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Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Hear This Sound

Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Hear This Sound
TOPICS: Healing

Sid Roth: Hello! Sid Roth! Welcome to my world where it's 'naturally supernatural'! My guest, Alyosha Ryabinov, has been a guest previously. The last time he was on this show, Alyosha, I've never gotten reports like this before but we actually had someone blind get their eyesight.

Alyosha Ryabinov: Yeah. That's correct!

Sid Roth: I know. That's pretty... Wait a minute. Correct? I mean you're so mellow! I mean I would be 'got their eyesight blind'!

Alyosha Ryabinov: Yeah, very exciting! The person is driving today!

Sid Roth: For those that aren't familiar with you, Alyosha is Jewish. Born in Kiev. And Alyosha, at what, about age 6 because you come from a long line of musicians, you started studying the piano and got to the point where as you got older how many hours a day did you practice?

Alyosha Ryabinov: Ah, about 6 to 8!

Sid Roth: How did you do that?

Alyosha Ryabinov: Well I had a grandmother that was 'clocking'. Yeah.

Sid Roth: And as far as you had no understanding of your Jewishness but you did take a college course on atheism and that taught you the opposite.

Alyosha Ryabinov: Well the only thing I knew about being Jewish was that I was born to a Jewish family ethnically. But in college and in school we were required to study atheism. And it's interesting because when people ask me where did you learn about God in the first place? I would say the first people that taught me about God were atheists. They have to explain to you who doesn't exist!

Sid Roth: Well you've got a point there! And so you reached a point as you were getting higher education you saw that there was fewer and fewer opportunities in those years for a Jewish person and so you wanted to go to the U.S. It was near impossible and you decided to pray to this God you learned about from your course on atheism.

Alyosha Ryabinov: That's correct. I wanted to pray to God because I knew no one can help me and I didn't know if God existed but I wanted to try him. And so I went to pray to God and ended up in church. I knew nothing about church either. But I saw this image of Jesus. And I said well some people call him God. So I said to him 'Jesus, if you're God, make it possible for us to leave'! And then I left the church and maybe a week or two passed and we received permission to leave. Immigrate.

Sid Roth: Did you attribute it that God answered your prayer or what'd you think really?

Alyosha Ryabinov: Well not right away but I began to think about it.

Sid Roth: Okay. You get to the U.S. you investigate your Jewish identity. And your sister has an experience, who's also Jewish, has an experience with Jesus and what did you think about that?

Alyosha Ryabinov: Well first I wondered if it's all right for a Jew to believe but then I wasn't educated at all and my sister brought a lot of literature home which I began to read and I began to be impressed you know with what I read.

Sid Roth: And of course the Bible says a Jew requires a sign so Alyosha asked for a sign! What happened?

Alyosha Ryabinov: Yeah. I was in my bedroom. It was dark. The sun didn't come up yet. And suddenly the bright light came into the room! It was astounding! It stood there for a few moments. I knew it was supernatural!

Sid Roth: Could it have been a streetlight?

Alyosha Ryabinov: No. I actually I got up to see the car pass but there was no noise. There was no sound. Nothing! I now believe that there was a supernatural sight from God because in scriptures God is light and God was going to present himself to me.

Sid Roth: Okay. And then your sister starts a Bible study right in your home. You attend and the teacher says to you 'do you want to make Jesus your Messiah and Lord'? And of course you were ready to say no, but what happened?

Alyosha Ryabinov: I was gonna say no but instead to my own surprise it came out 'yes'.

Sid Roth: Why? You're too logical, Alyosha!

Alyosha Ryabinov: I am but I guess the power of God supersedes the logic! I had to think about it for a while. Why did I say yes?

Sid Roth: And then for a season you down piano even though you won all these competitions in Kiev and Ukraine. And why did you put music down?

Alyosha Ryabinov: I felt it was a lot of work! A lot of practice that I had to do in order to just to do a 2 hour concert. It didn't seem rewarding to me. And God started to change something in my heart. I really wanted to pursue him so I laid music on the altar for a few years.

Sid Roth: And you went to Bible college and you met a Jewish believer who you married, Jody.

Alyosha Ryabinov: Yes.

Sid Roth: And you went to Israel and you had a few miracles when the two of you went to Israel!

Alyosha Ryabinov: Oh that's correct. I've seen several miracles. I saw healings. A boy got healed of epilepsy. But at the same time it was in Israel that when God began to, God filled me with his spirit, with his spirit in Israel. And I began to have a desire to create music for God's glory.

Sid Roth: And he had an encounter with the love of God that moved his music from the realm of top professional to filled with the presence and spirit and miracle-working power of God! Don't go away! We'll hear Alyosha play the piano in the next segment. Be right back!

Sid Roth: Hello! Sid Roth here with Alyosha and Jody Ryabinov. And Alyosha, the Messiah says constantly speak out loud. And there's something so powerful about the spoken Word of God. Why is 'sound' so important to God?

Alyosha Ryabinov: Well first of all, God created the whole world with the sound of his voice! But also on the physical realm the light and music or light and sound is the same physical reality. It just operates on different frequencies. So the scripture says in 1st John 'God is light' that means that God is music! God is sound and he penetrates everything that's in this universe. There's no place where he is not! So I believe everything's made out of sound. Everything resonates.

Sid Roth: And what about the frequencies and the vibrations? Explain that.

Alyosha Ryabinov: Well frequencies begin in the second verse of the 1st chapter of Genesis and where it said the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. When you take that word 'merahephet' and bring it to the root 'rahaph' at the root level the meaning of the word means 'to shake and vibrate'. So as there was darkness. Everything was without form and the first application to the problem with the work of the spirit when God set up his frequencies and then God began to speak and he said 'let there be light'!

Sid Roth: What is the highest frequency?

Alyosha Ryabinov: I believe the highest frequency is God himself and God is love so love is the highest frequency.

Sid Roth: And that's why the Messiah talked so much and when miracles happen and you read about the compassion of the Messiah, the love being poured out into an individual. Jody, you've done some research on the Hebrew language and get this! When you get the Word of God, when you get the Hebrew language together and when you get love together you're moving in the highest anointing of heaven and earth and under the earth. It just, it will literally change the molecules, it'll literally cause a mountain to move! What have you found out about the Hebrew language? It really is a supernatural language!

Jody Ryabinov: It is totally supernatural, sid! We discovered a man by the name of Hans Jenny who was a swiss scientist and he was doing research back oh maybe 20-30 years ago and he took different languages and he actually developed a machine called the 'tonoscope'. And through this machine he would put different languages and to see how the sound would affect matter from different languages. There were only 2 languages at that time that he discovered that had an impact on matter, on molecules. He took sand, water, different mediums and he found that one language that is still in existence today which is Hebrew had an impact on that matter! Actually when the words would be spoken according to his writings and his research that actually the 'nekudot' or the 'vowel points' would actually be imprinted right into the sand!

Sid Roth: That is really supernatural!

Jody Ryabinov: That is supernatural! So we found that you know out of all the languages we really wanna use Hebrew more. We wanna understand Hebrew. I believe that God spoke the world into existence and he must understand Hebrew! It's the whole first part of our scriptures, our, our, in Hebrew...

Sid Roth: Well you know many people speculate since Hebrew is one of the purest languages that was ever written that in heaven the language that we'll be speaking will be Hebrew! What do you think about that?

Jody Ryabinov: I think that's right! We're gonna start studying now! How's that?

Alyosha Ryabinov: May I say something?

Jody Ryabinov: Yeah.

Alyosha Ryabinov: See the very first word that God spoke in Hebrew was translated 'let there be light'. In Hebrew he said 'yehi or'. And he released the sound of 'breath'. 'yehI'. I think he spoke the universe into existence in Hebrew! With Hebrew sounds! That's my opinion.

Sid Roth: Well you're entitled to your opinion but it sure makes a lot of sense to me! I want you to hear right now Alyosha. Now he is a master concert pianist. I mean he's studied. He's paid the price. But he had an experience that we'll be talking about in the next segment that totally revolutionized his life! He moves in such supernatural love as he plays the piano and when you hear the Word of God and when you hear it in Hebrew and when you hear that highest frequency of love coming through the piano get ready to have every molecule in your body change! Alyosha, from his cd, 'the Lord is my healer'.

Sid Roth: Hello! Sid Roth here with Alyosha and jody ryabinov. And we were talking during the break about fear. Alyosha, what does the Bible say is the solution for people that are so fearful?

Alyosha Ryabinov: Well the scripture says that perfect love casts out all fear! So the solution is to learn to experience God's love.

Sid Roth: And jody, from your research on fear what does this do to the body, the physical body?

Jody Ryabinov: Fear is probably, Sid, one of the most major things that impact the human body today. Fear, sadness, sorrow, but fear would be on the top, definitely. What happens is we have a center in the brain called the 'amygdala' that senses and perceives fear. Sends then a signal to the rest of the body. The cells, the glands, the organs all pick it up. You have blood pressure problems. You have all kinds of issues with, with just fear alone. I mean we could just sit all day and name them. But what happens is is that there is only one way to dismantle that fear that we know of and that we know that perfect love casts out fear. It's, it's something that we must come into, a place a deep security with the Lord.

Sid Roth: And, and you know what? This, this love most people understand the definition of love as an action but Alyosha experienced God's love as a emotional experience that revolutionized his life. Alyosha, tell me about that big man that was hunting for you to hug you!

Alyosha Ryabinov: See until I met that big man the love of God was a theological concept for me. I didn't feel really close to God. I knew that he loved me but I went to that school that jack frost started and it was 1 month long and there was this man there. He didn't teach much but he was very kind and he was big! And he would sneak behind you and he would just grab you and catch you into his arms and he would begin to bless you. And he did it to me and I was startled and I said wait a minute! I'm not used to be so close to a man so I tried to escape but he was big and strong and I'm small and I couldn't do it. I was stuck and I was pinned against his bosom and he began to bless me. And he would say 'father, I pray that you would release all the love that he missed growing up'. And suddenly I felt like my father blessed me, like my Heavenly Father blessed me but also my earthly father blessed me. You see my father died when I was 5 years old so I don't remember blessing from him and now I had a blessing from the father. And it's amazing because I believe that the bosom of the father was imparted into me and scripture says that Jesus came from the bosom of the father and he said that 'i know where I came from and I know where I'm going to'. A very powerful place. And the other thing that I felt these arms that were holding me. There's a supernatural hug in the book of Deuteronomy and it says 'our God is our refuge but underneath are everlasting arms' and there is a hug that imparts the supernatural arms of the father.

Sid Roth: You wept for how long after that?

Alyosha Ryabinov: After that I cried for 25 days.

Sid Roth: And you weren't someone that cries easily.

Alyosha Ryabinov: No. I was...

Sid Roth: You're very stoic.

Alyosha Ryabinov: I was taught men don't cry. Men don't show emotions but see our father is very emotional. As a matter of fact the 'Fruit of the Spirit,' love, joy and peace those are emotions of God!

Sid Roth: How would you like the love of God to fill you with what you've missed because you had imperfect parents? How would you like God himself to put his arms around you and hug you? Alyosha, I believe that you could pray and just extend your arms in the spirit and people's lives would be as transformed as yours was.

Alyosha Ryabinov: I just wanna put my arms around you and the father wants to speak to you. And the father would say to you 'my son, my daughter, I just want you to know how much you are loved and I want to fill every part of you that is longing for my presence. I wanna release all the love that you missed growing up and I wanna bless you and I wanna release the blessing that I gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that is now a part of your inheritance and I want to tell you that you belong to me! You belong in my family! You belong in my kingdom and you're never gonna get second-class! I bless you to know my love and I want to heal you, your whole being in Yeshua's name'!

Sid Roth: Oh, I don't know about the two of you. No, I do know about the two of you. There is a release of such 'shalom'! That's the only word I can come up with! Such peace that I believe that when you hear Alyosha play the piano, and Alyosha if you would go to the piano right now, I want him to play a selection from 'fear not'. And as that prayer imparted something very special to you, imparted the love of God to you and I believe as you hear Alyosha impart more of the love of God through the music, the Word of God and in English and in Hebrew that as he does this I believe from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes your very cells will change! The life of God will just manifest and there is nothing evil, no sickness that can stand against the love of God! Alyosha, from 'fear not'!