same name, and she has the same disease. Can you heal her? She's in Mississippi". So right there over the cell phone, because of the testimony, this woman gets healed over the cell phone as we laugh over her, and then 3 other people on cell phones, that night, get healed of lupus.

Sid Roth: Kevin, I have to...

Kevin Dedmon: It's amazing!

Sid Roth: Ask you, you walk in an astounding gift of miracles. But what about me? What about you? Can everyone walk in miracles in your opinion?

Kevin Dedmon: Well listen, if I can do this stuff, anyone can do this stuff: and that's what I've learned. In fact, being at Bethel church, and under Bill Johnson, and Kris Vallotton, we've learned that anyone of us can walk in the kingdom reality.

Sid Roth: But you have such keys: there's such a presence of God in this book...

Kevin Dedmon: Yeah!

Sid Roth: That I have to believe anyone that reads this book, and does what Kevin tells you to do, can not only get healed themselves, Kevin. Oh, there's a funny story: I don't have time to go into it. Well, we'll pick up this funny story about how you reached over in your sleep and touched your wife, and she gets healed!

Kevin Dedmon: That's right!

Sid Roth: I mean, don't go away. We'll be right back. And also, how about the power of singing? We're going to reveal that to you. We'll be right back.

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with Kevin Dedmon. And Kevin, you are so filled with the presence of God that your wife is having a hives, but it you know, you hear "Hives", you know, "Oh, so what", but it was bad.

Kevin Dedmon: It really was. She had to get up two, three times in the middle of the night, take a hot bath, to get any kind of relief. And we went to very dermatologist we could go to, we had people pray for her. And one night I'm sleeping: and in my sleep, I don't even remember doing it, but I just reached my hand over, put my hand on her stomach, and a fire just went through her whole body, and she was completely healed that night.

Sid Roth: So, the secret is, whether you know you're doing it or not, just touching someone, and leaking the presence of God is going to do it. And I love that you teach that in your book about "Leaking": but you can't "Leak" unless you're filled and saturated. Tell me about the thumb that grew back.

Kevin Dedmon: Well I was in a meeting, and a guy came up to me after the meeting, and he asked if I could go after creative miracles, and I said, "Well sure I can! I'll go after anything"! And so he holds up his left hand, and he's missing his thumb: he had cut it off with a skill saw. So I just grabbed ahold of it, and it was impossible, so I just started laughing! Just kind of like Abraham laughed, when he heard that he was going to be a father of a nation: and he's in the hall of faith in Hebrews chapter 11, I believe, because he's laughed. In fact they even named their child "Laughter".

Sid Roth: Yeah, that's what "Isaac" means in Hebrew.

Kevin Dedmon: That's right. And so I just grabbed ahold of his hand, and after about 3 or 4-minutes, I didn't feel anything, except for just the joy of the Lord, his presence. And I let go of his hand, and there was a brand-new thumb. He's looking at it as though "Did I give him the right thumb"? He's looking at both thumbs! And he finally just starts jumping all over the place, "I've got a new thumb"! And I had few of our team members come over and give him a new thumbnail! He didn't have a thumbnail!

Sid Roth: What do you mean "Gave him a new thumbnail"? How'd they do that?

Kevin Dedmon: Well they just laughed over his now newly-formed thumb, and they laughed, and he's got the white part of the thumbnail, and now it's completely grown out!

Sid Roth: But you know what I love? I mean he talks about things I've never seen before! How about signing? Tell me about someone that was healed when you sang over them.

Kevin Dedmon: Well it was crazy! I was praying over a woman who had been pretty debilitated? She couldn't walk more than 10 feet at a time, and she had been debilitated for about 5 years, through a surgery procedure that had been botched a little bit. And so, I had this song that came into my mind: it's a secular song that you would hear on a radio station playing secular music. And I knew I couldn't sing this song over her, "It's the end of your world (as you know it)", so I just changed the lyrics in mind because I really felt like the Holy Spirit gave me that song as a prophetic strategy of what God wanted to do to heal this woman! So I changed the lyrics, and I sang it over her: and then I had her sing it over herself, it's the end of your pain as you know it.

Kevin Dedmon: And she was completely healed!

Sid Roth: That's interesting! Not only did you sing it over her, but he asked her to sing it over herself. Would you sing that over the audience right now?

Kevin Dedmon: I will! It's a pretty simple song. I'm not a vocalist, so this goes to show that anything we do that's prompted by faith, whether or not we have a talent for it or not, can be totally effective in releasing the Kingdom of God. So here we go: and I want the audience then to know that as I sing this, you can take this for yourself. So here we go: "It's the end of your pain as you know it. It's the end of your pain as you know it. It's the end of your pain as you know it, and you feel fine". And now sing it over yourself. Kevin and...

Sid Roth: "It's the end of my pain as I know it. It's the end of my pain as I know it. It's the end of my pain as I know it, and I feel fine". You know it's just like the laughter!

Kevin Dedmon: Yeah.

Sid Roth: It's just like the singing, it releases the healing presence of God!

Kevin Dedmon: It does! As soon as this woman sang this song over herself, she was immediately healed. She went home, her family loaded-up in the minIvan, and followed her as she ran a complete mile at 11:00 at night.

Sid Roth: And how long had she not been able to?

Kevin Dedmon: 5 years she wasn't able to do that.

Sid Roth: 5 years!

Kevin Dedmon: She wasn't able to walk more than 10 feet in 5 years, at a time.

Sid Roth: And... And you're saying to me that you are not special.

Kevin Dedmon: Not I'm not! In fact, I released this in a church that I was at, and a woman who had been to a dentist lost her nerves on her cheek bone and in her chin, and the doctor told her that she would probably never get the feeling back: this had been a week. She sang this song over herself, got the feeling back: the next week her brother was in a car accident, and was in a coma, in another state. She flew to the hospital: her family was in the room: she thought, "Oh I'm going to sing this song over my brother who is in a coma". She sings the song, "It's the end of your pain as you know it... You feel fine". As soon as she finished the last note, he came out of the coma, and he was totally healed, and left the hospital. Anyone can do this.

Sid Roth: I would be remiss though, if you didn't agree in faith for people to be so filled...

Kevin Dedmon: Oh yes.

Sid Roth: With the spirit and the glory of God that when they sing, when they laugh...

Kevin Dedmon: Yes.

Sid Roth: It will release that glory! Pray for them right now!

Kevin Dedmon: Well I release confidence that you already have all you need, and God has given you everything, in his presence, to release his kingdom on yourself, and other people around you. I want to encourage you: it's not about a formula: it's about a relationship. It's about encountering his presence: it's about encountering his goodness. So I release the goodness of God over you, his good mood, the laughter of heaven. "He who is enthroned" in the heavens laughs. And so I release what is in heaven into your life here on earth.

Sid Roth: You know Kevin, more important than a thumb growing out, more important than a kidney materializing, well, what happened to me! I was at a point, as a Jewish man, that I would have either been dead...

Kevin Dedmon: Mm.

Sid Roth: In a mental institution, or committed suicide, if the presence of God had not come into my room, and revealed Jesus as Messiah.

Kevin Dedmon: Yes.

Sid Roth: But not everyone has this type of an experience. It's a decision, and that's the good news. It would be bad news if it just so happened to me or to Kevin: but it's good news, because anyone that makes a decision to get rid of the junk in their life, I mean you've tried the junk: now try God! You get rid of the junk in your life: you believe that the blood of the Messiah washes away every bad thing, every rotten thing you've ever done: that makes you holy in God's sight. And when you are clean, and holy, you say, "Jesus, come and live inside of me. Be my Lord". You know, it sounds so simple because it is! But it takes a step of faith. You say you don't have faith? You have the ability to make a decision!

Kevin Dedmon: Yeah.

Sid Roth: Make a decision right now that Jesus is your Lord, live for God, make your life count, have purpose, and I tell you, the "Shalom" and the "Peace of God" that is waiting for you that is, it's the most wonderful life in the world. Live it now.