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Sid Roth - An Angel Appears in My Car! Then a Policeman Stops Us

Sid Roth - An Angel Appears in My Car! Then a Policeman Stops Us

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural! As we move into end times, human options will dwindle. We must learn to partner with the angels. And Ron Phillips, you're the most unlikely person to be speaking about the definitive understanding of angels. But you've had experiences with angels, especially with protection from car accidents. Tell me about one of them.

Ron Phillips: That's right. I had gone to speak on top of a mountain, a hill in north Alabama. My wife warned me when I left the lowlands, she said, 'you shouldn't go, it's going to be snowing up there'.

Sid Roth: We have to learn to listen to our wives.

Ron Phillips: Well, God gave me a wife warning, but he sent an angel with me and the meeting was closed early, I came out, saw an old farmer who offered to help me, so God sent two and then had to send an angel. But I started down that hill in ice and the car started to 360 and the road was narrow. There is nothing between me and about 800, 900 feet down. And the car stopped on that edge. When I tried to get the car to move, it just skidded. And I really got frightened and I said, 'Lord, help me'. And I heard a voice say, 'your angel will help you'. And I kept this quiet for many years being a...

Sid Roth: I'm sure.

Ron Phillips: Being a Baptist and I said, 'okay, angel, please help me'.

Sid Roth: Now, now you have to understand, this man is a southern Baptist, he taught against speaking in unknown languages, he taught against all the charismatic gifts that they were all, they all ceased to be. So, now he has an experience, but you haven't even heard it yet, but I've heard it, so you better let them hear it.

Ron Phillips: Well, God was beginning to shake my tree, such, sort of speak. And so, all of a sudden I saw a glow out on the right front fender of the car, it turned, it righted itself on the road, it never slipped again. And nearly down there, the glow moved from there to almost a figure, a glowing figure sitting in the car with me. And I thought, thank you God, or I'm losing my mind, I mean. And I'm almost, I get to the mountain and it says interstate 59 in north Alabama, and they barracked it so no one can up that road and there was a state trooper there and he sees me coming and I'm the only nut coming down the road. He says, 'how did you come off that, out of that ice'? And I said, 'well, God helped me and he said, 'will you be safe going home'? And then he looked in the car and said, 'Ya'll be safe'.

Sid Roth: But you were alone.

Ron Phillips: I was alone, he saw the angel.

Sid Roth: Now, now that is confirmation. When a lawmen says, speaks to two people.

Ron Phillips: Absolutely. I was stunned, Sid, driving the rest of the way home, but it was the beginning of 10 or 12 years of God's efforts to pull an old ultra fundamentalist guy that believed all the gifts had ceased and that God didn't really speak today, and you know, we have the Bible and...

Sid Roth: Okay, 1989...

Ron Phillips: Yes.

Sid Roth: A woman speaks. Something about that woman got to you deep. And you go to your room that night and what happened?

Ron Phillips: I was in my room, about midnight I heard my name called audibly. Now this wasn't supposed to happen it was like that angel thing.

Sid Roth: But it's in the Bible, but you thought it ceased.

Ron Phillips: Ya. Just like Eli told Samuel, after the third time, I was awakened by this voice calling my first name. I said, 'speak Lord, your servant hearing'. And God began to speak to me and he told me clearly and he told me in English. He said read your Psalms for today. It was the 19th day of the month, I read Psalm 91-95, the verse is about the secret place. And then I got to Psalm 92:10, thou shall be anointed with fresh oil. And the holy, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. He hit me like a bolt of lightning, like an earthquake, I shook, I went out. I didn't know about being slain in the spirit or what the New Testament calls ecstasis, ecstasy. But I'd gone into this and I woke up 3 hours later and there was something pouring out of me. I've learned later, was tongues. I didn't think it was supposed to be happening but it was.

Sid Roth: The thing that you, the thing that he used to speak against, he's now speaking in a supernatural language that he's never been taught.

Ron Phillips: And, but i, immediately when I got conscious I stopped. And I didn't try to do it anymore even though I know some people, charismatics that were already in my church walked up to me grinning and I didn't say a word, and said, 'something's happened to you, hadn't it'? And Phil Driscall the trumpeter...

Sid Roth: Yes.

Ron Phillips: ...He came to do a meeting and he pulled me a side and he said,'take your time telling this story and you won't split your church'. And that's true. We had some people leave across the years. But I'm one of the few that, it's still a Baptist church but charismatic and that were still there.

Sid Roth: But wait, wait, wait, wait. I know what charismatic churches are. Yours is not charismatic, you left charismatic years ago. You are in the stratosphere. I mean he literally has angel that is right next to him when he speaks. And as a matter of fact, as you were talking about angels right now, I have to tell you I actually started shaking, there must have be an angel in this studio.

Ron Phillips: There's angel here. There's one behind me who goes with me. You know the Bible, God said you'll hear a voice behind you saying this is the way, walk in in it, and when David said, 'surely goodness and mercy follow me'. You know, I believe there are angels before us to prepare a way, but they're also behind us, they're our rear guard. And Hebrews 1:14 Sid, says that God sent the angels to be servants, ministers unto all those who are heirs of salvation as a joint heir of Jesus Christ. Listen, when the human being, before he comes to Christ is made up of a little lower than the angels. But when you come to Christ, you move from that realm into being a joint heir with Jesus Christ. At that moment, the same angels that serve, served our Lord in his earthly body to strengthen him, now come around his new body, the church to serve us.

Sid Roth: Now, you understand angels like a few people that I know. He understands the scriptures, he's a scholar of the Greek and he has put together the most biblical understanding of how to partner with the angels. And Ron, that was a quote of yours that I said earlier...

Ron Phillips: Yes.

Sid Roth: We must learn how to partner with the angels. Be right back after this word and look very carefully, you may just see an angel.

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with Ron Phillips and during the commercial break, Ron, you started laughing, why?

Ron Phillips: The joy angel's here. He's on the right here. The anointing of joy comes, this started in our church about, really about 91'.

Sid Roth: You must have gone up to Toronto or...

Ron Phillips: No.

Sid Roth: Rodney Howard brown...

Ron Phillips: No.

Sid Roth: No?

Ron Phillips: It was years later I met those men. And not to Brownsville, I went, I preached at Brownsville toward the end of the Brownsville awakening, but...

Sid Roth: So, this was just a sovereign thing that happened at your church?

Ron Phillips: Ya, and see we had people fall out in the spirit and we didn't have catchers because we didn't know you were supposed to have one. We, we, everything that's happened in the manifestations of the Holy Spirit happened, and I was legalist that I wrote a book called 'awakened by the spirit' where I chronicled every manifestation of the spirit from scripture and from church history. That they weren't, this wasn't new, these weren't new things that were going on.

Sid Roth: Now tell me about this joy angel. He's like a, he's at, is he at every service?

Ron Phillips: Every service.

Sid Roth: He's at a particular spot and when people walk to that spot, what happens?

Ron Phillips: They get tickled. We had a young lady from lee university becuase this, the angel just dominates the right side of the building as I face the audience on my right. And we had 4 young ladies, church of God girls that joined our church from lee university, they're from out of town, just started. And this little girl with very curly hair, she came up and she just started laughing. And I said, 'what's going on'? And she said, ' something touched me on the back'. And I knew that angel was there and that was the first week she came. So last week, she comes back and joins, her and 4 other friends and the minute she walked in, there on the right, I always have the visitors come and gather on the right side because I don't want them to be sad when they leave a service at our church! And without fail, there's just a happy happiness there and a joy there that comes.

Sid Roth: Now, another thing that intrigues me about him is, he understands how important worship is. But in his congregation, he hears his congregation worship, but what else do you hear?

Ron Phillips: We hear the angels. Many people, where Paul said, 'i will sing with the understanding, but I will sing with the spirit. And then Ephesians 5:18, be filled with the spirit, speaking to yourself in Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. When we begin to move beyond the page or the notes printed on the wall and the songs that we have planned to sing, God begins to introduce his rhythms and music in our hearts and in our spirits and you will hear it, almost like a Gregorian chant just begin to wave across the congregation.

Sid Roth: You, you literally hear the angels worshiping.

Ron Phillips: Yes, I hear them, I hear it. It sounds like music and water running at the same time.

Sid Roth: Let me ask you this because I have seen some angels, I sense their presence, but I have friends that see angels and they say that when someone has a personal angel, that angel just walks around them as they're speaking...

Ron Phillips: That's right.

Sid Roth: ...Or if someone's dancing and dancing in worship, you see the angels in a circle around the people doing the same thing.

Ron Phillips: I believe that, yes, with all my heart. There's joy in the presence of the angels over one sinner that repents and so the angels that are with us, we talk about, well there's joy in heaven, but it says joy in the presence of the angels, it doesn't say heaven there in that particular verse. So, when the church is worshipping, when the word is going forth in power and angels obey the word, Psalm 103:21 says, they hark unto the voice of his word, King James version. Or really the Hebrew is and you know this, it is as the word is voiced, the angels respond to that word. So when we're, when we're walking in God and people are repenting, the angels take joy and so they enjoy the worship with us, they take joy when the change comes because these angels are older than time and they saw what rebellion did to the of their host, they don't want that to happen to us or again and they want, they take joy when we make the right move.

Sid Roth: Now many of my friends tell me there is a great increase in the number of angels interacting with humans today.

Ron Phillips: It is tremendous, it's huge. If you, and I challenge you Sid, the next time you go and talk about the Messiah, ask your congregation how many of you do feel like you're protected or had an access or an interaction with angels. A few years ago, you might have got a tenth of the people, it will be the majority today and most spirit filled congregation and even in the evangelical world, because I still preach across the lines into that world, I find the activity enormous, it's tremendous.

Sid Roth: But there's a flip side.

Ron Phillips: Yup.

Sid Roth: There is an increase in activity of the demonic and one thing I find...

Ron Phillips: Exactly

Sid Roth: ...Very interesting to me is after you have this encounter with this, being filled with the Spirit of God, speaking in a supernatural language, you went out and you cast demons out of people. Would ever in your wildest imagination thought you'd do that?

Ron Phillips: Didn't want to! I was minding my own business at my church and got a call from the hospital, from the head. A Presbyterian guy who was a psychologist, or psychiatrist and he said, 'would you come down here, we have one of your members'? Two of her friends had committed suicide and they'd gotten into a witchcraft pact. They killed themselves and she didn't do it, she planned to do it in the hospital. And they wanted me to come down there and I didn't know what I was doing. So I got a friend, a Pentecostal friend and another staff member to go with me. We sat down in the room and the woman, a man's voice came out of this woman's mouth cursing me, and so we just took authority like Jesus. We cast 13 demons out of her.

Sid Roth: But you've never done, you didn't even think this was possible...

Ron Phillips: No!

Sid Roth: How did you do that?

Ron Phillips: Just the power of God.

Sid Roth: I'll tell you what, talking about the power of God, you're going to really see the power of God when we come back after this break because Ron heard from God a particular way to pray for you. Yes, for you. We'll be right back in a moment.

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with Ron Phillips, and Ron you told me just before you published your new book, you had a visitation from an angel and this angel identified himself. What was his name?

Ron Phillips: His name was noble.

Sid Roth: And tell me what he looked like in the circumstances.

Ron Phillips: He was tall, had a dark, I think a Middle Eastern look to him, Jewish, even though you're not that dark. Most of the time, most the people I met...

Sid Roth: That's the polish side of my family.

Ron Phillips: Oh, I see. And golden hair, he had to bend his head under a 9 foot ceiling and you know, you and I talked about this. And some might say, well was it a dream? Well, if it was a dream, it got me down to my study, down the next floor, because he asked me to go there. And that's when he told me they were going to defend my reputation that we'd been attacked, called a cult that, you know, in my own denomination among other things and that was over. And that a season of favor had come and he'd come to bring that season of favor. And right before he left, he said, my name is noble and I want to tell you when you have a manifestation that strong, you don't feel tired. When they're around you, it's like you've been plugged into something. That's the only way I can explain it. There was an alertness that came up on me...

Sid Roth: Ron, give us a few clues on how to activate angels.

Ron Phillips: First of all, angels are activated by faith. When the children of Israel were crossing Egypt, an angel went before them because they believed they were going somewhere, that's 1. Number 2 is the Word of God. You know, you can say to this mountain, when you speak to the difficulties in your life, by faith, glory to God and somebody needs to do that today. Angels immediately respond to the obedient, repentant believer who speaks forth the word and the promises of God.

Sid Roth: There's probably nothing stronger.

Ron Phillips: Nothing stronger than that and by the way, on the contrary, your wrong words, you can go to Ecclesiastes. He says, 'don't tell the angel you didn't mean to say it'. I mean the book of Ecclesiastes says the angels will destroy the works of your hands and some of you got up this morning and said, I'm sick or something and the devil heard it and demons heard it and the angels heard it and you need to be careful what comes out of your mouth. Let the promises of God, let your yeah be yeah and your nay be nay and let the right words come out. Three is prayer. And if, when you go to the Book of Revelation 5, Revelation 8, the altar of incense where the angels are, it represents in the ancient tabernacle, you know this, the prayers of the saints. And it's, the angels convey our prayers, in their hands, to the father. So we don't pray to angels, the Colossian church got into that heresy and had to be corrected. We pray to the to the Lord Jesus, our Messiah, to Yahweh, our God and our Heavenly Father by the power of the Holy Spirit and since our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, when the word and worship and prayer begin to roll out of our spirit, angels begin to move just like they did when Isaiah was in the holy of holies because there is no veil between us now. And the, glory to God, I feel him here right now and the angels will begin to move and stir and cry holy and they, their activated that way in your life. And finally, something I discovered after I was filled with the Holy Spirit, they move on miracle ground where kingdom operation is going on. So though I speak with the tongues of men or of angels, their tongues, their dialects the heavenly language, the prayer language, that's just one part of it. But when we begin to believe in the supernatural, they show up because they're not interested in unbelief, they're not interested in rebellion, they're not interested in the gossip and the wrong words of men but they love the Messiah. They gather, they strengthen him, they love him. And when we love him and when walk with him, they operate in our lives.

Sid Roth: Now for everyone, and you can do this right now if you haven't, that has told God they're sorry for their sins and believe the blood of Yeshua, the blood of Jesus washes away their sins and then ask the Messiah to live inside of them and become their Lord. Ron is going to briefly pray a supernatural prayer for you right now that you be as filled with the Spirit of God as he is and you will, by the way, be able to speak in supernatural languages. Would you?

Ron Phillips: Yes, right now, bow your head with me. Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Yeshua, the name of our Messiah, the baptizer of the Holy Spirit, the one that fills us the one that gives us. I ask right now Lord, that the supernatural presence come into the room by everyone who's watching. And father, I pray that the angelic activity will begin to whirl around about them. They'll sense your powerful presence. And Lord I pray right now that you will fill them with the Holy Spirit of the living God. Let them confess, out of your mouth right now, say, 'my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit'. Say right now, 'there are angels operating in the temple of my life'.

Sid Roth: There are angels operating in the temple of my life.

Ron Phillips: Yes, right now. And so, Lord, right now, I ask that you command these angels to bring in my harvest, to help me on my healing, to give me direction, to protect the resources that are behind me and before me. And Lord to help them walk before me in all the ways of my life. Now right now, I believe some of you are receiving, you see the prayer language is tongues of men and of angels. God can give you a dialect that's on the earth, he can give you a dialect or both, but he is going to give you a supernatural language that will build you up, that will strengthen you. You say, well how can I do that pastor Ron? God's not going to jerk your mouth, you have to move your lips, but the utterance will come out of your spirit. The spirit will give you utterance, just begin to move, it will sound a little strange, but the flow will begin and it's happening for someone. And Lord, also the Fruit of the Spirit is love, yes, but joy, let the joy angels begin to come around and let the bells ring and let the music begin in the heart of someone right now. Let them know the Holy Spirit is with them, but also angels are with them, they're not alone. In Jesus' name, amen.

Sid Roth: Well I don't know what's happening to you, but I can tell you what's happening to me.

Ron Phillips: Whoa!

Sid Roth: There is such a presence of God that my body can't take it. It's literally trembling. As a matter of fact, Ron, I'm not sure why this happens, but many times when the presence of God gets this strong, my lips start to tremble.

Ron Phillips: Oh yes.

Sid Roth: It maybe it's, maybe I'm supposed to be speaking in supernatural languages.

Ron Phillips: Well, I think, well with stammering, with trembling lips and stammering tongue I will speak to these people. The prophecy in Isaiah, quoted in 1 Corinthians 14, and he says, 'this is the rest, with which I will rest you'. And angels want us to rest and tongues bring rest to your spirit. Angels bring strength and rest to your life. In fact that word serve, that they're sent to serve you, it comes from two Greek words laos ergon, people work and ergon is to make work easier, ergonomics makes things more comfortable. Angels are here to help you work smarter, to take the weariness out of your life, to add joy to it. And you know, I've always got a grin on my face because I don't care where I am, I'm never alone.

Sid Roth: You know what I believe? This angel by the name of noble that has come to visit you and has turned the gossip and the disfavor into favor...

Ron Phillips: That's right.

Sid Roth: I believe that there are many people that are watching us right now that these angels are going to turn your life around, just like Ron's has been turned around...

Ron Phillips: That's right.

Sid Roth: With favor. I love the name of that angel. Noble.

Ron Phillips: That was the shocking thing, because no angel has ever told me their name and I was afraid to almost say that, but it's such a powerful thing that, that there is a nobility to those of us who have Jesus as our Messiah. We're not junk, we're not the accident of evolution, we're not throw away, we're a part of an eternal plan and these beings who live before time...

Sid Roth: And they're ready to flood and invade your home.

Ron Phillips: Yes.

Sid Roth: Right now! Right now.