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Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Say THESE WORDS

Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Say THESE WORDS
Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Say THESE WORDS
TOPICS: Healing

Sid Roth: Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Steve Austin, went from being a skeptical attorney to a totally persuaded believer in the healing Power of God, as associate pastor for Pastor Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church. He and his teams go to specialty hospitals. These are hospitals where people are sent to die. Then, suddenly, miracles, thousands have been healed. So it begs the question, why would a successful, logical attorney get involved with the supernatural, Steve?

Steve Austin: That's a good question. So Sid, I grew up in churches that didn't teach anything about healing or the supernatural. And, you know, I became an attorney. And I'm very logical, left-brained. You know, supernatural things kind of sounded whoo-ooh to me, and kind of scary. And I just didn't know anything about healing or the supernatural. I'd never been taught anything about that. And my future wife at the time, we were dating, she developed rheumatoid arthritis in her 20s. And all her knuckles got red and inflamed. At the time, she drove a sports car with a stick shift, and she couldn't even switch gears. So she went to one of the top rheumatoid arthritis doctors in the world. And he told her that she would be in a wheelchair by the time she was 30 years old, and that she shouldn't have children because they would have birth defects. And of course, that was devastating to people in their 20s, you know, thinking about marriage. And after we got over our initial devastation, we collected ourselves, and something rose up in us. Even though I didn't know anything about healing, something rose up and said, "No. This is not our life". Anyway, she was invited to a church service that had a healing service. And the Power of God touched her, and she was supernaturally healed. And so that was my first eye-opening experience. Then I went on my first mission trip to India, with a man who does healing crusades. And I went on this trip as a doubting Thomas.

Sid Roth: You know, you're still an attorney at this point.

Steve Austin: I'm still an attorney.

Sid Roth: A doubting attorney.

Steve Austin: Right. Right. And I heard this man talking about his healing crusades, and all the miracles that had taken place. I said, "You know what, if this is true, I want to go and see it with my own eyes". I went on this first trip, very much as a doubting Thomas. In fact, I was such a doubter, I hired a videographer to follow us around and video any miracles that took place. And Sid, all I can tell you is that I saw people get healed of blindness, deafness, paralysis, right in front of my eyes.

Sid Roth: How do you know they weren't fake? You're the attorney, you should have been skeptical.

Steve Austin: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I was very skeptical. And, you know, we had local doctors on hand to document everything, including people that got healed of things you can't see, like tumors vanished. You know, they did MRIs, and tumors vanished. I administered to the sick for the very first time. I didn't know what I was doing. I pulled a lady out of her wheelchair, this lady was in her 20s, had never walked. And of course your muscles are all atrophied. I pulled her up out of her wheelchair, and I said, "Walk in the Name of Jesus". And she started walking. You know, I administered to a paralyzed man who had a stroke, and he was paralyzed on one side of his body. And he lifted his arm about this high, and began to praise God. And I said, "Just praise God, praise God even stronger for your healing". And he lifted his arm higher. And he was totally healed. And so I saw things with my own eyes that shattered the little religious box that I had got in.

Sid Roth: Now you told me something that I suspected, but I didn't know firsthand. And that is, when we see the Joel Osteen church service on a Sunday morning, we see one that's kind of for all people. It's not particularly charismatic. But I happened to have known Joel Osteen's mother and father. And they were off the charts spirit-filled.

Steve Austin: Yeah.

Sid Roth: And I said, "What happened to Joel"? And then I found out what happened. When that TV goes off, the action starts!

Steve Austin: Amen.

Sid Roth: Okay. Begs the question, what do you see at Lakewood Church? And you have a Zoom show with an interesting co-host, Dodie Osteen.

Steve Austin: Yes. We have a healing service once a month, it's on the second Tuesday of each month. Anybody can participate. You can go to, and register. It's free, of course. It's a healing service. And we have thousands of people attend that healing service from around the world. And we have seen every kind of sickness and disease healed, including ALS. We've seen people get delivered and set free from insomnia, depression, suicidal thoughts, fear, all kinds of things. Just, we see miracle after miracle every single month.

Sid Roth: Tell me about your friend, Austin.

Steve Austin: That's a great story. So Austin is a 42-year-old tech CEO from Atlanta. His wife made him get an annual physical every year. He went in for his annual physical, and he didn't have any symptoms in his body, felt great. And the doctor came in when he got the results, and he said, "I'm sorry to tell you this, Mr. Merritt, but you have Stage 4 liver cancer".

Sid Roth: Oh! And that is not something you get a good cure for.

Steve Austin: Right. Exactly.

Sid Roth: You're history.

Steve Austin: And it had metastasized to his kidneys, his brain and his lymph nodes. And so of course, he was shocked. And they started him on chemo, and he did nine months of chemo. Well, when I got in contact with him, he was coming to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston to get scanned, and get tested again. He was kind of back and forth between Atlanta and M.D. Anderson. And he told me that three weeks before I prayed over him, that he got scans, and it showed that the cancer was no longer responding to chemo, that it had gotten worse. And that was three weeks before I prayed for him. He comes to Houston, I lay hands on him and pray over him. He goes and gets two days of scans and bloodwork and all this stuff, and he texted me, and he said, "Steve, I've seen the greatest miracle I've ever seen in my life. There is no cancer in my body".

Sid Roth: What about the double miracle of the young girl with inoperable brain tumors?

Steve Austin: Yeah. Yeah. So this is when I was doing my chaplaincy training at M.D. Cancer Center. I got paged to go pray for this 17-year-old girl who had a brain tumor. And when I got to the room, I didn't know anything about her story, but when I got to her room, the parents were there. And they explained to me that the doctors had told her that, you know, them, that there was no more that they could do. They gave them a very dire, you know, that she only had a few weeks to live. But the girl, the 17-year-old girl and her parents still had faith. And so I stayed in there for about an hour with them. We praised the Lord, we worshipped, we prayed bold, faith-filled fire prayers. I declared the Word of God over her. And the Glory of God filled that room so strong, I could, I could barely stand. It was so strong in there, the presence of God. And so I left and the mother told me, she said, "Pastor Steve, when you left the room, the presence of God just continued to linger there". She got a new MRI three days later, and the doctor held up the new MRI and the old MRI, and he looked real perplex, he was kind of, like, scratching his head. And he goes, "I've never seen anything like this. There's no medical explanation for it. But your tumor's gone". Amen! Amen!

Steve Austin: Well, wait, wait...

Sid Roth: See it was a double miracle.

Steve Austin: The story gets better.

Sid Roth: A double miracle.

Steve Austin: The story gets better. So she gets discharged, and a little 3-year-old boy who has a brain tumor gets her same room and her same bed. And he had come from one of the top, probably the top children's hospital in the world, and they told M.D. Anderson, "We can't do anything more for him". So he got to M.D. Anderson, and M.D. Anderson said, you know, told his parents, "I'm sorry, but there's just not anything more we can do". Well, he got this 17-year-old girl's room, and he got healed.

Steve Austin: Yes. Amen. Amen.

Sid Roth: Steve Austin, over the past 25 years has seen thousands of miraculous healings. Ready for your miracle? Be right back.

Sid Roth: Steve, where the rubber meets the ground, some tough questions. Someone believes in healing, but they've never been healed. They've probably given up really and truly in their heart.

Sid Roth: Yeah.

Steve Austin: Someone that doesn't understand healing too well. "I prayed, I didn't get healed, I'm finished with that, it's not true, it's not for me". Someone that, "The Bible is true, but I'm just not getting healed". Speak to those people right now.

Steve Austin: Well, Sid, I encounter that a lot. And one of the main things that I do when I go administer to the sick is, I stir up their faith. Because so many times, people start out with strong faith. They get a diagnosis and they're, like, you know, "I'm going to believe God to heal me," but we need faith for the middle. You know, when we don't see God moving, and things aren't changing, and it's taking weeks and months and even years and we don't see anything happening, that's where we really need faith, because faith is in the unseen realm. If we can see it, if we can figure it out, we don't need faith. So one of the things I do, one of the main things I do when I administer to the sick is, I stir their faith. And I remind them that this is for you. You are the child of the most high God. Jesus Christ hung on that cross for you, and He not only took your sins upon Himself, He took your sicknesses upon Himself at the cross. And all you need to do is keep standing, keep believing, keep declaring the Word of God out of your mouth, and it will manifest. I don't know when it's going to manifest, but keep believing, keep declaring, keep praying bold prayers. And your suddenly will come.

Sid Roth: You know, Steve, I am convinced that people don't know the whole Scripture, "Through faith and patience we inherit the promises". According to the American Hospital Association, over 33 million Americans are hospitalized every year. Therefore, hospitals are a huge evangelistic field. Steve's ministry is doing something no other ministry is doing. And his goal is to expand to reach 100,000 hospital patients by the end of 2024. And you think that's something? And a million by 2030.

Steve Austin: Yeah.

Sid Roth: Steve, you train people.

Steve Austin: Mm-hmm.

Sid Roth: I imagine it's a very long, extensive training program that you turn loose in the hospitals. How many months or years is this program?

Steve Austin: Sid, one day.

Sid Roth: One day?

Steve Austin: One day. One whole day. And our volunteers do things that professional chaplains get to do. They go into people's hospital rooms, they administer to the sick. As Sid said, we're going to minister to at least 100,000 hospital patients this year alone. And I'm raising up an army, we're expanding, we're going to expand nationally, and even internationally. And by the year 2030, I want to be administering to at least a million patients a year. But Sid, it's only one day. And you know, people, if you're a Spirit-filled believer, you know, just read the Bible, get in the Bible and see what it says about healing and how Jesus and the disciples ministered to people, and you've got it. You got it. You've got the Holy Spirit inside of you, the most powerful force in the universe. You can, everybody can do this. And that's my message, Sid. I don't want to sit up here and be like, you know, "I did this and that," because it's not about me, or it's not about one person. All of us are ministers. All of us have the Holy Spirit. Amen? Amen!

Sid Roth: Why someone in a hospital, are they being healed? Obviously they're sick, but do you find them much more receptive than most people, when they're already in the hospital?

Steve Austin: Oh, sure. And that's why the hospitals are one of the greatest mission fields on planet earth. Thirty-three million people in America a year, that's one tenth of our population every year in the hospital. And I've been doing this 25 years, and I can tell you that there's more sick people than ever. Like, we need this ministry. And healing was a core part of Jesus' ministry. And so yes, people in the hospital are more open. You know, they're thinking about their mortality, they're thinking about their lives. And I'm telling you, when you're facing a life-threatening illness, your theology can change very dramatically. You can go in as an atheist. But when you're staring your mortality in the face and thinking about your life, you can change your mind.

Sid Roth: Are you realizing there are friends that are younger than you that are dying? Are you realizing that you don't know when your end will come? The truth is, you don't know, as smart as you are. Not even a doctor knows. No one knows except God Himself. So the big issue is not when your end will come. The big issue is, where are you going forever? And as the song goes, "Forever is a long, long time". Repeat this prayer, mean it to the best of your ability, and a miracle will happen in your life. Repeat out loud: "Dear God, forgive me for my sins. I believe that Your blood washes away all of my sins. I'm clean. It's so good to be clean. Steven is going to pray for me. And anything wrong in my body or in my emotions is going to be healed, in Jesus' Name". Steve, pray, look in the camera.

Steve Austin: Hallelujah, hallelujah. Father God, I thank You that every person watching this right now is Your child, Your beloved child. You love them with an everlasting love. You have them in the palm of Your hand. You're not only their God, You're not only their Lord and Savior, You're their healer and their deliverer. Lord, you called Yourself Jehovah-Rapha. You said, "I am the God who heals you". So Lord, I ask You to touch every person from the top of their head to the bottom of their feet, wipe out every trace of sickness, disease, pain, symptoms, addictions, bondages. Lord, you said, "Whatever I loosed on earth would be loosed in heaven," so I loose the miracle working Power of God upon everybody watching this, in the Name of Jesus. I loose the fire and the glory, and the yoke breaking anointing of Almighty God upon every person watching this, in the Name of Jesus. And I speak healing, wholeness, restoration, freedom, and victory over you, in Jesus' Mighty Name. Receive it by faith with thanksgiving. It's yours, it's part of your inheritance. It belongs to you as a child of God. Receive it right now, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah!

Sid Roth: There are still people saying, "I can't do that. That's nice for someone else, it's nice for my pastor. It's nice for someone that has a miracle ministry. But I'm just an average person. I do believe in Jesus. Are you really saying I can do what I just heard Steve say is happening in his ministry"? Talk to that person.

Steve Austin: You know, Sid, I don't believe there are any average believers, because we are all children of God created in His image and likeness. And if you're a believer in Jesus Christ, Romans 8, Verse 11 says the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you. This same Spirit who empowered Jesus and His disciples to do the miracles they did dwells in you. We didn't get Holy Spirit Junior, we didn't get Holy Spirit-light. We didn't get a watered-down version of the Holy Spirit. We got the same Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen! Amen!

Sid Roth: What you said just begs the question, do young children have the Holy Spirit, or a young junior Holy Spirit?

Steve Austin: Yeah, there is no such thing as a young, junior Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit. Amen. That's why Joel 2:28 says, "He'll pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and young people will prophesy". Amen? And then out of the mouth of babes, praise is perfected. The Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit. And you, as a believer, have the same Holy Spirit, you just need to believe that you have it, that you can walk in signs, miracles and wonders. Sid, one more thing, Mark 16, 17 and 18, when Jesus gave the Great Commission, He said, "These signs will follow those who believe". Not just pastors, not just evangelists, prophets, apostles, but those who believe. Ordinary believers. And Sid, I believe the hour is now, when God is decentralizing things. And what I mean by that is, for too long, we have elevated certain people and we've put them on a pedestal, and oh, that's Prophet So-and-So. And there's nothing wrong with that, I'm not putting that down, I'm just saying, God is decentralizing this. And it's not just about a person that everybody's, like, whoa, wow, that person... wow. No. We all have the same Holy Spirit. Amen and God... yes.

Sid Roth: You have the same Holy Spirit. Lay hands on the sick...

Steve Austin: Yes, amen!

Sid Roth: ...and see them heal!