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Sid Roth - I Went to Heaven as a Nonbeliever. What I Saw Amazed Me

Sid Roth - I Went to Heaven as a Nonbeliever. What I Saw Amazed Me
Sid Roth - I Went to Heaven as a Nonbeliever. What I Saw Amazed Me

Sid Roth: Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Brooke Allsbrook was raised in a Jewish family in Long Island, living like most people, for self, but because of one dream, Jesus became the center of her life. I got to hear about this dream, Brooke.

Brooke Allsbrook: I had a dream where fire came down from heaven, and balls of fire, like, super-fast, it came, it was small, and then it got so big and vast, completely engulfing the entire surface. Came right for me, so it was right out of the sky, fast, and consumed me.

Sid Roth: In the dream, what did you feel when it came on you?

Brooke Allsbrook: Well, I could physically feel it penetrate my being, my body, and I convulsed in my sleep, I remember that. I remember the impact of what that fire felt like as it engulfed my body. And as I was lifted into a heavenly space, it was almost like layers of my life just started to peel away, like I could almost see my life flash before me. And little by little, just lifted into a heavenly space. And it was amazing. It was amazing. Came into a mansion, the most beautiful, ornate, beautiful place I had ever seen.

Sid Roth: Excuse me, did you have any paradigm for what heaven's supposed to look like?

Brooke Allsbrook: No, not at all. No understanding whatsoever.

Sid Roth: That's what I thought.

Brooke Allsbrook: And as I entered this heavenly space, I saw angels, and I didn't know that they were angels at the time, they just looked like glorified people, just so perfect, happy, beautiful, filled with joy. There was no yolk of bondage or oppression of any kind. They were totally free in every way. And I could feel the presence of a King, a presence of majesty. And it was like a signal to my spirit, to my soul, to recognize a King, to recognize and to bow down before a King. So I looked through the archways of this mansion, because there were no doors. It was just these giant archways. And they were so beautifully decorated with these ornate details, gilded gold moldings. And as you looked through, you could see the skyline of heaven, with hundreds of... it could be millions of mansion upon mansion upon mansion. And as I looked through the archway to the skyline, all the clouds came together to form the face of God.

Sid Roth: Hmm.

Brooke Allsbrook: No one said "God," no one said "Jesus," by my spirit bore witness to God's Spirit. And for the very first time, I identified as a child of God. And I knew that He was real, which I so frequently doubted.

Sid Roth: How many years ago was this?

Brooke Allsbrook: This was in 2006.

Sid Roth: And yet you're almost experiencing it, from what my observation says, you're almost experiencing it as if it was the first time when you're telling me.

Brooke Allsbrook: Well, you know what's wild about this, Sid? It's that so many times I've told this story, and have told it in a way where I have not experienced God's presence like I am actually feeling right now. So that is very much the Lord and His presence wanting this story to obviously be told, and for our audience, and yours.

Sid Roth: It's even more than that.

Brooke Allsbrook: Yeah.

Sid Roth: You are exuding the atmosphere that you picked up in heaven.

Brooke Allsbrook: Mmm.

Sid Roth: It's pouring out of you right now.

Brooke Allsbrook: You're going to make me cry.

Sid Roth: Well, I'm not going to make you cry, you're already crying.

Brooke Allsbrook: The Lord is making me.

Sid Roth: And then you kind of sealed everything. What happened?

Brooke Allsbrook: Yeah. Three days later, my best friend took me to a Billy Graham meeting in Brooklyn, New York, and that's where I sealed the deal.

Sid Roth: Oh, what a wonderful... so you could kind of almost put it together. A lot of Jewish people that I meet have encounters where they actually are taken to heaven, and it takes them years to put together what transpired. So God had you on fast forward. Now, after becoming a believer, you had a counterfeit dream. It's almost like, you know, the Bible says the devil comes to steal and kill and destroy what God has just done.

Brooke Allsbrook: That's right.

Sid Roth: I had things like that happen to me after. I absolutely had the most amazing supernatural encounter as a Jew to come to know Jesus, I had the devil try and steal it from me. What did he do to you?

Brooke Allsbrook: What he was showing me was that there was a very strong deception in the world, a counterfeit spirit, that sometimes looks like God and appears like God. But it's not God at all. So in the dream, I was a new believer at the time, and I was sharing my faith with my best friend, who was seeing a psychic. In the dream, we were in Jerusalem, and we were standing on... there was a backdrop just like this. And there was this really attractive, alluring man, like, standing close by, and he's exuding this just, like, almost magnetic pull. And my best friend is standing with him. And she's, like, "Brooke, Brooke! You have to come here and you have to see this". And I was, like, in my gut I knew that that was not for me. And he had these two stone tablets, and they were pointed outward toward the heavens. It almost was a representation of, like, Moses, like, it looked like God, like, an angel of light. And he was holding up these two stone tablets that sent out electric signals, electric waves, electricity that was just bouncing on top of the entire skyline of Jerusalem and beyond. And so I began to inch forward, and I began to take the stone tablet that he held out. And as I did, that same spirit of deception that permeated the entire skyline went into my body. And I was shocked with waves of the demonic. I had no grid for this, and I had no understanding. But it was like the Lord was showing me that there are counterfeits, there are people out there that can tell your future, that can read into your life. But it's not coming in the Spirit of God, and it's not for me, it's not for anyone. And you said it before, actually. You were, like, "God is a jealous God. He wants to speak to each and every one of us". But He does not want us to hear from someone else, He wants us to go to Him for these things.

Sid Roth: Now, when I became a brand new Jewish believer in the Messiah, I immediately told my mother. I didn't have the nerve to tell my father. But my father found out. Long story, which I won't take time to tell you, but the front page of a major newspaper in Washington, D.C. had a headline, "White Collar Jesus Freaks", and I was the first story. That's how my father found out I was a believer in Jesus.

Brooke Allsbrook: Oh, my gosh.

Sid Roth: How about you? What happened with your parents?

Brooke Allsbrook: You know, it was such a long process for us. I remember one time, I just cried, I wept to my parents. And I was just, like, "I just want us to be on the same page. I just want us to be connected". And my dad actually said to me, he said, "Well, maybe it's your job to bring us there". And ironically, when I told my father my dream, and I told him that Yeshua, Jesus, came to me in my dream, that I died in my dream and that I went to heaven, he said to me, "I believe you". "I believe you," he said, "because it happened to me, too".

Sid Roth: He would have never told you if you hadn't had that experience.

Brooke Allsbrook: He said he was with his buddies, traveling back from Europe, and he had a dream that Jesus came to him in his dream, and his buddies were, like, "Kenny, go back to sleep". Like, "You're on something. No. It's not real".

Sid Roth: Real briefly, what's your life like today? Are you married, do you have children?

Brooke Allsbrook: Oh, my gosh...

Sid Roth: What's going on?

Brooke Allsbrook: ...God has been so faithful. And I think this is another thing, like, with my parents becoming believers. They have seen the goodness of God flow in my life, and just create amazing situations for me that I've never, I could never have come up with on my own. The way God brought my husband into my life, who is so amazing. He's amazing. And my four beautiful children, the congregation that we're a part of, and how He just kind of provided, just miraculously in so many ways, I mean, every day. But He's just provided for us. I think this, too, has just opened my parents up to be, like, "This could only be God".

Sid Roth: Well, people worldwide are getting progressively desperate.

Brooke Allsbrook: That's true.

Sid Roth: Do you see this as the beginning of a great spiritual awakening?

Brooke Allsbrook: I do. I absolutely do. I have friends that are just saying to me regularly now, "I'm praying, praying, praying," you know, people that I have never even talked to about God are saying, "I'm praying". And I think God is bringing us to a place of desperation. But here's the thing, Sid. What happened on October 7th, those terrible, barbaric acts of violence against our people, we are seeing sin, it's like the veil is being pulled back, and we are seeing sin revealed like we have never seen before. It is just percolating. It is percolating. And people see it. Believers, non-believers, like, it's clear. It's in plain daylight. The rise of anti-Semitism that we're seeing on college campuses, to even the shifts of support of Israel in the world... in big and little ways, the world is seeing what is happening. And it is so dark, and it is so ugly.

Sid Roth: I see it as just a setup by God for everyone to see the distinguishing thing between evil and good, whether they believe in Jesus or not.

Brooke Allsbrook: Absolutely. Absolutely. But I feel like we're coming into a time when, to your point, there is going to be a great spiritual awakening. It's happening right now. It's happening right now. I feel even in my own personal prayer life, and this is not just for me, this is an encouragement for all believers, that God wants to so specifically speak to our lives, speak to our hearts, and in preparation for what's to come. We are going to face some really heavy-duty times. We're going to experience an outpouring of the presence of God, but it's not going to come without persecution. And we have to be ready. We have to be able to discern His voice in the midst of chaos, confusion, anxiety, fear. And right now, Jewish people around the world, and just in general, they are gripped with the magnitude of the evil that we're being faced with as a people. And...

Sid Roth: It's so sudden though, most, the White House, the colleges, I mean, all of a sudden this anti-Semitism reared up. I can't imagine it being any different than pre-Hitler Germany. Are you aware, the voice you're hearing may not be your friend? Be right back.

Sid Roth: Brooke, you say everyone can have a prophetic voice. What do you mean by that?

Brooke Allsbrook: It is our destiny. It is every person's destiny that they, and God's will for them, that we be able to hear and discern His voice. And in Joel 2:22 to 32, it talks about, and even Peter on the day of Shavuot, talked about, sighted this Scripture, about God, there being a day when "God would pour out His Spirit, and that we would be able to prophesy". And I think honestly, we tend to think that prophesy is just the foretelling of the future. It's not. And I'm not claiming to be that at all. I'm saying each one of us has the inheritance from God, when we believe in Yeshua and we have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, we are able to hear clearly from the Lord. And He wants us to. That is His desire for us, that each and every person would be able to hear from heaven what God has perfectly designed for him.

Sid Roth: You say there are many voices in the world.

Brooke Allsbrook: Yeah.

Sid Roth: Explain that.

Brooke Allsbrook: Like, I just feel like we're bombarded by our own thinking and the influence that we get from television, media, books, social... it's all around us. It's just pervasive.

Sid Roth: Most people are addicted to the news. Addicted!

Brooke Allsbrook: Truth. Absolutely. And that's an interesting point. I feel like so many people I know, too, it's first to their phones, and information. Unbelief is going to block us. And we have to choose to believe that the Word of God is true, and that is the ultimate authority. And when we fully align with that and submit our will, then we are able to come into agreement with God's Spirit and our spirit. They can converge together. When we believe with our whole heart, and then all of that has to be filtered through the Word of God, which God gives us. He gives us the minds of Messiah.

Sid Roth: Brooke, if we want to share the good news, should we use what's known as "long-term friendship evangelism"? What do you suggest?

Brooke Allsbrook: Yes, and no, because...

Sid Roth: That's such a Jewish answer!

Brooke Allsbrook: Right. I know. I know. I mean, ultimately I would love to grow in this area, and I'm sure there are many out there, too, who want to do more prophetic evangelism. But I think that is so wonderful when we befriend people, and we don't shove the gospel down their face, and we don't just say, "Oh, you have to believe, you have to believe", no. It's a testimony, it's a living... your life is a living testimony. So I just see it as building friendships. Eventually you can speak into their life.

Sid Roth: You said, and most people would agree with you, "God has an answer".

Brooke Allsbrook: Yeah.

Sid Roth: The answer their heart is crying for, the answer your heart is crying for. It's because God is so filled with love.

Brooke Allsbrook: Yeah.

Sid Roth: We are in between two moves of the Spirit of God, the last and the next. I believe the next will be the greatest move of God's Spirit in history.

Brooke Allsbrook: Yes.

Sid Roth: I believe the next will be so transformative that entire cities are going to surrender to Jesus.

Brooke Allsbrook: Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Yeah.

Sid Roth: These encampments at the universities, the inmates of the asylum are running right now, the glory...

Brooke Allsbrook: Thank you, Lord.

Sid Roth: ...the Greater Glory.

Brooke Allsbrook: Hallelujah.

Sid Roth: The magnificent Glory of God is going to sweep over them, sweep over the universities, the high schools, the junior highs, the elementary schools, even the kindergartens...

Brooke Allsbrook: Yes, Lord.

Sid Roth: ...even in your homes.

Brooke Allsbrook: Hallelujah.

Sid Roth: Even in your mark in place. Even in your work...

Brooke Allsbrook: Hallelujah.

Sid Roth:'s going to just sweep like a cloud. And when it sweeps upon someone...

Brooke Allsbrook: Yes, Lord.

Sid Roth: ...they could be an ardent atheist pointing their finger at God, and they're going to say, "I'm sorry, God," because they're going to repent because they've come into the presence...

Brooke Allsbrook: Yes!

Sid Roth: ...of the living God.

Brooke Allsbrook: Hallelujah!

Sid Roth: They'll have no choice to be flat, but to be flat on their face.

Brooke Allsbrook: Come on! Yes.

Sid Roth: That's what we're coming into. And God wants you to be a leader in this. And the way you're going to be a leader in this, it's really easy.

Brooke Allsbrook: Yes.

Sid Roth: You first have God not on the outside, but inside of you.

Brooke Allsbrook: Yes.

Sid Roth: Doesn't that make more sense? You can't drive a car so well from the outside. You have to be inside the car. God has to and wants to, and you desire Him to be inside of you.

Brooke Allsbrook: Yeah.

Sid Roth: I want you, even if you've said a prayer like this before, make it a rededication of your life. Say this out loud with me: "Dear God, I've made so many mistakes for which I'm so sorry. I'm so grateful for the Blood of Jesus. The Blood of Jesus has washed away every sin. I have no past. You've erased it from the Book of Life. And I'm clean. It's so good to be clean. I have no past. Only a wonderful future. Jesus, come inside of me. I make you my Lord and Savior. Amen".

Sid Roth: Now I happen to know something about you, studio audience and viewing audience. So if you have a problem of pain in your head, neck, back, throat, anywhere in your body, anywhere, whether I've said it or not, I would like you right now to do the easiest thing you ever did in your life. It's harder to go see a doctor, have x-rays, EKGs and all these tests that you have, that's a little more difficult. I am going to make it easy for you. If you have a pain in your back, stand up right now and bend over and see if it's gone. Studio audience, you have a pain in your neck, you know what you do? I didn't call you a pain in the neck, but just move your head. You at home, come on, now. I'm looking at you, too.

Brooke Allsbrook: Yes.

Sid Roth: There are people that have arthritis in their hands and their fingers and wrists. Come on now, move into your healing. And your elbows, if I could see it, I would see a healing angel walking throughout our audience right now, and now the healing angel is not confined to our studio. They're right where you are right now in your home, and you just thank God for your healing. "But I don't feel like I'm healed", big deal, without faith, you can't please God. Faith calls those things that are not as if they are. You hear a Word a God. I just spoke the Word from the living God. Now it's up to you to act by faith in Yeshua's Name.

Brooke Allsbrook: Yes. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Sid Roth: I'll tell you this. Healing physically is absolutely wonderful, but knowing Jesus is the best.