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Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Cut Off This Evil Spirit

Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Cut Off This Evil Spirit
TOPICS: Healing, Emotional Health, Trauma

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, Joan Hunter, has previously been on it's supernatural. We had more reports of miracles when she was with us than any guest we've ever had. And this show will be no exception. I can feel the presence of God. It's almost tangible. There are going to be so many miracles that will be released. But recently, Joan, your mother went to heaven. And her mother is Francis Hunter, and you've heard of the Happy Hunters, Charles and Francis Hunter. And literally, you spent 40 years learning about miracles and healing under their ministry, and then you were released to your own. So we've got all of your parents' understanding of healing, and then the new level of yours. And once your mother was promoted something changed as far as the degree of miracles in your ministry.

Joan Hunter: That is for sure. And there was just a demonstrative difference. And as you know in the years that we've known each other the miracles are phenomenal that happen in the services, absolutely incredible. But there's even a greater augmentation of the power of God in the services. And I'm just seeing..

Sid Roth: You know last night at dinner, the presence of God just got stronger and stronger and stronger, and I'm reminded of when your mom was guest on it's supernatural. Let's take a look at that.

Joan Hunter: Okay.

Sid Roth: You made a statement at dinner and you said that if Charles and Francis Hunter can have miracles happen, anyone can. Did you mean that or were you just being flippant?

Francis: No, I meant it with all my heart, my body and my soul, because that's what Jesus said. He said every believer would lay hands on the sick and they'll recover.

Sid Roth: You know, it's amazing, even on that video of a former it's supernatural show, the presence of God is there. Joan, when you mother died, there's a process called grieving, which is a natural thing. But yours got beyond the natural and you learned a lesson about the spirit of grief.

Joan Hunter: I did, I did. And I also learned, and people have learned that I practice what I preach, that you don't have to live under the grief. You don't have to live with the trauma. And so what I did is I felt that just a few days after she was gone, I felt my voice going, and I'm like I've got television, I've got services, I've got healing encounters, I've got miracle services. And it's like I can't go without my voice, and it was getting really weak. And so I got in the shower and I was getting ready to do television some place else the following morning, and I'm like, "Father, in the name of Jesus, I curse this spirit of grief and trauma. I command it to be gone in Jesus' name". And I went, "Halleluiah"! And God had just instantly healed me of all the grief, all the worry, all the trauma, and God totally restored my voice instantly like that.

Sid Roth: And that's a key that you understand about healing that few people understand. Tell me about that woman in the straight jacket.

Joan Hunter: Oh I just love this story. I mean, even thinking about it, I can just feel the presence of God. Recently, I was praying with this young lady in Canada, and she says, 'i need you to pray with me'. She says, 'you know, as a child, I was raised in a home, not my own family home, but in a special home, and I was young and they didn't have enough cribs, and so they put me in a bed'. Well, you know, you put any child in a bed they're gonna get out normally, at least for a season. And so what they did is, as a little child, three and four, and five years old, every night as part of her garments to go to bed they put her in a straight jacket. And my heart just, oh it was, I just can't fathom that. So here I'm getting ready to pray for her and I said, 'what I want you to do is put your hands just like this like as, you know, in the straight jacket'. So she goes like this. 'i can't! I can't! I can't'! And she started to hyperventilate. I said, 'give me a minute. I know you trust me'. And I said, 'give me a minute and you'll be free'. And I said, 'I'm going to put my arms around you like the straps of the straight jacket'. And I put my arms around her as tight as I could get them like the straight jacket was on her. And I said, 'father, in the name of Jesus, I curse the spirit of trauma and fear, and I command it to be gone in Jesus' name'. And I released my arms. At that point, she fell to the ground, sighting the Spirit of God, absolutely incredible miracle, and I mean, you could just, it was just gone. She gets up a few moments later and she says, 'oh, I feel so much better'. I said, 'let's do something else'. I said, 'put your hands like this'. She put her hands like that again. She said, 'it's gone. It's gone'. All the trauma was gone. And see, now envision this, your husband, her husband in particular, putting her arms around her. She couldn't handle it because of the trauma. Laying in bed at night he'd want to snuggle. She couldn't handle it because of the trauma. And to go home and to sleep, and to be hugged by her husband in a normal healthy instead of just, oh, because of the trauma. She could really be loved and held for the first time in her life.

Sid Roth: You find that when you command the spirit of trauma to leave or the spirit of grief to leave, people get free for the first time in their lives.

Joan Hunter: Yes. Trauma is such a strong spirit. And over the last couple of years I have understood the power of trauma ever since, you know, since then. Trauma brings on fibromyalgia. I've seen people, hundreds of people healed of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, schizophrenia, bipolar. And when you have trauma it affects your chemical balance and it makes it out of kilter. Thus, we have bipolar because it's a chemical imbalance. And when you get the chemicals back into alignment, then, which they do orally, then they're no longer bipolar on a daily basis. In the inside they are. But you pray for the spirit of trauma and fear, and grief, and different things, whatever God tells you to do, and all that leaves. I mean, people are getting instantly set free of agoraphobia, schizophrenia, bipolar. I mean, instantly, instantly, instantly.

Sid Roth: You know what I love about the two books, especially your new one that we're making available is you take, in one book, it's foundational, you take every disease and you tell what the roots are and how to attack them, and then this new book deals with the understanding of stress, and stress accounts for how many diseases?

Joan Hunter: Eighty-five percent of the diseases of people in doctors' offices, they go because they're all stress related.

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here with Joan Hunter. And Joan has found, since her mother has been promoted to heaven, and she had such, the Happy Hunters, had such a miracle ministry for so long. But the amount of presence of God has literally increased as she's prayed for people. Tell me some of the things that you've seen as far as creative miracles, because that astounds me when I hear about these creative, it shouldn't, but it does. I mean, I'm excited about it.

Joan Hunter: It still amazes me, too. What's so neat is that like somebody came in and they had stage iv cancer of the lungs, and I said, you know, 'father, in the name of Jesus, I curse the cancer. I command it to be gone. I see new lungs'. And they go back to the doctor. The doctors does x-rays and they're going, 'i don't know what you did, but you've got two new lungs in there'. How does God do it? I don't know, but I'm so glad he does. People come in with enlarged hearts, enlarged prostates, cancer here, cancer there, and they go back. And it's not that God has healed their heart. God has just given them a new heart, and new lungs, and new intestines. One lady that couldn't, you know, had most of her intestines removed because of cancer, she has all new, you know, intestines now. And eyes and eyeballs are being formed and eardrums are being formed, and breasts are were growing back.

Sid Roth: This is normal.

Joan Hunter: Yes it is.

Sid Roth: And let the whole world be normal. Let's take a look at a man you prayed for that had a stroke and had disk problems.

Man 1: I have three things. I had a stroke six years ago and...

Joan Hunter: You had what?

Man 1: A stroke, yes ma'am.

Joan Hunter: Okay.

Man 1: And I recently had surgery. I had a disk removed. I had a fractured disk in my neck. I had it removed. And I've also found signs of multiple sclerosis. I've lost my left leg because of my stroke, my lower left leg.

Joan Hunter: Okay.

Man 1: I have weakness in my right leg because of the pressure from the disk being broken.

Joan Hunter: Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just thank you for replacing this disk in Jesus' name. I command the base of the skull to line up with every vertebra in his back, in Jesus' name. Father, where the surgeons have gone in and cut, you could repair in Jesus' name. And I command all that pain to go in Jesus' name.

Man 1: Thank you, Jesus.

Joan Hunter: And I'm gonna pray against the spirit of death, because a stroke is a form of death, because your leg is basically dead.

Man 1: Yes, ma'am.

Joan Hunter: Okay, so I'm just telling you that. I'm not dead. I'm not dying. You know, I don't want you to be alarmed by that. In the name of Jesus, I curse the spirit of death in Jesus' name that tried to take his life. In Jesus' name, the damage that was caused by the stroke, father, I speak total restoration into this body, specifically into the left side, all the way down the leg, in Jesus' name. I speak life, health and wholeness back into this leg, in Jesus' name. Okay, here we go. We get to do an exercise. That felt good.

Man 1: Yes, ma'am.

Man 2: He couldn't move that part of his neck.

Man 1: I couldn't do that.

Joan Hunter: Ain't God good?

Man 1: God is good. I haven't moved my foot in six years.

Man 2: How long?

Joan Hunter: Six years.

Man 2: You couldn't move your foot because of the stroke?

Man 1: Yeah.

Joan Hunter: See, I didn't know that. But isn't that cool? I mean, that's like growing inside of him. No wonder he's real excited about that one. Let's do that again. Isn't that fun?

Man 1: It's just amazing. I'm moving my toes for the first time.

Sid Roth: That is so wonderful. I love it when pain leaves. But the thing, this key you found when you caught the spirit of trauma to leave by commanding it to leave. Tell me about that man that had back pain for 18 years.

Joan Hunter: He was in so much pain, and everybody had prayed for him. His pastor, it's an on fire church that believes in healing and miracles happen. And they prayed and they prayed, and they prayed, and the pain was still there. Couldn't sleep with his wife. Had to sleep in a lounger chair and so forth. And so I brought him up to the front and I laid hands on him, and I said, 'father, right now in the name of Jesus, I curse the spirit of trauma and fear and I command it to be gone in Jesus' name'. And I didn't feel led to pray for his healing, so to speak. I said, 'just say thank you Jesus, and wiggle your back'. And so he sat there and he goes, and he was totally healed. And then the following day he came back and he says, 'i slept through the night, I slept in my bed, and I have absolutely no pain'. Because the trauma of the event had held that pain in his body. I'm seeing so many people get set free all over the world because and through just the release of that trauma. We've all experienced traumas in our life. And when we get totally free of the trauma of, you know, 30, 40 years ago or last week, any car accident, loss of job, different things like that has traumatized us, even a move. Some people think, you know, when they're moving it's fun, it's great, it's exciting. For some it can be very traumatic. And we've got to get trauma free. And when we get trauma free, it's like it's just a Holy Ghost Hammer going in and just splitting up all these strongholds that are keeping us from truly walking out our healing. Many of you have may have even prayed for your healing and haven't been healed because of, you know, you've done everything you know you do, but you just need to pray for the spirit of trauma to go and to leave your body, because your body will remember every trauma that it has ever experienced in its life. The cells do that. And except through prayer, it's the only way you can get rid of the trauma in the body.

Sid Roth: Well you know, what's so amazing to me, it's not just a matter of not just new hearts and new body parts, but people with schizophrenia. Tell me one person who was healed of schizophrenia.

Joan Hunter: He came into a healing encounter, went through the whole weekend, and prayed for him, did the anointing. Didn't even know what was wrong with him. And so the following day I found out that he was known as like the church schizophrenic. So I laid hands on him and I said, 'i curse the spirit of trauma and fear, etc., and I command it to be gone in Jesus' name'. And I really didn't think too much about it, but I asked the pastor. I said, 'honestly, he sustained some kind of trauma in his life'. Well when he was like two or three years old he saw his mom dowse herself with gasoline and light herself, and burn herself to death. That's traumatic.

Sid Roth: Sure.

Joan Hunter: Then the father got custody and the father was, what happened there, was worse than what the mother did. And schizophrenia is a form, a shell of protection and just to kind of escape from the reality of life. And God totally completely healed him, set him free, I mean, completely. And then he went back to the home where he was required to stay, like a halfway house. He started praying for everybody. People in there were getting healed and set free. And he came and he told his pastor, he says, 'she laid hands on me for the impartation, but I really didn't think it would happen to me. I really didn't think that God could use me'. And God is using him. He's using him totally completely set free from schizophrenia, and all the pain and the trauma of his past. He is on fire for Jesus.

Sid Roth: Well when we come back from this break I'm going to have Joan pray for miracles, especially for the spirit of trauma to leave you. Someone's back was just healed. We'll be right back after this word.

Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here with Joan Hunter. And I am overwhelmed with information that Joan has been sharing with me about open doors for sickness. And one I just never thought of before. It has to do with generational curses, but involving a heart or a liver transplants, blood transfusions. Explain, or tell me one person.

Joan Hunter: Okay. Generational curses are passed down through the bloodline. And so you can open the door to different generational curses through blood transfusions. I've seen many people that we pray this prayer renouncing that, and they in turn, and repentance and so forth, breaking the generational curses off of the blood transfusion, they get totally set free of all these diseases that were never in their family before. And then in turn...

Sid Roth: So the curses pass through the organs to the blood?

Joan Hunter: Right. Any form of...

Sid Roth: So it's generational.

Joan Hunter: Yes, generational curses. And it can happen that way. I personally experienced it set free when I had a little cadaver bone put in, and it was amazing what had happened where that's concerned. But there's another lady that had a heart transplant, and she woke up. You know, she had the surgery and then she would start having nightmares about this license plate. And so then the next night, same license plate, the next night, same license plate. And it's like, what is this? So they went and they found out they knew the state and the actual number. It was the same number every night. They went and investigated. Long story short, that they found the trunk, went in the trunk of that car, found a little bit of the blood of the lady who had died who donated her heart. And long story short, found out that it was her uncle who had killed her. And the last thing that she remembered while she was conscious, as she was thrown in the trunk, the last thing she saw was the license plate. It was imbedded into her mind and it was imbedded into her heart. And in turn, the man was put in prison for killing his niece. There are so many incredible testimonies just like that. And you talked about open doors. We talked about stress, we talked about trauma and generational curses. Unforgiveness is another one that is so strong because, see, unforgiveness is a poison that we drink hoping that the other one is gonna get sick. It's up to us, when I got rid of the unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger, worry, stress, all those things, you know, over ten years ago, that's when my breast cancer left. I was no longer feeding it. And my teachings and different things that I do, I augment what mom and dad have taught through the years by going into the root causes, because I don't want people to get prayed for, get healed and then lose their healing because the root is still there. I want them to get healed and stay healed.

Sid Roth: You told me about a blood transfusion where people even picked up curses.

Joan Hunter: Yes. And sometimes people, all of a sudden it's like I have arthritis in my body. I have this. I have that, and there's no history of it. Well they got a blood transfusion and right after the blood transfusion they end up and they got arthritis because the people whose blood they got, you know, the blood from had arthritis in their generational background.

Sid Roth: I would like you to break curses over people. I would like to see trauma that has been just generationally there, or even in your own life. Most people have gone through trauma. I would like to see Joan break that over your life, and then I would like to see Joan move in supernatural words of knowledge and get ready for a release of the gift of miracles.

Joan Hunter: Amen. Father, right now, and before we actually really get into prayer, you place your hand on wherever you might have the physical problem. We're gonna start off with the spirit of trauma. Trauma usually is the heaviest in the heart area. Whenever you experience trauma you always grab your heart, and that's just where it will normally physically manifest. Father, right now in the name of Jesus, I curse the spirit of trauma on every single person watching this person. Father, in the name of Jesus, I command all trauma to go, all fear to go, any form of rejection and abandonment to go in Jesus' name, any of the diseases that correlate with the spirit of trauma, whether it be fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, seizures, schizophrenia, and bipolar, and agoraphobia, in Jesus' name I curse all those diseases and I command them to be gone. I speak health and wholeness to the chemicals in your bodies to be in perfect harmony and balance in Jesus' name. In Jesus' name. Father, I just curse any form of generational curses in Jesus' name based on their repentance. And in addition to that, Father, we just speak anything bad that has come in through the bloodline and through blood transfusions, or body part transplants, Father, right now in the name of Jesus I speak total health and wholeness. I curse cancer in Jesus' name. It doesn't matter if I call out, if I don't say it, like if I say breast cancer be gone, and you say, oh well she didn't mention this, it doesn't matter because the power of God is not limited by words. I curse cancer in your body in Jesus' name. Any cancer of anybody that is watching right now, in Jesus' name I command that to be gone. I speak new rotator cuffs in Jesus' name. And just start going, 'thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus,' and you'll discover the pain is gone. I curse any form of arthritis in your body in Jesus' name. I see somebody with a brain tumor that has caused a lot of headaches. I curse that brain tumor in Jesus' name. I command it to be gone. Any damage that chemotherapy, radiation, disease, or surgery, scar tissue in particular, any damage to your body, I speak complete health and restoration in Jesus' name. God is a God of restoration. Where the enemy comes in or a surgeon comes in and removes something or destroys something, including your finances, I speak restoration in Jesus' name in every area of your body. I speak the vision, that your vision of what God has called you to do to be restored, and with the vision in the spirit realm, the vision in the natural will be restored also. In the area of hearing that you'll be able to hear God more clearly than you've ever heard him before, that our ears will be inclined in his words. And Father, I speak that ears are opening up right now in the spirit realm and in the natural in Jesus' name. I speak health and wholeness to digestive systems, from the going in to the going out, in Jesus' name. Every function of the body that pertains to digestion, I speak total health and wholeness. Any residual effect from stress and trauma that has harbored itself and made itself home in your body, I command that to be gone in Jesus' name. Some of you I want you just to day, 'bye-bye, fibromyalgia. Bye-bye cancer. Bye-bye' and you will see that it is completely gone in your body. Restoration of broken ankles are being healed.

Sid Roth: Joan, I think that it's time for them to have the blood transfusion, but of the blood of Yeshua, the blood of Jesus.

Joan Hunter: Yes. Amen. Amen.